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Regency Romance: Duchess In Distress (Historical Billionaire Military Romance) (19th Century Victorian Romance)

Page 41

by Sarah Thorn

  I looked over to Rick, who handed a few dollars to the girl that challenged me to the dare. By the time I’d gotten over to ask what it was for, Rick was already gone.

  “Why did he just give you a wad of cash,” I asked.

  “Who do you think wanted to get you to skate around the rink naked? I guess the kiss was just a bonus.”

  I felt like an idiot.


  The drive home was long and boring, nearly 200 miles of farm land and snow as far as the eye could see. A measure of beauty came out of the old place, seeing the rolling hills covered in something as pure as snow; it looked so surreal in its monotony.

  I came to a stop in front of my mother’s house. As I pulled up, I could make out her silhouette behind the front door waiting for my entry. I didn’t have much to bring in, but it was enough that I could barely see where I was going.

  “Casey, you’re home!” she shouted from the porch.

  I followed the sound of her voice while doing my best to stay on my feet on the icy walkway. She took a couple of my larger bags and ushered me inside with the biggest of hugs.

  “How’s school,” she asked.

  “School is keeping me busy, that’s for sure,” I replied.

  “Have you done anything fun this year?”

  I didn’t want to say a thing to her about my exploits around the ice rink recently, so I tried to steer the conversation elsewhere.

  “How have you been? I really should call more often,” I asked.

  “Well, I have some great news, but I was hoping to save it for dinner time. In the meantime, I just finished boiling some water. Would you like some tea or cocoa?”

  “Tea, please,” I replied.

  We sat about, making polite conversation. We hadn’t seen each other for a few months, and I was the worst at keeping in touch. It sounded like she had stayed busy while I was gone, going to local meetups for adults, and meeting more new people to spend time with. It seemed she was doing all the things that I was distracting her from. She and I were best gal-pals, but as I grew up, we grew apart. I found solace in my books, and she took to practicing piano anytime it suited her fancy.

  When I found a lull in the conversation, I excused myself to return to my room to put away my things. I had almost a month off from school and wanted to keep away from the vitriol of the school. The videos of me and the rink continued to make their way around the school, and thankfully I never saw the video that Rick took.

  I had become something of a legend on the party scene, which was great for my popularity, but not for my solitude. There were so many people interested in having me come to their event, and I had even less interest than before.

  I heard mom stamp up the hardwood steps of the tiny house, walking towards my bedroom. She knocked on the open door.

  “Hey Casey, company will be here shortly,” she said.

  I nodded but was still curious about this mysterious company that she’d be keeping. No matter, though; as it was probably just a few friends from a knitting group coming by for dinner.

  I pulled on my comfiest sweater and joined her downstairs, with my book in hand. She knew my habits and had already cleared off my favorite chair for reading.

  The doorbell rang loud in the living room, and I did my best to look casual. Mother hurriedly paced to the door and tore it open. The frame of the figure standing at the door was much larger than I expected.

  “Hello, Gladys. I hope you don’t mind if I brought my boys along. They’re going to have to meet sooner or later, I figured now is as good a time as any,” said the man.

  Such an odd way to phrase it, and I wondered what he meant by ‘sooner or later.'

  I stood from my chair, attempting to peer around the door to see who might be talking. Then I saw Rick walk inside the house.


  “What the hell are you doing here,” I asked, with my mouth agape.

  Rick turned to find the source of the voice and squared up when he saw me.

  “You’re the last person I expected to see here, how do you know Gladys?” he asked.

  “I’m her daughter,” I replied coldly.

  I gave him a stare that would kill a rhino in its step, but he looked unfazed by it. Then another young man strode into the house hoisted up by a pair of crutches.

  “Who’s this, Rick?” I prodded.

  “You could just ask me,” he started, “I’m Trenton, nice to meet you.”

  He seemed so upbeat; I reached out to his outstretched hand and gave it a shake.

  “So, this is your brother, Rick?” I asked.

  They did look quite similar, but Trenton was younger and had more childish features, but still the same piercing blue eyes.

  “Did you want to sit down, Trenton,” I asked.

  He nodded, so I showed him to my reading chair. I think he liked it quite a bit as he sat his crutches beside the fireplace.

  I stood partially alone with Rick in the walkway.

  “If you tell my mom about what happened I will seriously kill you,” I said.

  “I haven’t told a soul and don’t intend to start now,” he replied.

  I stormed off to the kitchen to click off the stove. Steam billowed from the noisy kettle, so I removed it from the burner and started pouring myself a glass. Then I remembered my manners.

  “Trenton, Rick, would you guys like some tea,” I asked curtly.

  “Just me,” replied Trenton.

  I fixed him a nice warm cup and brought a glass of water back for Rick. As I walked into the living room where they sat, I saw Trenton holding Rick inside a headlock. Rick was doing his best impression of being stuck, but it didn’t fool me.

  “Geez, Trenton, you keep working out and you’ll be laying everyone flat.”

  Trenton giggled.

  I handed them their drinks and sat on the couch opposite them. My mother and the stranger at the door continued to chat in whispers until she finally came into the living room.

  “Okay, we’re just going to come out and say it,” my mom said.

  “We’re getting married!” added the man I’d never seen before.

  I stared at the two with an expression of disbelief.

  “Okay, mom, whatever you say,” I said.

  Rick stood up and walked over to his dad, taking him in for a big hug.

  “I’m sure mom would be proud that you’ve finally moved on,” he said.

  I couldn’t tell from the distance, but I thought I caught a glimpse of tears forming at the edges of his eyes.

  I stood and joined my mother. I had questions that needed answering.


  “It was incredibly cute; we were at a singles dance night at the community center. My partner had wandered off and was flirting with another girl, so I found myself raiding the punch bowl.

  “While I was over there, I noticed Bill looking over his shoulder to make sure nobody was looking. I did my best to look like I hadn’t noticed but apparently he knew I was watching.

  “He pulled an entire bottle of Vodka from his coat and dumped it in the bowl. I laughed so hard that people started staring. And, when people started staring at me, they saw Bill still pouring the bottle.

  “We ended up both getting kicked out of the dance, but we still spent the evening talking about old times.”

  My mother kept her gaze on Bill the entire time she told the story; I did think it was, at least, a little cute. Still, they’re getting married, and that was difficult to wrap my head around.

  “Why are you guys getting married so quickly? It’s only been a couple of months,” I asked.

  “When you start getting up to my age, you start to realize that every second you have is a gift, and getting to send all those seconds with people you care about is worth more than gold,” added Bill.

  I toyed with the glass of wine my mother poured for me for dinner. I hadn’t had any alcohol since my escapade at school, but I made a special excuse to drink with her as a toast.

>   “I’m happy for you, mom, I really am. But, this is going to take a little while to get used to. I think I’m going to turn in for the evening. Goodnight everyone,” I said.

  Mother cleared her throat.

  “Sweetie, Bill and the kids are going to spend the night tonight. Don’t be surprised if you wake up to strangers in the night,”

  I sighed deeply.

  “Would you prefer I sleep in my car,” I asked.

  She shook her head.

  “No, you sleep in your bed. I just want you to know that the toilet seat might be left up, so you should keep an eye out.”

  “Goodnight, mother,” I said while rolling my eyes.

  She giggled and sipped on her wine, as I made my way back upstairs.


  I woke to a cry in the next room over; it was Trenton in the guest bedroom. I heard Rick’s voice softly speaking in the darkness to his brother, but couldn’t make out what he was saying. I stepped from my bed and leaned against the door of my room, hoping to make out what he was saying. It was no good; there was too much between us.

  I creaked open the door of my room and tip-toed down the hall. Every step made raised the volume of the voices.

  “So you’re having a bad dream, buddy,” I heard Rick’s voice say.

  “I swear I heard a monster under the bed, can you check again,” Trenton asked.

  I heard shuffling around the bedroom.

  “I saw one, but I scared it off with my ugly face. Most monsters are scared of me.”

  Trenton laughed in the bedroom.

  “Alright, get some sleep, pal,” Rick added.

  I heard footsteps coming towards the door of the bedroom, and turned to rush back to my room, but I was unfortunately caught. The door to the guest room screeched open in the dimly lit hallway, exposing me in my pajamas.


  I stood still, hoping he hadn’t seen me, but my better judgment helped me realize that was impossible.

  “Rick,” I stated casually, “I was on my way to the bathroom when I heard you guys talking. I didn’t hear anything, I swear.”

  He exited the guest bedroom and pulled the door closed.

  “Hey, when you’re done in the bathroom, do you think we can talk?”

  “I don’t really need to go to the bathroom,” I said sheepishly.

  He nodded and wandered down the nearby staircase, I followed. I had a lot of questions for him that I needed answered as well.

  He propped himself on the couch, and I in my favorite chair.

  “I don’t know what to say,” he started.

  “I’m going to make some tea,” I said as I stood up and made for the kitchen.

  “What happened to your dad,” he asked bluntly.

  I hadn’t thought about it since it happened, and it felt odd talking about it with him. But, I think he knew loss about as well as I did. He might be one of the few people to understand.

  “My dad always had a weak heart. It was a matter of time before the stress caught up with him. He passed away from a stroke a few years back. Mom’s always kept jobs for herself on the side, so it wasn’t hard for her to step up and take over the finances.

  “I think about him from time to time. I miss his stupid smile and the way he’d watch hockey games.”

  Rick laughed.

  “So you were always a stick in the mud?” he asked.

  “I was always what I am right now,” I said.

  I offered him a cup of tea, and he accepted it but showed little interest in drinking it.

  “Why did you pay that girl to force me into that stupid challenge?” I asked.

  “Straight to business,” he replied, “very forward of you. I would have thought you’d ask about my mother first.”

  “I was about to, but certain things came to mind first. What did you do with the video?”

  He laughed.

  “I suppose you would want to know what happened to that,” he said, “I kept it in a safe place so nobody would be able to watch it.”

  “You’re not going to hold it over my head, are you?”

  “I’ve no intention of doing that,” he replied.

  “Then what are you going to do with it,” I asked.

  “I have no idea. I haven’t even watched it at all. I felt guilty after taking it.”

  “You felt guilty? Why?”

  “Because, after you did it I couldn’t help but admire your adventurous spirit,” he said.

  I didn’t think I had an adventurous spirit.

  “Why don’t you just delete it,” I asked.

  “Because it’s a masterpiece, I think. Watching you fall flat on your butt on the ice was quite a nice view,” he said with a smile.

  “Well then, what did you think of the kiss,” I asked.

  He pondered the answer for a moment before replying. I wondered what was turning in that ridiculous brain of his.

  “I think that’s why I felt so guilty after taping you,” he said, “thinking of the kiss makes me think the video was a mistake.”

  I thought about the kiss again, that moment was etched in my brain as though a splinter that had taken root. I actually fell asleep thinking about it earlier, and thinking about it now was making me more than a little aroused.

  “It’s wrong to think about that now. We’ll be siblings soon,” I said.

  “Yeah, we’ll be siblings really soon. Too bad, too. I was going to ask you out after the break was over,” he quipped.

  I had to take a moment and sip at my tea before saying much more. This guy was gorgeous, and he wanted to ask me out. Why did our parents have to be getting married?

  “You know, they’re not married yet,” I said, coyly while taking another sip.

  He looked over at me, and his expression made it seem like his brain was overloaded trying to figure out what I had just said.

  “That’s a good point,” he said.

  “Does that mean you’re going to ask me out on a date,” I asked.

  He smiled a devilish smile.

  “Considering they’re planning on getting married while we’re here on break, I’d have to do it soon,” he said.

  I felt naughty thinking about it, but this might be my only chance with one of the hottest guys I’d ever met.

  “I don’t suppose you’d like to go skating for a bit. The pond out back freezes over and makes for a fine spot to practice,” I said.

  He nodded.

  “Would you like to go skating with me, Casey?”

  “I’d be happy to,”

  We set a time for twenty minutes. I sprinted up the stairs as silently as I could and threw on my warmer clothes with my skates propped over my shoulder.

  The two of us snuck around the house and to the back door. I crunched in the snow outside, and Rick joined me. I balled up some snow and did my best to pack a snowball to smack him in the face, but he had the same idea and got to it first. Striking me square in the head, I returned the favor and hit him in the chin. After that, we formed a truce.

  The small pond was barely half the size of a regulation ice rink, but just the right size for children to practice.

  “I spent many hours out here,” I said while shoving my feet in my skates.

  I finished first and started to get a feel for the ice. He joined me quickly after and did the same.

  We skated in circles and side by side for a little while; it was bringing back memories of the ice rink from before break. I couldn’t stop blushing.

  “I dare you to do a lap, on this pond, naked,” he said, laughing at his own stupid joke.

  “You first,” I replied.

  He stopped laughing and looked like he was thinking about it. Then he started taking off his jacket. I paused, as he stripped off his undershirt to expose his skinny but strong mid-section.

  “Oh, stop,” I said, hoping that he wouldn’t.

  “You said ‘you first,' which means if I do it, you’ll do it. Right?”

  “There’s no gu
arantee that I’ll go through with it,” I said.

  “This is our one night that we get to be crazy, together. I already know what you look like naked. Let’s have some fun!”

  That was it; he was right. It helped that he was super cute while he tried to slide his pants over his skates.

  I kicked off my skates and started prying off my clothes. The air made me shiver for warmth, but I couldn’t imagine this ever happening again.

  I peeled off all my layers until I was standing at the precipice of the ice in nothing but my panties and bra. He had already stripped off his boxers, and I could see he was enjoying this even though it was freezing.

  “I bet I’m better at this than you,” he said, jokingly, “maybe I’ll stay on my feet in the end.”

  I rolled my eyes and stripped off the last of my clothing. It was a trial by fire as my heart shot into my throat from the cold. It didn’t seem to faze him in the slightest as he started skating around, coming to a stop in front of me.

  I reached out for help off the ground after I put on my skates and he was more than willing to do so.

  I pulled up and into his arms, but didn’t pull away just yet. His heat felt good against my skin. I felt a good time to take a chance. I craned my neck up getting my lips closer to his.

  It seemed he was waiting for this as he hungrily accepted me and returned the kiss in kind. My chest began to get flush and got a rush of excitement up and down all my limbs as we kissed.

  I could feel his member rubbing against my bare stomach; it was growing. I wanted to be naughty, and I think he could tell.

  He reached a hand down and grabbed my freezing behind. I welcomed the warmth of his hand and raised my leg to his waist to try to absorb as much of him as I could. Raising my leg shifted his position, and now his sex was rubbing against my own.

  I could feel myself throbbing with passion, and I could hear my own heart beating in my ears. I stopped minding the cold altogether.

  I reached a hand down to stroke his shaft as he reached a finger down and started to swirl around my clit. I let out a panting moan, and he twirled his finger around.

  He began to skate backwards, and I fell into him, letting him take the lead as we skated to the edge of the pond. He sat himself upon his bundle of clothing and invited me to join.


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