The Alpha's Heart: Lost Omegas Book Five: A M/M Shifter Romance

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The Alpha's Heart: Lost Omegas Book Five: A M/M Shifter Romance Page 1

by Claire Cullen

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Author's Note


  Title Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Author's Note

  The Alpha’s Heart

  By Claire Cullen

  Copyright © 2017 by Claire Cullen

  All Rights Reserved

  Chapter One

  Luke's first hint that something was different was when Tobias set a plate of food onto the floor next to him and didn’t leave the room. He hadn’t eaten in days and was too busy stuffing the food into his mouth to notice Tobias’ presence straight away.

  “It’s time,” the man announced and Luke looked up. He knew better than to speak. “I have found you an Alpha. It’s high time you were mated. You leave tomorrow.”

  He left, the door shutting, throwing Luke back into semi-darkness. He chewed and swallowed, setting the rest of the bread down on the plate.

  So, this was it. Finally.

  He’d known this day was coming since Tobias had taken Adam. There’d been no warning then, nothing to tell them it was coming. Just Tobias dragging Adam out by his arm one morning and Adam never returning.

  Luke had continued to hope that Adam would come back, for so many days that he lost count. He’d even gotten up the courage to ask, earning himself a new set of welts for his obstinance. But time wore on and, gradually, he realized the truth. Adam was never coming back. Because Adam had an Alpha now.

  He forced himself to his feet and paced around the room. Tobias hadn’t let him out as much after Adam left. He hadn’t let him change much either. His wolf constantly itched beneath his skin. But he knew better than to disobey.

  Sleep didn’t come easily that night. He’d rarely been outside the four walls that made up his world and now he was leaving forever. The sun had barely inched above the horizon when Tobias returned. He was given a basin of cold water to wash up, and a set of patched up clothes, better than what he was wearing.

  He stripped, washed, and dressed. Tobias didn’t give him any shoes. Luke had never worn shoes. There was no food either but he hadn’t expected any more.

  Once he’d dressed, Tobias came back for him, bringing him outside into the cold light of day. There was a bite to the air and he wrapped his arms around himself as he shivered. Tobias opened a car door and pushed him inside, making him lie down in the back seat and covering him with a heavy blanket. It was smothering beneath it, the air close, and the blanket carried a musty smell that Luke couldn’t escape. But at least it was warm. He slept, eventually, despite the movement of the car that rocked him back and forth. They pulled to a sharp stop, knocking Luke against the back of the seat, jerking him awake.

  He heard a door opening as Tobias got out, his footsteps fading into the distance. Then voices, indistinct and unfamiliar. At length, footsteps returned and the door beside Luke's head opened. The blanket was pulled off and a rough hand grabbed him by the arm and pulled him from the car.

  Blinking at the bright sunlight, he tried to get his bearings. They were on a dirt road, trees closing in on either side of them. Three shifters were waiting for them, standing beside a dark car.

  Once he was on his feet, Tobias marched him over. “These men will take you to your new Alpha. Don’t give them any trouble, they know how to deal with that.”

  He shoved Luke, sending him stumbling towards them. One of them stepped forward, catching hold of him easily.

  “Cover his head,” Tobias called after them, “keep him calm for the journey.”

  Luke tried to turn, look back at him, but the shifter holding him put a hand on his head, holding him in place. Luke wanted to call after Tobias, beg him not to leave him with these strangers. But he was too afraid to speak and the sound of a car door opening and shutting was followed by the engine starting as Tobias drove away.

  The shifter holding him forced him into their car, pushing him into the backseat and climbing in next to him. Luke tried to dodge the shifter’s hand and escape his grip but the shifter was faster, hand catching hold of Luke’s neck and forcing his head down into the stranger's lap. When Luke struggled, the hand holding him tightened and something was pulled over his head, blocking out the light. He froze.

  The wolf laughed. “He’s like one of those birds that shut up when you cover their cage.”

  It was uncomfortable, the stranger’s scent surrounding him. It only got worse when the hand that wasn’t pinning his head ran down along his body.

  “Our cousin is one lucky bastard. This one’s quite the beauty. A little small, maybe. But Jerry likes them small. Easier to keep them under your thumb.”

  His hand settled on Luke’s lower back. He tried to squirm away, but the shifter tugged on his clothes, pulling him backward. His hand slipped lower and Luke went still.

  “What I wouldn’t give for a taste of you,” the shifter whispered.

  “Frank would have your head for that, Dominic. And Jerry would jump up and down on your body once you were dead.”

  The hand moved up to his lower back.

  “Yeah. Alphas have all the luck.”

  For the rest of the journey, the shifters talked about other things. There seemed to be a lot of concern about an attack by a group of warriors. Which made no sense to Luke. What little he knew about other wolves was that they lived in Packs. He’d never heard of groups of warrior wolves.

  They stopped and he was dragged out into some trees for a bathroom break before being escorted back to the car. This time Perry drove and Dominic sat next to him while the third wolf, Rick, sat in the back with him, a new set of firm hands holding him. At least these hands didn’t wander.

  When they finally stopped again and got him out, his arms and legs were stiff and sore. They were standing in front of a large house, full of noise and lights and people.

  The door swung open and an Alpha stood there, large, and fearsome. His mate?

  “Bring him inside,” the man said, turning and stepping back indoors.

  They led him in, the shifter holding him keeping a firm grip on his shoulder. Where did they thin
k Luke was going to go? He’d been waiting all his life for this moment, for the chance to meet his Alpha.

  He was brought into a room where the Alpha was waiting, his arms folded.

  “Did you check his mark?” he asked. The three shifters around him froze.

  “We… we didn’t. We paid that Tobias guy and he handed him over and… I mean, just look at him, there’s no way he’s not an Omega.”

  The Alpha leveled the speaker with a glare and then there were hands on the waistband of Luke’s pants, pushing them down to his knees.

  “Spread your legs,” Perry growled, kicking at his ankles. He did, ducking his head and closing his eyes so he wouldn’t have to see their stares.

  A hand touched his thigh and he clenched his fists, holding his body still.

  “Looks real enough to me,” Dominic commented.

  “Lucky for you,” the Alpha said. “Get him washed and dressed. I want him ready in time for tonight. Jeremy won’t be back until this evening.”

  He was led from the room.

  “You’ll be the nicest surprise any Alpha could ask for,” one of the shifters breathed in his ear. “But boy will you be sore tomorrow.” He emphasized his words with a sharp smack to Luke’s ass.

  “Hands off, Dominic. You know the score.” The other wolf tugged him from Dominic’s grip.

  A basin of lukewarm water was set in front of him. After he washed and dried off, they gave him a new pair of pants to wear, but nothing else. No underwear, no shirt, no socks. He was used to going without but the pants were uncomfortably tight on his skin. He’d never worn anything like them.

  Dominic whistled. “That wrapping leaves very little to the imagination. Jerry will know exactly what he’s getting tonight when he unwraps his present.

  There was a knock on the bedroom door before it opened, a young woman sticking her head in.

  “Good, he’s dressed. Frank wants me to get him ready.”

  “He is ready,” Dominic said, waving his hand toward Luke.

  “It’s not every day your Alpha son is mating an Omega. Frank wants him to look the part, wants him prepared.”

  “Then tell us what it is and we’ll handle it,” Dominic replied, folding his arms. “Getting him ‘prepared’ sounds like it could be fun,” he added, grinning as he looked Luke up and down.

  “I’d tell you to get your mind out of the gutter but I’m pretty sure it lives there permanently. Rick can stay, the rest of you clear out.”

  The other two looked like they were going to protest.

  “Out!” she shouted, one hand on her hip, her eyes flashing dangerously.

  Rolling his eyes, Dominic sauntered to the door, Perry trailing him.

  “Juvenile idiots,” the woman muttered under her breath.

  She had a box in her hands which she set down on a table with a mirror.

  “Come on over here,” she said with a wave.

  Luke hesitated.

  “Yes, you. Who else would I be talking to? Come on, we don’t have all day.”

  Rick’s hand landed on his shoulder and propelled him across the room and onto the chair next to the woman.

  “I’m Henrietta, Etta for short. Do you have a name, sweetheart?”

  It was the first time any of them had spoken to him so directly. She seemed kind, reminding him of Lacie. Tobias had stopped letting her see them after he learned she'd been teaching them to read. He often wondered what had happened to her. Tobias didn’t forgive easily and he didn’t forget.

  “Luke,” he said softly.

  “Luke,” she repeated back, nodding. “I like it. We don’t have another Luke here so Jerry probably won’t change it. Now, my job is to make you pretty for your new Alpha. A bit of kohl for your eyes, a bit of oil for your skin. You’re very pale, but there’s not much I can do about that right now, short of covering you in bronzer.” She smiled at him but he didn’t smile back. Her words made little sense to him.

  “Okay, I’ll get started. We have less than an hour before Jeremy gets home.”

  Her hands were gentle as they worked on him but it was hard to follow her instructions. He’d never had anyone or anything so close to his eyes. He worried she’d poke one out with the pencil she was holding. The oil was last, it smelled nice and he liked the way it glistened across his skin.

  When she’d finished, she showed him in a full-length mirror. He’d never seen himself so completely before. And even if he had, he was certain he’d never looked like this. His eyes stood out, wide and bright on his face and his skin shone, catching the light. He looked like something precious. Valuable.

  “Well, my work here is done. Rick, why don’t you get us some water while we wait for Jeremy’s arrival?”

  Rick left the room, leaving Luke alone with Etta.

  Her face, which had been all smiles while the other shifter was around, dropped into a frown once he’d left. She looked troubled, like Jason did when Tobias was in a temper.

  “You look young. How old are you, Luke?”

  Luke shrugged his shoulders. It wasn’t like Tobias ever marked their birthdays but they knew he kept count so he’d know when they were ready to be mated off.

  “Have you gone into heat yet?”

  Embarrassed at the frank question, he shook his head. “I’m ready to serve my Alpha,” he offered.

  “I know you are, sweetheart. But you need to be careful around Jerry. He’s got a temper. More than that, he’s cruel. For fun.”

  “I know how to obey,” he assured her, “and how to take correction.”

  Her face fell but it was a mismatch to her next words. “Jerry is going to love you. His own living doll to play with.”

  She fell silent abruptly, turning towards the door. It opened to reveal Rick. “Jerry’s early, only two minutes away. Frank wants the Omega in the main room.”

  She stood. “Come on, Luke,” she said brightly, a contrast to how she’d been only moments before. “Your Alpha is almost here. I’m sure you’re looking forward to meeting him.”

  In a way, Luke was. Tobias had told them often enough that an Omega’s life didn’t start until they were mated. This was the start of his life. Only moments away.

  Chapter Two

  The people around him parted, leaving him in full view of the Alpha who had just entered.

  “Happy Birthday, Jeremy. Your Omega.”

  The Alpha’s eyes raked across him from head to toe as he stalked towards Luke.

  Fingers trailed down Luke’s chest, then took hold of his pants and lowered them, exposing him to the room. The shifter knelt in front of him, hands on his thighs examining the Omega mark. Then Luke was spun around abruptly to face the wall. A harsh hand pushed his upper body forward, while fingers trailed along the small of his back where the oil had pooled. Those same fingers slipped between his cheeks.

  “He’s untouched?” Jeremy asked, one finger pressing against Luke, Jeremy’s other hand closing hard around his hip when Luke jerked forward.

  “Completely,” Frank answered. “Raised in isolation, according to the old Asenan doctrines. His only purpose in life is to be mated by you.”

  The Alpha’s hands left him abruptly as he stood.

  “Thank you, Father. It is the best present I could have ever hoped for.”

  “Nothing is unobtainable when it comes to my children,” Frank replied.

  “Cover yourself, Omega,” Jeremy said over his shoulder. “We have a party to attend. Unless you’d rather spend the evening naked?”

  Luke reached down to grab his pants and tug them up to sit on his hips. For a moment, he had thought the Alpha was going to take him then and there and felt nothing but relief that he hadn’t.

  Was that right? Surely, his Alpha was everything? If he wanted to mate Luke right there in front of everyone, who was Luke to object? He was there for the Alpha’s pleasure. Nothing else mattered, not even the stares of all these people.

  He caught sight of Etta, hanging back near the edge of the
room. She had that unhappy look on her face again.

  His Alpha dragged him to a table, sat down in a chair and pulled Luke into his lap. The hours passed in discomfort. There was noise unlike any Luke had experienced; loud laughter, talking, jeering. The Alpha’s hands roamed his body, rough, and ignorant of Luke’s increasing discomfort.

  There was nothing about this that he enjoyed, not the noise, not the Alpha’s touch or his scent. There was food but he could only eat what the Alpha gave him. Jeremy was easily distracted and what little Luke did get to eat was so rich and flavored that it sat heavily in his stomach. Tobias had fed them little and what there was had always been plain, simple fare.

  The conversation turned to Luke again and they spoke as if he wasn’t there.

  “He looks a little small,” Perry, Jeremy's cousin, joked. “You might break him.”

  “Nah,” Jeremy said, trailing one finger along Luke’s lower back. “He’ll learn to take everything I have to give. My fingers, my cock, my fist. Isn’t that right, Omega?”

  Luke nodded obediently and the others around the table laughed. His Alpha hadn’t even asked his name.

  “And so what if I hurt him, tear him up a little. That’s what he’s for. He’ll heal.”

  They laughed again and Luke’s stomach lurched.

  The Alpha’s hands shoved him off his lap and Luke landed in a heap on the floor.

  “Clumsy guy, isn’t he?” Dominic joked.

  “Someone pick him up and put him in my room. I don’t want him tired out before I take him to bed.”

  A younger shifter stepped forward and helped Luke to his feet, leading him from the room. The sound of the Alpha’s laughter chased after him.

  The shifter brought him up a flight of stairs and to a door. He pushed Luke inside and closed it tightly behind him. He heard a key turning in the lock and then footsteps fading into the distance.

  The room was in darkness and he could make out little. Afraid to touch anything, he settled on the floor to wait for the Alpha to come to bed.

  The sounds from downstairs were audible through the floorboards. He lay down, pressing his head into the carpet. He could feel the vibrations from the singing and talking.


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