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Kinky Girls Do ~ Bundle Two

Page 3

by Michelle Houston


  Arianna leaned against the counter and pursed her lips. Tracing the pouting lines with a layer of gloss, she pressed them together and leaned back. Finally satisfied at her appearance, she headed towards the basement where her husband waited for their newest game. Although she knew her part, she wasn’t quite certain what awaited her.

  Hurrying down the carpeted steps, she opened the door and stepped into a mock classroom.

  “So nice of you to join us Ms. Bradford. Have a seat so we can get started.”

  Swaying her hips subtly, Arianna crossed the room and took the only seat available. Her pleated skirt barely covered her cheeks, and the tops of her thighs touched the cold wood of her desk chair, causing her to gasp as she sat down.

  “Now class, last night’s homework was to study the scientific method. Let’s see who studied and who didn’t.” Moving to the chalkboard, he wrote a big number one.

  “The first step is? Anyone? Anyone?”

  Arianna slouched down in her seat, struggling to remember her old high school science. She knew what was coming, Neil had told her all about his fantasy.

  “Ms. Bradford, how about you. What’s the first stage of the scientific method?”

  Blushing, Arianna stuttered, “Um sir, I don’t know.”

  “Didn’t you do your homework last night?”

  Sliding further down into her chair, Arianna shook her head. As Neil turned and walked behind his desk, she could feel her pussy quivering with anticipation. This was it; this was the beginning of the fantasy.

  “Come here Ms. Bradford. Class, the rest of you are dismissed.” Grinning since no one else was actually in the room, Arianna almost giggled at his words until she saw what he pulled from his desk drawer. Twelve inches long, the paddle reminded her of ones in books about corporal punishment, back when that was allowed in schools. Reaching into his desk drawer again, he pulled out a wooden ruler. Soon a switch and a belt joined the pile on his desk.

  Stepping around to the side of his desk, he waited, his hand caressing the leather of his belt.

  “Um, Nnn, um sir, I,” she whispered, hesitating a few steps away. Uncertainty warred with need.

  “Now, Ms. Bradford,” he barked, stepping to the edge of his desk.

  She gasped as he pushed her down over it.

  “I’m tired of your lack of attention to your school work. Your parents pay good money for your education, and you’re throwing it all away.”

  Keeping his hand in the small of her back, he pushed down harder, the hard wood of the desk digging into her tender breasts. Nipples erect with desire, Arianna wiggled slightly trying to ease the pressure.

  “I think it is time for us to go over last night’s lesson. The first stage of the scientific method is identifying the problem.” He paused.

  Arianna caught her breath in anticipation.

  “Now, as I see it, we have two problems: How to make learning fun, and how to punish you for not doing as you are told.”

  His hand on her back, he flipped the tiny skirt up, baring her milky white cheeks, with a thong string between them. Pulling it away from her flesh, he snapped the thong bikini’s string and slipped the torn material from her body.

  “You can’t do this to me.”

  Neil responded by pressing down harder against her back. Raising his other hand, he smacked Arianna’s tender ass, a red handprint springing to life.

  “Ouch! You can’t do this!” she squealed.

  “Mmmm, yes I can. You see Ms. Bradford, you parents are fed up with your antics; staying out late with boys, skipping classes, failing grades. They’ve given me leave to do as I will to improve your learning. Now, repeat after me, the first stage is to identify the problem.”

  Pressing her lips together, Arianna refused to say what he ordered. Several moments passed in silence.


  “Ouch!” Arianna wailed. Clenching her legs together, she struggled to focus on the pain and not the delicious tingle working its way throughout her body. She needed this. She needed to give Neil their fantasy, to prolong every naughty moment.

  “Say it.”


  Again his hand smacked her flesh, rosy with his attention.

  Moaning softly, she whispered what he demanded.

  “Good. Now, the second stage is to hypothesize the result. The problem as stated is your lack of attention to schoolwork. I hypothesize that by the time we’re done here today, I will have found a way to focus your attention on your lessons.

  “Now Ms. Bradford, I think for our second stage a belt is appropriate.”

  She could see out of the corner of her eye as Neil grasped the smooth leather, gripping the buckle in his fist. Snapping it lightly in the air, he snapped it again, this time blazing a fiery path on Arianna’s bottom.

  “Ow, shit!” she yelped.

  “Such language will not be tolerated.” Snapping the belt again, he crisscrossed his earlier line, creating a stinging x across her ass.

  “Ohhh, sorry sir,” she whimpered. Her pussy clenched with the need for his cock, but still she held back. Her ass already on fire, she couldn’t imagine it getting any better.

  “Repeat the second stage.”

  “To form a hypothesis, sir.”

  Gently he stroked his hand over her cheeks, with his other hand pressed firmly against her spine. “Good. The third stage is to create a procedure, a plan of action, and to experiment. Just like now I plan to experiment with the paddle. I think you’ll like this one, Ms. Bradford. It will cover so much territory and make it hurt all that much more.”

  She turned her head and watched as he set the belt aside, and firmly grasped the paddle. She could hear a faint whistle of air followed by a solid crack as it connected with her ass. The dull thud of it hitting her flesh was misleading, giving the impression that it wasn't going to hurt. Arianna relaxed as the paddle pulled away, only to have an intense spark of pain radiate throughout her cheeks as the delayed reaction kicked in. Her ass-ring clenched in anticipation as Neil swung again. This time, she was prepared for the exquisite pleasure-pain the paddle wrought.

  “Ohhh,” she whimpered, her juices trickling down her inner thighs, adding a glossy sheen to her creamy skin.

  “Yes Ms. Bradford, I think that was lovely too. Now say it.”

  “Plan and experiment.”

  “Good. Now for stage four.” Again he selected another object to experiment with. “Let’s try the switch this time. This might sting a little more Ms. Bradford, but remember this is for your own good. Four is to organize and analyze your data.”

  With a hollow whistle, the switch landed against her ass.

  “OUCH!” she gasped. Wiggling, she struggled to move out from under his hand.

  “We must always try something more than once before we decide that we don’t like it.” Neil rained a light blow to her pussy. "Sometimes we have to repeat our experiment before we can move on to step five."

  Arianna sucked in a quick breath at the unexpected contact. “Sometimes Ms. Bradford, things don’t always go as planned. Now I think that was unexpected. Let’s try it again, shall we?”

  Another hollow whistle and the switch landed against her pouting nether lips.

  “Ummm,” she whimpered, her hips arching back for more.

  “Interesting. Definitely unexpected, Ms. Bradford. Stage four is all about our data, analyzing it. But since I’m busy, you’ll have to do it for me. What have we observed so far?”

  Fighting the urge to beg for his cock, Arianna struggled to put to words what he wanted.

  “Stage one is to identify the problem.”

  “No, no, no,” Neil returned, tapping her pussy lightly with each word. “Don’t tell me the stages; tell me the results of our experiment.”

  “Oh, um,” pausing to lick her lips, Arianna began again, “I um, liked the paddle and your hand, but the belt hurt. The switch is nice against my pussy, but not my ass, and there is on
e more stage to go, as well as one more object to experiment with, sir.”

  “Very good Ms. Bradford, I think you are learning quickly. After our lesson, we’ll have to see about some extra credit work to make up on your lost assignments. I think you could easily become an A student.”

  She trembled as he gently stroked his hand over her ass. “The last stage is to draw a conclusion and communicate our results. So, let’s draw our conclusion, shall we?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, breathless with anticipation. She knew what was coming–the wooden ruler, the last object to try. As for his other plans, he had better intend to fuck me senseless soon, she thought.

  “Now, what’s the last stage?”

  “The conclusion, sir.”

  “Very good.” A sharp whistle followed by a delicious sting. Gasping, Arianna trembled. Her spine arched, his hand unconsciously popping her back.

  Again he smacked the ruler against her ass. A zing of pleasure accompanied the swat, racing from her pussy to her nipples.

  “Oh yesss,” she moaned. Collapsing against the desk, she enjoyed the rapture of his remaining three swats.

  She knew by now her cheeks must be a bright shade of red. She resisted the urge to step out of character and rush to the bathroom to see them firsthand. She had a feeling they looked delicious against her creamy skin.

  “Yes Ms. Bradford, I think this has gone very well.” Removing his hand, Neil moved over to his chair and collapsed in it. Quickly unzipping his slacks, he pulled his cock free. Arianna almost wept in relief; he was finally ready to fuck. She was more than ready, had been from the first smack of his hand.

  “Come here Ms. Bradford. I want to examine the result of our experiment, to make sure all of the variables have been sampled.”

  Her legs trembling, Arianna stood up and slowly moved around the desk. She had a very good idea what a newborn foal felt like, trying to take its first steps. Every flex of her ass as she walked rekindled a trail of fiery pain along her cheeks.

  Standing before him, Arianna bent over, baring her ass and, indirectly, her dripping pussy to his view. Neil slipped a finger between her wet lips. Arianna could feel her juices leaking down her thighs. She couldn’t believe she held out as long as she had; every nerve in her body was screaming for more.

  She moaned and swished her hips as she sought to drive his thrusting finger deeper.

  “Uh uh, Ms. Bradford, I have other plans for you. Open my desk drawer.”

  Regretfully, Arianna pulled away from his finger and stood up. Sliding the drawer open, she saw only one remaining object, a plastic graduated cylinder with the base filed down so that it was as smooth and rounded as the bottom of a test tube.

  Cocking an eyebrow at him, Arianna asked a silent question. “That’s right Ms. Bradford, pick it up and hand it to me.”

  Tentatively, she clasped the 100ml tube, her hand trembling from excitement. This was beyond what she had ever imagined, yet it felt right and deliciously kinky all at once.

  “Give it to me,” he demanded again, steel lacing his words. Looking down at his cock, Arianna could see why. His head was a deep angry red, about the color she imagined her ass to be.

  Placing the cylinder in his hand, she waited for his next command. It wasn’t long in coming. “Hop onto the desk. That’s good. Now part your legs for me. Yes, such a good pupil now aren’t you? I think I’ve discovered the secret. Be a good girl and part those pretty pussy lips for me. I need to test one more thing before my conclusion will be complete, and the extra credit will do you good.”

  Bracing her weight on her arms, Arianna half reclined, half sat on the desk, her legs dangling from the edge. Her pussy was spread before Neil, smooth shaven and glistening with her arousal.

  Gripping the cylinder so tightly his knuckles showed white, Neil pressed the rounded tip against her opening and lightly pushed. With a wet pop, it slipped in. Thrusting halfway in, he stroked his cock with his other hand as Arianna collapsed onto the desk, watching his fist work up and down his hard length.

  Whimpering and arching into the mock dildo, she ground against his palm, sweet release within her grasp. She barely registered him pressing a finger against her ass-ring, or it slipping inside. Her insides turned to jello as Neil subtly lubed her ass, while thrusting the pseudo-dildo in and out of her pussy, teasing her by changing the pace, the raised lines that marked each measurement scraping against her slick inner walls. Sweet anticipation flooded her pussy with each thrust and retreat.

  Curling her nails into her palms, Arianna felt tears of frustration spring to her eyes.

  “Oh yes, sir,” she begged, “please? I promise to do better, to listen in class and to do my homework. Please sir?”

  After pulling the cylinder from her quivering pussy, he quickly pressed it against her ass-ring and pushed. Wet with her juices and her bodies’ lubrication, it slipped in with little resistance and the ridges along the side caused it to stay.

  Panting with lust, Arianna pleaded for him to fuck her.

  “Come here Ms. Bradford, it’s time for that extra special credit.” The graduated cylinder sticking obscenely from her ass, Arianna climbed off the desk and straddled his lap, his cock rubbing against her pussy in a sinfully delicious way.

  “That’s it Ms. Bradford, slide down on my cock like a good girl.”

  While impaling herself on his cock, Arianna reached behind her and manipulated the cylinder in and out of her ass as she bounced up and down on his lap. The chair creaked under the weight and force of their motions, but she didn't care and doubted that Neil did either. They were lost in a world of fantasy and passion, of classroom discipline and the taboo. He was the teacher, she the student and physics was irrelevant to them both.

  All that mattered was the steady thrust of his cock within her forbidden pussy.

  “Yes Ms. Bradford,” Neil groaned, his voice tight, “fuck my cock like the naughty girl you are. Tell me, I have to know; what was so important last night that you didn’t do your homework?”

  Her pussy quivering with need, Arianna gasped as the first ripples of her orgasm built.

  “I was sucking my boyfriend off,” she panted, “letting him come all over my breasts and face. Then, oh god sir, yes like that, oh yeah then I let him eat my pussy until I came.”

  Arianna clenched her inner muscles tight as Neil jerked within her, his orgasm a catalyst to her own. Squealing her delight at the sticky warmth that invaded her body, Arianna orgasmed. Her body limp, she collapsed against his chest, and rocked slowly up and down, her body unconsciously driving towards another, smaller orgasm.

  As she quivered with the lingering traces of euphoria, Neil reached down and slipped the pseudo-dildo from her tender ass.

  “Mmmm, so tell me Neil, what conclusion did you reach?”

  Chuckling, he wrapped his arms around her and cuddled her against his chest.

  “Well Arianna I think you liked it. Makes me wonder about another fantasy of mine. See, there is this patient that comes to me. She’s about to get married and needs her prenuptial check up. I of course, being the concerned doctor …”

  * * *


  Lydia pulled the top off her third pint of Ben & Jerry's, and dug her spoon in. Licking the delicious chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream from the underside of the spoon, she slid it into her mouth and moaned softly. Although she wasn't feeling much better, the sugar rush was helping some. She hated feeling depressed on her birthday. Depressed, and dumped only made it that much worse.

  A hard pounding on her front door drew her attention away from her comfort food. She sat there and listened to the sound of a fist hitting wood, completely unwilling to get up and see who it was.

  "Lydia, open the door, dammit!"

  Oh great, just what I need. Good guy Shawn coming to my rescue. Shawn, who I have been lusting over since before I started dating Smucko, she thought to herself, before hollering "Go away!"

  "Not until I make sur
e that you're all right."

  Grimacing, she set down her ice cream and headed to the door. She paused along the way to pull her robe on over her pajamas. Unlocking it, she swung it open and confronted her unwanted visitor. "I'm alive. You happy now?"

  "Nope." Typical of his take charge behavior, Shawn shouldered past her into the living room. Lydia watched in shock as he plopped down onto her sofa and picked up her ice cream. "Cookie dough. My favorite."

  It was him dipping her spoon into her ice cream that drew Lydia out of her stupor. "That's mine!" she snarled as she yanked it from his hands. Shawn let the ice cream go, only to clasp her hips in his large hands and pull her into his lap.

  "There, now that I've got your attention, tell me what happened."

  Lydia struggled to get up, but weakened by a day of crying and heartache, she soon gave up and settled into the warmth and comfort her friend offered. "He broke up with me."

  "I know that part. He told me at the gym. When he told me that he left you crying, and laughed about it, I hit him."

  "He laughed about it?" If anything, it made her feel worse. Struggling to hold back the fresh tears, she scooped another spoonful of ice cream up and licked it off the spoon.

  "Sorry, I shouldn't have told you that." Shawn pulled the ice cream from her hands and set it aside before he continued. "It made him feel like a big man or something. Although all of the guys were fairly pissed at him, and I know if I hadn't, several of them would have hit him themselves."

  "I'm glad you hit him," she mumbled against his chest as she burrowed into his warmth. Although her relationship has just ended, it wasn't the fact that it was over that hurt; it was how much she had misjudged her ex. She knew she would get over him, but wasn't sure how long it would take her to trust a new guy.

  "So, what happened?"

  Shawn's warm hand clasped the back of her neck, tipping her head to the side, and then he ran his fingers through her hair. She wanted to melt into him, it felt so good.

  "We had a fight. He called me a sexual deviant and he wanted nothing to do with me."


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