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My Mobster

Page 17

by J. L. Drake

  “No one can guarantee that.” He lifted her chin with his finger. “I don’t mean to bring up sad memories, but didn’t your father pass away before you were born? People die in car accidents, get cancer, and fall in the bathtub.” Images of their scuffle in her bathroom came to mind. “But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t love them.”

  He was right but she still had her reservations about dating a mob boss—make that underboss. Heck, she didn’t even know what the difference was, but it was true. We don’t know how many days we have on earth. Just the heat from his finger was warming her from the inside out. Taking a deep breath, she pushed away from the wall and smiled.

  “You win, Mr. Underboss. I’ll have dinner with you tonight.” Madison strutted down the hallway before turning. “We’ll see how good a cook you are.” She may be tired, but the man had a way of getting under her skin and making her feel alive.

  “Great. And by the way, since the show is over with, I want to take you to meet my parents tomorrow,” Roman added before heading off in the other direction.

  His parents? A lump lodged in her throat.

  Chapter Twenty

  Madison snuggled into the warm seats and closer to the handsome man next to her in the backseat of the SUV. They may be traveling south, but the closer she got to Chicago, the colder she felt. They’d shared a nice dinner at his home the night before and she’d spent the night again. The guy was an addiction. Never in her life had she met some man’s parents before. The thought that he was the son of a powerful mob boss made the stress even greater.

  What if they didn’t like her? Would she be sporting cement stilettoes and tossed into Lake Michigan?

  “What’s wrong?” Roman woke her from her day dreaming.

  “Just a little nervous I guess.” It was the truth, but it was more than a little.

  “Don’t worry. I love you, Valentina loves you, and everyone at dinner will love you.” He kissed her hard. The passion took the edge off her fright and replaced it with desire. The guy could throw her off balance with a glance.

  “Wait a second.” She sat up straighter and played with the belt of her coat. “Did you just say you loved me?”

  “Of course I did.” He hit the button to close off their section of the vehicle from Arlo and the driver in the front seat. “From the moment I saw you at the Snowflake Ball, I fell for you. The way you moved across the dance floor. The way your hair came loose when you spun around. I was transfixed, under your spell. I’ve had many women, Madison, but you’re the only one I’ve ever loved. When you were kidnapped, I couldn’t breathe until I knew you were safe.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a box.

  Her heart beat so loud, it would surely jump from her chest.

  “It’s not an engagement ring. I know it’s too soon for that, but I know what I want and what I want is you.” He opened the box and took out a vintage style sapphire ring. “It’s a promise ring.” He picked up her left hand and slipped it on her shaking finger. “I promise to be true to you. Honor you and always protect you.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” Her voice came out as a whisper. It was hard to catch her breath. Was this really happening?

  “You don’t have to say anything. Just wearing it tells me everything I need to know.” He kissed her hand and held it in his lap.

  “It’s beautiful.” The ring was perfect and something that she would have picked out for herself. He definitely knew her style already. “I love it.” She kissed his cheek.

  The vehicle stopped and her breathing accelerated. They were here.


  The Caponelli home was even bigger than Roman’s Genoa one. She’d get lost for sure if she was left to wander on her own.

  Despite her worries, his family was very welcoming. It seemed like there was a black cloud hanging over the otherwise great day. Valentina was bubbly and kept the conversation flowing. His mother, Celine, was very gracious and asked a lot of questions about Genoa and her bridal store. Madison filled with pride at the interest she showed.

  Roman’s father, on the other hand, scared the crap out of her. The man didn’t say much during the meal at all and whenever he glanced her way, there was a look of disapproval.

  “Thank you for this wonderful meal. It was fabulous.” Madison dabbed her mouth with a silk napkin, careful to not leave any lipstick on the luxurious cloth.

  “Well, I hope you saved room for Cherries Jubilee. It’s our cook’s specialty.”

  “We have to go back to Genoa tonight, but we have time for that.” Roman smiled.

  “It sounds heavenly.” Even though she was stuffed, there was no way she’d pass up that dish.

  “Let’s have dessert and coffee in the family room.” His mother stood up and everyone followed.

  “We will join you shortly,” his father stated. “I need to speak with Roman in my office.” It was the first time he’d talked and the sense of doom grew darker.

  “I will be with you soon.” Roman kissed her cheek and the two men left the room.

  “Come with me.” Valentina grabbed her arm and they trailed after the others. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, just a little nervous.”

  “Nothing to be nervous about,” Valentina assured her.

  She was ushered into the family room and soon enchanted with family photos. The ones of Roman as a child made her beam. It was easy to picture him as a little boy sneaking cookies from the kitchen and getting away with mischief with a simple smile and a wink.

  “Valentina?” she whispered. “Where is the bathroom?”

  “Oh, just take a right, then a left, and it’s the second door.”

  “Thanks. I’ll be right back.”

  There were more family photos in the long hallway, including a huge painting of an elderly couple. His grandparents, perhaps? Madison strolled down the hall and before long was lost. All the doors looked the same. What was it again? Right, left…left, right?

  Up ahead, she heard voices. One she recognized as Roman’s and the other was that of his father. Thankfully, they would get her to the restroom and back for dessert.

  As she neared, the voices escalated and her steps slowed. They were obviously not in agreement about something.

  “I don’t care what you think,” Roman stated. “I will not marry someone I don’t love.”

  Were they talking about her? Madison held her breath.

  “You don’t have a choice,” his father countered. “I made an agreement with Rinaldi and you must abide by it or else.”

  “You made the pact, I didn’t.”

  “And you must follow it.” Madison jumped as she heard what sounded like a fist hit a desk. “It is a good match. A Caponelli must marry a Rinaldi or there will be war and you will be the cause of it.”

  Roman cursed and could be heard pacing the room. “I won’t do it. I’m in love with Madison.”

  “And she seems like a wonderful girl. Keep her as your mistress, I don’t care, but if you don’t follow through and marry Rinaldi blood, you will no longer be my son.”

  “Do you know what you are asking me?”

  “I do and I expect you to follow my orders.” Even from the hallway, she could tell he meant business.

  “And if I don’t?”

  “Don’t make me do that.” His father’s voice cracked. “You know what happens. What has to happen to those who go against me.”

  “I’d rather die than have to marry someone else.” Roman’s voice was getting closer to the door and she sank back in the shadows.

  “If you don’t marry her, you will.”

  Madison saw stars. Did she hear right? Roman was being forced to marry some girl from another mafia family or there would be some kind of sick war, and if he didn’t do as he was told, they would kill him. Was this the dark ages?

  He would refuse to do it. She knew he would and because of her, he would die. As much as she loved him, she couldn’t let that happened. The ring on her finger felt like lead
and tears threatened to fall.

  “Madison? Were you looking for me?” Roman had stepped out into the hallway after slamming the door behind him.

  “Ah, no. I was looking for the bathroom.” She turned her head back in the direction she came. “I’m afraid I got lost.”

  “Don’t worry. It’s two doors down.” He hugged her tight. “I want to go home now. I’ll have the cook dish our desserts up to go and say our farewells.”

  “All right. I’ll be right there,” she mumbled.

  It felt rude to leave in a hurry, but she no longer felt welcome. She wandered into the restroom and shut the door. Her heart was breaking off piece by piece, like a flower losing its petals.

  There was no choice. She had to break it off and save his life.

  The whole way home was a blur. Roman’s father’s voice kept replaying in her mind.

  “Are you sure everything’s all right?” Roman asked for the third time.

  “Yes.” It was dark, but she stared out the window the whole time.

  “You don’t seem fine. You’ve barely said a word since we left.”

  “I’m just tired.” The car turned toward Roman’s home and she panicked. “Arlo, please take me to my home.”

  “What?” Roman turned her way.

  “I want to go home.”

  “Whatever you need, we have at the house.”

  “I want to go home. Now.”

  “All right.” He finally caved in. “Arlo, take us to Madison’s. We can spend the night there.”

  She gritted her teeth. He wasn’t going to make this easy. In just minutes, they were parked out front of her door.

  Arlo opened her car door and she was out in a flash. Roman quickly followed and grabbed her arm. “What the hell is going on?”

  “I can’t do this.”

  “Do what?” he demanded.

  “I can’t be with you. I don’t belong in your world.” She pulled the ring from her finger and held it out. When he refused to take it, she dropped it in his coat pocket.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I’m sorry, but this has to end before someone gets hurt.” Madison stepped around him and continued to her doorstep.

  “What do you mean? Everything’s been going great.”

  “It’s not great anymore. I’m sorry, but I don’t want to see you anymore.” She struggled to get the key in the lock. “Please don’t contact me again.”

  “What the hell?” Shock was written all over his face and it hurt her more. She didn’t want to break it off, but if it kept him alive it would be worth it. A pit formed in her stomach. The realization that she loved him made it even worse.

  “The show’s over. I don’t need you anymore.” The look on his face turned from shock to hurt to anger.

  “I don’t know what kind of game you are playing, but I know you don’t mean that.”

  “I do.” It was a lie and her eyes brimmed with tears. She’d never been a good liar. It was a relief to finally be in her home.

  “We need to talk.” He followed her in.

  “No, we don’t. Thanks for everything, but whatever you thought we had is over. Please leave.” The brave face she’d put on was going to crumble any minute if he didn’t leave soon. It took all she had not to rush into his arms and apologize. She wanted to admit she was only doing it to keep him from being killed, but that would never do.

  What kind of evil father would have his son murdered for not marrying the one he wanted him to? The kind of family she didn’t need to be involved with anyway. It might take forever or it might never happen again, but she had to put Roman’s life first. If she never got married or fell in love again, so be it.

  Roman’s jaw muscles flexed and he glared at her. “You obviously aren’t going to tell me what has changed. I’m leaving, but this isn’t over. Not by a long shot.” He marched to the door, threw it open, and slammed it shut.

  Madison hurried to lock it behind him. Not only to keep him out but to keep her from rushing after him.

  Chapter Twenty One


  The next few days were miserable. Roman had hit the gym and pounded the punching bag often. He now sat in his office tapping a pencil on the desk. What the hell had happened? Tossing the pencil across the room, he ran his fingers through his hair while trying to figure out what went wrong. So far, Madison had refused to return his calls and he was certainly not going to go over there and beg.

  His cell phone buzzed.


  “Romeo, I’ve got something for you.” It was Valentina.


  “The guy you’re looking for.”

  “Oh, yeah. I forgot.”

  “Geez, Roman, what’s wrong with you? I thought you’d be excited.”

  “I am. I’ve just got a lot on my mind.” He slid in his chair.

  “Have you heard from Madison?”


  There was a pause on the line. “Do you want me to talk to her? Girl to girl and see what’s going on.”

  “No. I want you to tell me what you found so I can go break some bones.” It was just want he needed.

  “Okay, okay. I’m sending you a message right now with what I’ve found, both at the boat builder’s and the real estate office. I made copies of everything.” He checked his email while they talked. It was a name he recognized. It did and it didn’t make sense, but the man would confess his reasons before Roman was done with him and he would relish dealing out his punishment. Finally, the solution to who was responsible for the problems in town and a chance to work off the tension from being apart from the love of his life.

  “Got it. Thanks, Val. I owe you.”

  “Save it. Just get the bastard and then get your woman back. I don’t care what Father says, you can’t marry someone just for the sake of the family.”

  Roman ran copies off on the printer. “I got to go.” He hung up and grabbed his coat. There was a lot to do.

  “Arlo,” Roman yelled and headed for the kitchen.

  “Yeah, boss.” Arlo ran into him in the hallway. “I was just coming to get you.”

  “Call Dom and get the men together. We have a lot to do.” Roman kept moving as he barked out orders.

  “Ah, boss, there’s something—”

  “I don’t want to hear about it. I want to take care of this. Now.”

  “But, boss, there’s someone here to see you.” They rounded the corner and a young woman stood in the entryway. “Miss Layla Rinaldi is here to speak to you.” Arlo pointed to the obvious.

  What is she doing here? Her stunning resemblance to Madison irked him even more. He couldn’t think of marrying someone that appeared so much like the one he loved. It would be a stab to the heart with a dull blade every time he looked at her.

  “Mr. Caponelli.” She stepped forward and held out her hand. “We need to talk.”

  “Of course.” Roman directed his attention to Arlo. “Do as I say and I will be with you shortly. Right this way, Miss Rinaldi.”

  Layla fidgeted as she sat in a chair opposite Roman on the other side of his desk. She wrung her hands before she spoke.

  “I can’t do this.”

  “Can’t do what?” Roman scowled at the woman in front of him. It was misplaced, but he felt it all the same. She wasn’t the problem. They were both in a situation that they didn’t want to be in.

  “You know very well what I mean. This fake marriage to join our families.”

  Roman took a deep breath and rested his elbows on the desk.

  “I’m not a piece of property to be traded. You can’t be serious about following through with this farce,” she continued.

  “It means death if I don’t marry you.”

  Layla’s mouth dropped open.

  “You can’t tell me you don’t know that,” he said. “Are you asking me to back out so that you can get off free? Neither of us has the easy answer.”

  “I lied to my father to come here.”<
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  Roman echoed her frustration.

  A long silence stretched before Layla continued. “I’m sorry he’s doing this.”

  “It’s not your fault.” He waved her apology away.

  “I should go.” She stood up. Her face was a mask of despair as she spun to leave. “I told him I’d be shopping in town. I’d better go do that. He probably has people watching me.”

  Roman’s anger melted at her frustration and he stood too.

  “Layla, wait.”

  She stopped and turned to look directly at Roman. They were both victims here and she didn’t deserve his anger.

  “I know this is not what we both want. Hopefully, we can make the best of it. Whatever that may be.” Even he wasn’t convinced of that, but she didn’t need to know that. The situation weighed heavy on her too.

  Layla nodded and a few strands of hair covered her face. He should have been more understanding, but he wasn’t. She shouldn’t be here and there was too much to do.

  Roman showed Layla out and she seemed a little more relaxed. It was as if they had both become resigned to the fact that this was happening. As soon as she left, Roman headed straight to the bar in the living room. A drink would clear his mind, maybe two. Neither one of them wanted to be shackled to another in a phony marriage. There was no disagreement on that.


  Roman’s phone buzzed as he rode in the car with Arlo and two of his other men. It was Dominic.

  “He’s not here,” Dom said. “The hotel clerk said he’d just checked out.”

  “Dammit. Keep asking around. See if anyone knows where he might have gone.”

  Dom disconnected the call. There was no need to answer. The man was a blood hound. He wouldn’t stop until he found his target, the man with the tattooed fingers who had threatened Madison.

  Arlo had also been on his phone at the same time. “Roman, there’s been an explosion.”


  “A car bomb across from Bells and Bows.”

  A pit formed in his gut. “Was anyone hurts?”


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