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To Bedevil A Beauty (Southern Sanctuary - Book 5)

Page 16

by Jane Cousins

  It wasn’t like she expected him to drool all over her or follow her around like a puppy dog. But would a little polite chit chat kill him? An acknowledgement that what they’d done together the previous night had been special… wait, what, not special. She meant hot, fun and convenient.

  Of course when she’d laid out her guidelines she hadn’t exactly specified how and when they’d hook up again. If she were half the independent woman she pretended to be, she’d strip naked and wander next door to join him in the shower. But what about if he took one look at her, yawned and told her he was too tired. Or worse, that he’d already had his fill of her and one night together was enough for him.

  Berry kicked out at the sheets, her legs trapped by her long twisted nightie. Damn, heaving upwards she yanked the satin material out of the way, stupid nightie. More stupid her for putting it on. What had she been thinking? If Ramsey caught a glimpse of her in the long silky dark green nightgown, he’d know for sure she had designs on him. That she’d worn it deliberately with him in mind. Then he’d… what? Know he had the upper hand? Know that she craved his touch? Know that she didn’t have a clue what she was doing?

  She flinched as the shower turned off. Well, it was too late for plan A, there’d be no brazenly joining him in the shower. Turning over she thumped her head down hard on the pillow, so plan B it was. She’d spend the entire night wide awake, tossing and turning, thinking about Ramsey sleeping in the next room and not do a damn thing about it.

  Wait, what was that sound? Footsteps? Oh Merciful Lady. She closed her eyes and desperately tried to get her breathing under control as the door to her room opened. She felt him looming over the bed, damn him and his looming.

  “I know you’re not asleep Berry.”

  She bit back a whimper at the sound of his low gravelly voice, things tightening in her treacherous lower body. She flicked her eyes open, confirming his looming status. “What do you want?” Even in the dim light she could see he was bare-chested and grinning down at her.

  “I kind of thought that was obvious.” He dropped his mobile on the bedside table then unbuttoned his jeans, pushing them fall to the floor.

  Berry swallowed hard. “I’m too tired to play games… go away.” She turned away from him, determined to ignore him.

  Ramsey flung back the covers and climbed in, moving across the mattress until he was wedged right up against her back, his lips resting against her ear. “I’ve been thinking about you all day Berry, us, together. About how soft your skin is.” He trailed a hand down her back. Berry fought hard not to whimper or squirm. “How tight and hot you are. How you scream my name when you come.”

  “I do not scream.” Berry insisted as his hand cupped her rear for a moment before gliding down further still over the silky material of her nightgown.

  “Oh you scream, my ears didn’t stop ringing until lunchtime.” His fingers trailed down over her thigh, over the lace hem of her nightgown, coming to rest on her bare ankle. “What about you Berry? Did you think about me today?”

  “No.” Berry bit her lip. The heat of his body was practically singeing her back and that wandering hand of his, what was it doing?

  “Liar.” Ramsey whispered the word into her ear as his hand now moved up her leg, pushing the nightie out of the way so that his fingers trailed over her bare flesh. “I bet every time you moved today you were reminded of me, sore muscles, little bruises and I…” His fingers trailed up over her knee and along her bare inner thigh. “…distinctly recall kissing better several rug burns on that perfect ass of yours last night. Did you think of me every time you sat down today?”

  “No.” Berry insisted in a breathy response that she knew was far from convincing as his fingers delved through the curls between her legs and he pushed two fingers into her needy core.

  “Then if you weren’t thinking about me Berry… why are you so damn wet?” He speared her with a slow deliberate rhythm that had her gasping. “Open for me Berry.”

  Goddess, damn the man, she spread her thighs wider, whispering his name as his fingers delved even deeper inside of her and his thumb moved to play with her clit. One of her hands reached back to grip his arm in desperation, Heavens, if the man stopped, she would kill him.

  Ramsey loved the way Berry was writhing under his touch, it was the sexiest damn thing he’d ever seen and the pleading little sounds she made and the way she said his name… damn, it was messing with his own self-control. “Tomorrow night I expect to find you waiting for me, naked.” He growled the words in her ear.

  Berry’s whole world exploded as she came. “Ramsey.” She screamed out his name, turning her head towards him, his mouth slamming down on hers demandingly. Throwing back the covers, he lifted her up positioning her over his thick, ready, rampant cock.

  “Ride me Berry. Ride me.”

  * * *

  It took a long while for Berry’s splintered mind to return to some sort of coherent thought pattern. Her breathing was still coming in rough uneven pants, her cheek resting against Ramsey’s chest. The loud rapid beat of his heart in her ear for some reason bringing a small smile to her lips.

  “I can feel you smiling.” Ramsey commented softly. “Pretty pleased with yourself, aren’t you?”

  Berry didn’t move, she felt so boneless she wasn’t sure she could. Besides, lying on top of Ramsey, it felt ridiculously comfortable and… right. “Sorry… what was that? I couldn’t hear you; my ears are still ringing from your finale roar.”

  “So funny.” Ramsey trailed a finger slowly up her naked spine, when had they lost the nightgown? Damn, he hoped he hadn’t torn it to shreds.

  “Ah, now there’s the compliment every girl dreams of after sex… you’re so funny.”

  “You’re looking for compliments?” Ramsey enquired idly, his fingers now toying with the sensitive skin at the back of her neck.

  Berry froze, damn her needy subconscious, swapping compliments and sweet talk was definitely not part of the whole booty-call casual thing they had going. She feigned a yawn. “Well you should probably head back to your room.”

  Beneath her she felt Ramsey’s chest rumble as he laughed. “Kicking me out so soon? You know…” His other hand came up to cup her left buttock. “I’m a very thorough man… renowned for my attention to detail and I’m not sure I could sleep tonight until I was absolutely certain that you were satisfied with my performance.”

  “Now who’s looking for compliments?” She lifted her head to stare up at him. In the dimly lit room his eyes look like dark bottomless pools. “How about five gold stars for effort and execution?”

  “Five, I’m the man!”

  Berry shook her head in mock bemusement. “It’s a five out of ten rating system by the way. But I do admire a man who happily settles for mediocrity.”

  “Mediocrity! Mediocrity?” Ramsey’s fingers danced over the ticklish skin of her ribs, causing Berry to twist and shout a laughing protest.

  After the tickling bout Berry was still smiling as she brushed her hair back over her shoulder, grabbing a few locks that had strayed even further and had settled on Ramsey’s face. “Sorry about that, curls gone wild.”

  “Don’t be, I love your curls.” Ramsey reached up to grab a curly lock she’d missed, twining it around his finger.

  Gulp, Berry swallowed hard, he loved them? A flush of warmth stole through her. Robert had only ever dropped relentless carefully worded hints that if she wanted to be taken seriously in the legal world she needed to look the part. Unspoken, she got the feeling that he wanted his wife to project a more polished image that would fit in better with his label obsessed lifestyle.

  Like a needy teenager she wanted to question Ramsey’s statement, did he really mean it? Though why would the man lie? It wasn’t like he was trying to charm his way into her bed… he was already there. What did he gain by making such a declaration? Goddess, was she really so jaded that she couldn’t take a simple throw away compliment at face value?

ou okay there?” Ramsey queried softly.

  Oh Heavens, the man compliments her hair and she gives him the silent treatment. “Sure… fine…”

  Ramsey’s mobile rang. Under his breath he cursed it, grabbing it off the bedside table to answer it, all without dislodging Berry from her position splayed on his chest.

  Damn, she was still lying on top of the man, distance… distance, was what she needed. Biting back a frustrated sigh as his free arm swept around her, locking her in place. With no other option, she eavesdropped shamelessly.

  “Cam….. Which one is the Bright place?... Right, where Berry was housesitting.”

  “What?” Berry whispered her question. Something was wrong at Tally and Cain’s place. Her Great-Grandparents were going to kill her for dropping the ball on her housesitting gig.

  Ramsey spoke directly to Berry, relaying the news. “There’s been a report of lights on up at the house.” Ramsey frowned and spoke once more into the phone. “You need to wait for back-up Cam, that’s an order. One of our suspects is definitely armed and dangerous…. Cam!” Ramsey’s tone clearly indicated he didn’t like what ever Cam was telling him.

  Berry interrupted. “Tell him it might be the cats.”

  “Cats?” Ramsey frowned at Berry’s non sequitur statement. His frown turning into a scowl at Cam’s response. “What? You’ll wait for back-up now that it might be cats? … No, fine… just call me after you’ve investigated.” He hit the off button.

  “Should we go out there?” Berry enquired, tense and on edge now.

  “Let’s wait on Cam to report back. It might be nothing… or it might just be these invisible cats that you’re always blaming things on.”

  “Trust me, the cats are very real. Just count yourself lucky they’ve never decided to take an interest in your life.”

  “You know that statement sounds insane right?”

  “And yet Cam, a man who carries a gun, would rather wait for back-up than face the cats alone… if I’m crazy, I’m not the only one.”

  “A ringing endorsement of the justice and legal system of the Southern Sanctuary if I’ve ever heard one.”

  Berry drummed her fingers absently on Ramsey’s chest. “I hate waiting.”

  “Well I’m sure I could find a way to keep you occupied while we wait.”

  Berry flung the covers off, wriggling away from him. “Hah, men and their one track minds. I’m too keyed up for sex… I’m going to get some water, you want anything?” She grabbed the silky long robe that matched the nightgown off the floor where it had fallen, tying the ends closed.

  “Water for me too.” Ramsey requested.

  By the time Berry returned with two bottles of water in hand, Ramsey’s mobile was once more ringing.

  “Hey Cam…. Yeah? …… Okay, call me if anything else hinky happens.” Ramsey accepted the bottle from Berry, moving over slightly so she could sit on the edge of the bed. “No cats. No humans. Doesn’t look like anyone broke in, just a couple of lights on in the kitchen.”

  Berry swallowed a mouthful of water. “Maybe one of the relatives stopped by to water the plants.”

  “Maybe. The guys will conduct regular drive-bys. They’ll let me know if anything else happens.”

  “Good.” Berry tightened the cap back on her water bottle. Suddenly realising the awkward situation they were in. Should she get back under the covers? Shouldn’t Ramsey be getting out and returning to his own bed? They were done for the evening, weren’t they? This casual sex thing was turning out to be a lot more complicated than she’d planned.

  “So…” Berry jumped as Ramsey’s fingers gripped the tail end of the bow tying her robe together, his voice low and raspy. “How about we get back to our regularly scheduled program?”

  Um, gulp. “You want to have sex… again? But the phone call…”

  “Was an annoying interruption sure…” Ramsey ever so slowly began to tug on the bow. “But I’m very conscious of my last score on the board… the mediocre one?” He sat up as the bow came undone, the satin material of the robe parting. Ramsey leaned over planting a soft warm kiss on the dusky skin at the base of Berry’s throat. “Five out of ten stars? I demand a rematch.”

  Berry couldn’t stop the small groan that issued from her throat as Ramsey pushed the robe from her shoulders and nibbled his way along her collarbone. “Maybe… maybe you need a fresh judge?”

  “No.” His hand snaked around her waist bringing her in so she was moulded against his body. “I just need to….” He nuzzled the skin behind her ear. “…apply myself….” He planted soft kisses along her jawline. “…diligently…” kissing her softly on the lips. “…just work harder in general.”

  “Harder?” Dazed, her breath already coming in uneven pants Berry met his soft brief kiss.

  “Yeah… much, much harder this time.”

  All Merciful Lady protect her. Berry wanted his touch… his kisses… his hands on her… and she wanted his promised harder.

  “On your knees Berry.” He whispered the direction in her ear. “Let’s see if I can’t improve upon my earlier score.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Friday morning found Berry smiling… for absolutely no good reason, which in turn caused her to frown. Goddess, everyone in the courtroom must think she was going mad. It certainly felt that way to her.

  She needed to concentrate damn it, but that was kind of hard when the case she was hearing was so… frivolous. But it was what she was being paid to do. She needed to stop thinking about Ramsey Hughes. Stop daydreaming about all the wonderful, naughty things they’d done together since last Sunday. And for Heaven’s sake, stop dwelling on all the things she had yet to do to that gorgeous body of his. Oops, she was smiling again.

  It was just sex. Casual, no-strings attached, convenient sex between two consenting adults. No proprietary claim, no expectations (other than a mind blowing good time) and absolutely no messy emotions.

  Okay so they laughed and talked together in bed, but that was just post-coital wind down talk… or, generally in Ramsey’s case, wind-up talk for the next round. Goddess, the man was passionate. No, not passionate, that sounded too romantic, he was randy, that’s what he was.

  If he wasn’t hooking up with her, no doubt the man would have been hound dogging around after one of her friends or relatives. Hmmm, her stomach churned, did she have indigestion? To give the man credit though, she’d never seen him watching any other woman with the… heat in his eyes that he reserved for her. Grrr, that thought shouldn’t make her feel so happy.

  Smile… frown… smile… frown.

  Heavens, it wasn’t as if the two of them had set up house together or anything. They hadn’t even shared a meal together since before they’d started sleeping together, as Ramsey’s work load meant he rarely got home before midnight. Breakfast didn’t count, did it? By the end of the week they had established kind of a morning routine. She made the coffee. He made the toast. She set the table. He got the papers in and divided them up.

  But that was all purely for expedience sake, and sharing what they planned to do for the day? That wasn’t couple stuff… that was just letting each other know the others whereabouts in case of an emergency. Hmmm, maybe she needed to pull a plug on the shared morning meal… how had Ramsey sneaked that one by her?

  And he was sneaky.

  Though to be fair, after she elbowed him a few times he always dutifully crawled out of her bed just before dawn each morning so they weren’t technically, sleeping, together. And it meant nothing that the last three days in a row he’d appeared in her shower with a devilish smile on his face, sponge in hand, offering to wash her back. One thing of course leading to another and well, his water bill for the month promised to be enormous, served him right.

  Smile… frown… smile… frown.

  Damn, she needed to get herself under control. Difficult when she felt so completely… happy, sated, relaxed. Emotions that she couldn’t afford to become dependent upon. Temporary arran
gement, remember.

  Berry shifted in her seat, wincing as several muscles in her gluteus-maximus and thighs sent up a protest. Whew, sex with Ramsey Hughes was better than any workout. And it wasn’t just her quivering muscles sending her constant reminders of her time spent with Ramsey There was the beard burn on her breasts, the hickey hidden under the high neck of her bright blue blouse, the grazes on her knees and what she swore to the Goddess, appeared to be the outline of Ramsey’s handprint on her left buttock. Though she couldn’t remember for the life of her when he’d slapped her. But she was pretty darn sure she’d enjoyed it.

  The man fully delivered on the mindless wild fun sex part of the deal they had going.

  Not that Ramsey was getting off lightly when it came to their little escapades. Only this morning she’d noticed scratch marks down his back, finger shaped bruises on his hips where she’d clung to him, urging him on, and to her ultimate embarrassment, what looked like teeth marks on his shoulder.

  It was almost as if despite the temporary arrangement they had agreed to, they were each determined to leave a permanent mark, a lasting memory, on the other.

  She frowned again, but this time because the bickering taking place in the courtroom had interrupted her thoughts. Honestly, ten minutes ago when the twins, Morty and Malcolm had walked in they’d been laughing and joking. They’d carpooled together for Goddess sake. But the moment they’d gone to their separate tables and proceedings had commenced they’d begun sniping at each other like small yapping dogs.

  Of course they had each insisted upon representing themselves… her family, they did enjoy their high drama.

  Exasperated, Berry banged her gavel down hard once. The twins, both still dressed in their hospital security guard uniforms snapped to attention immediately. They were ex-enforcers for the community after all, disciplined, trained and dependable. Except it seems, when it came to the property line dividing their two houses.


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