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Murder on Treasure Island (Peyton Brooks' Series Book 7)

Page 35

by M. L. Hamilton

  Marco didn’t respond.

  “Isn’t it? We were just talking about what you’re going to do.”

  “Yeah, but this…”


  “I don’t know how to be captain. I don’t know how to tell people what to do. Why didn’t he offer it to Simons or Cho? They’re more qualified.”

  “We’re not going to do this again, are we?”

  “Peyton, it’s true. He only offered it to me because they don’t know what to do with me now. I can’t patrol, I can’t go on calls, I can’t take down perps. I’m not qualified to do this and when I fail…”

  “You won’t fail.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I know. Because I know you. You always rise to the occasion, Marco. You always figure it out. I have no doubt you are qualified to be captain. I would follow you wherever you lead.” She tapped him on the shoulder. “Besides, you have the most amazing girlfriend who can tell you exactly what you’re doing wrong.”

  He looked up at her and smiled. “I do have that.”

  She leaned forward and kissed him, then slid her lips toward his ear. “Congratulations. You deserve it.”

  He pulled her back to him as she started to draw away. “You know I get out tomorrow.”

  “I know.”

  “And we can go home.”

  “I know.”

  “And Maria is moving out with Cho today.”

  “I know.”


  “So, nothing. You’re going home and resting. We’re not doing anything else until the doctor clears you for...recreational activity,” she said, giving him a sultry look.

  He slumped back in the chair. “Then how about this? It occurred to me that we never got to finish our dinner in Napa, so what about the second night I’m home?”

  “Go to Napa for dinner?”

  “No, clearly that isn’t going to happen for a while, but I have good people who agreed to help me make dinner at your house.”

  “Our house.”

  “Our house. What do you say? You want to have dinner with me?”

  She smiled, but he held up a hand. “Although, I’m not sure what it’ll be. It might be barbecued hot dogs and hooch from someone’s illegal still, because that would be so adorable,” he mimicked, bringing a laugh out of her.

  “I know your people. I’m familiar with their work.” She pressed her forehead to his. “I would love to have dinner with you, Captain D’Angelo.”

  “I’ll even wear pants.”

  “Oh my…”

  “Well…pant, but it’s something.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  * * *

  Marco tried to adjust his position in the wheelchair, but there was just no way to get comfortable in the damn thing. He pulled it closer to the table they’d set up in Peyton’s living room, banging his leg on the edge.

  Swearing, he pressed his hands against it and closed his eyes, fighting the pain. The dogs started to come to him, but Jake had banished them to the kitchen for the night. Marco could feel Abe watching him as he fussed with the linens on the table.

  “Why don’t you take a pill? After the shower, you probably need some pain medication.”

  “No!” he grumbled. “I don’t want my head messed up tonight.” He opened his eyes and glared at Abe. “And don’t mention the shower.”

  Abe swatted a hand at him. “Oh, come on. You don’t have anything I haven’t seen a million times.” He winked at him. “Although I will say that what you have is magnificent.”

  “Stop it!”

  Abe giggled and spun around, going to the kitchen. Jake was smiling on the other side of the counter.

  “What are you making tonight and don’t say hot dogs!”

  Abe and Jake exchanged a look. “Hot dogs?” Jake asked.

  “Or hooch.”

  “Hooch?” said Abe.

  “You know what I mean.”

  Abe placed a hand in the center of his chest. “I have no idea what you mean, Angel. For appetizers, we’re having fromage et des crackers.”

  “What the hell is that?”

  “Cheese and crackers,” answered Jake.

  “Not American cheese?”


  “The crap that’s in individual plastic wraps?”

  “No, the crap that comes from a bioethical farm in Napa where the goats are given daily massages and have opera music piped in as they roam over rolling green pastures.” Jake came around the counter and settled the plate in front of him. “What’s got you all worked up?”

  Marco sigh. “I’m still traumatized over the damn shower thing…”

  Abe rolled his eyes.

  “And…” He reached into his jacket pocket, feeling for the ring box. “I’m nervous.”

  Jake took a seat in the chair reserved for Peyton. “She’s not going to turn you down.”

  “What if she just says yes because…” He motioned to his leg.

  “She loves you, Adonis. You know that.”

  Marco released the ring and fussed with his tie. He’d never dreamed that getting dressed would become such a nightmare. “So, what about Nebraska?”

  “I don’t know. They gave the job to someone else because I didn’t commit fast enough, but my sisters still want me to move back and live with one of them until I find something.”

  “Wait. What’s this? You’re going to Nebraska? Who’ll go to the symphony with me?” said Abe.

  Jake looked over his shoulder. “Adonis said he’d go. He’s a new man, getting culture and everything. No hot dogs, no hooch.”

  “I’m serious, Jake. I love you dearly, Angel, but I need a man who shares my love of all things fancy.”

  “That is definitely Ryder.”

  Jake gave him an arch look. “I just don’t know what to do. They’re my family.”

  “I get that, but will you be happy there?”

  Jake shrugged. “I was happy there as a kid, but I couldn’t wait to get out and I really don’t want to impose on my sisters. They have families of their own. They don’t really need me.”

  Marco narrowed his eyes on him. “I’m not sure why you’d go back. You have a job here where you’re needed.”

  “That’s a job, Adonis. Being needed on a job isn’t the same thing.”

  “I need you to go to the symphony with me and get crepes. I like crepes, Jake.”

  Jake laughed. “I know, Abe.”

  “If this is because of my promotion…”

  “It’s not. I don’t have a problem working for you, Adonis. I’ve got you figured out. You’re mostly all bark, very little bite.”

  “I don’t mind biting,” said Abe, giving Marco another wink.

  Marco glared at him.

  Jake shook his head. “Being with family is important to me. I just wish I felt like I was needed, I mean really needed somewhere.”

  * * *

  Peyton hurried to the front of the precinct. She’d had to finish her final report to turn into Defino on the Janitor case and she was already late for dinner. Maria was grabbing her purse out of her desk, prepared to leave for the night.

  “How’s it going at Cho’s?” Peyton asked, feeling the need to acknowledge her.

  “It’s good. He’s good. He treats me real nice.”

  Peyton gave her a smile, squeezing her arm. “I’m glad, Maria. You deserve it.”

  “How’s Marco?” Worry clouded her expression.

  Peyton shrugged. “He’s Marco. I’ve never met a man who hates being sick or hurt the way he does. He won’t take the pain medication and he tries to do things he shouldn’t. He won’t ask for help.”

  “He’s not used to this, Brooks.”

  “I know. It’s just I want to fuss over him right now. I need to fuss over him, but it upsets him. I’m not sure how to help.”

  “Just be there for him. That’s all. How are you sleeping?”

  Peyton looked out the precinct door. “It’s better
now that he’s out of the hospital, but we both wake up in the middle of the night.” She forced a smile for Maria’s benefit. “We’ll be all right. I’m just glad he’s home.”

  Maria rubbed a hand up and down her arm. “If I can do anything, let me know.”

  “Thank you. Now I’ve got to go. We’re having dinner tonight.” She started for the half door just as Maria’s phone rang.

  Maria picked it up. “Brooks, wait.”

  Peyton halted at the half door and looked back.

  Maria listened, then waved her over. “Okay, I’ll tell her, Captain.” Placing the phone on the cradle, she picked up her purse. “Captain wants to see you.”

  Peyton pulled out her phone and checked the time. “Now? Marco’s waiting for me, Maria.”

  “Sorry,” said Maria, moving toward the front door. “She says now.”

  Peyton walked back to Defino’s office and pushed open the door. “Captain, I promised Marco I’d be home,” she said, stepping inside. She came up short when she saw Rosa Alvarez sitting in the chair before the captain’s desk.

  “It’ll only be a few minutes, Brooks. Take a seat.” Defino motioned to the other chair, reaching for her stapler and paperclip holder and placing them on her side of the desk.

  Peyton sat down, giving Rosa a tight smile. She still didn’t feel comfortable having her hanging out at the precinct.

  “How’s Marco?” Rosa asked.

  “He’s managing. It’s better now that he’s home.”

  “Has he seen Dr. Ferguson yet?” asked Defino.

  Peyton reached out and picked up a royal blue ball that sat just on the edge of Defino’s desk. When she pressed her fingers against it, she found it was filled with silicone or something equally rubbery. It had a nice texture. “He starts in a few days. The hospital also recommended a support group. A lot of veterans and car accident victims attend it. It’s for people having to cope with life changing injuries. I finally got him to agree to go.”

  “Good. I think that’s important.”

  Peyton nodded, squishing the ball in her hand. “Captain, I don’t mean to be rude, but Marco planned a big dinner for us tonight to celebrate him coming home and I’m already late.”

  “This won’t take long.”

  Peyton glanced at Rosa Alvarez. She gave Peyton an odd smile, then lowered her eyes to the squishy ball.

  “We wanted to talk to you about your future, Brooks,” said Defino.

  We? Peyton chewed on her inner lip. “My future?”

  “Your plans for your career.”

  “I was just given a promotion to Lieutenant, Captain.”

  “You don’t really believe you can stay here, working under Marco, do you?”

  “No, but Chief Moore said I could pick any precinct I wanted and they’d make a position for me. I’ve been looking into a few of them.”

  “We think you should aim a bit higher,” said Rosa, then she held out a folded piece of paper.

  Peyton reached for it, dropping the ball in her lap as she unfolded it. She read it over twice, then looked up at the two women. “What’s this?”

  “It’s a special dispensation from the FBI, Lieutenant Brooks, allowing you to begin your training at Quantico while you complete your bachelor’s degree at San Francisco State through remote learning.”

  Peyton shook her head. “But I never applied to the FBI.”

  “We’ll also need you to fill out an application ASAP.”

  Peyton gave Defino a bewildered look. “I don’t understand.”

  Rosa shifted in her chair. “You are the sort of agent we are currently trying to recruit, Lieutenant Brooks, and after the way you conducted yourself with the serial killer case, we are prepared to make you a special offer to recruit your talent for the Bureau.”

  Peyton stared at the paper again. She couldn’t believe this was happening. She’d toyed with the idea of applying, but she never really thought she’d make the cut. She was too flighty, too troublesome to be FBI material. Wasn’t she?

  “You’ll notice that I was given assurance that you’ll remain with me under contract for a period of three years to complete your advance training. After that, you may go wherever your career takes you, but for now, you are guaranteed placement in the San Francisco branch.”

  Peyton felt flushed with excitement. FBI? Special Agent training? A new career? A new opportunity? She couldn’t believe this was happening to her. Until she saw the date. She was expected to report to the academy in Virginia on November 1st.

  Her heart sank.

  Closing her eyes, she drew a deep breath, then exhaled. Folding the paper, she passed it back to Rosa.

  “I am deeply honored. This is beyond anything I ever imagined for myself and I feel humbled by this offer, but I can’t accept it.”

  “What?” said Rosa, shock evident in her voice.

  “Brooks,” began Defino.

  “I can’t, Captain. It says I have to report to Quantico by November 1st. Marco will just be starting his physical therapy and he can’t drive himself. Besides that, he needs help around the house. Everything is difficult for him now. Taking a shower, going shopping, cooking. I have to be here. I can’t leave him right now.”

  “You can hire someone to assist him, Brooks,” said Alvarez through clenched teeth. “You’ll both be making more money than you’ve ever had before. People hire nurses all the time.”

  Peyton shook her head, picking up the squishy ball again. “I can’t. He needs me right now and I can’t leave him.”

  Defino pointed a finger at her. “Don’t say anything more, Brooks. You hear me? Not another word. Not until you go home and talk to him. Tell him what you just told us. I’ll bet he has a different take on this.”

  “Yeah, he’ll tell me to go, which is why I won’t be telling him anything.”

  “You will or I’ll call him myself,” said Defino.

  Peyton frowned at her. “Are you black mailing me, Captain?”

  “You bet your sweet ass I am. This is your chance and you aren’t going to throw it away like this.”

  “Consider it this way, Lieutenant Brooks,” said Rosa, “your country needs you.”

  Peyton laughed. She couldn’t help it.

  “That’s funny to you?” challenged Rosa.

  “No, I’m sorry.” She held up a hand in apology. “I just appreciate what you’re both trying to do, but I think Marco needs me more than my country does.”

  Defino leaned forward on her desk. “Then think of it this way. Women in this country are still not equal to men. We still don’t get the same job opportunities, we still don’t get the same pay. And for women of color, it’s even worse. You have a chance here to make a stab at the glass ceiling, Brooks, and damned if you don’t owe it to all of us to try.”

  Peyton stared at Defino, letting her words sink in. She could almost hear her father speaking in her ear. You will do great things, sweetness, this I know. You will surpass your old man in so many ways.

  Rosa held the paper out to her again. She stared at it a moment, then she reached out and took it.

  Defino smiled. “Go home and talk to Marco, Brooks. Then give us your answer tomorrow.”

  Peyton nodded and placed the ball back on Defino’s desk.

  “Take it. I got it for you,” she said.

  Peyton gave her a quizzical look as she picked it up again.

  “Turn it over and hold it up to the light.”

  Peyton spun it around in her hand and lifted it. Faint silver letters appeared on the royal blue background. I will seize fate by the throat -- Ludwig van Beethoven. She closed her fingers around it.

  “Thank you, Captain,” she said.

  * * *

  Marco felt tension shiver over him as the lock turned in the door and Peyton stepped through. Jake scooped up Pickles before he could rush her and pointed to Tater, motioning him down.

  Peyton took in the table, the linens, his suit. “I’m so sorry I’m late,” she said, holding
up a hand. She quickly slipped off her jacket and hung it on the door, then stripped off her gun.

  Marco’s gaze focused on the white slip of paper sticking out of her back pocket.

  She came to the table and leaned in to kiss him, lingering on his lips. When she drew back, she clasped her hands together. “Please forgive me. I’m so sorry.”

  “You don’t have to keep apologizing.”

  “I don’t want you to be mad at me.”

  “I’m not, but why are you so late?”

  She immediately looked toward the kitchen, waving at Jake and Abe.


  Her gaze roved over the table. “This is beautiful.”

  Abe came around the counter with a silver tray. Two tall champagne glasses sat in the middle of it. A raspberry floated near the top of each. He handed a glass to Peyton.

  “What is it?” she asked, smiling up at him.

  “A wine spritzer. Half the alcohol, twice the fun.” He handed the other glass to Marco, but he just set it on the table.

  Peyton took a sip of hers. “Oh, it is fun.” She reached for a cracker. “What else are we having?”


  Her eyes snapped to his face. Abe took a few steps away, watching him warily.

  “Why are you late?”

  “I had a meeting with Defino.”

  “What’s the paper in your pocket?”

  “What paper?” She reached for a piece of cheese.

  He gave her an aggravated look. “I know your tell. Do we really have to do this?”

  “Please, Marco. I just want to have a nice dinner with you. I don’t want to talk about it right now. Please.”

  He held out his hand.

  She reached for it and placed it across his palm. He opened it and started reading. Abe sidled up behind him and read over his shoulder.

  “Oh my God,” said Abe, covering his mouth with his hand.

  Marco’s guts knotted. He could feel the weight of the ring in his pocket. For a moment, just a moment, he wanted to tear the paper apart, then he looked into her eyes. They were shining with excitement and pride. And damn if he didn’t feel proud of her too.

  “What is it?” asked Jake.

  “A special dispensation from the FBI,” said Abe. “The FB freakin’ I. They want our girl to start training on…oh…”


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