The Alpha's Heart: Lost Omegas Book Five: A M/M Shifter Romance

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The Alpha's Heart: Lost Omegas Book Five: A M/M Shifter Romance Page 2

by Claire Cullen

  While he waited, he worried. He wasn’t in heat. Tobias had told him that’s when the mating would happen but Jeremy didn’t seem like he was going to wait. The Alpha was right about one thing though. Luke would heal.

  The door opened some time later but Luke knew it wasn’t the Alpha, the footsteps too light, the scent not as unsettling.

  The light switched on. Etta stood above him.

  “Oh, Luke. What are you doing on the floor?”

  Sitting up, he drew his knees up and watched her. She looked uncomfortable.

  “Father has asked me to make sure you’re looking your best for Jeremy. I’ll fix your eyes, put some more of that oil on and make your skin shine. How about that, huh?”

  She tried to smile at him but when he didn’t respond, the smile faded.

  “Luke, I’m sorry. We’re not a nice family. My brother isn’t a kind person.”

  “Brother?” he asked.

  “Yeah, Jeremy is my older brother. Kyle is the eldest. Do… do you have family? Parents, brothers or sisters?”

  “I had a brother once. An Omega like me.”

  “Where is he now?”

  He shrugged. “Tobias sent him away, to be mated to his Alpha.”

  “And you don’t know where he went?”

  He shook his head.

  She held out her hand to him. “Come on, up you get. I have work to do.”

  This time, when she finished, she didn’t show him in the mirror.

  “They’ll be another hour or two down there. It’s only just gone midnight.”

  She paused by the door, turning back towards him.

  “The Pack east of here has an Omega too. He’s been there a few years. Seems very happy.” She glanced out into the corridor. “I think I’ll take the back stairs. They’re quieter this time of night.”

  And then she was gone, her light footsteps disappearing into the night. He barely noticed her leaving.

  Another Omega? Could it be his brother, could it be Adam?

  It was another minute before he realized he hadn’t heard the click of the lock. When he checked the door, it swung open beneath his hand. Had she meant to do that? What had she said, before she’d left? Something about the stairs. Quieter stairs. At the back. He had crossed the threshold before he’d thought it through, following Etta’s scent to a smaller staircase. He climbed down, still trailing her scent, until he found himself at a door that led outside. Listening carefully, all he could hear was the sound of people having a good time, the music and voices overshadowing all else. If he was ever going to slip away unnoticed, this would be it.

  Steeling himself, he inched open the door, a cold burst of air hitting him. As he crossed the threshold, he heard his Alpha in the distance, his laugh carrying through the house. Hurriedly, he closed the door behind him and made his way across the yard. There was a small fence, which he jumped easily, and beyond that, some distance away, trees. He ran as soon as he reached them, knowing he needed to put as much distance between himself and that house as he could. He tried to remember where the sun had been when they’d arrived. He thought this way was East, but he wasn’t sure.

  He’d been running flat out for a minute or two when he heard a howl in the distance. Was it them? Did they know he’d run? It spurred him on and he picked up his pace, ignoring how his lungs burned and his muscles ached. Adam was nearby. The one person in all the world he wanted to see.

  Chapter Three

  He’d been too slow. They caught him. He wasn’t sure how long he’d run for or how far. Miles and miles, it seemed, until he couldn’t feel the pain in his legs anymore, until each wheezing, burning breath seemed just like the last.

  Then someone had tackled him from the side, knocked him to the ground. And once he was down, there was no getting up. Until the hands on him dragged him to his feet.

  “What the hell?” a voice exclaimed.

  “Well, there’s something you don’t see every day. Certainly not in the middle of winter,” a second voice said.

  “What’ll we do with him?”

  “We can’t let him go. He’s seen us, knows we’re here. We’ll have to bring him in.” His wrists were caught and bound before hands turned him and began walking him across the forest. One wolf in front leading the way while the second walked behind Luke, holding him by the arms.

  “You have a hood or something? We’ll need to cover his head.”

  “I have a sack in the van. That’ll do.”

  For the third time that day, Luke found himself in a vehicle with his head covered. There were no seats in the back. Instead, he was sitting on a floor, jolting with each bump they hit.

  The men were quiet, little talk between them and none directed at Luke. His heartbeat filled the silence, hammering away as he came to terms with what he’d just done. He’d tried to run from his Alpha. The punishment for that was going to be worse than all his previous combined.

  They seemed to keep going for a long time. Longer even than he’d been running. When they finally pulled to a stop, he didn’t want to get out, curling his body up tightly. But the shifters were wise to that, strong hands lifting him and half-carrying him out of the back of the van.

  They entered a building that seemed dark and quiet, a contrast to the Alpha’s house he’d just left. His ears welcomed the silence. Would the Alpha be coming here, to him? Is this where they’d punish him?

  They stopped near a door and one of the shifters went in, the other staying outside with him.

  The door was ajar and he could hear voices talking in undertones.

  “From the direction he was running, the only place he could have come from was the Pack house. Barefoot, shirtless, done up like I don’t know what-”

  The door closed over and though he strained his ears, he couldn’t make out words from the murmurs he could hear through the walls.

  When the door opened again, they were ushered into the room. Luke was pushed to stand in the middle, while the two shifters who’d brought him stood between him and the door. There was one other in the room. An Alpha, stronger than the Alpha who'd been in the back of the van with him. But still not his Alpha.

  Three sets of eyes watched him and he shifted uncomfortably under their gazes.

  “Tell me your name, what Pack you’re from, and what you were doing running through the woods,” the Alpha said. Luke knew that tone well. Tobias used it when he wanted something and disobedience would not be tolerated. Not that he ever tolerated it. But those were the times that Luke and Adam would jump to whatever it was he wanted them to do. But not this time. He couldn’t. He hung his head instead, waiting to see what they’d do. His heart picked up the pace, beating impossibly fast in his chest.

  “Your name. Your Pack. What you were doing out in the woods,” the Alpha repeated, walking in a slow circle around Luke.

  He stopped right behind him, stepping closer. One finger ghosted across his shoulder and Luke scrunched his eyes closed, waiting, unable to stop the tremors running through his body.

  “What’s this?” the Alpha asked, his fingers brushing the near-healed welt from his last correction at Tobias’ hands.

  “Punishment,” he whispered.

  The Alpha circled back around so they were face to face. When he reached for Luke’s bound hands, he flinched out of reach, his breaths coming in pants. The Alpha stepped away, crossing to the other side of the room.

  “He’s freezing, bring him over to the fire,” he called over his shoulder.

  The shifter who had brought him inside herded him over to where the Alpha stood next to the fireplace. The Alpha leaned over the fire, stoking the flames with a poker. The tip of the metal glowed red.

  A terrible idea took root in Luke’s mind as he watched. This Alpha wasn’t from the Pack Luke had been given to. Maybe he wanted Luke for himself? But Luke wasn’t in heat so a mating mark wouldn’t hold, the skin could heal before his heat came. But a brand? It would take a long time before that mark of ownership faded.<
br />
  The Alpha said something, but Luke couldn’t hear it over the blood rushing in his ears. He’d made a terrible mistake. He should have stayed with the Alpha Tobias had given him to, taken what he was given, like Jeremy had said. He couldn’t take his eyes off the glowing red metal, even as the heat from the fire sent a bead of sweat running down his forehead to his nose. The poker was lifted from the fire and Luke could already imagine the searing heat, the pain, and the smell of burnt flesh. His vision swam and the hands on him were suddenly holding him up and he was being lowered to the floor.

  “If you tell me your name, I’ll take those bindings off your wrists,” James offered as he tried to coax more heat off the fire. The shifter’s skin had been ice cold to the touch, which was what you got after running practically naked through the woods in the middle of winter.

  He turned back to gauge the younger wolf’s response, only to see his wide-eyed gaze fixed on the poker held in his hand. Andrew cursed as the wolf’s legs went from under him. James tossed the poker back into the fire and went to help, lowering the shifter to the floor.

  “Grab a blanket from the other room,” he said to Andrew. “And a washcloth; soak it, wring it out,” he added to Graham, turning his attention to the barely conscious shifter lying on the floor.

  He made quick work of removing the rope from his wrists. Graham returned, handing him the cloth which he laid on the wolf’s forehead. He moved at the touch of the cool cloth, eyes becoming more alert until he caught sight of James. The young wolf blanched, blood draining from his face.

  “Don’t be afraid,” James tried. “No one’s going to hurt you.”

  The fire crackled and the shifter jumped, wide eyes seeking James’ hands, calming only when he found them empty.

  Tremors shook the wolf’s body as Andrew returned with a blanket, laying it across him. The shifter turned on his side, putting his back to the fire and to James, one hand grabbing a tight hold of the blanket. His eyes closed.

  “He’s in shock,” James said to no one in particular, tucking the blanket in behind him.

  “What is that on his chest?” Graham asked.

  “Scented oil,” James replied, getting to his feet. “Tonight was Jeremy’s birthday, wasn’t it? I’m thinking our friend here was the gift-wrapped surprise.”

  “Well, fuck,” Andrew said, catching the implication. “They found an Omega.”

  “And he found us,” James added. “It’s a funny old world. Graham, grab another blanket. We’ll keep him warm and let him sleep off the worst of it.”

  They left Graham to watch over their guest.

  “Any confirmation of our suspicions?” he asked Andrew.

  “Yes. Eagle Creek’s security has been wound right down. All the Gray Valley shifters they brought over have returned home. They’ve got a few extra patrols for the party but nothing like what we were seeing right after Raventree’s talks. Which explains how he got past them without being stopped.”

  “I’ve been speaking to their neighboring Packs. They are all on board for when we make our move.”

  Andrew shook his head. “I really never thought we’d get here. This has been a long time in the making.”

  “And the hardest part is yet to come.”

  Chapter Four

  When Luke opened his eyes, he found himself alone. The events of the previous day came back to him as he took in his appearance and surroundings. The fire had burnt down, just a few glowing embers and a whisper of heat coming from it. Wrapping the blanket tightly around his body, he made himself as small as possible and wished, for the thousandth time, that Adam was there. But he wasn’t, and Luke had run from his Alpha, and now these people had him and he wasn’t sure what they wanted other than the obvious.

  He didn’t move, because there was an Alpha and maybe he belonged to him now, and Luke had to show he could be obedient. Running from Jeremy marked him as anything but. If Jeremy got him back, he’d have to show Luke his place. If this Alpha decided to claim him, he’d have to do the same.

  The door opened, the Alpha returning.

  “Here, I brought you some-” Two steps into the room, the Alpha paused, eyes locked on Luke where he sat on the floor. “Some breakfast,” he finished, taking another measured step towards Luke before setting a plate and cup on the floor. Luke hoped he would leave then, but instead he walked to the window and stood looking out.

  Luke was sure it was a trick. Tobias would never feed them after they’d disobeyed. He spent a few moments considering the plate and cup before deciding it wasn’t worth the risk.

  “My name is James.”

  The words surprised Luke. When he glanced over, the Alpha was standing with his back to the window, leaning against the sill.

  “Usually, this is the point where you tell me your name.”

  When Luke didn’t speak, the Alpha nodded slowly, looking down for a moment before his eyes found Luke’s again.

  “Yeah. I know what it’s like to be scared to trust someone with your name. We’re moving out in an hour. This place is just a way station. Where we’re going is more secure. And has the added benefit of heating and hot water. And proper, cooked food,” he added, indicating the paper plate he’d left on the floor.

  “You’ll need to come with us. For your own safety. Unless there’s somewhere or someone we could bring you to?”

  Luke thought about that. He couldn’t go back to Tobias, that was a sure way to end up back in Jeremy’s hands. And he didn’t know where Adam was. He didn’t even know the name of the Pack Etta was pointing him towards.

  “Okay,” the Alpha said, when the silence dragged on. “I’ll be back for you in a while. Try and eat something.”

  He left, shutting the door behind him.

  Luke waited until he was sure the Alpha was gone before scrambling across the floor to the food James had left. He wasn’t sure what it was, but it didn’t matter. He was starving, chewing and swallowing the food without tasting it, then gulping down the water. He regretted his hurry as he savored the last drops of water on his tongue. But better to be fast and full than slow and hungry.

  As he sat on the floor waiting for the Alpha to return, the sound of birds drew him to the window. It was bright outside, the ground shiny with frost. It was nice to get to look at something that wasn’t the four walls of his room. There had been windows, but they were small and high up. Too high for Luke or Adam to see out of.

  The Alpha returned, seeming pleased by the empty plate and cup. “Time to go,” he said, nodding his head towards the door.

  James let him visit the bathroom before he left. The cracked mirror didn’t give him much of a view and his attempt to wash off the dried oil with his hands and cold water was next to useless.

  The Alpha took note of the red marks on his skin when he stepped out. “Here,” James held out a piece of dark clothing, “put this on.”

  It was a long-sleeved sweatshirt with a hood. Luke wasted no time slipping it over his head. The material was soft against his skin, much more so than the clothes Tobias made them wear. It was a dark blue as well. A color he’d never worn before. He smoothed his hands down along the material, liking how it felt, how it looked.

  “It’s a little big on you but it’s better than a blanket. And it makes you less conspicuous. Good thing too, Eagle Creek have got search parties out trying to track you down.”

  Of course they were looking for him. He peered anxiously at the Alpha. How soon would he be back in Jeremy’s hands? In his bed?

  “Don’t worry. We’re good at keeping off their radar. But pull that hood up, cover your head.”

  Luke knew what was expected by now, pulling the hood over his head and down to cover his eyes. He offered his hands up, wrists together, for James to bind them.

  The Alpha’s large hands closed over his wrists, warmth seeping from them into Luke’s chilled skin.

  “You sure know the drill, don't you? That’s okay, I think we can do without the restraints. Unless yo
u’re planning to run? Huh?”

  The Alpha let go of his arms, his fingers pulling up the hood covering Luke’s eyes.

  Luke ducked his gaze, shaking his head. The only place he wanted to run was to Adam but he no longer knew where that was.

  The Alpha smiled and let him go and Luke pulled the hood back down over his face.

  James’ hands were back an instant later, pushing the hood back up, confusion in his eyes.

  “Uh-uh. No restraints, no blindfold. The hood is just to keep you warm and make it harder for you to be noticed, that’s all.”

  His hand lingered for a moment on Luke’s head, warm and firm.

  “Wait here a minute and I’ll see if we’re ready to load up the car.”

  James went out towards the front of the house. Luke heard voices as he spoke to the other men.

  “Everything okay, James?”

  “I don’t know. He still won’t give me a name. I get the sense he’s been very conditioned. He offered me his hands so I could bind them, pulled his hood down over his eyes to cover them.”

  “Do you think he might be-” one of the others started to ask.

  James interrupted. “He might. But this isn’t the time or place to ask those questions, he’s spooked enough as it is. Let’s get him somewhere more secure first.”

  The Alpha returned, gesturing for Luke to follow him. Outside it was cold, and he shivered as they walked to the car. They hadn’t bound his arms or blindfolded him. Did that mean they’d put him in the trunk? It didn’t sound like fun but he’d had worse.

  When they walked outside, James saw how the Omega’s eyes were drawn to the trunk of the car, looking from it to James with trepidation. He couldn’t think… but if they were right about where he came from, then being put into the trunk of a car wasn’t much of a stretch.

  “Come on, you can sit in the back with me,” he said, opening the door, gesturing the young wolf in. He climbed in without comment and James shut the door, leaning against it for a moment as he regarded the young wolf through the window.


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