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Regency Romance: Duchess In Distress (Historical Billionaire Military Romance) (19th Century Victorian Romance)

Page 38

by Sarah Thorn

  I couldn’t even comprehend words at that moment. All my work in debate club, and now I couldn’t think of anything more than expletives to shout back. But, I was, at least, cool tempered enough not to yell.

  “I wouldn’t even dream of dating you. I could think of many better ways to disappoint myself.”

  He laughed, but my frustration was still boiling over.

  “Aren’t we in the same class?” he asked.

  “We are, as a matter of fact, Chemistry on Tuesday and Thursday,” I proudly stated, “I sit in a seat that allows me to actually listen to the teacher while you enjoy staring at your phone in the back, if memory serves.”

  “Ah that’s right. You’re the Firecracker in the front row. Aren’t you the top of the class right now? You should come tutor me at the party this Friday?”

  Now I couldn’t help but laugh. His friends were already giggling in the back. “You’re hopeless,” I said. I started to run again, but I could hear him yelling out from behind me.

  “You don’t have to answer now; I can wait for your response!”

  It bothered me to think that I was a bit attracted to him the other day; and at that moment, I wish I had taken up boxing at a young age.


  “Alright Class, this week we’re going to be working on chemical bonds and their different types. Now, this is going to be a very experiment heavy week. You’ve already worked on molar equations, and we’re going to step it up and put those equations into practice. I have assigned pairs for this lab, and the two of you need to find an example of each chemical bond.

  “Most of this can easily be found in chapter eight of your chemistry book, so you don’t have to overthink it. And, before you say anything Christine, no, you may not work alone on this topic; this is a partnered exercise, and you must work in tandem with your partner to complete it.”

  I rolled my eyes and lowered my hand. Of course, I would have to work with one of the other useless appendages in my class to finish a simple exercise. I wish I could’ve tested out of this course; I had already practiced chemistry in High School, but unfortunately, they made me retake the course for credit. I wanted to smash my head into a wall repeatedly.

  “Looks like we’re working together,” I heard a familiar voice say.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” I replied in disgust.

  Hollis had moved to the front row and was sitting next to me, his almost never opened tex book sat in front of him as a trophy to his laziness. I shot from my chair and approached the teacher.

  “Mr. Takahashi, I really don’t think I can work with this –ahem- peer.”

  The face of my teacher read like a book; he didn’t make any attempt to hide his contempt with my attitude.

  “Ms. Reynolds, you’re the best student in my class. Hollis is, unfortunately, my worst student and he’s near failing. I paired the two of you up in hopes that your brilliant scientific mind might rub off on him a little.”

  I looked back to my desk; he sat there waving. I turned back to the teacher who was now sporting a cheesy smile.

  “Will that be all, Ms. Reynolds?”

  I did my best to hide my disgust and gritted my teeth, returning to my seat.

  Hollis was staring at his phone at some social media website probably.

  “Okay, listen to me now and listen well,” I started.

  He continued to click away on his phone.

  “I am a hard worker, and you are not. If we work diligently, then we can finish this quick and I won’t have to look at you for another second.”

  He continued to tap away at the screen on his phone.

  “I’m sorry, is this not important enough for Mr. Popular?”

  He still didn’t say anything. I tried to peek at what he was writing, but when I leaned in, he would turn just enough to keep the screen from my view.

  “What are you writing, is it about me?” I asked innocently.

  The lack of communication was bothering me, but this time, he held a finger up that appeared to plead for another moment.

  I waited, and after waiting, he clicked the screen of his phone off and set it on the table.

  “I was trying to organize a party; it’s hard to concentrate on two things at once.”

  “You must be joking. You’re organizing a party while in class? Do you even want to pass at all?”

  He shrugged and laughed. “I want to get a grade that keeps me from failing. This one is currently pulling my GPA down just enough that I might not be able to play in the next football game. If you can help me get this grade up a little bit, then you’ll be a hero to me and my friends.”

  He flashed me a smile with his perfect teeth.

  I collapsed to the table, hoping that he would understand the gesture. He must not have.

  “Hey, are you alright?”

  I pushed myself from the desk, pulling his science book to the middle of the lab table and started rifling through the pages.

  “Listen, this stuff is easy. I know I can handle it, pay attention if you want, but I think I can manage on my own. Just make sure to put your name on the final draft and I can guarantee you’ll get an ‘A’ grade.”

  He seemed to like the sound of that. But, it was short-lived.

  “Hollis, Christine, I know you two are probably making a deal where Christine does all the work, and Hollis just sits back and soaks up the credit. I, fortunately, am not that gullible.” The professor paused. “You two have a special extra assignment. Hollis has to perform an experiment in front of the class and knowingly explain the processes involved in the chemical reaction.”

  I sat there open mouthed as he continued.

  “Christine, your grade in this class depends on him handling this assignment. I will even have a few questions for him to answer, just to make sure he was paying attention and not just memorizing a script.”

  I was doomed. My perfect record was about to be shattered, and I could do nothing about it at all.

  “Whoa, that’s rough,” was all that he could manage to say before going back to his phone and tapping away.

  My anger got the best of me as I yanked the phone from his hand and threw it out the window. He watched it fly out several feet and fall the four stories to the campus courtyard.

  With that done I packed up my things, wrote my phone number on a slip of paper, and handed it to Hollis.

  “If you find your phone, you can reach me at this number. Hopefully, the next time we have work to do you’ll be more interested in working.”

  With that said, I walked out of the class. I was overwhelmed and decided it would be best to go to my favorite spot to unwind for a bit.


  I don’t know how many other people knew about it, but I really like this spot. It was quiet and secluded, and I had never seen anyone come up here before.

  I was on top of the tallest school building, and it overlooked the courtyard from just enough of a distance that I could make out Hollis poking around and looking desperately for his phone.

  It took me a while to regain my composure after he bumped into another classmate and knocking her paperwork all over the grounds.

  Granted, I think he ended up getting her number written on his arm before she gathered up her things and walked away. He really was the worst kind of man, but he was still a man.

  I did feel a little bit of pride when I realized that I’d get the chance to be his partner and nobody else would. Thinking about it made my heart sink, as I knew there was no way he’d pass this assignment.

  I still felt myself sigh a little thinking about all the other women he had been with. I started to think less about the girls on his list and started to think more about the girls that weren’t. Thankfully I was securely in the ‘not’ list, but a part of me wished that I could meet an attractive man, like Hollis, that also had the brain to match.

  Hollis found his phone under a bush nearby. I did feel a little bad about throwing the thing out the window. I have been known
to have some anger issues in the past.

  Then my phone started ringing.

  “Hello,” I said.

  “So this really is your phone number; I had a feeling that you were just playing a prank on me.”

  It was Hollis calling me.

  “I see you finally found your phone.”

  “I did.”

  “So, back to planning your party,” I asked.

  “Actually, I had something better in mind. How about the two of us call a truce?”

  “A truce? I didn’t know we were at war,” I said.

  “I have a feeling this isn’t a war I’ll win; so I’m hoping that we can reach an understanding before it gets any worse.”

  I couldn’t help but feel prideful, and a sense of power washed over me.

  “Alright, I won’t bother you anymore outside of class, and you will actually try to study?”

  “You’d kill me if you got a bad grade; I have no choice.”

  I laughed. “You got that right.”

  “So, you’ll come by, and we can study at my frat house tonight?”

  I almost blurted out a laugh. No studying ever got done at a frat house.

  “Why don’t we go to the library? It’s quieter, and we can get more done.”

  I saw him pacing around the field as he talked. He looked a bit nervous even from this distance.

  “The truth is, Christine, that I really don’t feel comfortable studying anywhere outside my room.”

  I continued to push.

  “Yeah, studying female anatomy.”

  “Okay, that’s a fair hit. But, I still would prefer to study at home.”

  I sighed. He seemed unrelenting in his efforts to get me to come over.

  “Fine,” I said, “but, if you try to make a pass at me then I’m going to be very upset, and you can study on your own.”

  “Deal,” he said.

  I nearly hung up my phone, but it looked like he wasn’t done yet.

  “One more thing,” he added, “I think some people are coming over for a party tonight. They might be loud, but it shouldn’t be too much a distraction.”

  “Fine,” I sighed, “I will just bring earplugs.”

  I hung up my phone. I had no interest in going to a party tonight, but if it meant that I could get some studying done with this horrid situation looming over my head, then I might as well try.

  I was surprised when he urged me to come over. For an outgoing man, he really didn’t seem that interested in trying new things. I’m sure he had his reasons for avoiding the library, but I made no point to pry.

  I was stuck going to a party by proxy, and I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. I hadn’t been to a college party yet, but I had walked by a few. They were always drunken affairs, broken up by campus police before they got too far out of hand.

  Perhaps this party wouldn’t be so uproarious; then again perhaps I’m kidding myself. Even so, I thought it might be nice to look the part.

  I stayed on the rooftop, waiting for the sun to set over the buildings. Today was far from over.


  The frat house was an old brick building with roman letters pinned to the balcony of the second story. The building sat close to the roadside, leaving little room for a yard. Even so, a couple guys were throwing a ball back and forth. Despite the chill night air, they were still shirtless.

  As I strode towards the door they both stopped.

  “Hey there, cutie. Where are you headed?”

  I swiveled.

  “I have business inside.”

  The two looked at each other and laughed.

  “Business? I think you’re at the wrong house.”

  Hollis opened the door.

  “Don’t worry about it guys, she’s here to help me study.”

  They looked at Hollis and me and continued to laugh.

  “Enjoy your business Hollis,” they scoffed.

  Hollis beckoned me close and held the door for me as I entered, whispering in my ear along the way.

  “Don’t mind them. They’re just jealous they can never get a date.”

  I looked at him with disdain.

  “Not that this is a date,” he added.

  I nodded and stood in the entryway. For a frat house was surprisingly well kept. That is to say, there wasn’t any garbage lying around, which I was thankful for.

  He started up the staircase and waved for me to follow.

  “You guys keep this place pretty clean.”

  “Not every guy wants to live in garbage. My parents were pretty strict with me growing up; now I’m just used to everything being clean. Keeping the rest of the guys in check is hard, but I think they’re finally getting it.”

  I didn’t know he was the one in charge.

  “So, you’re like the mother of the group,” I asked.

  “I wouldn’t say mother, I would more say incredibly strict father.”

  He gestured towards his room, with the door still open. I entered and took in my surroundings.

  He had a rather large bed in the corner, already made up for the evening. In the corner sat a pair of desks lined against the wall, both covered in homework. A couple of books were already open; making it appear that he began studying before I arrived. The floor was spotless, save for the carpets covering the hard wood.

  “Make yourself cozy; I thought it best that we work by the desk.”

  I moved over and lowered myself to the chair, and we started to study. He was surprisingly apt for what he was, picking up a rather advanced topic easier than I would have thought possible of him.

  A couple hours passed and he had absorbed everything that I really knew.

  “Why do you do so poorly in class if you’re capable of learning this quickly?”

  “What do you mean,” he asked.

  I had to know what was going on, was he faking being dumb to be popular, or was he just not interested. The thought was nagging at me, and I was consumed with curiosity.

  “You seemed capable of picking this up really easily, are you trying to make me look like a fool?”

  He stood up and stepped back from the chair. He thought for a long moment before he finally replied to my question.

  “I don’t know if this is something you’d really care to hear.”

  I shook my head.

  “Really, I need to know why.”

  “Alright, I’ll tell you,” he said, “I used to work really hard and get good grades, but then I started growing. Before long I was a head taller than anyone else in my grade. I got popular and started spending more time with friends. When I got to High School, it was just more fun to go out and enjoy life rather than spend time staring at books. Getting a full ride scholarship to this college was great, but nobody is expecting me to do well in classes.”

  I nodded; it really was what I expected.

  “I practice more than any other player on that field. Every second I’m not practicing, I’m out enjoying life. You’re only twenty once in your lifetime.”

  I laughed but tried my best to stifle it. “So you’d rather waste your education on sex and partying?”

  He looked serious, but I could tell he was a little embarrassed. “We all have our reasons,” he quipped.

  The door swung open wide, as three of his roommates burst in laughing loudly. One tackled Hollis to the bed before he realized and I found myself laughing along.

  “The libations have arrived!” they shouted.

  “Then why is my drinking hand empty,” Hollis replied.

  I rolled my eyes and began packing up the study materials. I had a feeling my night was over, and it was nearing time for me to get some sleep anyway. That was until a drink was shoved into my hand.

  “Drink!” they chanted, staring at me as I examined the can.

  “I’m not drinking this; It’s a school night,” I replied to the group.

  Hollis stared down at me. “I’ll study harder tomorrow if you’ll try having fun with me tonight.”

/>   It was hard to pass up. My brain was alight with possibility; I had the chance to try something different and even though I feared it, I could do little to stop myself from trying.

  I snapped the top of the beer can, frothing out golden liquid from inside. I had tried beer in the past and hadn’t liked it. But, I was very young.

  I sipped at the top as the guys watched until Hollis came over and tilted the can into my mouth. A rush shot down my throat, and I gasped for air.

  “You dick,” I managed to spout out after catching my breath.

  They all hooted and hollered, and I couldn’t help but feel a tad ingratiated into the group of revelers.

  Before I could even finish the first can, a second can was being shoved into my hand. I let myself go.

  The party continued, and a few other girls showed up, and they looked prepared for tonight. I wished that I could wear the same thing as they did. Their short-cut skirts left almost nothing to the imagination. They may as well have shown up wearing just their underwear, as it was easy enough to see.

  The boys all panted as if a bone were being held in front of their eyes. Hollis looked but showed little interest in the matter. He drank slowly from a mug and chatted with the guys that would walk near him. I saw a bit of responsibility in him as he continued to pick up trash and replace snacks when empty.

  I was beginning to feel the drink hit me hard. Things started to spin a bit, but despite my inability to taste anything I continued to go back for more beer.

  After a while, I was using the rail on the staircase to prop myself up while one of Hollis’ roommates kept talking to me about how many times he could lift a particular weight.

  Then I was being picked up from behind. I tried to fight it, but there were two of them, and both of them were football players. They flipped me upside down and held me upside down in front of a keg.

  “First keg stand!” they shouted.

  I was too drunk to say no, and they thrust the nozzle in my mouth. I didn’t know how much I drank before they dropped me, but by the end of it I had to throw up.

  Hollis noticed me behind the bush.

  “Looks like you partied a little harder than you wanted.”


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