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Her Dom's Lesson (Dominic Powers Book 2)

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by A. D. Justice

  If I lose Dom, I don’t know if I can recover from it. He has become everything I thought no one would ever be. He is good, kind, and loving. He cared about me, and my safety, before he even really knew me. He moved me out of that awful apartment in the gang territory without a second thought. He’s taken me in, shown patience and understanding, and has given more love than anyone I’ve ever known.

  Rising from my desk on shaky legs, I slowly walk down the corridor toward his office. Realizing it’s now or never, I have to tell him everything before Harrison calls him first. Knowing that bastard, he would do it just to spite me. As I approach, I hear Tucker and Shadow talking with Dominic but someone steps into the office with them before I reach his door.

  It’s Cheryl, our corporate lawyer, and suddenly a terrible dread settles over me. Grabbing the wall to keep from falling, I take unsteady steps, painstakingly slow, but I know that this is bad. Something tells me it involves Harrison and that’s why he called me at work. I silently pray with every step I take, Please let it be about something else. I chant this over and over as I approach his door, but there’s no doubt in my mind that it’s about me.

  As I reach the door, I hear Cheryl describing a sexual harassment lawsuit against Dominic. Her voice is direct as she explains, “This is very serious, Dominic. Those papers name all the employees who have seen and heard inappropriate comments and behavior from you toward Miss Vasco.”

  The air has just been sucked out of my lungs and I’m incapable of taking another breath. So this is Harrison’s next attempt to destroy Dominic, but it also destroys my relationship with him in the process. I haven’t given him enough credit at all. Even if he speaks as though he’s ignorant, he is apparently very clever when it comes to sticking a knife in someone’s back.

  Cheryl takes a step into Dominic’s office and suddenly I’m in the limelight. All eyes are burning through me, like I’m a rodent to be destroyed and removed from their sight. Dominic gets up from his desk, his muscular body moving toward me with confidence and purpose. His normally warm blue eyes have taken on an icy glare. I try to speak to him as he approaches the doorway, but his murderous look slaps me across the face and renders me mute.

  Then he slams the door in my face and I know, without a doubt, Harrison has beaten me to the punch. I’ve done too little too late. I should’ve told Dominic a long time ago but it never felt like the right time. In hindsight, there really isn’t a good time to tell someone that you were sent there to help destroy him. To make him fall for you so that it would be easier to betray him. To pretend to be his submissive only to prove that he’s not really a Dom.

  But he is–he’s my Dom.

  I can’t catch my breath and I immediately begin hyperventilating. Dana knows what’s happening since she heard Cheryl’s report, but she comes to my aid anyway. She helps me sit down and talks calmly and soothingly to me until I’m able to focus my vision and control my breathing again. When I look at her, I expect to see hatred and disapproval, but instead I see sympathy and understanding.

  “You will have to give him some time, Sophia. He won’t be capable of listening to any explanation you have right now,” Dana says, as if she knows everything. “In time, he’ll hear you out. After that, you’ll have to respect his decision, regardless of what it is.”

  All I can do is nod in agreement. She’s right–there’s no way he’ll listen to me right now. With the cold, angry look he just gave me, there’s really no way he’ll listen to my side of the story any time soon.

  Chapter Two

  The worst day of my life happened nearly three weeks ago today. It was my own private D-Day, Dom-Day, when I lost my Dom. I haven’t seen him since he slammed his office door shut in my face. He is forever etched in my mind and my heart. His muscular build, mixed with his stunningly handsome face, haunts me in my dreams. His blue eyes darken with lust and lighten with laughter. The tattoos that adorn his chest and arm are made of intricate patterns, colors, and shapes. His sexy, smug smile and loving murmurs echo in my mind. My god, my chest physically hurts from the loss I feel.

  Cheryl moved my office to another floor so I haven’t even been able to accidentally run into him. I overheard a couple of the department heads talking earlier and they said he had taken an extended vacation after all he’s been through, with the wreck and then the house fire.

  They didn’t know I was standing there, eavesdropping, trying to garner any possible morsel of information about him. Thankfully, they didn’t say anything about his absence being my fault. The gag order is apparently working very well since most of the employees haven’t treated me any differently. There are obviously a few who know and I feel their judging, penetrating stares even when they smile and try to act normal.

  “No, Dominic had a two-week Caribbean vacation planned. He’s back from vacation now,” Darren says into the phone. “He’s not in the office, Rich. He’s on location in Tennessee this week and will be back next week.”

  My heart is racing and I feel faint. Grabbing onto the doorframe, I steady myself and listen to Darren in this one-sided conversation. “No, Rich, I don’t think he will agree to another week away in San Diego so soon. What can I do for you?”

  Knowing that Darren will be on the phone for a while with Rich, I retreat back to the solitude of my new office. Sitting in my office alone has become somewhat of a new pastime for me. I still handle all of my work and as much of Dom’s work as I can without stirring suspicion, but nothing fully takes my mind off my man. The same thoughts are constantly flowing through my mind and they’re driving me insane. Dropping my head into my hands, I squeeze my eyes shut and try to block them out, but just like every other time, it doesn’t work.

  Is it really over between us?

  Did he stop loving me?

  Will I never touch his face again?

  What will I do if I’ve lost him forever?

  “Sophia, did you hear me?” a male voice booms from my door.

  Quickly jerking my head up, I realize it probably appeared as if I was asleep on the job and I slump down into my chair even more. “No, Darren, I’m sorry. My head is killing me. What did you say?”

  His eyes soften and his voice changes to reflect his empathy for me, and my obvious pain. “I’m sorry, Sophia. I didn’t mean to shout and make it worse.”

  “You didn’t,” I reply warmly. “What can I do for you, Darren?”

  “Rich Daltry with D-Force Games called. That man is impossible. I don’t know how Dominic deals with him,” Darren rambles. “Anyway, can you pull this contract and double check the language we included regarding last minute changes?”

  “Sure, Darren. I’m certain of what was included, but I’ll double check it anyway and get it right back to you.”

  “No rush,” Darren laughs. “Let him stew until tomorrow. I’m not calling him back today.”

  Giving Darren a small smile and nod before he leaves, I can’t help but compare him to my Dom. Where Darren wants nothing to do with the negotiation and the argumentative side of this business, Dominic thrives on it and readily accepts the challenge. The differences in their personalities couldn’t be more apparent, but they do complement each other very well. Just the mere thought of Dom in contract negotiations brings back memories of our trip to San Diego, when everything between us started.

  The pain is so intense that it feels like my chest will split in two. I raise my hand to cover my chest like that will help ease the pain in some way. My desperation is at the breaking point and my hand reaches for the phone receiver. It’s become a physical need and a compulsion–I have to hear his voice just one more time. It’s been so long and it’s killing me.

  I can’t say goodbye. No matter how wrong I’ve been in all of this. I can’t let him go without fighting with everything in me. Dominic is everything I’ve always wanted, nothing I’ve ever had, and the very man I never believed existed. No man in my life has ever been so good, so kind, and so loving to me. He gave me all of him and I took
it. I just took it from him and I hurt him, I hurt myself, and I lost the only man I will ever love.

  Quickly dialing his cell phone number before I lose my nerve, I listen as it rings and pray that he answers, that he doesn’t answer, that it goes to voicemail, or that he just walks into my office and takes me away from all of this. My mind is so screwed up, I can’t think straight when it comes to him. The only thing I can focus on is work and that’s because I want him to be proud of me again.

  “Dominic Powers,” his rich voice answers.

  Caught in my inner turmoil, I forgot the phone was even still ringing. He’s really there – he answered my call. Then I realize that the only number that would’ve shown on his caller ID is the main exchange at DPS. He wouldn’t have any way of knowing it was me calling, and of course he would take a call from his own company’s phone number.

  “Hello? Anyone there?” he asks, his voice slightly agitated at having to ask twice.

  Frantically trying to think of any reason to speak to him, my mind comes up completely blank. I have no valid reason for calling him, nothing that wouldn’t be completely transparent in my intentions. Then it hits me, I need to be completely transparent with him now. He needs to know how I feel and I need him to hear me out completely.

  Before I can speak, he sighs heavily, “Sophia? Is that you?”

  “Dominic, I need to talk to you,” I finally squeak out.

  “Is this about work?” he asks, but his voice doesn’t hold any hatred or disgust. That fact alone gives me hope.

  “Not exactly. I just need one chance to talk to you and tell you everything. I miss you so much, Dominic,” I blurt out before I can stop myself.

  “Miss Vasco. We are colleagues. That’s all,” he replies, his tone says there is no room for argument. He’s made up his mind and there’s nothing I can do to change it.

  “To be effective colleagues, there are some things that we need to discuss,” I rephrase my original message. Trying a different tactic may work, but in all honesty, all I’m feeling right now is desperation.

  “I will consult my attorney and get her guidance on the matter,” he replies dryly, shredding my heart all over again. “She may agree to it if she’s present.”

  “Anything, Dominic,” I agree. “Whatever you say, I will do.”

  There is complete silence for a full thirteen seconds. It is the longest thirteen seconds of my life. The only way I know he hasn’t hung up on me is because I can still hear the background noise. My fingers grip the phone receiver tightly, holding on for dear life and praying this is my life preserver, saving me before I sink into the black water below.

  “I wouldn’t count on it, Miss Vasco,” Dominic finally says. “Goodbye.”

  The line goes dead and I wish I were dead along with it. I have nothing now.

  Spending the rest of the day reviewing every word of the D-Force Games contract, I am confident in the soundness of the language. Rich Daltry is panicking and grasping for straws, but I copy the necessary sections, highlight the appropriate wording, and leave the paperwork on Darren’s desk. He’s already gone for the day, as are most of the others, but I just can’t bring myself to leave yet.

  Sitting alone in the executive condo is just not my idea of fun. I’m hiding from my life by working as much as possible. But, my life is the very man who owns this business and being here doesn’t help me forget him. There’s no way I can win. The pull to go to Dominic’s office is too strong for me to resist. Silently, I approach his door and turn the handle. It’s unlocked and dark inside, so I flip on the lights.

  His large, oak desk sits proudly in his office and it mocks me. So many memories of my Dom and me on that desk flood my mind and my heart. Tears escape my eyes even though I thought there was no way I could cry ever again. Wrapping my arms around me, I hug myself tightly and just let the tears roll and fall where they may. Sitting in his chair, I can still smell his manly Armani cologne and I curl up in a ball.

  It’s well past dark before I leave the office building. That’s fine with me since it gives me less time alone in the condo before I come back to work tomorrow. Making the drive back on autopilot, I’m pulling into my parking spot before I even realize I left the office parking lot. No radio, no music, nothing to distract me from this pain.

  Just as I reach my condo door, my cell phone starts ringing. My only hope is that it’s Dominic calling me back to tell me he’ll hear me out. I dig my phone out of my purse in a hurried frenzy and my heart drops when I see the name on my display.


  At first, I decide to ignore it but I know Harrison. He’ll just keep calling and calling until I answer. I’d rather get it over with now and have the rest of the night to be left alone. Hitting the green button, my voice is hollow as I answer.

  “What do you want?”

  “That’s no way to speak to your Sir, Sophia. You will be punished for that,” he threatens.

  I don’t care. But, I don’t respond and give him the satisfaction of threatening me again.

  “So, where’s Dominic?” Harrison asks, drawing out my Dom’s name in a mocking tone.

  “What do want with him, Harrison? I’ve already told you that I’m not helping you with anything ever again. I’m done. Find someone else to threaten.”

  “Oh, no, little girl, that’s not how it works. You signed the contract so you belong to me. I am your Sir,” Harrison taunts.

  “I’ve learned a thing or two about submissive contracts, Harrison, and that one is not a real contract,” I challenge him. “You are not a real Sir. You are not my Dom. Don’t call me again.”

  “You think your precious Dominic is just perfect, don’t you? I bet he fed you some bullshit line about my sister committing suicide, didn’t he? Said the police found a note. He’s lying, Sophia. He killed her and he’ll kill you, too, as soon as he gets the chance.”

  This is the story that Harrison has told me since I met him. It’s never changed from this version. Harrison is convinced that Dominic killed Carol Ann and he had convinced me of that at one point in time. He’s wanted revenge on Dominic for his sister’s death. But, Dominic says that Carol Ann committed suicide by jumping from their twenty-third floor balcony. Could Dominic really have killed her? I can’t believe that. Ever.

  “I read the suicide note, Harrison. It wasn’t a bullshit line,” I reply, but my words lack conviction.

  “Did the note say that she was committing suicide, Sophia? Did she write the words? Did she even say goodbye? She didn’t leave a note for our parents or for me! Do you know how hard that’s been on us for the past year and a half? We know she didn’t do it on purpose! We know he is to blame. But he covered it up with his money and his connections,” Harrison continues to try to persuade me.

  “I have proof that he did it, Sophia. I’m taking it to the police and he’ll be arrested when he gets back from his little trip. He will finally go down for what he did to my sister!” Harrison yells.

  “What proof?” I ask, sitting up straight and suddenly interested in what he has to say.

  “Like I’d tell you so you can run and tell him,” he sneers. “You need to come over and see it for yourself. Make up your own mind. But, you’ll see, Sophia. You’ll see that I’ve been telling the truth the whole time.”

  “I’m not coming over to your house, Harrison,” I refuse.

  “Okay. End up dead like Carol Ann, then. Who do you want me to notify to come identify your body?”

  Sighing my resignation, “Fine, Harrison. I will come by and see your so-called proof. Then I’m leaving and you will leave me alone.”

  “Whatever,” he replies with contempt. “Just be here tomorrow night at nine o’clock after I get off from work.”

  “I mean it, Harrison. After this, you have to leave me alone.”

  “Yeah, you said that,” he snaps before hanging up on me.

  I’ve been on autopilot at work again today. My mind knows I have to find a way out of this funk, b
ut there’s nothing to make me happy. I somehow make it through the hum-drum day that has become my existence and I’m on my way back to my condo before I remember that I’m supposed to go to Harrison’s house tonight. Groaning in frustration and exasperation, my mind wages an inner war on whether I should go. At the last minute, I decide to get it over with and hold him to his word to never bother me again.

  He calls for me to enter when I knock on his door and I walk through the darkened house to find him. “Harrison?” I call out into the blackness.

  “In here,” his muffled voice calls from the bedroom.

  I approach cautiously, obviously not trusting him as far as I can throw him. When I enter his room, I feel his arms encircle me from behind, the awful stench of his breath flows across my cheek as his puts his mouth close to my ear.

  “It’s about time you got here, little girl,” he scoffs. “You’ve kept me waiting long enough.”

  The stale stench of cigarettes and whiskey permeate his breath and I have to consciously stop my gag reflex from taking over. Twisting and turning, I try my damnedest to break free from his grip but he just keeps squeezing tighter. The panic starts welling up deep inside my chest. I know what’s coming next. He’s going to tie me up and do whatever he wants to me. The very thought of him touching me makes me sick to my stomach.

  “Don’t you worry, sweetheart,” he jeers. “Ol’ Harrison has plenty for you. I need to finish up with her first,” he inclines his head towards the bed.

  In the darkness, I can just barely make out a figure lying on the bed. My stomach roils and I have to consciously fight back the urge to vomit. There’s another woman in his bed. She’s tied up and has a ball-gag in her mouth. I can’t see her face very well since my eyes haven’t adjusted to the dim light yet, but from her frequent sniffles, I know she’s crying.

  Harrison suddenly jerks me up in the air and I wildly kick my legs, trying to come into contact with any important part of his anatomy. He’s so strong, and I’m so weak from not eating, that I’m no match for him at all. He deposits me into a chair that’s directly in front of the bed and he slaps me hard across the face. It temporarily stuns me as he straps me in so tightly that I can’t move at all. The taste of coppery blood fills my mouth, and uncaring where I am, I spit it out in the floor of Harrison’s bedroom.


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