Dangerous Games

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Dangerous Games Page 2

by Nikki Rose

  “Nah, he made me stronger.”

  “He made you more guarded. You put walls up to keep anyone from getting close enough to hurt you the way he did.”

  “Can you blame me? Why would I want to go through all that shit again?”

  “I don't blame you. I'm just calling it like I see it. And, I worry that you're going to end up missing out on something great because you're too afraid.”

  “Now you're starting to sound like Rebecca.” I teased.

  Rebecca peeked her head out the slightly opened French door. “Hey, just wanted to let you know everyone left. They wanted to hit their old drinking spot before it closed for the night. Did someone mention my name?”

  “Just that Liam is starting to sound like you.” I smiled. “I think he needs to lay off the steroids before his manhood shrinks up too.”

  “Hey, my junk is more than adequate. Say the word and I'll prove it.” Liam jumped up and reached for the button on his jeans.

  “Oh God, no.” I grabbed his wrist to stop him but was laughing so hard I almost fell over.

  “What did I walk out to?” Rebecca laughed and shut the door leaving us laughing like a couple of nut jobs.

  Once Liam and I found our senses again, we went inside and helped Becs clean up from the party. Liam walked me to my car and I went home with two of my favorite men — Ben and Jerry.

  Chapter 3

  Friday morning, I found myself with less of a hangover than going to a party usually allowed but I felt worse. The memory of seeing Drew walking across Jason and Rebecca’s living room was still running through my mind.

  God, he looked so good. Even better than when I’d last seen him in that bar years ago. When Drew and I had dated he was gorgeous. Fit, strong, a boy next door look with mischief in his smile when he looked at me. But, now — now he was muscular, his shoulders and chest were broader, his midsection smaller. His jaw was chiseled and hard. It stung my hand for an hour after I’d slapped him. His face was no longer clean-shaven but rough with prickles from his five o’clock shadow. All the details had come back to me as I’d tried to fall asleep the night before. All the details my overloaded mind couldn’t see when I’d been face to face with him.

  I had to get Drew out of my head. Even after all these years, that man affected me in a way I no longer wanted. I’d come so far. I wouldn’t go back. With how things ended with Jaxon, and the incident with Drew, I needed a new fling — someone I could pick up at a bar, go back to his place without even exchanging names and screw until my brain cleared again. I didn’t think like most women. I accepted it and prided myself on it. Guys didn’t get hurt the same way women did, not usually. That was because women wear their hearts on their sleeve where it could get bruised and broken but not me. No, I kept my heart locked away in a secret vault where no one could reach.

  As much as I loved going out with Rebecca, my best friend was now married with kids which meant she wouldn’t make the best companion for what I needed. Most of my friends were married or in committed relationships. If I wanted a new fling, I’d be going it alone, which was fine with me. I didn’t plan to hang out too long at the club anyway.

  During my lunch break, I sat at my desk perusing local hotspots online to pick my hunting ground for the night. My usual place wouldn’t do. It had become stagnant with regulars and I was looking for something new and exciting.

  It seemed I was in luck. I clicked on a news article about the grand opening of a hot new club about an hour away. It was farther than I usually went for a night out but this would ensure I wasn’t surrounded by all the same guys. I wanted fresh and it seemed like the perfect answer. I punched the details into my phone for later and went back to work with a new determination to finish early so I could get ready and have time for the hour-long cab ride.

  My cab pulled up in front of the club a little before ten.

  “Damn,” I whispered to myself as I gawked up at the three-story building with bright spotlights moving along the front and a red carpet rolled out like we were part of some celebrity event. Two large men in tight black collared shirts marked with Security in bold white letters guarded the doors with clipboards. It was then I worried that I might not be able to get in at all.

  “Is there something wrong, ma’am?” The cab driver’s voice pulled me from my thoughts.

  “Just not sure they’ll let me in.”

  “A knockout like you? I’m sure they’ll let you in.”

  “Here’s an extra ten, stay here until you see that I get in, please?”

  “Of course. Have a good night.” He took the money and I climbed out of the cab, smoothing out my shimmering gold, curve-hugging dress before walking toward the shorter of the two lines which moved quickly, most being turned away.

  It was finally my turn. I straightened my back, pushed out my breasts and watched as the security guy’s hungry gaze roamed over my body. “Go on in, beautiful.”

  I smiled at him and let out an internal sigh of relief as I walked through the doors. I was shocked when I finally got a glimpse inside. It looked like a strip club and night club had a love child. Dance poles and cages peppered the deep red walls, some on lifts and some hanging from overhead. None of the girls on them were naked though. A few of the girls were obviously hired pros but others on the lower stands were plain Jane club-goers having a go on a pole or dancing in a lower cage. The dance floor was packed and flashing red and white lights added to the chaos.

  “This place is amazing,” I blurted out to myself.

  “I’m glad you think so,” a deep voice with a thick Russian accent came from over my shoulder.

  I turned to see a man probably in his early forties, sexy swept black hair with just the tiniest bit of silver along the front that didn’t make him look old but distinguished. I’d never been into older guys but as far as one-night flings go, I could definitely get on board with this guy. His strong jaw and broad stance radiated power, authority, even slight intimidation. He was just what I needed to get my mind off of Drew and Jaxon.

  “I am Mikhail.” I realized I’d been standing there silently staring for way longer than was socially acceptable but I put on my most confident smile before introducing myself.

  “I’m Hailey.”

  “Pleased to make your acquaintance, Hailey.” I loved the way my name rolled off his tongue as he lifted my hand to his lips and pressed a soft lingering kiss against my knuckles. I could imagine that move had earned him more than a few one-night stands of his own. Lucky for me, that’s exactly what I was looking for.

  “The pleasure is all mine.” I used my most seductive tone, dripping with innuendo.

  “I guarantee, there will be plenty of pleasure to go around before the night is through.” Oh yes. It’s going to be a good night. “Would you care to join me on the VIP balcony for a glass of champagne. From there you get an excellent view of the entire club.”

  “You have access to the VIP balcony?”

  “One of the perks of owning the place. Come.” His hand rested on the small of my back, as he firmly led me to a hidden staircase that took us to the balcony.

  The balcony was more like a full room that overlooked the club. It had a large wrap around couch and a stripper pole-mounted in the corner for what I assumed was his private dances. Mikhail moved straight to the minibar and took out one champagne glass and one shot glass. I watched curiously as he pulled out a bottle of champagne and another of Tsarskaya Gold, vodka. Russian, of course, he’s drinking vodka. He smiled as he carried the two bottles and glasses to the coffee table where a beautiful glass chess set acted as a centerpiece. I wondered if he played or if it was only for show. A club seemed like an odd place for a board game.

  “Do you play?” He looked at me curiously and I nodded my head toward the game on the table.

  “Yes. Do you?” His eyes lit up with a tiny spark of enthusiasm but I shook my head.

  “I never really had a reason to learn.”

  “Everyone should learn
chess.” He inclined his head toward the couch, signaling me to sit. I lowered myself onto the soft leather couch and he followed, turning his body to face me.


  He nodded. “Chess is much different than other games. Sports like football, they require physical strength but that’s something anyone with a gym membership can acquire and other games are simply a matter of luck, but not chess. Chess is like war or love. To win, a person must know how and when to make his move. When to sacrifice and when to strike. It requires intellect, instinct, and the ability to determine what your opponent is going to do before he has even decided for himself.”

  Mikhail had a real passion for chess, that was clear. I’d never heard anyone talk about it the way he did. I’d always pictured some scrawny guys in thick-rimmed glasses sitting around playing when they couldn’t get a date on a Saturday night. But the way he talked about it with that deep menacing undertone made it seem dark, almost dangerous.

  He didn’t speak as he poured me a glass of champagne and himself a shot of vodka. As he handed me the glass, I raised my eyebrow at him.

  “How come you get the good stuff?” I said boldly as I nodded at his shot.

  He blinked and looked at me with a blend of surprise and intrigue, “My apologies.” Mikhail handed me his shot which I lifted to my lips without breaking eye contact until I tilted my head back, draining the glass.

  He took the glass from my hand and poured another shot which he took in a similar manner. “You are different from other American girls I have met.” He smiled seductively and placed his hand on my knee.

  “You have no idea.” I placed my hand over his and dragged it up my thigh, watching as his eyes widened with surprise. I had a feeling this was a man who wasn’t surprised often and yet I’d managed to throw him off twice now. It was intoxicating.

  He reached his other hand to cup my face, his thumb running over my lower lip before leaning in for a kiss. I closed my eyes and leaned in only to have the moment shattered by another voice equally as Russian.

  “Boss, the guy you’ve been waiting for just arrived.”

  I expected Mikhail to get angry at the interruption or at the very least annoyed, but I opened my eyes to see him smiling. He put his index finger up as if signally this would only take a moment, then pressed it softly to my lips. I kissed his finger and he smirked at me before turning his attention to the man.

  “Bring him in.”

  The red privacy curtains opened and in walked two Russian men in dark charcoal gray suits. They parted to make way for the man they escorted in. For the second time in a week, I felt like all the air had been sucked from the room. Drew. What the hell was he doing here? Drew must have had similar thoughts but he chose not to keep his quiet when his gaze landed on me and his jaw dropped.

  “Hailey? What the hell are you doing here?” He pushed past the men and stormed toward me.

  “I could ask you the same thing.” I challenged.

  “You two know each other?” Mikhail asked, looking between us.

  “You could say that. Can I speak to you — alone?” Drew snapped.

  Mikhail turned from Drew to me. “Why don’t you give us men a minute to catch up?”

  “Yeah, sure.” I forced a smile, but tension filled the air. I stood and smoothed out my dress, casting Drew one last glance before I walked through the curtains.

  I leaned against the wall at the top of the stairway and struggled to hear their conversation. I had to know what they were saying.

  “What is all this about?” Mikhail demanded.

  “What was she doing here?”

  “It's a club. Women come here all the time.”

  “So, she’s not one you brought here?”

  “No, though I was in the middle of sealing the deal when we were interrupted. Do you want to tell me how you know her? I’ve never seen you get so riled up over a woman, Andrew.”

  “She’s just someone from my past I’d rather not see again.” Ouch. It wasn’t that I particularly enjoyed seeing Drew either but to hear him say that hurt. Besides, if anyone had the right to not want to see the other, it was me. “Could you do me the courtesy of not pursuing her? You know it's not something I usually ask. I just really don’t want to see her again. Maybe ban her from the club or something?”

  The nerve of this guy. How dare he try to get me banned from the club. I hoped Mikhail kicked him to the curb or laughed in his face. But I couldn’t wait that long. My temper was flaring. I wanted Drew to know I’d heard his pathetic attempts to get rid of me all because he didn’t want to be reminded of his past?

  I pushed open the curtains and barged back into the room. Both men turned to look at me but that didn’t stop me from storming over to Drew and poking his chest with my finger. “How dare you. Trying to get me banned from a club just so you don’t have to see me again? You are a petty son-of-a —.”

  “Hailey,” Mikhail interrupted and I glanced over at him with his surprisingly calm demeanor. “It’s time for you to go, now. One of my men will escort you out and please, do not try to come back in the future.”

  “My jaw dropped as I stood gawking at him. “Seriously?”

  “I’m afraid so,” he said coolly.

  I glared at Drew and Mikhail before turning around and storming passed the man waiting to escort me out.

  “Are you sure you want her to go, Andrew? She has such fire.” I heard Mikhail say in an amused tone as I stomped down the stairs. I didn’t need an escort. I could walk myself out.

  I plowed my way through the crowd of people and out to the cold night air. I sucked in a breath and let it help cool my burning anger. How dare he come back around and think he was going to start meddling in my life?

  I pulled out my cell and called a cab to take me home.

  By the time I got back into my neck of the woods, my blood was practically boiling with anger. The whole ride home my mind ran through the events of the night. Each time making me more and more furious at both men.

  I asked the driver to drop me off a couple blocks before we got to my apartment. I needed some fresh air and a walk in the cold might do me some good. I knew if I didn’t calm down before going home, I’d just lay in bed simmering all night.

  The streets in my residential area were pretty quiet this time of night. There were a few stray people here or there but nothing like the area where the club was. I walked at a brisk pace toward my apartment, breathing in the cold air as it burned my lungs.

  I turned the corner and thought I caught the glimpse of motion behind me. I turned around but there was no one there. A few more steps and I could have sworn I heard an extra set of footsteps behind me.

  My anger had calmed. I had to be imagining things because of the adrenaline still coursing through my body. Then again, I was a woman, walking late at night, alone in a mostly deserted part of the city.

  My skin prickled that primal way it does when danger is nearby. The same intuition an antelope might have when a lion is stalking it in the thick savannah grass. I quickened my pace, almost jogging toward my apartment. I was almost certain someone was following me.

  I came to the corner and could see the door to my building. I just had to cross the street and I’d be home. The red hand was blinking at the crosswalk, counting down the seconds before the pedestrians had to be cleared from the road.

  I only had a few seconds left. If I didn’t go now, I’d be stuck waiting until the light turned again. That would take too much time. Standing still that long would allow whoever might have been following me the opportunity to catch up.

  I sprinted across the street, catching a glimpse of the still, red hand telling me my time was up. I was almost to the other side when a car horn blared to my right. Bright headlights came far too fast and were already way too close. I screamed and threw myself at the curb.

  The car horn blared again as it swerved. I tumbled to the sidewalk, skinning my arm and knee. The car skidded passed and just across the s
treet, I caught a glimpse of a dark figure slip into the shadows of the adjacent alley.

  An eerie chill ran down my spine just as my doorman rushed to my aid.

  “Ma’am. Ms. Wood, are you alright?” The older man in his doorman’s uniform bent down to help me up.

  “Yeah, I think so.” I reached out and took his hand, letting him help me up. He was extremely fit for a man in his sixties and he lifted me with ease. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Are you sure you’re alright?”

  “Yes, I’ll be fine.” I dusted myself off and picked up the spilled items from my clutch. “I just need a good night’s sleep.” I offered him a reassuring smile.

  He nodded and returned the smile. “Goodnight, Ms. Wood.”


  I limped up to my apartment, more shaken up than actually hurt though my arm and leg burned. I cleaned up my scraps and went to bed without another incident, though, sleep didn’t come easy. I kept thinking of that shadowy figure until I finally passed out from exhaustion.

  Chapter 4

  Saturday and Sunday were lazy days. I did housework and caught up on binge-watching some of my favorite shows. I even did a little online shopping, because a girl really can never have too many shoes.

  I was off work Monday for some corporate thing, but I still didn’t feel like going out to do my usual errands. Instead, I went to my apartment’s gym to burn off some of the anxious energy that had built over the past couple of days.

  Usually, there were a good many people in the gym when I’d go, especially in January when everyone’s New Year’s resolutions were still fresh and new. But, on a Monday afternoon, there were only a couple of women — housewives, no doubt — and one man of retirement age working out.

  I shoved my earbuds into my ears and cranked up the music before hopping on an elliptical. I started to jog, funneling my stress and anxiety into the run and before long, I’d lost myself in the music.

  As the distance on the machine neared two miles, I felt that familiar prickle of being watched. I paused my music and slowed my pace. Looking around the room, I hadn’t even noticed the other people finishing and leaving. I was the only one left in the gym. I stopped my machine and took a better look around as I climbed off and grabbed up my things.


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