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Sky Scorcher 2

Page 8

by Harlan J Meade

  “Come on! Let’s help her!” shouted another crewman as they rushed to help Misty.

  When the crewmen were close enough to see what she was dragging, they fell silent.

  “Ma’am, we will carry him,” whispered one of the men as he bent to pick Mr. Thornton’s body up. “Are you alright?”

  “Yes. Let’s get back to the boat. It is almost dark,” Misty replied as she wiped tears from her eyes. “And please, be careful with him. He was my friend.”

  The walk back to the boat was silent and seemed longer. When they had reached the boat, the crew placed Mr. Thornton’s body in the boat gently.

  “Take us back,” Misty said with a nod to give the okay to leave the crash site.

  As they climbed higher in the air toward the ship, the crew saw James and Sky Marshal Plateman on the deck waiting for them.

  “Bring us about and place us down easy,” Misty ordered as the smaller craft’s engine hummed and spewed steam out in order to slow down enough to land.

  James smiled as the boat safely landed on the ship’s deck. “How did it go?” he asked as he scanned the crew for Mr. Thornton.

  Misty tried to say something…anything…but the only words she could utter was, “I’m sorry, James. I couldn’t…” Tears began to flow from her eyes again.

  “Calm down,” James said softly as he walked over to the side of the smaller craft and saw Mr. Thornton’s body lying lifeless on the floor of the boat. James wrapped Misty up in his arms and looked away from Mr. Thornton.

  Sky Marshal Plateman, who was standing beside of James, placed his hand on James’ shoulder. “Let’s get him out of the boat, lads,” said the Sky Marshal as he lowered his head.

  After the crew had carried Mr. Thornton’s body below deck, James let go of Misty and handed her a handkerchief. “What happened down there?’ he asked her as he watched the crew return the smaller craft to the side of the ship.

  Misty told James everything, even how she was about to kill the man burning the letters. It took all of her strength to tell the part about how she tried to save Mr. Thornton and about not wanting to leave him there.

  “You tried, Misty. It’s my fault for allowing him to come with us,” James said as he watched the sun go down behind the mountains.

  “Do you still have the letter?” asked Sky Marshal Plateman with curiosity.

  “Yes. We need to warn the King,” Misty replied as she handed the letter to Sky Marshal Plateman.

  After he had read it for himself, the Sky Marshal handed the letter to James and waited to hear his thoughts.

  “What birthright! It seems that the Emperor has gone mad in his old age!” James shouted with anger and confusion.

  “We need to get to Sky Port as soon as we can. Not only does the King need to hear about this, but I need to notify the Department as well,” Sky Marshal Plateman said as he looked over the letter again.

  “How many of these letters were there?” asked James feeling worried.

  “The man said that he was commissioned by the Emperor to spread them across the Kingdom,” Misty said as she recalled what the man had told her.

  “That could have been thousands…” Sky Marshal Plateman said with concern as he looked to James.

  “Did he mention when the attack or invasion would be?” asked James.

  “No. Everything happened so fast after Mr. Thornton was shot,” Misty said as she shook her head.

  “So, what now? Do we give up our mission and help warn the Kingdom?” asked Rachael as she stood beside the Sky Marshal.

  “No. We make for Sky Port and do what we can from there. The Sky Scorcher will not care if it is a Department ship or an Empire ship. That ship sank five Department ships before we got the jump on it, including Sky Marshal Nelean’s personal galleon,” James explained as he paced back and forth.

  “Then that’s the plan. I’ll go fill Crew Chief Rewk in on our heading,” Sky Marshal Plateman said before leaving them to go to the helm.

  “Misty, why don’t you go and get cleaned up and get some rest?” It’s been a long day and you have had it the roughest,” suggested James with a smile.

  “Will you let Mr. Thornton’s family know that I am sorry?” asked Misty as she held the handkerchief that James had given her.

  “I will. Don’t worry yourself with it. I will take care of all his affairs,” reassured James.

  Misty thanked him and walked slowly to the staircase but turned back to look at James and saw him leaning over the railing of the ship.


  “Captain, we have made it through the storms. Hover Bay is still here! But it looks like we’re the only ones here at the moment. I’m going to look for an area where we can land,” Bill announced through the intercom to the Captain’s Quarters.

  “Ah, very good. I’ll be there in a moment. I’ll fetch Jack and the other engineers,” replied Joshua through the intercom.

  “No need, sir. He’s already on deck with the others and every piece of equipment we have onboard,” laughed Bill with amazement.

  “He’s off to a good start. Let’s get them down there so we can get started. I have no idea when the other Council members will arrive,” Joshua said before turning off the intercom system. He collected his effects and hurried out the door.

  As Joshua rushed out of the Captain’s Cabin, he saw a view of Hover Bay. “It has a lot of damage from the storms on the southwestern side. That must have been purely due to the north and eastern side rising from the damage Blackwin caused,” commented Doctor Eiar who was standing on the balcony with Derek.

  “Better question is…can it even be fixed?” asked Derek as he looked over the damage done by the storm.

  “That’s why we’re here! When we land, take as many men as you need and gather all available supplies. Doctor Eiar, take the medical staff with you and round up all of the medical supplies you can find. It’s time Hover Bay has a hospital,” ordered Joshua as they moved to the deck where Jack was taking inventory and going over the blueprints to see where the pumps and fans were located.

  “Are you ready, Mr. Spears?” Joshua asked as he approached the engineer and shook his hand.

  “If we can get the fans and pumps repaired, then we should be able to stabilize Hover Bay. After that, we will be able to begin the construction for the new fortress,” Jack replied as he held a leather book and a quill.

  “I’m going to help Bill find a safe place to dock the ship. Derek, gather the men. I want all hands on deck for this,” ordered Joshua as he headed to the helm.

  Bill was looking through a telescope trying to spot a large enough clearing to dock the ship when Joshua opened the door of the helm.

  “Found anything yet?” asked Joshua as he closed the door behind him.

  “From what I can tell, those gardens next to the market square would be our best bet. Here, have a look,” Bill said as he stepped back to the ship’s wheel. Joshua bent over and peered through the telescope.

  “It looks like a ghost city down there without people running around,” Joshua said as he shifted his view to the area Bill had told him about.

  “It does have an eerie look about it, doesn’t it?” Bill agreed.

  “Yes. That will be a perfect place to dock. Takes us in, Bill. We need to get started,” Joshua said as he stepped away from the telescope.

  Bill smiled and said, “Aye, aye,” as he spun the wheel and barked orders through the intercom system to the deck. The crew began working the rigging and tying the sails as the ship drew closer and closer until it came to rest just above the area that Bill had chosen.

  “Well done, Bill. Now it begins,” Joshua said with a smile.

  Jack and the other engineers began unloading all of the equipment they had placed on deck. Steam spewed rapidly out of the Sky Scorcher and the brass and steel popped and shook as the pressure was released.

  Chapter Seven

  News from Sky Port

  “Perhaps if we stayed a day or two in Sky Port
, then everyone’s moral would be boosted,” suggested Crew Chief Rewk as he slowed the ship down for docking.

  “I don’t see how an extra day would hurt. I don’t think the Sky Scorcher will go far. Also, that will give me time to handle our affairs in Sky Port,” agreed James as he watched Sky Port grow closer as his ship reached the docking area with the King’s colors raised high on the main mast.

  Misty was in her quarters when she felt the ship slow down. She quickly gathered her sword and pistol and placed them onto her belt. As she was ready to walk out of the door, the intercom buzzed on. “Misty? Can you fetch Sky Marshal Plateman and let him know that we are docking?” James asked through the intercom of her room.

  She pushed the button on the intercom and replied, “Yes. Is he in his quarters?”

  “He should be. Tell him that I’m going to accompany him to the Sky Marshal’s Office here in Sky Port,” answered James before turning the intercom system off.

  Misty turned off her light and closed the door and left to find Sky Marshal Plateman. Two of the Sky Marshal’s new guards were posted on either side of his door. As she approached, one guard shook his head and said, “Sorry Ma’am. No weapons beyond this point.”

  “Can you inform the Sky Marshal that Misty is here to speak with him?” she asked unwilling to give up her sword or pistol onboard a ship of which she was a member of the crew.

  “We will once you place your weapons on the rack over there,” the guard replied as he pointed to a rack next to them.

  “Now, boys…the last time I checked, James Blackwin was in charge of this ship. Now move and let me through!” Misty demanded as her patience grew thin.

  The guards looked to each other and after a moment, knocked on the Sky Marshal’s door. Misty began to step forward as the door opened but was soon cut off by Rachael.

  “Excuse me, but did you not hear the guards? You may enter when you place your weapons on the rack!” Rachael said as she raised her voice.

  Misty stepped backward and started to speak, but instead held her breath to calm her anger. After a short moment, she said through gritted teeth, “Just tell him that Misty stopped by with a message from James.” She then turned and walked away.

  “Wait!” shouted Sky Marshal Plateman as he rushed through the doorway. Misty stopped once she heard his voice and turned to face him.

  “Rachael! What is this?” demanded Sky Marshal Plateman when he saw the two guards and the weapon rack.

  “We felt the ship slow down and we know how the guards at Cloud Bay were having trouble with the recent rise in pirate activity. As a result, we have set new security protocols in place to ensure your safety,” answered Rachael as she stood at attention.

  “Wouldn’t it have been a good idea to inform me about this?” asked Sky Marshal Plateman as he stepped into the hallway.

  “You were busy, sir. And like I said, it’s for your protection. The Department has made it clear that your safety is more important than our own lives,” replied Rachael as the guards saluted the Sky Marshal.

  Sky Marshal Plateman looked to Misty who was trying to hold back laughter at the sight of the guards cowering in front of Plateman.

  “Anyways, Misty, what was the reason you came by?” Sky Marshal Plateman asked to avoid causing any further embarrassment.

  “Yes, James is going to accompany you to your office in Sky Port,” Misty said as she cleared her throat.

  “Good. Tell him that I will be on deck in a moment,” replied Sky Marshal Plateman as he tried to avoid eye contact with Misty. Misty turned and climbed the stairs to the deck. When she arrived, she saw the crew standing beside a coffin.

  “James still in the helm?” Misty asked as she looked for him amongst the crew on deck.

  “Yes, ma’am,” answered one of the crewmen closest to her as he pointed to the window of the helm.

  Misty looked up and saw James talking to Crew Chief Rewk.

  “Are we close enough to take us in?” James asked the Crew Chief when the dock lights came into view.

  “Almost, sir,” replied Crew Chief Rewk as he gripped the ship’s wheel.

  “When we are close enough, take us in to dock. Security will be waiting on us. They have surely seen the King’s colors by now,” James continued as Misty opened the door and joined them.

  “Sky Marshal Plateman said that he would be on deck in a few moments,” reported Misty as she walked to the table and sat down.

  “No doubt preparing letters to send to the Department,” James said as he checked his pocket watch.

  “Sir, I’m taking us in now,” announced Crew Chief Rewk as he pulled the pressure relief lever. Misty and James rushed to their feet to watch the ship dock. Crew Chief Rewk spun the wheel as the ship turned towards a docking bay. The ship bumped into the docking couplings with a loud pop as they clamped shut and secured the ship in place.

  “That will do it,” said Crew Chief Rewk as he looked at the ship’s wheel while pulling and pushing different levers to release pressure and steam out of the overflow vents and release valves.

  “Well done, Mr. Rewk. Let the crew know that they will have a day or two furlough and that I said for them to enjoy. I’ll have Misty make arrangements for them all to have rooms at the King’s Crown Inn,” explained James as he gathered his things and opened the door.

  “If you need us, Mr. Rewk, we will be at the Department Barracks,” Misty said as she waved goodbye to him and followed James out the door and to the deck.

  Sky Marshal Plateman was standing next to the crew who held the coffin and was waiting on James.

  “Mr. Thornton would be happy with the design on his coffin,” commented Sky Marshal Plateman as he ran his hand over the wood engraved with clouds and a sunset.

  “I asked some of the crew to work on it. I’m glad they finished it before we arrived. It will be nice to send him home in style,” James said as he looked over the engraving on the coffin himself.

  “Not to change the subject, but I have written letters to the Department heads back at Headquarters. When we arrive to my new office, I’ll send for the Department’s representatives here in Sky Port,” Sky Marshal Plateman said as he waited for the boarding dock to be lowered.

  “Do you mind if we send Mr. Thornton back on one of the Department ships leaving for the Palace?” asked James still looking at the coffin.

  “He will have a place reserved on board when we send the letters out,” answered Sky Marshal Plateman.

  When the boarding platform lowered, a small regiment of guards were waiting on the other side along with the captain of the guard.

  “Hello! My name is Lee Sprocket,” called the captain from the other side of the boarding platform.

  “Plateman, don’t reveal your rank just yet. Follow along with what I say,” whispered James so that only Misty and the Sky Marshal could hear him.

  “Hello, Mr. Sprocket. My name is James Blackwin and this is my crew. We’re here on the King’s business,” greeted James as he waved at them across the boarding platform.

  “May we come aboard to check your papers?” asked Mr. Sprocket getting down to business. James motioned him to board the ship.

  “Why are we being so secretive?” Misty whispered to James as the men began to climb across the boarding platform.

  “I’m not sure who we can trust at this point. Rachael, stay close to the Sky Marshal,” ordered James as Mr. Sprocket and his men stepped onto the ship.

  “We weren’t expecting anyone from the Palace or we would have welcomed you better. Now…skipping formalities, do you have your papers? If they check out, I’ll sign off on them and help you get to where you need to go,” explained Mr. Sprocket as he reached out his hand to receive the papers from James.

  “Here you are,” James said as he handed the papers to the captain. Mr. Sprocket looked over them for a short moment and then handed the paperwork back to James.

  “Sorry for your loss,” said Mr. Sprocket when he spotted the coffin.r />
  “Thank you,” James replied as he folded the papers and placed them back into his pocket.

  “Now, is there anything that I can help you with?” asked Mr. Sprocket as he looked around the deck of the ship.

  “No. We’re just here to restock our supplies and go to the Department barrack to send letters to the King himself,” James explained as he picked up one of his travel bags.

  “I see. Everything seems in order here. If you need me, my office is just over there,” said Mr. Sprocket as he pointed to a building next to the docking bay entrance.


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