Book Read Free

Sky Scorcher 2

Page 13

by Harlan J Meade

  Chapter Ten

  We Meet Again

  Dayden stepped through the door to enter the helm and Crew Chief Rewk’s eyes widened when he realized that the tall Cloudkin was standing between him and the only way out.

  “Hello,” said Crew Chief Rewk reluctantly as he felt unsure of what to say.

  Dayden nodded his head, stepped to the ship’s wheel and placed both hands upon it. “I will guide you to the entrance of the Forest,” said Dayden as he gripped the ship’s wheel and turned it causing steam to bellow out of the exhaust vents.

  “You seem to know a lot about ships. Mind if I ask how that is?” asked Crew Chief Rewk as he watched the Cloudkin steer the airship skillfully.

  “My people are well trained on the enemy’s weapons, tools, and these machines,” answered Dayden as he ship grew dangerously close to one of the giant trees.

  “Not to be rude, my new friend, but if we get any closer, we’re going to crash into that tree,” warned James as he watched through the window of the helm.

  “Come. I’ll show you one of the defenses of the Forest of Mist,” replied Dayden as he pushed a lever to release steam. The engine sped up and gave the entire ship a jolt.

  When they felt the ship speed up, Sky Marshal Plateman and Rachael rushed to the helm. The Sky Marshal flung the door open and stopped dead in his tracks. “What on earth is going on?” he yelled as he stared at Dayden guiding the ship’s wheel.

  “It’s okay, Plateman. He knows what he’s doing,” James said as the ship was just about to crash into the tree.

  “See! Cloudkin defense. Long ago, the trees were planted to look as if they block the way,” explained Dayden as they watched the ship pass through it.

  “Ah, I see! It’s an illusion. The actual tree is much further away. Clever!” remarked James as he studied to see how the illusion worked.

  Crew Chief Rewk breathed a sigh of relief as Rachael went to the deck and hung her head over the railing to calm herself without showing anyone else her fear.

  “I would have thought that you would have remembered that, James Blackwin, from when you came here with your father,” said Dayden as he stepped away from the ship’s wheel.

  “I’m sorry, but my memories of being here are not very clear,” explained James as he looked out at all of the vibrant colors. Cloudkin stood on top of giant branches as they watched the airship sail past them. Underneath most branches, large huts were hanging with Cloudkin children staring out of the windows.

  “It matters not. Welcome to the Forest of Mist, home to the Forest Cloudkin,” said Dayden as he stretched out his wings and arms with pride.

  “Forgive me, but what now?” asked Rachael as the airship steamed deeper into the massive forest.

  “Stay straight. Remember, when you speak to the elders, address them as such,” said Dayden as he walked to the door.

  “Wait…aren’t you going with us?” asked Sky Marshal Plateman as he followed Dayden out of the helm.

  “I cannot go to the elders unless called upon. You will do fine, young Sky Marshal. James Blackwin, your father was our friend. We shall see if you are as well,” Dayden replied as he folded his wings and leapt from the railing of the ship.

  James and Sky Marshal Plateman looked at one another with dread. “Mr. Rewk, take us to that tree in the center. That’s where the Elder’s Chamber is located,” directed James when he stepped back into the helm.

  “Aye, aye. Looks like a dock for a ship to land is built onto that tree,” said Crew Chief Rewk as he pointed to the platform.

  “Good eye. Take us down,” said James as he prepared himself for the elders.


  “Keep her quite! How am I supposed to enjoy my meal with all that noise?” shouted Captain Sprocket as he sliced his food with a knife.

  “Yes, sir,” replied one of his men as he scurried out of the Captain’s Quarters to silence Misty.

  Misty, who had managed to free one of her feet, was kicking the metal box that Captain Sprocket had placed her in.

  “Oi, you! Shut it! Or the Captain’s going to beat you until you can’t move,” barked the man viciously.

  The noise stopped as Misty grew weak from lack of oxygen and food. She hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast before Sprocket’s men had attacked her and Rachael. Her head was still covered with the bag which made it even more difficult to breathe. The metal box that she was trapped in only had a few vent holes to allow her to breathe through. The small openings allowed her to hear that they had crossed into the Northern Storms.

  Fear began to sink in as the ship rocked slightly and Misty gasped for air. She heard the angry pirate stomp away followed by the footsteps of someone else approaching.

  “Calm down,” whispered a rough voice. “I’m here to bring you some bread and water. I know that your feet are loose. Don’t try anything when I open this box and I won’t tell the Captain. Deal?”

  Misty managed to answer with a muffled “Deal!”

  She heard a chain slide across the metal when the lid of the metal box popped open.

  “Here, let me remove that,” said the rough voice as a man’s hand grabbed the thick bag and pulled it off her head. The light caused her to squint and her vision to blur.

  “Thank you,” said Misty as the dryness in her throat caused her to cough.

  “Here, drink this,” said the man as he helped Misty to drink some water. She felt life slowly coming back into her as she drank the cool liquid.

  “What is your name, sir?” asked Misty with a clearer voice as the man took the glass from her lips.

  “I’m Ban. Now try to eat some. It will give your strength,” said Ban as he broke off a piece of bread. Misty, though very hungry, wanted to show manners but the hunger won.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Ban, but I’m starved,” explained Misty as she took a huge bite of the bread.

  “It’s just Ban and that’s completely fine. It’s been a while since you’ve eaten. Hopefully you won’t be in here much longer,” said Ban as he looked out of the port hole and into the storm before giving Misty another drink.

  “What do you mean?” asked Misty fearing the worst as Ban took the water away.

  “Captain said that we’re only a few hours away from Hover Bay. I’m sure that they will get you out of this box by then,” replied Ban as he broke off another piece of bread.

  Misty was filled with dread just from hearing Ban’s words. She ate the piece of bread quickly, this time no longer worried about manners. “Thank you, Ban. I had hoped my last meal would be more than bread,” said Misty almost in tears.

  “I don’t think that they will kill you. From what the Captain said, Firebolt wanted to use you for part of his plan,” said Ban when he saw that Misty was starting to panic. Misty knew that the plan Ban was speaking of would somehow involve James. Realizing that James could be in potential danger sparked a flame of courage in her.

  “Maybe you’re right. Either way, thank you for the bread and water,” said Misty to Ban with a weak smile.

  “You’re welcome. It won’t be long and we will be through the storm. I’ll see you again when we reach Hover Bay,” encouraged Ban as he left the bag for her head lying on the floor next to the box.

  Misty watched as he slid the top back over her box and darkness filled her confined space. Misty took a deep breath. “I’ll find a way out,” Misty whispered to herself.


  Steam poured out of overflow vents as the airship came to a halt on the platform. James heard the gears grind as they stopped moving.

  “Look in the opening of the tree,” said Sky Marshal Plateman as he pointed to three Cloudkin who were standing in an archway entrance of the giant tree.

  “That must be the Elders. Mr. Rewk, make sure the crew stays onboard the ship while Plateman and I are meeting with them,” said James as he noticed that the crew appeared more than a little uneasy.

  “Yes, sir. We will tend to the ship. Be careful in there…both of you,�
� replied Crew Chief Rewk as they continued to watch the Cloudkin.

  “I’m coming too. There is no way I’m letting you go without me, sir,” said Rachael as she stepped over the railing of the deck.

  Sky Marshal Plateman looked to James unsure of what to say.

  “She may come in handy if things go south,” said James as he took his weapons off and handed them to one of the crewmen.

  “You’re not taking weapons?” asked Sky Marshal Plateman with a look of concern.

  “No. They aren’t our enemy and we can’t afford to show any sign of hostility while we’re here,” explained James as he gave the signal to lower a plank to exit the ship.

  James was the first to leave and step foot onto the platform of the giant tree.

  “Well, let’s get on with this,” said Sky Marshal Plateman as he followed behind James with Rachael at his side.

  As they walked to the archway, Rachael looked up into the branches of the tree and saw that they were filled with Cloudkin who where watching them as they walked.

  “When we are close, greet them with a bow and wait for them to speak,” said James close enough to see that the Elders were even taller than Dayden and that their feathers and wings were white. James and the others reached a set of steps that had been hewn out of the tree. “This is close enough. Everyone do as I do,” said James as he bowed at the bottom of the steps. The Elder standing in the middle was the first to speak after several minutes had passed.

  “Son of Adam Blackwin, arise and meet my gaze. I am Luca of the Cloudkin Forest,” ordered Luca as James and the others stood straight.

  “Thank you, Elder Luca,” said James as he placed his hand over his heart.

  “I see much of your father in you. Come! We will speak,” said Luca as she turned and walked into the chamber.

  James motioned the others to follow him as he began to climb the steps. Inside the chamber, massive paintings of past Elders were carved into the walls. Light shone from an opening in the roof and filled the chamber with sunlight.

  When James and the others entered, Luca and the other two elders were sitting on thrones carved out of the tree and looked as if they were growing out of the floor.

  “Now…tell me why you have come to our forest without your king?” asked the Cloudkin Elder to the right of Luca.

  “We know that the Empire airships sailed across your forest. I have something to show you all, Elder,” said James as he held up a poster from the Empire ship.

  “You may call me Sprig, Elder of the Forest of Mist,” said Sprig.

  “And I am Breeze, the last of the Elders,” added the third Elder. “Bring that forth, James Blackwin,” said Breeze as he motioned James to step forward.

  James stepped closer and presented the poster to the Elders. After several minutes passed, Luca looked up. “You seek our support for the war to come?” asked Luca as she handed the poster back to James.

  “Yes. That’s why we have come without King Tideon, however the Sky Marshal has traveled with me and he speaks for the king,” explained James to introduce Sky Marshal Plateman to the Elders.

  Luca and the others looked in the Sky Marshal’s direction and whispered amongst themselves.

  “And what would the king say if we remain silent in this matter, Sky Marshal?” questioned Breeze as he looked directly at Plateman.

  “He would say that they have us outnumbered ten to one, but we will fight for our home down to the last man,” replied Sky Marshal Plateman confidently.

  “Why would we go to war against the Empire? Vaspian conflict has nothing to do with Cloudkin,” said Sprig as he waved his hand in the air.

  “The Empire will come. We won’t be enough to stop them. When they are done with us, they will turn their war machines to your people and they will do whatever it takes to win. Since the peace treaties were signed, the Empire has built its fleets and armies for over thirty years,” pleaded James with so much sincerity that the Elders began to consider what he had said.

  “James Blackwin, your father was our friend. He helped ensure peace between our peoples. We have heard your words and will consider them,” said Luca in response to James’ desperate plea.

  James and the others bowed before the Elders and stepped backwards.

  “Return to your ship and wait. You have given us much to discuss. We will send for you when we have made our decision,” ordered Breeze as he looked to James and the others bowing.

  “Thank you, Elders,” replied James as they left the Cloudkin Elders in the chamber to discuss things between themselves.

  On the platform where the airship was anchored, a small gathering of Cloudkin had formed as they looked at the ship. As James, Sky Marshal Plateman and Rachael returned, one of Cloudkin spotted them and soon the entire group flew away hastily.

  “Mr. Rewk, what was that all about?” asked James when he boarded the ship.

  “I believe they were studying the ship, sir,” replied Crew Chief Rewk with just as much confusion as James.

  As the men were talking, the sound of wings could be heard as a Cloudkin grew closer. James turned to see Dayden on the boarding plank. “You have spoken to the Elders boldly,” announced Dayden. “They have called me to seek my counsel. I will return shortly.” Dayden turned on his heels and flew to the Elder’s Chambers.

  “At least we’ve got them thinking,” commented Sky Marshal Plateman as he watched Dayden gracefully soar through the air.

  “Let’s hope it was enough to persuade them,” said James as he tried to keep his mind occupied during the wait.

  “How long do you think we will have to wait?” asked Rachael as she checked the time.

  “It took ten years to acquire peace with them, if that tells you anything,” smiled Sky Marshal Plateman as he walked to the stairs that led below deck.

  “Where are you going?” asked James as he gestured to Sky Marshal Plateman.

  “While we wait, we might as well eat. That encounter took a lot out of me,” said Sky Marshal Plateman as he motioned for the others to join him below deck.

  “Perhaps it will help time pass,” agreed Crew Chief Rewk as he realized that he had grown hungry as well.

  “Alright. We will eat and return to the deck to wait for Dayden to return,” said James as he followed them below deck.


  Misty felt the familiar jolt of docking couplings grasping the ship from inside her dark box. It wasn’t long until Misty was being shaken vigorously about inside the box. The movement felt like she was being lifted from what she believed was a cargo hold. Seconds turned to minutes, which felt like and an eternity, until the shaking stopped.

  She heard the muffled sound of people talking. A few more minutes passed and the top of the metal box began to open.

  “Captain Firebolt, we present to you a gift from Sky Port,” said Captain Sprocket with a laugh as he crewmen joined in.

  “Well…open it. I love a good surprise!” said Joshua excitedly as the top of the box slid open.

  Just hearing Firebolt’s voice caused Misty to feel sick and her blood to run cold.

  “An empty box?” laughed Derek unable to see anything inside of it.

  Captain Sprocket leaned forward and pushed the box over in front of Joshua. Misty rolled out onto the ground. The light caused her to squint and rendered her eyes ineffective.

  “What is the meaning of this? You locked her in a box!” said Joshua angrily as Misty heard the hammer of a pistol drawn back.

  “I thought you would be happy, Captain,” shouted Captain Sprocket. Misty was still unable to see clearly but she listened intently to what was being said.

  “You threw her in a box and had her bound like an animal. I’ll deal with you myself,” barked Joshua as Misty heard a gun shot and what she assumed was Captain Sprocket’s body hit the ground.

  A few moments later she heard, “Take her to medical! Doctor Eiar needs to look at her now!” shouted Joshua with rage in his voice as foot steps fell all aro
und Misty.

  Misty was so weak and faint that when she felt warm hands lift her from the ground, she passed out.

  To be continued…

  A Note from the Author:

  Once in a while, a person has an idea so strong that it has to find its way out. Whether on paper or on a painter’s canvas, the idea escapes and is found in a wide variety of art or on the pages of a book.

  My mother, who has always grew flowers or herb gardens and full blown vegetable gardens, has shown me that with time and a lot of work, you can have something beautiful that will last a lifetime.


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