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Sky Scorcher 2

Page 6

by Harlan J Meade

  “I know that look,” James said as he drew a deep breath. “Nothing happened. Before we departed from Moon and Star Palace, King Tideon informed us that not everyone at the Department was thrilled about Mr. Plateman’s promotion. Not only that, but we ran into Thadius Carrington,” said James as Misty followed him to the helm.

  “I take it that went well?” asked Mr. Thornton almost laughing out loud.

  “Yes, better than I thought it would. Sky Marshal Plateman put him in his place and is making him deliver the letters,” chuckled James as they entered the helm.

  “You know, I have to ask now…what is our next move? Sky Port?” asked Crew Chief Rewk as he cleared some charts off the table.

  “Maybe? With the increase of pirate activity here at Cloud Bay, Sky Port must be overflowing. Surely Frank has heard something that we can go on by now,” replied James as they waited for the return of Sky Marshal Plateman.

  A few minutes passed before Crew Chief Rewk spotted him returning with several men who appeared to be armed.

  “There he is!” shouted Crew Chief Rewk as he pointed out the window.

  “Mr. Rewk, do you recognize any of those men with the Sky Marshal?” asked James with concern when he realized he didn’t know any of them himself.

  “No, unfortunately I do not. Should we be on guard?” asked Crew Chief Rewk as he reached for a pistol.

  “I don’t think that will do any good. They appear to be heavily armed. But we do need to check and see what exactly is going on,” said James as he watched the Sky Marshal and the men board the ship.

  James and the others quickly made their way to the deck in case something was wrong. As they approached Sky Marshal Plateman, James saw the Department’s emblem on the armed men’s uniforms and he sighed a breath of relief.

  “Glad you made it back!” greeted Crew Chief Rewk as he surveyed the new men on board the ship. “But with company like that, who would want to try anything?”

  “It would seem that way. They stick out rather badly,” joked Sky Marshal Plateman. “James,” he continued more seriously, “the real reason Captain Carrington was here in Cloud Bay was to inform me that new guards were being assigned to me. That explains why we caught him off guard.” Sky Marshal Plateman watched as the men looked over his new personal security.

  “In that case, welcome aboard,” said James as one of the guards raised his hand.

  “You don’t have to ask permission. You can speak freely here,” said the Sky Marshal with a smile.

  “That’s right, sir,” said James, “go ahead.”

  The guard took off the hood and revealed long blond hair.

  “I’m sorry, madam. I misspoke,” said James as soon as he saw her hair.

  “No need to apologize,” answered the woman. “It happens quite often. My name is Rachael Boest and it’s an honor to be here, sir,” she said as she saluted.

  Sky Marshal Plateman saluted her back and turned to face the others. “Are we ready to leave?” he asked.

  James looked to Misty and nodded. She knew that it meant for her to give the ship a look over to make sure that they had everything they needed. Misty turned to leave the deck to check the supplies.

  “I just need a few minutes to go over everything and make sure,” Misty said as she disappeared below deck.

  “Mr. Rewk,” James said as he looked at his watch, “if you don’t mind, be ready to leave when Misty gives the okay.”

  “Hopefully we will find out more at Sky Port. I do believe you will have to investigate alone though,” Sky Marshal Plateman said with disappointment in his voice. “My guards will be seen from a mile away.”

  “Maybe it’s a good idea for you to stay on the ship anyway. The Kingdom can’t afford another blow that sharp,” reasoned Mr. Thornton to the Sky Marshal.

  “He does have a point. Do you remember the last time that we visited Frank? The streets and everyone on them were watching us,” James agreed as he began to walk to the helm.

  Misty’s voice came through the intercom system. “We’re good, James. Tell Mr. Rewk that he can take us out anytime,” she said before turning the intercom off.

  “Finally! A spot of good news. Mr. Rewk, take us out!” shouted James with lifted spirits.

  “Finally,” agreed Crew Chief Rewk who was already waiting at the ship’s wheel. He eagerly pressed the docking couplings’ release button and the couplings clicked and popped with the release. He began to turn the ship’s wheel as the ship rocked to portside.

  “Success. We’re on our way to Sky Port, then?” asked Crew Chief Rewk as the ship steamed further away from Cloud Bay.

  “Yes. Since the pirate activity was so high in Cloud Bay, I’m sure the local guards have had their hands full. Sky Port is going to be loaded with them. When we arrive with the King’s colors raised high, we will be watched until we depart,” explained James as the others listened to him.

  “Excuse me,” interrupted Rachael with confusion as she watched everyone follow James’ orders. “Shouldn’t the Sky Marshal give the orders since he is the ranking officer onboard this ship?”

  “Sorry, James. Ms. Boast…do you know who he is?” asked Sky Marshal Plateman as he approached her.

  “No, sir. Not particularly,” answered Rachael as she stood at attention in front of the Sky Marshal.

  “This man is James Blackwin. He was the first man to find Hover Bay and the first to chart a course through the Northern Storm Fields. He also led the assault on the Sky Scorcher to free the hostages who were taken from the King’s Ball. Not only do we listen to him, but you will do well to listen to him as well,” Sky Marshal Plateman explained to not only Rachael but the rest of the guards with her.

  “Don’t be so hard on them, Plateman. After all, it was sheer dumb luck that we even found Hover Bay to begin with. Ms. Boast, you will find on this vessel that unless you’re the King, rank has little meaning. We are all working together for the greater good of the Kingdom,” said James as he poured everyone a drink of Cloud Bay rum.

  Rachael looked at James as he handed her a drink and she begin to smile. “Mr. Blackwin, I apologize. When we were debriefed on our new assignment, none of this was mentioned. We were only told that we were permanently assigned to the new Sky Marshal. We will see to it that we do our part in this mission,” Rachael said as she raised her glass.

  “Here, here,” said Mr. Thornton as he raised his glass to agree with her.

  “Then it’s settled. Welcome as part of the crew,” said Misty as the others raised their glasses to the toast.


  “Captain, the ship is now ready to traverse through the storm,” said one of the Sky Scorcher’s engineers as he burst through the door.

  “Good news. Go and tell Mr. Daggs to take us straight into the storms,” said Joshua as he sat at his desk and went over the blueprints for the fortress that he planned on turning Hover Bay into. “And next time knock!” he barked after the engineer. “Or I’ll weigh anchor in you.”

  The engineer turned and ran to find Bill Daggs who was seen earlier in the galley eating lunch.

  As he entered the galley, the engineer ran into Derek Stones. “What’s the hurry?” questioned Derek as he noticed the panic that the engineer was in.

  “Ship’s ready to sail. Captain said to find Bill Daggs. Is he still here in the galley?” asked the engineer.

  “No. He should be at the helm. He’s probably looking over maps and plotting a course since we won’t be using the old route to enter the storms,” replied Derek as he left the galley.

  Not wanting to upset the Captain any more than he already had, the engineer ran the entire way to the helm and this time knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” answered Bill without looking up from the maps scattered on the only table in the helm.

  “Sir, the ship is ready to sail and will survive the voyage through the storm,” said the engineer as he caught his breath.

  Bill paused from looking at the maps and tur
ned to the engineer. “Tell the engine room to prepare for full steam ahead,” said Bill as he pressed the intercom button for the entire ship. “Gentlemen,” he announced, “I have just received word that the ship is ready to sail. Make all preparations. We sail in twenty minutes.”

  As soon as the announcement was made, the entire ship came to life. Pirates worked the rigging and checked the sails to fully prepare the ship for the storms.

  Joshua and Derek entered the helm together to find the engineer still there talking to Bill Daggs.

  “I see that talking to our navigator is more important than preparing the ship for the storm,” said Joshua angrily when he approached the engineer. The engineer stood speechless as the blood left his face.

  “He was explaining to me that I need to ease into the engine by giving it time to warm up,” Bill said when he heard the Captain’s tone of voice.

  “Very well. While you are here, why don’t your look at this blueprint for me?” said Joshua who wanted an engineer’s opinion on it.

  Joshua placed the blueprint on the table and unrolled it. After a few minutes of the engineer looking at the blueprint, Derek grew impatient.

  “Well, what do you think? The Captain is waiting,” snapped Derek as he placed a hand on the table and leaned towards to engineer to make his point.

  “It is very well drawn up, Captain. However, when Hover Bay was attacked, it was attacked from below. If we were to place two cannon batteries on either side of the pumps and fans, it would close off the only vulnerable gaps that I see,” replied the engineer as he pointed to the pumps and fans on the blueprint.

  Joshua and Derek stepped closer to take a look for themselves.

  “What is your name?” asked Joshua as he raised his eyebrow at the engineer.

  “Jack Spears, sir,” answered the engineer.

  “And how long have you been on board my ship?” Joshua questioned with a smile.

  “Two and a half years, sir. I mainly work on the engine and keep to myself,” explained Jack feeling a little more relaxed since Joshua was smiling.

  “Didn’t you help design our long range cannons?” asked Derek as he looked from Jack to Joshua.

  “Excuse me, Captain,” interrupted Bill Daggs. “We’re ready to sail. The men have cleared the sails,” Bill said as he waited on the go ahead from the Captain.

  “Let’s get this ship back in the air. And Bill…do as Jack has suggested. Don’t overwork the engine on takeoff,” Joshua ordered.

  Bill turned the ship’s wheel and pulled back a lever at the same time. The ship began to lift higher into the sky. “Aye, Captain! We have lift off. It will take the rest of the evening to reach the storms,” said Bill as he checked the time and the distance on a map.

  “Very well. That will give us the time that we need to go over the fine details before we arrive at Hover Bay,” Joshua replied before turning his focus back to Jack and the blueprint on the table.

  “Is there something else that I can help you with, Captain?” asked Jack when he noticed that Joshua was looking at him again.

  “Actually, yes. I need a sharp mind like yours to head the construction of the fortress when we arrive. No time can be spared. I have friends that will be arriving to Hover Bay shortly. I need the pumps repaired as well as the fans. Think you’re up to it?” asked Joshua still smiling at the fact that this would be a challenge that the engineer wouldn’t be able to turn down.

  Jack walked around the room for a moment to think about Joshua’s proposal. “I’ll do it,” he finally answered. “But I need all the engineers. That means that fully repairing the ship and the production of the new engine will have to wait,” explained Jack unsure of how the Captain would take what he had just said.

  “Very well. You will also be paid your weight in gold. Go and tell the others and take the blueprints with you. You have just been promoted to Head of Engineering,” Joshua said as he rolled up the blueprints and placed them in Jack’s hand.

  “Yes, sir! Right away! By the time we reach Hover Bay, the rest of the engineers will be ready as well,” said Jack excitedly before rushing out of the helm.

  As soon as Jack left, Derek and Bill looked at Joshua in disbelief.

  “Do you think he can handle it?” asked Derek with a laugh.

  “I believe so. I see something in him that I haven’t seen on this ship in quite a while,” Joshua said as he sat down at the table.

  “Not to interrupt, Captain, but the lad’s bound to know something. The engine is running as smooth as Palace silk,” announced Bill Daggs.

  Joshua just smiled as the ship steamed towards the storms and the engine worked as if it had never been damaged.


  “Mr. Blackwin! Come to the helm quickly!” shouted Crew Chief Rewk through the intercom system frantically.

  James jumped to his feet and ran out of his study. Misty and Sky Marshal Plateman meet him in the hallway.

  “Now what?” asked Sky Marshal Plateman as they ran up the stairs that led to the deck.

  “James? What on earth could be happening now?” asked Misty as she ran to keep up with James and the Sky Marshal.

  When they arrived on deck, James and the others saw a handful of golden ships with blue flags with white eagles raised high on their main mast.

  “Those are Empire ships,” said James without blinking an eye.

  “We’re still a ways out from Sky Port. What are they doing here? This is past the border of the Kingdom!” commented the Sky Marshal with anger rising in this throat.

  “Calm down. Let’s get to the helm. Misty, raise the King’s colors. If they have ill intentions, that will surely tell the tale,” ordered James as he pointed to the main mast.

  “Sky Marshal Plateman and I will alert the crew as we get closer,” yelled James from the stairs of the helm. Misty rushed to the pulley system for the flag and hoisted the King’s colors…a large moon and star embroidered on purple silk.

  “How long have they been in view, Mr. Rewk?” asked James as he entered the helm.

  “A few minutes. I had to be sure before I made the announcement. I can see a lot of movement through the telescope,” replied Crew Chief Rewk as he gripped the ship’s wheel.

  “Plateman, alert the crew! All hands on deck! The Empire ships have readied their cannons…” warned James as he looked through the telescope and saw that the port holes on the Empire’s ships had been raised.

  Sky Marshal Plateman hurried to the intercom and slammed the button. “All hands on deck! Misty, get those cannon crews ready!” he shouted before removing his fist from the button and it popped in response.

  James looked out of the window to see that Misty had raised the King’s colors and that the crew was readying the cannons across the ships deck.

  “They are still out of range, Mr. Blackwin, but they aren’t turning about either,” reported Crew Chief Rewk.

  “Classic Empire scare tactics. Stay steady until I say,” James said as they watched the Empire’s officers giving orders to the crew onboard the Empire ships through the telescope.

  “James, if we fire on them, it will start a war,” said Sky Marshal Plateman worriedly as he watched the ships through the window.

  “So could they since they are this far past the border without a Department escort,” said James to reassure Sky Marshal Plateman.

  “You’re right, James! I wonder how they got past the Department ship that patrols around Sky Port and the border of the Kingdom?” asked the Sky Marshal as Rachael and the others assigned to guard him rushed into the helm.

  “Sir, with all due respect, you just can’t take off like that without us,” Rachael said appearing upset.

  “Not now. We have other problems,” chided Sky Marshal Plateman as he pointed to the Empire ships which were close enough that he could see the people onboard moving around.

  “Sorry, sir. What can we do to help?” Rachael asked quickly to avoid any further embarrassment.

  “Go and make
sure that the crew is properly armed. Misty can point you in the right direction,” answered Sky Marshal Plateman softly in attempt to hide his anger.

  “Yes, sir!” Rachael replied as all of the guards saluted the Sky Marshal and left the helm to help on deck.

  “Plateman! Look at this! The Empire ships have battle damage,” James reported as he stepped away from the telescope so that the Sky Marshal could take a look.

  “They are barely out of range now, Mr. Blackwin. I don’t like the idea of letting them get any closer,” said Crew Chief Rewk as he gripped the ship’s wheel as tightly as he could.


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