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Jake (Immortals of New Orleans Book 8)

Page 29

by Kym Grosso

  “Is it possible she’s lupine?” Hunter asked as he retrieved a white box from one of the bags. He tore open the plastic cutlery and began to serve the rolls onto napkins.

  “I didn’t think so but we have different fathers. I guess anything is possible at this point. If Kasdeya wanted the Kris because she knew it would split the triad, she succeeded in getting me to find it. I’m sure though, that she wanted me. I believe they took her because of me. My power.” Kai glanced to Jake, drawing on her Alpha’s strength as she revealed her secret to Hunter. “You see, I am pixiu. I spent years trying to suppress my nature. Shilan and I have hidden.”

  “Not anymore, sweetheart.” Jake nodded at Hunter. “Wait until you see her. She’s awesome.”

  “I’ve made a deliberate decision to leave my pack out of this fight. This is not their concern. But you’re my brother,” Hunter told Jake. “And so is Logan. Acadian blood runs in our veins. This shit in San Diego is going to end today.”

  “The pack is mine,” Jake said, claiming his role.

  “About damn time you realized what the hell is happening. Now look,” he held up his hand and then continued serving breakfast, “I know more than anyone what it’s like to leave New Orleans. It’s home. But you have a destiny, man. And this is it.”

  “It worries me that we haven’t heard anything from pack members. If the wolves were down by the sea, they’d be in their own homes, we’d have news. To be fair, the pack’s small but to hear absolutely nothing is a bad sign. There’s a pack house in the desert. Out toward Ranchita. My guess is whoever killed Alex called a pack meeting and has them held up in there.”

  “What’s the terrain?” Hunter asked.

  “The surrounding area is rocky, but it flattens out once you get into the desert. The house itself, though, it’s more like a compound. Twenty-plus cabins. The main building’s big enough to hold events. But the thing is,” Jake shook his head, his mouth tensing as he spoke, “Chaz Baldwin. The asshole who attacked Gillian, he built holding rooms there.”

  “You mean like a jail?” Quintus asked, placing a mug onto the table.

  “Yeah, a few are silvered. He was a piece of work. Into torture and shit like that. It wasn’t enough to force a wolf into submission the old-fashioned way. He also took other kinds of beings, not just wolves. But I’m telling you guys, when I left Alex in charge, there wasn’t a tie left to Chaz. I still feel like it’s my fault…”

  “Hey, you did as you were told,” Hunter said.

  “Logan didn’t ask me to go there and stay. It was a temporary thing. In and out. I loved the pack, but New Orleans is home.”

  “Hey, I get it brother. It’s not like I ever thought I’d be leaving the bayou either.”

  “Do you think they have Shilan in one of those rooms?” Kai asked, horrified at the thought she’d been detained.

  “It’s possible. This brown wolf. Whatever it is, it could have killed Alex. With Kasdeya’s help, they might have the whole damn pack shut down.” Jake stretched his neck and sighed. “I think what we do is go in full force at nightfall. Take the chopper in and if needed, both Kai and Quint here can zap us out.”

  “I don’t know if I can take anyone else,” Kai told him, unsure of her abilities.

  “You get yourself out. Quintus can take Hunter.”

  “But what about you?” she asked, concern in her voice.

  “I’m taking the wolf.”

  “They’ll be expecting us after last night,” Quintus stated as he poured coffee.

  “Yeah, but they won’t be expecting Kai. Last night they had wards set up. My guess is that they haven’t had time for that shit in the desert. It’s not Kasdeya’s stomping ground. She was planning on taking us out last night.”

  “She wanted the Kris,” Kai said.

  “She wanted the Kris because she knew it would destroy her little demon trick. That ship has sailed. I say we leave it here in Hunter’s safe.”

  “I’ve got wards on this place. Kasdeya won’t even see it, let alone be able to get in here,” Hunter assured them.

  “Look sweetheart, I’m going to be calling on your beast if we need her. No offense to you, Quint, but Kasdeya has had several years of this demon mojo going for her. Even though she split, she might still have something in her. We can’t chance it.”

  As Jake and Hunter continued to strategize, Kai’s beast stirred. Its time had come to fruition. The evil that had taken her sister would wish for a thousand deaths. No longer restrained, her great pixiu would rise. Fighting with her Alpha, she would protect her mate and her pack.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The whirl of the blades cut into the dry desert air. Jake glanced to Kai, who gave him a shaky smile. He could sense her trepidation, but his warrior mate, determined to find her sister, was prepared to fight to the death. Quintus, an unlikely ally, sat stoically, his focus on the dark horizon. With the sun nearly set, they’d attack within minutes. Jake’s eyes met Hunter’s, and the great Alpha nodded. His Acadian brother had no obligation to help him, but he’d committed to helping Jake find Kai’s sister and killing Kasdeya.

  As the helicopter drew closer to its destination, Jake closed his eyes, reaching for his pack. Men, women and children, all within Anzober Wolves, would sense his call to them. While unable to identify their location, their pain twisted through his psyche. He shoved the guilt for leaving them to the recesses of his mind. All that mattered now was taking control of what had been rightfully his.

  They began their descent and Jake squeezed Kai’s hand. I love you. The thought ran through his mind and he attempted to conceal it, aware she could hear him. He’d never thought he’d fall for a woman he’d only known for a few days but the attraction to his mate could not be denied. Their souls had known each other long before they’d met, and he’d never let her go.

  As he peered out the window into the distance, pinpricks of light shone through a blanket of darkness. The distressed hum of his wolves buzzed in his mind.

  Jake turned up the volume on his headset, alerting the group. “Something’s off with the pack.”

  “What’s up?” Hunter asked.

  “I feel them. They’re upset, I know that much. I can’t tell what’s going on, though.” Jake cursed inwardly.

  Going home to New Orleans, he’d attempted to shut down his Alpha nature. Despite being away from Anzober Wolves, their energy ran through his veins. He’d stay angry with himself for leaving them if it helped, but he knew that it was essential to remain focused on the task at hand.

  “They’ll spot us before we land. Quint, you stay with Kai. Find Shilan first. Kai, if you can materialize her out of here, do it. I know you’ve only done it a few times, so if it doesn’t work, get yourself to the chopper and go.”

  “You’re going after Kasdeya?” she asked.

  “I’m taking out whoever’s terrorizing the wolves. Could be her, could be the brown wolf that split in San Fran. Either way, this ends tonight.”

  “Kasdeya is mine,” Quintus told them.

  “After Shilan. Look Quint, I know you want her, and if I don’t kill her first, you can have at it. But I need you to get Shilan. I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

  “Can you feel her?” Kai asked him.

  “No. But that doesn’t mean she’s not there.” As disappointment painted across her face, he attempted his best to explain without giving her false hope. “She’s not a wolf. Anzober was mine for a short while. So during that time, this vibe thing…the way I can feel them? It was just getting started. I don’t know if in time I’ll be able to sense Shilan because you’re sisters, but right now, I can’t do it.”

  “It’s rare to get a vibe on anything else but your pack,” Hunter added. “Like now, you might get a sense there’s supe floating around but you can’t tell how they’re feeling. The only reason you get on with Kai is because you’re mates.”

  “I can get a read on Quint here. But it’s not like with Kai or the wolves.” Jake brought h
er palm to his lips and kissed it. “We’ll get your sister. I promise. You are the one who holds the power to find her, and Quint and I will make sure you both get home safe. Find her, okay?”

  Kai nodded, and Jake sensed her swirling fear.

  “I swear to you, Kai. We’ll make it out of this.” The thrum of the pack grew more intense as the helicopter descended. Jake stripped off his t-shirt and jeans, readying to shift. Although there were times he carried a gun, tonight he’d take them all as wolf, tearing into every last adversary, establishing his dominance, commanding his pack. “Two minutes. Y’all ready?”

  “Jake,” Kai said. She wrapped her arms around her Alpha, “Thank you.”

  “I promise when this is all over…” I’ll complete the mating. I’ll love you forever. “You and I will have time just for us on a beach somewhere. Chasing sunsets together.”

  “Be safe,” she whispered.

  Jake pressed his lips to hers, a gentle goodbye kiss. Goddess, he loved this woman. As he tore his lips from hers, he sighed, forcing himself to let her go. As the helicopter touched ground, he stood and slid open the door.

  “Take care of her, Quint.” Jake gave a parting glance and leapt into the air, transforming into his magnificent black wolf.

  His paws clutched the dry dirt as he tore into the night. Hunter growled, hot on his heels. The cool desert air carried the trail of his enemy, a vaguely familiar scent nagging his memory. Neither Acadian nor Anzober, the rogue wolf had once crossed his path. The brown wolf had been in his presence for only seconds yesterday, and he hadn’t had a chance to identify him. But as Jake sprinted toward the house, his mind churned with the memories. He went on alert as he recalled the stench. Unclean and impure, it’d been tainted by demonic forces. With an odor of rotting flesh, the wolf had died, then been reborn. Logic told Jake it wasn’t possible but there could be no mistaking it. No fucking way. Jake’s heart pounded in his chest as the realization slammed into him.

  He spied the doors to the pack house open, and he knew they’d be waiting. A trap. He sniffed and caught the scent of Kasdeya inside. The Alpha paused at the wooden stairs, strategizing his attack. He’d draw his enemies into the open where they would be judged by the pack.

  Transforming to human, he sucked a breath as he stood upright, anger burning in his blood. He glanced behind him, and caught a glimpse of Quintus ducking behind a truck with Kai. Hunter remained as wolf, as Jake went on the aggressive.

  “Chaz,” he yelled. Chaz Baldwin. Jake’s eyes flared in rage as his adversary stepped out of the darkness and onto the porch, illuminated by the spotlight.

  “Did you really think you could take my pack from me?” Chaz sneered, extending his arms, proudly displaying his nude form.

  Jake glared at the killer Alpha. Chaz had kidnapped Dimitri’s mate, killed Nick, Jax’s beta. As he stood nude before him, reeking of death, Jake’s thoughts raced. After Chaz had orchestrated a brutal attack in New Orleans, Gillian and Dimitri had eviscerated him on the spot. Acadian Wolves had buried the bodies off pack land, but there had been no question; he’d been dead.

  The triad. Demonic magick had resuscitated its body. Necromancy. Chaz had rallied, returning to kill Alexander.

  “You’re a coward. Waiting until I left to take out Alex?”

  “I waited until we’d merged fully again. The triad. We’re unstoppable,” he claimed.

  “Not anymore. The triad is dead. Seems to me it’s just you and the vampire. Nothing special about you at all. You’re nothin’ more than rotting vermin.” The muffled cries of wolves ripped through his soul; they were being held in a nearby location. Jake scanned the area, spying a light in one of the several surrounding cabins. “Where are my wolves? Come to me. This is your Alpha, speaking. Jake Louvière.”

  “You think it’ll be that easy? My wolves are loyal. The rest? They’ll die one by one until they submit.”

  “It’s a good thing I showed up then, isn’t it?” Jake gave a cool smile, considering what Chaz had done to the wolves. He’d only taken over a few weeks ago. When he’d been demon, he’d more easily forced them into submission. They hadn’t realized his dilemma. Jake reasoned the pack was being held hostage by force. It’d be likely Chaz and Kasdeya had used silver ammunition to keep them in order. He’d have to smoke out the guards, and pick them off, but his wolf growled, reminding him that Chaz would die first.

  “I think you might be interested in meeting a few new members of my pack.” Chaz snapped his fingers.

  Jake rooted his feet into the ground as Kasdeya flashed to the stage. She held Cassandra’s limp body in her arms, dumping it onto the porch. Jake refused to take the bait, patiently waiting. He prayed like hell Quintus would yield to his demand.

  The air grew thick with magick, a familiar fragrance swirling around him. Jake froze, readying to attack as a female stumbled out onto the porch, wearing a dirty, tattered bra and panties. Like a feral animal that had been trapped in a snare, her eyes were glassed over, her fear and agony palpable. Chaz snatched her by her hair, dragging her to him.

  Shilan, Jake heard Kia scream in his mind. Stay back, he told her, knowing it would take every shred of restraint for his mate not to go to her sister.

  “Let her go and I’ll spare you,” Jake lied. “I want my wolves here to see this.”

  “She’s mine. You see, Kasdeya and I…we’ve been waiting for a taste of the pixiu. Her sister.” Chaz stuck out his tongue and dragged it over her cheek. He grabbed her breast, jolting the girl upward. Tears streamed down her face, but she spoke no words.

  “We tasted the pixiu. She was delicious. We’d planned on being her master. All her power would someday be ours. But after she flew away, that’s when I realized we needed a mate. We needed to breed.”

  “She’s not a wolf,” Jake shot back.

  “The child would be born of the devil. She’s very, very special to us. We like her. She’s going to be ours forever. Bear our children.”

  “Give me my sister back, you asshole!”

  Jake glanced to Kai who ran toward Chaz. As she went to go for her sister, Jake caught her arm.

  “Bring out my wolves. Do it now!” Jake commanded.

  Concentrating, he called on every wolf in the pack to obey. He sensed a few wolves that ignored his order, and guessed they were rogue. He closed his eyes, forcing his power into the night, ensnaring the rogues in his command. They’d comply, forced to release his wolves. He compelled them to step forth for a challenge.

  A door flew open, and several armed guards held their aim on the wolves as they stepped outside the building onto the grass. Their bloodstained fur told him they’d been fighting in challenges. The others wore dull coats, indicating they’d been kept from shifting. Mothers with pups followed in their human form, protectively clutching their children. As the last wolf padded out into the yard, Jake shifted and leapt into the air.

  Growling, he tackled Chaz, the brown wolf shifting to accept the challenge. Shilan crumpled onto the ground and he caught sight of Kai out of the corner of his eye. Crouching, she took Shilan in her arms but was unable to rouse her sister. A loud hiss sounded as the vampire wrestled with Quintus.

  Determined to kill Chaz, the Alpha tore into his fur, his teeth sliding into his back. The tainted blood coated his mouth, the rancid taste of rotting flesh on his tongue. Chaz shoved Jake onto his side, attempting to force him onto his back. Hell fucking no. With a great heave, Jake shouldered the wolf, pinning him into the earth. Out of the corner of his eye, he spied Kai dragging her sister toward the helicopter.

  Chaz snapped at him, desperately struggling, his paws flailing. Jake’s rage surged, reminded of the evil he’d perpetrated. This asshole had killed Jax’s beta, Nick. Chaz had abducted Shilan, attempted to kill Gillian, had a hand in Dominique’s children’s deaths and had tortured an already traumatized pack. I will never leave you again, Jake inwardly told his wolves, infusing them with his strength and commitment.

  With a guttural gro
wl, Jake tore into Chaz’s neck. My pack. He sank his teeth into the wolf’s fur, ripping at its flesh. The Alpha fed off his fear and shredded the arteries in his enemy’s neck, eviscerating the soft tissue. Chaz thrashed, his paws shoving at Jake’s fur. As the life drained from the wolf, the Alpha spat out the rotting flesh, maggots dripping onto the dirt. Jake restrained the evil wolf, granting no mercy as it coughed, the blood draining from its body.

  He glanced to Quintus who had pinned the vampire against the house. She screeched as she stabbed her hideous talons into his back. They rolled onto the porch and down the stairs. With his fangs lodged in her neck, Quintus held tight, but Jake was concerned as Kasdeya barreled him onto his back.

  Quintus rolled away from Kasdeya, his eyes burning red. As she lunged at him, he gave a sidekick, sending her flying into the gravel. Kasdeya quickly rallied, leaping onto her feet and licking a bloodied finger.

  Quintus pressed onto his knees, but toppled as he struggled to stand. He rolled onto his stomach, and Jake spied the blood gushing from the puncture wounds on his back. Quintus’ eyes met Jake’s as he convulsed on the ground. Kasdeya hissed as she stalked toward him, baring her fangs.

  The Alpha considered his options, but detecting a faint heartbeat, he refused to leave his kill. He buried his teeth deeper, again shredding the wolf’s flesh. Never again would Chaz threaten his pack or others. Anzober Wolves.

  A tremendous roar came from the sky, and Jake’s chest tightened as he caught sight of Kai’s spectacular beast. Tempted though he was to release Chaz to go to her, Jake held tight. Like a bird of prey, she soared, hunting. Golden wings flapped overhead as she set her sights on Kasdeya. Kai’s luminescence lit up the night sky as she dove at the vampire. Her fierce mouth opened, and her energy slammed into the ground with an audible hum. Like a jet engine bearing down, Kai growled. Kasdeya’s eyes widened as the terrifying beast came at her. With precision, the mighty pixiu swooped in, attacking her prey, her teeth lodging around the vampire’s neck. Kasdeya’s body flailed as Kai crushed her spine, decapitating her. She spat out the remains, and once again took flight.


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