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Bodies & Bundt Cake

Page 3

by Nancy McGovern

  “How did you guess?” Mia smiled brightly and held out her hand with its polished pink nails.

  “You’re the only one here who looks happy,” Rachel said simply. “Everyone else is upset about Gina’s death.”

  “Gina’s death...” Mia sighed. “Yes, I suppose it’s a pity she’s dead. But I’m not going to act like I’m sad about it. She was a horrible woman, and to be honest, I’m glad she’s not going to be around to harass me anymore.”

  “You might want to be careful who you say that to,” Rachel said. “People could take it the wrong way.”

  “Why? What are they going to do, accuse me of killing Gina?” Mia threw back her head and laughed. “I’d like to see them try. I was here all day, thank you very much. Plus, if I did want to kill Gina, I would have taken a gun to her head ages ago. Poison isn’t my style.”

  “But you weren’t here all day,” Rachel said. “You arrived here at Shoreline Park around ten, left at noon to walk your dog, came back at one. Right?”

  “Well, I...” Mia looked taken aback. “Look, forget about it. I just came over because Tricia asked me to inform you she’s leaving with Annie and not to worry about her.”

  “Okay,” Rachel said. “But you’re dodging the subject. You weren’t here between noon and one. So where were you?”

  “Who died and made you sheriff of Swaddle?” Mia threw her hands on her hips, and her cheeks turned red. “You have some nerve questioning me! I was at home, taking care of my precious Fluffy.”

  “Where do you live?” Rachel asked, not caring if she was being abrasive.

  “Just behind Main Street,” Mia said.

  “So, it would take you ten minutes to drive up, and ten more to drive back,” Rachel said. “Why’d it take you an hour?”

  “I’ve got a good mind to punch you.” Mia was fuming.

  “The way you punched Gina three years ago?” Rachel asked.

  “You know what? I don’t even want to talk to you anymore,” Gina said, throwing her hands up. “I was just trying to do Tricia a favor, and you’re acting like I’m in court. Go to—”

  “Hey, what’s going on?” Tilly was at Rachel’s shoulder again, and Mia turned to her in relief.

  “Tilly!” Mia threw her arms around the surprised Tilly and gave her an exaggerated hug. “I’m so glad to see you! Save me from this horrible woman, will you? She’s acting like I killed Gina!”

  “Oh...” Tilly’s voice was soft, and she locked eyes with Rachel.

  “Wait...” Mia drew away from Tilly, and glared at her. “You don’t think I did it, right?”

  “I...” Tilly shrugged, and gave Mia a placating smile. “I mean... I think it’s best if the police figure it out. I’m going to stay right out of it.”

  “Oh, this is crazy! Absolutely crazy!” Mia stuck a finger into Rachel’s face. “You’re responsible for this—”

  “Mia, stop it.” Ethan came up and put a calming hand on Mia’s shoulder. “Look, you can’t behave like this, people will be all the more suspicious. Don’t make a scene.”

  “A scene? You call this a scene? I’ll show you a scene!” Mia’s temper was well and truly roused. With a little scream, she jumped on Rachel, knocking her to the ground. Rachel felt the world tilt as the grass hit the back of her head. Mia straddled Rachel’s body, her hand raised and ready to attack.


  Chapter 5

  Scuffles & Soufflés

  “So then what happened?” Emily asked, putting a pot of coffee on the table between them. Rachel, who was holding an ice pack to her eye, sighed and shook her head. The setting sun had set the sky afire with purples and pinks, and inside Emily’s kitchen, the golden glow of the overhead bulb seemed to draw halos around everything it touched. After the rush and horror of the day, Rachel was glad to be somewhere safe with Scooter on her lap and little Oliver running around the kitchen with a toy plane in his hand.

  “Well, she got in a good punch before Ethan grabbed her around the waist and hauled her off me,” Rachel said. “I was just… well, I just lay there stunned, basically. You know, this is really kind of strange considering I’ve been involved in a few murders, but I’ve never actually been in a proper, real fight. Not without Scott around with police backup.”

  Emily’s lips were tight and her eyes stormy as she plopped two ramekins on the table. Rachel eyed the chocolate soufflés and licked her lips. “That looks amazing.”

  “I figured you could use some chocolate to cheer you up.” Emily slid the ramekin across to her, and handed her a tiny teaspoon to eat with. “I find the smaller the spoon, the longer the dessert lasts.”

  “Or you could just double your desserts and eat with a normal spoon.” Rachel grinned.

  “Anyway, the point is, you could have been seriously injured. Have you talked to Scott about this yet?”

  “Are you kidding? He got there about five minutes after it happened, and he was pretty furious. He wants me to press charges. Can you imagine?” Rachel bit her lip. She’d talked to him less than she would have liked. In all the confusion after Mia punched her, she and Scott hadn’t gotten any time alone. Weird as it was, given all the things that had happened today, to Rachel, the biggest mystery was still the conundrum of the little boy who called Scott “Dad.”

  “Well, you should,” Emily said.

  “I mean...” Rachel shrugged. “Like, it was one punch. I don’t know her; I don’t like her, but do I really want to ruin Mia Harris’ life over a punch? I did kind of bait her by implying she murdered Gina.”

  “Well, she definitely did, with that kind of a temper!” Emily exclaimed. “You’d be doing the world a favor if you made sure she got locked up.”

  “Punching someone doesn’t make you a murderer,” Rachel said. “Or else fifth grade me should have been locked up.”

  “Yeah. Fifth grade you. As a grown-up woman, you would never punch someone!” Emily exclaimed. “Grown-ups have this little thing called maturity and self-control. Clearly Mia Harris doesn’t.”

  Rachel grinned again. “Maturity and self-control? Do we live in the same world? A lot of people stop maturing after grade school and do just fine.”

  “I can’t believe you’re defending her. What’s wrong with you!” Emily exclaimed.

  “Never mind Mia, Emily, I wanted to talk to you about Scott.” Rachel bit her lip.

  “Scott?” Emily gave Rachel a measured glance. “Everything okay with you two?”

  “I don’t know,” Rachel said. “It depends. He never told me about his son. I’m just wondering why you didn’t either.”

  “Son?” Emily dropped the spoon in her hand. It fell noisily on the floor, but Emily kept staring at Rachel. “Rachel, is this your idea of a joke? Because it’s a really bad one.”

  “I’m not joking. When I was at the park earlier, I saw Scott there. He was eating ice cream with a little boy who called him Dad.”

  “That’s impossible. Are you sure it was Scott? It can’t be.” Emily sat down heavily on the chair.

  “It was him. Of course it was. He even said he’d talk to me later. But I’ve met him twice already and each time, somehow, well, I couldn’t talk to him about it. I think I’m going crazy.”

  “You must be crazy,” Emily said. “Scott wouldn’t lie about something like this. Not to me. I’m the boy’s aunt, aren’t I? He would have to tell me!”

  “Well… clearly he hasn’t,” Rachel said. “So... any idea if he has an ex, or—?”

  “I mean, he’s Scott. My irritating older brother Scott, yes. But also Scott Ladykiller Tanner, handsome young sheriff of Swaddle. Everyone loves him. He’s dated tons of girls.”

  “Thanks,” Rachel said, a little sourly.

  “Yeah but, well, I don’t think he had very many serious relationships before you. There was Jenny, a high school girlfriend who turned Mormon and moved to Utah, and there was Tilly Wood, who married Ethan.”

  “Tilly Wood? I just met her today!” Rachel exclaimed.
  “Yeah, she and Scott were an item, but then she met Ethan, and Scott was history.” Emily shrugged. “Scott took it quite hard, but he got over it. It’s just one of those things. Destiny, fate, whatever.”

  “She and Ethan don’t look too happy together, though,” Rachel said. “Do you think she regrets leaving Scott?”

  “Who knows? I hardly talk to her. But the point is, Scott hasn’t had a baby with either of these women. Oh no, you don’t think he had a one-night stand that resulted in...” Emily shook her head. “I can’t believe it. Not Scott!”

  “Look, we shouldn’t jump to conclusions...” Rachel tried to ease Emily’s mind.

  “Sure we should! If there’s a scandal, Scott could lose his job as sheriff! Swaddle wants all sheriffs to be clean as a whistle and good, solid, moral men. Not men with secret sons in their back pockets!” Emily exclaimed. “And twelve? The boy’s twelve?”

  “Weeeoooooooo” Emily’s son Oliver ran by, his toy plane diving in an imaginary burst of flame. Rachel swung out her hands, caught the little six-year-old by his waist, and raised him high into the sky. He exploded with laughter and excitement.

  “Again, Aunt Rachel! Again!” He jumped up and down with his hands outstretched. Scooter bounded off Rachel’s lap and slunk away with his tail down.

  “What’s up with Scooter?” Emily asked, seeing the normally effusive lab act so strange.

  “I don’t know. It’s like he feels bad for not protecting me,” Rachel said. “He’s been slinking around ever since I came home with a black eye and acting extra protective.”

  “Oh, that little darling. Wait here while I go cover him with hugs. Honestly, Rachel… you should really consider pressing charges. I would if I were you. Mia Harris is a total—” Emily looked at Oliver out of the corner of her eye and then mouthed a word she didn’t want him to hear.

  Rachel grinned. “Ok. I won’t argue that. But I really don’t know about pressing charges. It feels way too extreme. Plus I don’t have to do it immediately, so I don’t want to think of it tonight.”

  The kitchen door opened and Scott walked in, freshly showered and changed. His sheriff’s uniform had been replaced with a gray T-shirt and gym shorts. Rachel took a minute to admire him, her eyes sweeping over his powerful biceps and broad shoulders before resting on his set jaw and narrowed eyes.

  “We need to talk, Scott,” she said.

  “Yes, we really do.” Scott strode up to her. “You need to press charges. How can I arrest Mia if you don’t? What she did was dangerous and wrong. You fell to the ground; you could have had a serious injury!”

  There was such combined fury and fear and care in his voice that Rachel felt her insides melt a little. When Scott acted all commanding like this, a part of her always swooned. But right now, she had questions she needed answered.

  “If I hear one more word about pressing charges I’m going straight home to bed,” Rachel said. “How about some chocolate soufflé and sympathy instead? That’s all I want right now. Oh... and I also want you to answer some questions. Like—who was that boy you were with today?”

  Scott opened his mouth to say something, caught her eye, then took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he shook his head. Leaning down, he put a finger under her chin and pulled her face closer to his. His eyes focused on the dark purple welt that was forming under Rachel’s eye. She saw his jaw clench a little and his eyes cloud over with worry and anger.

  “I’m okay,” she said softly. “Really and truly, Scott.”

  “Okay,” Scott said. “I won’t bug you about pressing charges if that’s what you want.”

  “It really is,” she said. “But we need to talk, Scott. The boy called you—”

  “Aunt Rachel! Again!” Ollie exclaimed, jumping harder to catch her attention.

  “What’s this? A little hobbit?” Scott put his hands under Ollie’s arms and lifted the little boy up. “I’m a hungry troll, and a little hobbit would make a fine snack.”

  “Uncle Sco-ottt.” Ollie rolled his eyes and laughed.

  “Oi. Careful. That’s my son not one of your old stuffed toys.” Emily walked back inside with Scooter wagging his tail behind her.

  Ollie was now climbing all over Scott, who sat down at the table. “Well if I can’t snack on a hobbit, I guess a soufflé will do.” Scott pulled one over, and took a bite. As his spoon touched the soufflé, it caved in and a rush of melted chocolate oozed out. Scott smacked his lips and closed his eyes with joy.

  Ollie, bored with the grown-ups, wandered out to play in his room, and Emily sat down next to them with a sigh.

  “So,” Emily said. “Rachel told me everything. Apparently you have a son.”

  “A son?” Scott’s eyebrows raised so high they disappeared under his floppy hair.

  “The boy at the park,” Rachel said. “I heard him call you Dad.”

  Scott sighed, and raised a hand to his face, covering his eyes. “Oh no.”

  “Oh, yes,” Emily said. “Speak up, brother mine. Who is this mysterious child? It’s all a mistake, right? Rachel saw someone else, right?”

  “It’s not a mistake. Rachel saw me,” Scott said. “I’ll admit, it seems a little odd.”

  “More than a little odd! You’ve been hiding this child from us for twelve years!”

  “I haven’t been hiding anything,” Scott said. “Well… that’s not exactly true.”

  “You better explain yourself quick before I have a heart attack,” Emily said. “As for Rachel, she’s about to faint, I’d say.”

  “Shut up, Em,” Rachel said, a little cross. “Scott, take your time, but tell us, please. You can’t hide something like this.” She took a breath and steeled herself. Her entire relationship with Scott hung on what his next words were. If he’d deliberately lied and hid his son from her, Rachel didn’t know what her next step would be. Her heart squeezed and beat faster.

  “His name is Samir,” Scott said. “And he isn’t my son. He’s my little brother.”

  “Brother?” Emily’s eyes widened. “He’s your brother? Wait... but why would he call you Dad?

  Forget that. You have a brother, meaning we have a brother?” Emily’s jaw was slack.

  “Emily, he’s my little. I volunteer for the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. They match young boys who have no male mentors in their lives with adult men who want to help. I have been a Big for two years now,” Scott said. “Samir lost his dad three years ago, and he’s the only boy in a house with three sisters. He’s lonely and still adjusting. Sometimes he slips and calls me Dad accidentally because I’m the only male mentor in his life.”

  Relief flooded through Rachel, as did a sudden rush of love for Scott. “Samir sounds awesome,” Rachel said.

  “He is.” There was pride and fondness in Scott’s voice. “He was getting bullied at school, so I taught him a bit of karate. Not enough for him to hurt anybody, but enough for him to stand up for himself. He’s so smart, Rach. I really wish you could have met him properly, but he’s shy and slightly possessive of me. I didn’t want to overwhelm him.”

  Emily flopped back in her chair, and wiped a bead of perspiration from her forehead. “Wow. Look, Scott. Don’t get me wrong, I loved aging fifteen years in the last fifteen minutes. But next time do you think you could be a little less secretive? Rachel and I had all sorts of theories running in our minds.”

  “What? That I was a polygamous, scheming mastermind?” Scott scoffed. “You two should get together and write a book.”

  “But why were you so secretive about it?” Rachel asked.

  “I wasn’t. I mean, I just didn’t want to talk about volunteering because...” Scott hunched his shoulders and scratched the back of his neck. “Well, it seems a little vain, right? Like I want a pat on my back or something? I do it three hours a week, and I just… I don’t know.”

  “I do.” Rachel had to keep herself from throwing her hands around Scott’s neck and smothering him in kisses. �
��Are you for real, Scott Tanner? Ace Sheriff, Awesome Boyfriend, and now a volunteer for—”

  “See I knew you’d take it the wrong way,” Scott said. “Hanging out with Samir isn’t volunteering, or work. It’s fun for me. He’s a brave, amazing little kid with a lot of potential and a lot of hardship. I learn as much from him as he does from me.”

  Rachel only smiled, her eyes moist. “You’re an ace, Scott.”

  Scott sighed. “Thanks. Well, if you two are happy with my explanation, I need to get back to work now. The case is calling me.”

  “You work too hard, you know. You need a vacation soon.” Emily smoothed away a floppy lock of Scott’s hair behind his ear. “Your girlfriend agrees with me too.”

  “Well, crime doesn’t take vacations, sadly.” Scott sighed. “Gina Graham’s death is big news in Swaddle tonight. We’ve had calls to the station all day.”

  “Are the forensics in?” Rachel asked. “Did they confirm it was poisoning? And how about those fingerprints you found? Whose were those?”

  “You know I can’t tell you details about an active investigation, Rachel.”

  “Doesn’t stop me from trying.” Rachel grinned.

  “All I can say is we’re not making any arrests—yet,” Scott said.

  “I’d go arrest that horrible Mia Harris if I were you,” Emily said. “I wish I’d been there. I’d have punched her lights out for what she did to Rachel!”

  Scott looked uncomfortable. “Em. It’s a nice sentiment but you can’t brand someone a murderer just because they punched your girlfriend. I’d be a terrible sheriff if I did that.”

  Emily rolled her eyes. “You and your overdeveloped conscience.”

  “Makes up for your underdeveloped one.” Scott smiled.

  “Well what can you tell us anyway?” Emily asked. “Do you have any suspects?”

  Scott gave her his best poker face, and Emily gave an exaggerated groan of disgust. “Honestly, what’s the use of having a sheriff as your brother if he’s going to clam up every time something interesting happens?”

  “I’m very useful when you want your chocolate soufflés finished, so there’s that,” Scott said, stealing away Rachel’s ramekin and digging in.


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