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Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, Vol. 7

Page 23

by Fujino Omori

  “You don’t have the face of a man.”

  The verbal stake was set. Then she brings down the hammer.

  “No arrogance, no swagger, you don’t show any desire to dominate, to take what you want.

  “All I see is a punk-ass brat with his head in the clouds.

  “You can’t give everythin’ you have for this girl.”

  There’s a clear tone of disappointment in Aisha’s voice as her rant finally comes to a close.

  Those words cut deep. I want to respond, to say anything to defend myself, but nothing comes. It’s the same for Mikoto as well.

  Aisha’s disappointment is now written all over her face. She looks back and forth at us, as if expecting a challenge that never comes.

  Haruhime looks like a scared child, just wishing that the whole thing would come to an end…She has her arms wrapped around her body, biding her time.

  Four figures standing in a wide backstreet, bathed in orange sunlight.

  “—Found them—this way!”

  The voices of other Amazons cut through the stillness.

  Mikoto and Haruhime immediately look in the direction of the newcomers. They’re still a ways off but should be here in moments.

  Aisha doesn’t move; her eyes are still on me, on my pathetic face. What’s worse, I still can’t move.

  “—Miss Mikoto, make your escape!”

  Haruhime, however, can.

  Twisting out of Aisha’s grasp, she jumps on top of the Amazon’s left arm and wraps her whole body around it, lowering her blade.

  Haruhime’s sudden scream brings Mikoto out of her trance and surprises Aisha at the same time. Mikoto jumps to my side and takes hold of my arm.

  “Sir Bell!”

  She practically drags me backward, my legs taking a few moments to remember how to walk.

  The long shadows of the Berbera are reaching toward us. Aisha is just standing there, Haruhime hanging on with all her might. I leave them behind.

  I…run away.


  “Follow them!” “Don’t let ’em get away!” Haruhime and Aisha watched and listened to the shouts of many Amazons clamoring as they ran past.

  Aisha watched her allies fan out in pursuit of the two humans and let her body relax.

  “…Cut it out, will you, idiot.”

  Swish. The palm of Aisha’s right hand collided with Haruhime’s head, easily breaking her grip and knocking her to the ground. “Awh,” came a weak cry from the renart as she realized how futile her actions had been.

  At Level 1, Haruhime had had no hope of restraining Aisha from the start. She brought her hand to her head, taking shallow breaths just above the stone pavement. Aisha looked away from her and in the direction the two humans had disappeared.

  Red light from the setting sun illuminating half her face, she frowned.

  “They have to be around here—find ’em!”

  The voices of many women are swirling around us.

  Noncombatant prostitutes are taking orders directly from the Berbera. There are so many echoes of footsteps, I can’t tell anymore which ones are real.


  We evaded pursuit and arrived at a dark side path.

  No sunlight reaches in here. Soon, the footsteps fade away and the only echoes come from Mikoto and me trying to breathe.

  Mikoto finally releases the painful grip on my arm and turns to face me.


  Unable to answer the words Mikoto squeezed out of her throat, I stumble to the side and put both hands on the nearest wall.

  At the ash-colored stone wall, my head bends low, strained breath reaching down to my feet.

  I stare at the black ground with my eyes wide open. The muscles in my face contort as my emotions finally catch up with me.

  —She was right, right about everything!

  Everything that Aisha said was true.

  I couldn’t put everything on the line for Haruhime.

  I weighed the goddess and my friends—against her!

  Not once did I say I was going to save her!!


  I clamp my mouth shut, but still my frustration vents out from between my teeth.

  The risk of being targeted by Ishtar Familia is too great. I was too scared to make a decision.

  I couldn’t reach out to help that girl with her head drooping low, couldn’t even say I would.

  I…I couldn’t make up my mind.

  Everything around me goes fuzzy. I’d close my eyes, but the back of my eyelids are hot, almost burning.

  My pitiful, wretched self, too pathetic to save a trembling girl, to save Haruhime.

  Worst of all, I couldn’t make a decision and ran away from her.

  Anguish, regret, remorse. There’s a storm in my head that’s threatening to rip everything apart.

  “Sir Bell…”

  Mikoto says my name through hushed, tearful breaths.

  She’s suffering, too.

  Trapped between her friendship with Haruhime and her bonds with our goddess, our family.

  Her fists are clenched so tight that her bones might break through the skin. She couldn’t make a decision, either.

  Tears of helplessness run down her cheeks.


  What should I do? What can I do?

  Should I run away, forget about Haruhime and save myself?

  Keep the goddess and everyone else safe from harm and turn my back on her?

  Or, should I follow through on this selfishness?

  Listen to the voice screaming in my heart, rather than try to ignore it?

  Constant wondering, impossible choices, thoughts that won’t fade. Time continues to flow forward, but I’m stuck in this enigma, a labyrinth with no exit in sight.

  The sky far above my head has gone dark, the light of the full moon coming into the city.


  Anyone, tell me what to do.

  Person, fairy, or deity, I don’t care which.

  What should I do? What can I do?

  I…I don’t know.

  —Now, if he were here…

  If Gramps were here.

  If the man who raised me were here, what would he say?

  If he saw me standing still when I knew that girl was in trouble, what would he say to me?

  I take a step away from the wall and try to visualize how that conversation would go.

  There’s, um, someone I want to help.

  But I have a family I don’t want to lose.

  What do you think I should do?

  What do you think I can do?

  Do you think it would be okay…if I screamed everything in my heart up at the sky?

  I do my best to find every memory lurking in the back corners of my mind. Time we spent together, my childhood, his lessons. Then I ask.


  The vision of him my brain puts together…

  The memory of my grandfather—smirks.


  Said the vision without an aggravating smile.


  A new flame burns in my eyes.

  My right fist clenches as much as it can.

  “Can’t save one little lady? You call yourself a man?”

  He’d say that.

  If he were here, he’d say that for sure.

  Knowing Gramps, he’d give me the first push.

  —And he’s right.



  Just decide already!

  Being made fun of, being laughed at, pointed at, that’s not shameful.

  The most shameful thing is to be at a crossroads but not be able to make up your mind!


  —I’m going.

  I’m going to save her.

  I’m going to save that girl, the one who can’t smile from the heart.

  “…Sorry, Miss Mikoto.”

  My voice shakes. She looks up at me with wide eyes, shoulder
s quivering like she’s afraid of what I’m about to say.

  I slowly turn toward her and stand up straight. Tears drip off my chin as I hold my head high for the first time in far too long.

  “I…I want to save her.”

  Mikoto blinks a few times, my words sinking in.

  I’m going to save Haruhime, putting the familia in danger. I ask for her forgiveness.

  I somehow manage to keep from crying and close my mouth. Mikoto steps up to me.

  “B-but what do you do after rescuing Miss Haruhime? Ishtar Familia would pursue you until—”

  “I’ll leave Orario.”

  I jump in before she can finish her question. Now it’s my turn to be afraid of her next words. I struggle to keep my face steady. Mikoto’s stunned.

  I’ll apologize to the goddess until I have one foot in the grave.

  I’ll apologize as soon as I have no choice but to leave the city.

  This is like what happened with Apollo Familia.

  Except this time I’ll be leaving Orario to save the life of one girl.

  “I’ll run away from Orario…But I promise I’ll come back.”


  “Stronger—strong enough to protect her, stronger than I am now!”

  Then I’ll come back. I’ll come back to Orario.

  No matter how long it takes, no matter how long the detour I have to follow, I will return to my idol.

  Once I’m strong enough to protect Haruhime, nothing will stop me from coming back inside the city walls.

  Be realistic for a second! I yell at myself as Mikoto gulps down the air in her throat.

  Who was it I thought of the first time I saw Haruhime’s beautiful golden hair?

  Who was it who appeared in my heart?

  If I abandoned Haruhime now…Whenever I see my idol from this day forward…

  I would remember Haruhime and wouldn’t be able to look her in the eyes again.

  I want to stand in front of her, chest out, and proudly proclaim that I’ve become a man worthy of her attention. That will never happen if I turn my back on Haruhime.

  I will never, ever give up on Haruhime, on my friends, or on her. I will struggle against any odds as long as it takes. So—

  I meet Mikoto’s gaze, my eyes unwavering.

  The stunned look on her face crumbles away, eyes glistening with fresh tears as a wide smile appears on her lips.

  “Becoming a member of your familia…has never made me so happy as right now.”

  She takes another step forward and grabs my right hand. A fresh wave of tears flows down her cheeks as she smiles from ear to ear.

  “That you are my leader, to have met you in the first place…I am so grateful.”

  She pulls my hand into her chest, voice becoming smaller with every word.

  Her lips form the words thank you over and over. Her tears sparkle as they fall into the palm of my hand.

  “…I shall gladly join you, be at your side in dogeza at the feet of Lady Hestia, Lady Lilly, and Sir Welf. Let us be scolded together!”

  Mikoto releases my hand and wipes her face on her sleeve. When she finally looks up, I’ve never seen a more joyous smile in my life.

  That broke the dam. This girl not only listened to my selfish decision, she agreed to help me, to join me. And with that smile. My eyes glisten as new tears threaten to spill out.

  We exchange disheveled smiles. Taking a moment to compose ourselves, both of us nod, knowing exactly what we have to do.

  We don’t have to look cool.

  Being caked in dirt and blood doesn’t matter at all.

  I don’t care if it all ends here.

  It’s time to become her hero.

  I’ll be the one who reaches out to save her, prostitute or not, to become the hero she had always dreamed of.


  Determination in our eyes, Mikoto and I look back the way we came.

  Looking up from the back of the dark side path, we can see the golden exterior of a palace shining in the moonlight.

  “After all that, you sayin’ you let the bunny get awayyy?!”

  The renart hidden behind her back, shoulders trembling, as Phryne’s booming voice filled the air…

  Aisha remained surprisingly calm as she protected Haruhime. A large group of Berbera had assembled in a wide chamber within the palace.

  “This mess was your fault, going against Lady Ishtar’s orders. Don’t go blaming me.”

  “Don’t give me any of that craaap! If that varmint behind you hadn’t released my prey, everything woulda been fiiine!”

  The Amazon’s bloodshot, bulging frog-like eyes were locked onto Haruhime.

  The veins in Phryne’s head started throbbing. That’s when her red gaze turned to Aisha.

  “The Killing Stone, they know we have iiit. The Little Rookie can’t be allowed to liiiive! If he goes free…how you gonna own up to it, Aishaaa?”

  Groups of Amazons were on the move throughout Belit Babili. Half of them were in hot pursuit of the two humans who’d learned of the Killing Stone. The others were busy making preparations for the Killing Stone Ritual. There wasn’t an idle pair of feet to be seen.

  Noise from the bustling activity below reached the chamber despite being close to the top of the highest tower in the compound. Aisha gave Phryne a quick glance, shrugged, and said:

  “That boy, he’ll come.”

  “Huuuh? You say that because…?”

  Completely unfazed by Phryne’s death stare, Aisha casually looked out the window.

  “He didn’t have the look of a man, but those eyes…”

  She could see the red-light district, its lanterns lighting up one by one.

  “Those of an adventurer who doesn’t know when to give up.”

  Haruhime listened to Aisha’s harsh whisper and looked up at the side of her face. The renart’s expression shifted to show the range of emotions that was surging within her.

  She too looked outside, down at the Pleasure Quarter—down at the place where that boy and girl probably were right now.

  At the same moment, the boy and girl were looking at the palace from a distance.

  Emerging from a dilapidated back alley, just the two of them stood below a goddess’s shining fortress.

  The darkness spread in the sky above them.

  A golden moon gradually grew clearer, brighter, and fuller with the coming night.

  For the sake of saving one prostitute, the boy and girl prepared to assault the palace.



  “Bell and Mikoto have to be here. Let us through!”

  The last of the natural sunlight was fading from the evening sky as Hestia arrived at the outer corner of the Pleasure Quarter. Guards moved to block her path almost immediately.

  They were standing at the edge of Orario’s third district, the place where Ishtar Familia’s territory officially began.

  Hestia was accompanied by Welf and Lilly, as well as Takemikazuchi, on her mission to rescue the rest of her familia. They were blocked by two Amazons just before entering the main strip of brothels on Main Street. A standoff ensued.

  “My pardon, goddess, do you have any proof?”

  “Watch your words. Any funny business and we’ll remove you by force.”

  “Grrr…” Hestia started growling, getting steadily louder as the two female warriors gripped the weapons strapped to their backs: One carried a battle-ax; the other pulled twin longswords just far enough out of their sheaths to make the blades flash.

  A group of Amazons had attacked Lilly and Welf in the Dungeon, but they had no evidence.

  “UGHAAA!!” Hestia’s voice erupted, her hands rising in the air as the two enemy warriors grinned at her frustration.

  “They sure are giving us the runaround…”

  “Well, were we expecting anything else?”

  Male customers who started arriving on Southeast Main Street and their prostitutes stopped in the
ir tracks to gawk at the enraged deity. Lilly could only sigh at her goddess’s childish arguing technique. Welf crossed his arms but watched the Amazons like a hawk.

  Takemikazuchi stood not too far away from them, his black hair in the usual bobbed, triangular style. His own followers started emerging out of the crowd and gathered around him. Their scouting mission complete, it was time to make a plan of their own.

  “Ouka, what did you see?”

  “They have this area completely locked down. Not even a rat could sneak in unnoticed.”

  “Amazons and prostitutes are blocking every street…There’s no opening.”

  Takemikazuchi listened to Ouka, Chigusa, and his other followers. “I see,” he muttered, eyebrows sinking.

  He reasoned that it was likely this was a cage to keep Bell and Mikoto from revealing the existence of the Killing Stone to anyone else. At the same time, it acted as a barrier to keep anyone else from interfering with the Killing Stone Ritual.

  While he was still unsure why they had captured the two humans, he was sure they were inside.


  Concern for the girl’s well-being written all over his face, Takemikazuchi looked up at the full moon that was peeking out from behind rolling clouds.

  “Sir Bell, please take this potion with you as well.”

  “If you’re sure, thank you. I’ll take it.”

  At the same time two deities were trying to get into Orario’s third district, Bell and Mikoto were undergoing their last preparations in their hidden alcove under the night sky.

  The two of them were planning to break into the palace alone and rescue Haruhime. They had to be ready for anything.

  They had briefly considered leaving the Pleasure Quarter and returning with reinforcements. However, they thought better of it. Deep in the heart of Ishtar’s territory, they might not get a better chance to strike at this range. If they left now, there was no guarantee that they’d get a chance to strike at all. Therefore, they stayed hidden and divided up the high-quality healing potions and supplies Mikoto had taken from the vault.

  Mikoto sat on the ground, tying her clothing to her joints to reduce the sound of the fabric. Dressed completely in black, she looked more and more like a ninja every second. Even while talking with Bell, a conversation she had with Takemikazuchi many years ago floated to the front of her mind.


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