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A Merry Christmas Anniversary Mystery Georgie Shaw Cozy Mystery #9 (Georgie Shaw Cozy Mystery Series)

Page 5

by Anna Celeste Burke

  That got Larry's attention. Everyone within earshot in the enormous kitchen went on alert.

  "Dead body? Where? It isn't Max, is it? Oh no! That's how we got shoved into the 'nonessential personnel' category!" Larry harrumphed.

  "I'm sorry, Georgie… I, uh, gosh. I didn't mean to say that."

  "It's okay, Kendra, don't worry. It's no big deal," I said, turning to address the crew.

  "Since you consider yourselves to be essential personnel, I know we can trust you to keep this information in the kitchen. It ought to make you realize, however, how serious the situation still is."

  "What happens in the kitchen stays in the kitchen. We don't need a bossy hotel manager or a security guard who thinks he's Clint Eastwood to tell us what to do in such a serious situation." Larry was careful to drop the mocking tone from his voice when he repeated my words as he griped. "I'm glad you're here, Georgie. You understand what it takes to get a kitchen up and running and keep it going. Besides, feeding all the people who can't leave when there's trouble afoot is essential." With both hands on his hips, Larry appeared triumphant as he stared at Kendra.

  "I do understand, but I'm not caving in on the need to get as many people out of harm's way as possible. Nor does it help for you soak up energy and expertise needed elsewhere by throwing a tantrum." I stared straight into Larry's eyes as I made that last remark. "This has gone on long enough. If there had been another bomb set to blow, it could easily have gone off by now, and you'd all be toast!"

  The crew member standing next to Larry snickered. I stamped my foot, on the verge of having a tantrum of my own. The grin vanished, and the young woman's eyes dropped to the floor.

  "The commandant has arrived, Kendra. You may go. Georgie and I will sort this out." Larry turned and took a plate of cookies from another table behind his crew member. Someone had already iced and beautifully decorated them. "Peace offering. Get back to whatever you were doing before I rudely interrupted you. Mea culpa."

  Kendra looked at me for a signal about what to do. I passed the cookies from Larry's hands to Kendra's.

  "I've got this. You see how many guests still need your help. I'm going to determine why the captain and his crew were so willing to go down with a sinking ship."

  "Because it's not sinking," Larry replied with great conviction.

  "How pray tell, do you know that?" I asked.

  "The bots told Hardy, and Hardy told me."

  "Good grief! What does that mean? Not only does the harlequin talk to them, but they talk back?" I don't know why that bothered me since I'd just held a conversation of sorts with Tidbit. There was something about Hardy that wasn't only odd but vexing. If I ever got to the Visitor Center, one of the first things I was going to do, was find out more about Hardy the harlequin.

  "The bots' software is set to alert them to any perceived danger to humans. That's like their prime directive or some Scifi term like that. I wouldn't believe it except I saw it with my own eyes. Hardy was chatting with us when one of the tin cans on wheels came zipping in here. It somehow communicated that we should brace ourselves. Hardy warned us. In seconds, we manually executed emergency procedures that covered items, halted the turntable ovens, locked items into place, and minimize damage during what we thought was a quake. We took cover too. We had messes to clean up, but it would have been so much worse without the bots' early warning. Hardy also told us not to move until the second wave came and went. When Hardy came back later to tell us the bots gave us an all-clear, we believed him."

  "I don't know why you're so willing to trust the so-called 'tin-cans on wheels' more than the humans who created them," Kendra argued. "The humans said get out, and that's what I've been trying to do."

  "You're doing the right thing, Kendra," Jessica assured her. "There are implications for corporate liability if you don't follow orders like and someone is subsequently injured or killed."

  "How do you know? Are you a lawyer?" Larry asked.

  "Why, yes I am," Jessica replied. Larry's head swung my way.

  "They sent you after me with a lawyer disguised as Frank's girlfriend?"

  "No, Larry, that's not what's going on. I already told you, Jessica is Frank's fiancé. Since I've supposed to leave the resort, Jessica came here to offer me a place to stay. As soon as Charlie Magnum gets here, I'm leaving." "Well, I feel a little better that they don't consider you an essential worker either. If you don't believe it's safe to stay, go ahead, and abandon the ship. As captain of the crew in the kitchen, I'm here to stay," Larry responded.

  "Geez, I said I wouldn't leave until Charlie steps in. A ship doesn't need two captains. Besides, I'm not any kind of worker. Jack and I are guests!"

  "Which begs the question about where Max is during this disaster. Since he's not here and he isn't dead, I assume you don't have any idea where he is, or you'd explain his absence. While the cat's away, the rat steps in."

  "What makes you call Charlie Magnum a rat?" Jessica asked before I could utter the question.

  "Why do you want to know?" Larry asked. "Do you need more information to add to whatever affidavit you're putting together to sue me?"

  "You're a great chef, and we've been friends for twenty years. I'm sure Jessica is curious about why you refer to Charlie as a rat. I know I am."

  "First, all he cares about is money—he has no imagination or interest in the groundbreaking work Max is doing. Second, he's always on Max's case, which is hard to watch without spilling a little marinara sauce on Charlie. Third, when Max isn't around, Charlie acts like this is his place. I can't wait to see what Charlie does when he is in charge. I wouldn't be surprised if he hired someone to blow the place up. Put that in your affidavit, and I'll sign it!"

  "One more word like that, and I'll have security escort you out of the kitchen and off the property. It's irresponsible to spout unsupported claims about who or what caused this disaster. Especially when you're making claims involving a person who's been at Max's side from the very beginning."

  "And, at the top of your lungs. All we need is for your conspiracy theory to get into the media. People deserve the truth, not a bunch of nonsense from a chef with an ax to grind because he feels under-appreciated," Kendra huffed.

  "Unless you have evidence, she's right, Larry," Jessica said. "An investigation into a disaster like this isn't any easier than tending your kitchen or gardens. Frank and Jack have enough real possibilities to sort through without having to waste time on false ones."

  "Charlie Magnum's not a 'people person,' like Max, but I'm afraid this is my fault," Larry's crew member suddenly said.

  Linda, as her nametag read, had continued to work during our discussion. Now she paused, eaned with her hands on the stainless-steel worktable, and stared at us.

  "I added to Larry's mistrust of Charlie when I told him I saw Charlie talking to this guy who's given us trouble more than once."

  "What kind of trouble?" I asked.

  "He's a young man in his twenties and claims he's developed innovative ideas like those we're using in our gardens. I caught him spreading something around in one of the habitats, took it from him, and called security to have him removed. The following week he was back, snooping around in our aquaculture and hydroponics system here in the hotel."

  "How is that possible? I could see him getting into the biodomes because guests can walk through them. Isn't access to your gardens here in the hotel restricted?" I asked.

  "The first time, I assumed he was a guest. I explained that he could look but not touch anything in the gardens unless a tour guide permitted him. I didn't make more trouble for him because he was in street clothes, and what I took away from him turned out to be nothing more than compost. I called security and didn't ask them to do anything more than get him out of there. When I caught him examining the hydroponic system, he wore a company uniform with the golf course logo. He also had a name tag, and 'Bobby' told me he wanted to transfer to work in our gardens instead of being a groundskeeper at the golf cou
rse. I scolded him and informed him that being in a restricted area without authorization could cost him his job. He said he didn't know that and took off. When I went after him, I spotted him speaking to Charlie in the corner of the lobby. Their interaction made me feel uncomfortable, so I chickened out ratting on Bobby, but I told Larry about it."

  "What made you feel uncomfortable?" Jessica asked.

  "Charlie Magnum was upset and wagged his finger at Bobby. He also kept looking around to see if anyone was watching them. At one point, Charlie grabbed the guy by his shoulder and shook him. Bobby yanked himself free and ran for the nearest door."

  "That was inappropriate," I muttered. "Did you check Bobby out, Larry?"

  "Yes. I immediately called the golf course groundskeeping department and spoke to the supervisor. Artie Hinkley knew who Bobby was before I even gave him a name. According to Artie, Bobby Bush hasn't worked at Marley World very long. He also confirmed that Bobby had asked for a transfer to our kitchen garden team, but Artie hadn't even submitted the request yet. He agreed to tell Bobby to knock it off and threatened to fire him if he was found anywhere near our gardens again."

  "You did say Bobby Bush as in the plant, right?" Kendra asked.

  "Honestly, that's it. Artie told Larry that Bobby believes his name is no accident and that his gardening gift is in his DNA."

  "It doesn't seem like such a big deal now that we've told you about it. Artie says Bobby's immature and awkward even though he is twenty-one. I was a real loose cannon at that age," Larry said. Jessica shot me a sideways glance, and I tried not to roll my eyes in reply.

  "As if you aren't still a loose cannon?" Kendra asked, blurting out what Jessica and I were unwilling to say.

  "I thought you had guests to evacuate. Go!" Larry ordered.

  "The only unusual aspect to the incident is the interaction Linda saw between Bobby and Charlie," Larry told me.

  "Maybe the guy's been in trouble before, and Charlie's fed up. That doesn't make it okay that he put his hands on him," Jessica suggested.

  "I can check to see who hired him. Maybe Charlie did, and he feels like his reputation is on the line," I added.

  "The logical thing for Charlie to do would be to fire Bobby Bush. Maybe he can't do that because he's the son of a big shot in the Coachella Valley," Jessica suggested.

  "Maybe. You two figure it out. I'll keep my mouth shut and lower the volume, not that there are many people left in the hotel to hear me. Kendra has been shuttling them out of here at top speed."

  "I'll take that as a compliment since it's what I've been trying to do. Unlike you, Larry, they were quite shaken and eager to leave. It was more a matter of keeping them from doing anything rash like taking off on foot."

  "We plan to stay and continue to work with what remains of the gardening team. All those rescuers and our essential workers need to eat. Why not let us do that rather than have good food go to waste or risk having a pizza guy smuggle in a bomb and blow us all up?"

  "I'll see what I can do," I replied. As if on cue, members of the security team walked into the kitchen.

  "Oh, no, not you again, and you brought back up," Larry groaned.

  "Linda, what do we have on hand that wet and sloppy?"

  "Hey, it's okay," Luke said, holding up his hands almost as if he were surrendering. "The personnel-run sweeps of the hotel and the underground area are complete. We haven't found evidence of an additional threat here in the hotel or the tunnels below. If you insist, you can stick around. You'll have to sign a form promising not to sue the company later if we're wrong."

  "Gladly! Then, maybe we can get some work done," Larry said. He was instantly surrounded by the kitchen crew members who read and signed the release forms on handheld devices the security team members gave them.

  "Problem solved, Georgie. It was good to see you again, although I would have preferred we'd met at the lovely dinner Max asked me to plan for you. You two won't ever forget this anniversary, will you? Now, please don't take this the wrong way, but get out of here, okay?" Then he leaned close and gave Jessica and me a peck on the cheek.

  He skipped Kendra, then, as an afterthought, Larry gave her a bump on the chin. "And stay out," he added at that point.

  "Nothing would suit me more!" Kendra said as she turned on her heel and stomped out.

  "Now what?" Jessica asked.

  5 Max’s Doubts

  “I’m sure Linda would take you on that tour of the gardens,” I replied. “I’m interested in learning more about this Bobby Bush character, but I need to get to the Visitor Center first. I ought to be able to tell Charlie how the process of evacuating guests and nonessential employees is going when he arrives in the next hour or so.”

  “Bobby Bush is on my mind too. It might not mean much to Frank, but it’s the kind of odd behavior that always strikes me as worth at least checking out. I have a PI I can ask to do a formal background check on him. That ought to give us any information that’s in the public record about the trouble he’s had with the law, his employment history, or money problems.”

  “That’s perfect. Once I get to the Visitor Center, if everything’s going along smoothly, I’ll ask Carol, my Executive Assistant, to check his employment record at Marvelous Marley World. She can tell us how long he’s been employed and if there are any ‘flags’ to indicate he’s had problems before. I’ll ask Carol to call Charlie’s office and see if his assistant knows who the guy is. Maybe he’s paid Charlie a visit or called him at the office.”

  “If they're related, it could explain the scene Linda witnessed between him and Charlie,” Jessica added. "If there's anything is references or past employment that can give the name of someone out here in the desert, I'll follow up."

  "Charlie would be as eager to help a friend's kid as a relative's once he'd promised to do it, I said.

  “Then, we’re on the same track again,” Jessica added.

  “Yep. Jack probably wouldn’t find this of much more interest than Frank would. Still, he’s had to deal with more than one ‘loose cannon’ at Marvelous Marley World since he met me. If Jack calls, I’ll go ahead and tell him about Bobby Bush. I'll also try to work Bobby Bush's name into my conversation with Charlie and see how he reacts.”

  “Do it! That could be very revealing even if he doesn’t explain his relationship to Bobby,” Jessica urged me. “Do you want to go back up to your suite?”

  “Since we haven’t heard from Felix, I take it that the beasts are still asleep.”

  “Then I say let sleeping dogs lie--cats too. They’re safe where they are.”

  “Comfy too,” I added. “Miles and Ella are good sports about being confined to their carrier, but they’d rather be out and about. There’s no way I can turn them loose at the Visitor Center. Apparently, I’m not going to have to pack given security’s latest update. I’m sorry you went to all the trouble to come out here to pick us up.”

  “It’s no bother, Georgie. Besides, I’m glad to get an insider view of the situation here. Frank will eventually get around to telling me, but I have no idea when I’ll see him again.”

  “Here’s an idea. If you leave, will security let you back into New Arcadia?”

  “I’m don’t see why not, but I can ask,” Jessica replied.

  “Why not go home, pack a bag for you and Frank. Bring whatever you need to keep Anastasia happy, and you can all stay in our suite for a few days. You’re right that Frank’s probably going to be working all hours of the day and night. He might as well stay here in New Arcadia rather than run back and forth.”

  “My car’s parked in the Visitor Center lot. I can make a round trip within an hour. My sweet Bernadette will be a little disappointed not to have you and the cats staying with us. She was planning a special dinner for you and Jack.”

  “I don’t want to miss that. As soon as we can get the guys to tell us when they’ll be able to sit down and enjoy a meal, let’s do it. I know Frank adores her cooking,” I responded with enthusiasm.r />
  “That’s for sure. Since Frank moved in, he’d rather eat at home than at any restaurant in town,” Jessica added. I must have looked puzzled since I hadn’t realized Frank had moved in, not that it was any of my business. Jessica leaned in and spoke conspiratorially. “We have a tiny update to share with you…later…when things aren’t so chaotic.”

  “Sure, we’d love to hear it. Let’s go pay a visit to the Visitor Center so I can muddle in things I know nothing about,” I joked, still not used to the idea of filling in for Charlie or Max.

  “Your clout has already ended one skirmish,” Jessica laughed. “While you call your assistant, I’ll call Jerry Reynolds, my PI pal. Maybe by the end of the day, we’ll have more information to share with Frank and Jack about the two odd ducks we’ve encountered.”

  “Terrific! I’ll use my clout to get Kendra to squeeze us in on the next shuttle transporting guests to the Visitor Center. Let’s go find her.”

  As we searched for Kendra, we passed the tree in the lobby. I was shocked and delighted to see that it had been restored to its former upright state. I couldn’t even tell that the Christmas tree, or the scene beneath it, had ever been damaged. The train was running under the tree again, although there was still no Christmas music. I suddenly paused, wondering what Hardy was up to now. He was nowhere to be seen. Jessica and I looked at each other, and it was as if a current passed between us.

  “Hardy, who?” I wondered aloud.

  “My question exactly!” Jessica exclaimed. “Kendra must know his last name.”

  “Can Jerry Reynolds check him out too? I’ll ask Carol to look into his employment history with the company.”

  “If Jerry can’t do it, he can ask a friend to help. Frank’s cousin, Tommy Fontana, is his backup when I ask Jerry to do too much, in too short a time, which I’m about to do,” Jessica laughed.

  In minutes we’d found Kendra, who said the next shuttle was scheduled to arrive any minute. She also told us that the name of our harlequin ‘bot whisperer’ was Hardy Hart.


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