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Falling for the Au Pair

Page 6

by Mia Petrova

  “I want to see your face,” he suddenly whispered in my ear, sliding away from me.

  When I turned around, Thomas was right between my thighs. Penetrating me, he began moving his hips and giving me incredible long and soft thrusts. His forehead touched mine, our gazes met and his hand touched my cheek, making circles with his thumb. He briefly brushed our lips as my feet touched the back of his thighs.

  “You didn’t like our last position?” I asked, meeting our lips again while he started to speed up his movements.

  “I very much did, but you feel more pleasure when I’m on top of you. You cum a lot faster.”

  “I liked it, I was moaning.”

  Thomas started to pound hard and fast, touching all the right angles. Arching my back, I screamed. “Not like this,” he murmured and kissed my jaw. “I love every position we take, but this one is my favorite. I get to see your face, your blushes, and the wonderful expressions as you reach orgasm. I can kiss you and feel the weight of your breasts in my hands. I can suck them while I’m thrusting hard inside you. The feel of your beautiful legs around my hips,” he said, touching my thigh. “Now, that’s my favorite.”

  With his words, I was ready to say I love you. It took everything inside myself not to say it. “I…hmmm,” I cleared my throat. “This is my favorite too.”

  He stopped moving. “Audrey,” he said, his voice sounding worried all of sudden. “Are you okay, baby? It was something I said? Did I hurt you?” his worried expression, the way he tenderly watched and touched my face with his index finger, all of it was too much. I had started crying and only now I had realized.

  I shook my head. “I’m fine. It’s nothing,” I tried to sound strong, but more tears fell along the side of my face and into my hair.

  “I hurt you,” the affirmative escaped from his mouth, making him close his eyes and shake his head as though he was disappointed with myself.

  I took his face in my trembling hands. “Of course not, Thomas,” I said loudly as I started to kiss every piece of skin I could possibly find in his face. “I never had this before. And just felt overwhelmed. That’s it. What are you, it’s wonderful.”

  His gaze found mine. He looked a little better, but not entirely. “What didn’t you have before?”

  “This, right now.” I kissed him tenderly. “You’re buried inside me, unmoving, and we are talking.”

  As if he had just realized that himself, Thomas began to circle his hips against me. It wasn’t the same as thrusting, but it was enough to start the fire. His face was serious as he dropped his eyes and ran his hand in my chest.

  “I also didn’t have this before.”

  I frowned. “But you were married.”

  “That doesn’t mean I had everything.”

  I nodded. “Thomas,” I said with barely a whisper. I searched his face and made him look at me. “I’m yours.” I placed his palm in my heart. “I’m yours as long as you want me to be. So, take me. Do whatever you want. I’m here for you.”

  His forehead dropped into mine. Then, a few moments later, his lips came crashing into mine. His hips resumed his pace; thrusting hard and fast as he kissed me passionately. We climaxed together, moaning into each other’s mouths.

  Chapter Seven

  Thomas had to leave for a few days – business related. Apparently, he and his partner had a break yesterday and now they were after a great lead that would crack the case. Gloria was staying with Rachel and me for the next couple of days. It was strange not having Thomas around, especially since how close we had become. But in a lot of ways it was good. We would have a break from one another, where we would put out our feelings and really think it through. At least that was what I was going to do.

  “Is everything okay, Miss Audrey?” Gloria asked.

  I was standing by the window, gazing outside. “Only thinking, you know?” I said and I saw her nodding. “About what my life will be after I leave Rachel, you and…” I had to swallow and look away for the last name. “Thomas.”

  “Why are you thinking about leaving? Thomas isn’t treating you right?” she asked, getting comfortable on the couch as I still stood there.

  Looking at Gloria, who knew the Abram family for years, I felt like I could trust her. Thomas trusted her with his daughter, why shouldn’t I?

  “It’s the other way around, really.” Sighing, I went and sat by her side. “Thomas is great. I met him for only over a couple of months and he already feels like the world to me. And then there’s Rachel, he’s amazing daughter in which I love deeply.”

  “So what is the problem, love?”

  “I’m set to leave in three months now. I’m leaving and I’m never seeing them again. It feels wrong, like I’ll abandon my own family,” my voice shook while my eyes watered.

  “Who says you’ll never see them again? My God, love, don’t be such an emotional mess. I’ve never seen Thomas this happy, even when Sarah was alive. Why do you even think he’ll ever let you go?”

  Frowning, I sit there, just staring at her. “You…you know about Thomas and me? Did you really know Sarah?”

  “For heaven’s sake, girl. Weren’t you listening?” Gloria said, smiling, as though she was my best friend. She was easy to talk to, calm, open minded, no wonder Thomas liked having her around. “Yes, I knew Sarah. She was lovely and a great mother. Rachel has her entire soul, you see,” she began telling me. I listened and watched her like a child would watch a great storyteller. “Her relationship with Thomas was comfortable. They loved each other, sure, but they’ve met when they were children, dated in high school and then they got married. A story thousands of other women have. A complete cliché. I hate clichés, dear.” I saw her roll her eyes, and for some reason that made want to laugh. “The bad thing about clichés, Audrey, is that it gets boring really fast. And, let’s be honest for a moment here, there was a time in their relationship that they stopped being lovers and came back as best friends. And that’s what they were. Even with Rachel’s birth, it didn’t change anything. At least not with them, they each loved Rachel separately.”

  I sighed and nodded. “You know about Thomas and me.”

  “I’ve been working for the man for the last fifteen years. Of course I know, dear,” she said, getting closer to me and taking my hands in hers. “I know you’re afraid. Who wouldn’t be? But, get inside your head what I’m about to tell you.” She stared at me; really stared at me for a moment, as if making sure I was indeed listening. “I’m one of those people that believes in fate, you know. And before you give me an eye roll, let me tell you this.”

  “I’m was not going to give you an eye roll.”

  “Don’t interrupt me, dear. I’m talking,” she said, not harshly, just in a normal way. “When I got serious about the Au Pair business, I thought he would never go for it. Especially when I gave him about fifty profiles to look at. The pile was enormous, and it stayed with him for eight days. He took to work, to his office, to his room, everywhere he went there it was. A big pile under his arms. It was difficult for him, I could see it, in his mind he was trusting his daughter’s life to a complete stranger.”

  Gloria was an amazing storyteller, indeed. My heart beat faster at every word she said, and my entire attention was fully on her. I couldn’t look away or do anything else besides listen.

  “Then, at the night of the eighth day he told me he had found what he was looking for. I thought to myself, great, finally, now we’ll proceed. He handed me your profile and I started to read. Sure, you seemed like the best fit, but when I saw your age and your picture I said you weren’t the right one.”

  “What? Why” Even though I knew I was being picked, my heart still beat like a drum.

  “Hush,” she said. “I thought a beautiful young woman like yourself would be a distraction. I wanted someone more mature. But you know what he said to me?”

  Finally giving me permission to say, I said. “What?”

  “He said, and I quote: I looked at fifty girls
and no one has her qualifications to look after Rachel. I want her, Gloria. If I can’t have her, I won’t have anyone else.”

  My eyes filled with water with some reason.

  “He didn’t know your name, your age, didn’t even know your appearance. But, he chose you. Of all the other girls, he chose you.”

  A few tears escaped my eyes and I was fast to wash them away. “So? Like you said, he chose me because of how good I was for Rachel, not to him.”

  “By being good to her, you’re good enough for him. From the moment he saw you I knew he was into some very big trouble. I haven’t even seen that look on his face before. And then, the days started to pass, Rachel improved tremendously from the moment you walked into her life, and Thomas, goodness gracious. I’ve never seen him so smitten. He started to laugh, Audrey. Believe me when I tell you this, I never saw him having a laugh with anyone. And let’s not forget about the tired looks and the bags under his eyes. That completely vanished. I know all of these things are because of you. They seem like small things, but is often the small things that really matter. Sure, Thomas loves Rachel. She’s his entire life, he used to live just for her. A daughter’s love and a lover’s touch are two completely different things. A family’s love is that kind of undying love. It stays with you forever even when you don’t want to. The lover’s love fills you with life. It fills your entire body with unknown happiness. You feel unnatural things and the connection between the couple is really something that not all people get to find. What do you feel deep down, Audrey? What’s your heart telling you?”

  Struck by her wise words, I got a few moments to really think about it. “I feel like I love him,” I confessed and Gloria nodded. Her nod suddenly gave me confidence. “I’m afraid.”

  “About what?”

  “If he feels the same way. If he will want me to stay when my contract expires.”

  “What else? I feel your worse fear coming up.”

  God, she should be a goddamn shrink. She was that good. “Rachel,” my voice got stuck in my throat.

  “You want her approval.”

  Nodding, I said. “That and I feel like I’m stealing him away from her.” My eyes started to water again. Goddamned you, Gloria. “The last few weeks it’s been him and me for the most part that he was here. I don’t remember him with Rachel at all. I feel guilty.”

  “That’s a good point, but it’s not a valid one. If you were her mother, and Thomas and you were married, you wouldn’t even think that. Couples have their time together, and believe it or not, married couples with kids spends more time with their partners than with their kids. It’s just a fact of life. Thomas has had his time with Rachel, you’ve just been too busy thinking about him and feeling guilty that you didn’t even see it.” Gloria noticed my frown and I guess she felt the need to talk some more. “Yesterday I saw them together. They were laughing while Rachel showed him her new drawings.”

  “I didn’t know that.”

  “Because it was morning, Thomas was about to go to work and Rachel was about to go to school. I came in early and saw them while you were on the supermarket.”


  “Just because you don’t see them together, it doesn’t mean he’s not there for her.”

  There was silence for a moment, when I got a minute to think. But I could feel Gloria’s stare.

  “What is it? I feel like you have something important to share,” I said, smiling.

  She smiled back. “Oh, I do, my dear.”

  “Tell me.”

  “He loves you too, maybe he’s too afraid to admit it to you or even to himself, but, he loves you. I’m certain of it. He might let you go if he becomes consumed by fear of getting attached to someone again, but maybe that’s a conversation both of you should have. Maybe when he comes back.”

  I was almost to say, thank you for all the insecurities you just put it on my back, but Gloria had been sweet and she did shared some interesting light in various subjects. The most important of all, I felt lighter, refreshed.

  Chapter Eight

  Bobby and I were outside the city, tracking a hot lead. We were almost catching the killer that had murdered Matt’s boy and another female victim. We were on his trail 24/7, ready to catch him on the act.

  This was only the third day I was away from home and I already missed my girls. Bobby was my only company in these endless hours trapped inside a van. I was ready to quit of how annoying my partner was. He never shut up about his conquests and useless pieces of information. We were living of fast food and the van was covered in food wraps. It was a complete nightmare.

  What bothered me the most was that I couldn’t even call home because I had to focus on the surveillance cameras in front of me. If I missed one single detail, my job would be on the line. But on this goddamned day, the inside of the van was a furnace, it was hard to breathe and Bobby wasn’t making things any easier. I just wanted to catch the killer and go home. Nothing more.

  The fourth day it was our lucky day. It was right after three in the morning, rain was falling and my suspect had just walked out of his apartment building with a very crazed look on his face. He seemed ready to kill another person. Looking over at Bobby who was sitting next to me, noticed it too.

  He cocked his gun and stood up. “We’re finally taking this bastard down.”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “This isn’t a bloody movie, Bobby.”

  My partner shrugged. “We make our own movies every single day.”

  Bobby took the driver’s seat as I left the van. I put on my hoodie mostly to hide my face than because of the rain. I followed the suspect on foot while Bobby followed by car. The suspect was as big as I was, and he was clearly dangerous as he had already murdered two people. He was the right guy, but the evidence against him were all substantial. We needed a solid proof and fast. And nothing was better than to stop his next attack.

  In a minute, I was following him, the next the suspect had entered an alley and completely vanished. I thought I had lost him, but then I heard the sound of his voice. He was yelling at someone. Hiding in the shadows, I got closer. My suspect carried a dagger on his left hand, and he looked ready to use it against the young boy he was yelling at.

  “Just tell me where it is, or I’ll cut you to pieces,” he screamed.

  The rain wasn’t helping, but I took out my gun and got a little bit closer. The moment I saw he was ready to use his knife, I revealed myself.

  “CID! Put your hands where I can see them!” Both the man and the boy froze. It took only a second for the boy to run. “Drop the knife.”

  With his back to me, he dropped the weapon. I got closer to my suspect, and kicked the back of knee. With a grunt, he fell. I guess I should have seen it coming when he leaned his body a little too far and in the next second he was pushing me against a bin. My gun slipped from my hand, because of the rain. The first punch he gave me was for free, and then he started to throw in some punches. I got hit a few times, but when I kicked him hard on his balls, he finally dropped to the grown, whimpering.

  “Jesus, mate. What the bloody hell happened? You were supposed to follow him, not beat him into a pull,” Bobby said, appearing through the shadows. “How will we explain this shit, huh? Jesus Christ, he’ll need to confess after this, or a witness will have to ID him.”

  “Stop with the winning. He’s alive, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, and you’re bleeding.”

  “I’ll live.”


  Even in my dreams, Thomas was an incredible lover. Taking off the bottom of my PJ, his mouth dropped to my aching pussy where his tongue and lips made me arch my back and moan. His fingers soon joined in, reaching spots I desperately wanted to be filled. My fingers ran through Thomas’ hair, pulling while without mercy he assaulted my body. When I climaxed, feeling every nerve ending in my body responding to such a marvelous stimulation, I knew I wasn’t dreaming.

  With trembling fingers, I searched his face. “Thoma

  “I was wondering when you would wake up,” he said, leaning his entire body into mine.

  He kissed my earlobe as I placed my hands on both sides of his face. He looked different somehow, but in the darkness of my room, I couldn’t see much. Turning on the lamp inches from the bed, a soft light poured in.

  That’s when I saw it. “Oh, my God. Your face,” my voice sounded terrified as I gently touched his bruised lip and right eye.

  The back of his fingers softly grazed my cheek and my jaw as he gazed down at me. “It’s nothing, baby, I’m fine,” he whispered.

  I nodded, still staring at those awful purple bruises that marked his gorgeous face. I touched my forehead into his, then our noses played at little.

  My eyes watered. “You have no idea how much I missed you,” I whispered almost inaudibly, and still my voice cracked a little bit.

  Taking the back of my head, he kissed my lips. “Not as much as I missed you,” he murmured, kissing my neck, my jaw and my collarbone.

  With my trembling fingers, I raised his t-shirt, revealing his perfect chest to me. Right on his shoulder, I saw another bruise, a much bigger one. Sighing as a tear escaped my eye, I kissed it again and again.

  Thomas held my face and we gaze into each other’s eyes for a few seconds before a passionate kiss began. His hips started to move against my bare pussy, sending electrifying sparks through my body. The kiss was a battle of tongues as Thomas ran his hand along my thighs and the other wrapped itself around my breast. I ran my nails through his back, his chest and his neck. Soon, my shirt was on the floor and Thomas removed his own clothes and dropped it on the floor. He never stop kissing me as he was before, delicately.

  Our lips parted for just a second when he thrust inside me, then he was kissing me again as he slowly moved his hips. We moaned into each other’s mouths as his rose up his pace. Thomas broke the kisses and held my face, gazing at me as if I was something precious to behold. We stared while he moved, and then he would kiss me again. That was what making love was, I realized.


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