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Dangerous Games

Page 19

by Nikki Rose

  “We’ll be back in a little while. Try not to give the doctors and nurses too hard of a time.” I leaned over and carefully gave my dad a hug.

  “I’ll try.” My dad smiled and I leaned in to kiss his cheek before we left.

  We stood at the elevator, waiting for the car to arrive.

  “I saw a hotel on our way in. It’s just down the road. I think we should check in there so you can get some rest and be close to your dad.”

  “Drew, you don't have to —.”

  “I want to.”

  The elevator dinged to let us know it had arrived. Feeling more patient this time, I stood back to make room for people who might be getting off. The door opened to reveal my mom standing there, arms crossed, pulling her sweater tighter around her. She looked paler than when I’d seen her last — older — with dark circles and bags under her eyes.

  “Mom,” I said with more surprise in my voice than I’d intended. It made her jump out of whatever thoughts she’d been lost in.

  “Hailey, you’re here.”

  “Of course, I’m here.”

  “I called this morning but Jason answered. He said you left your phone at his place.” She stepped off the elevator and I let it close without taking it.

  “Yeah, I went over there and must have left it. I’m sorry I didn’t get your call.”

  “It’s okay. I’m just glad you’re here. Were you able to see your dad?”

  “Yeah. He said he needed some rest. I guess the meds are making him groggy. Are you taking care of yourself, mom? You look tired.”

  “That’s just a nice way to say I look terrible.” She gave me a weak smile.

  “No, of course not, you just look tired. Are you getting any rest?”

  “Of course not. I’ll rest once I know your dad is okay.”

  “The doctor sounded like he was doing well.”

  “We were going to check-in at the hotel down the street to be close. Would you like me to arrange a place for you as well?” Drew spoke up and I realized how rude I’d been by not acknowledging him before.

  “Oh mom, you remember Drew?”

  “Drew. Yes of course.” Her voice sounded surprised with a hint of disapproval. “And no, thank you but I’ll rest better knowing I’m in the same room as Steve.”

  “Of course, just know the offer still stands if you need it.” If Drew noticed my mom’s coldness toward him, he didn’t let on.

  “Thank you. And Rebecca, it’s good to see you again, dear.”

  “You too, Mrs. Woods.”

  “Well, I should get back to Steve. Hailey can I have a moment before you go?”

  “Yeah sure.” I looked back at Drew and Rebecca. “Why don’t you get the car and I’ll be right down?”

  “Sure.” Drew smiled though he looked hesitant to leave me alone as he escorted Rebecca onto the elevator.

  The minute the elevator door closed, my mom gently took my arm and turned me to her. Concern etched deep grooves in her pale face. “Hailey, what are you doing?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Drew? Again?”


  “I know you thought you did so good at hiding how hurt you were with him before but a mother knows these things. You cried for weeks after he broke your heart.”

  “It’s a long story mom, but it wasn’t what I thought.”

  “You said he cheated.”

  “He didn’t. I thought he did.” I was already growing tired of explaining this. I couldn’t tell them about Drew’s work. “He’s a good guy, mom. Just give him a chance, please? For me?”

  She let out a heavy sigh and flashed me a weak smile. “I’ll try. I need to go check on your dad. Don’t go back home without saying goodbye okay?”

  “We won’t.”

  “It’s so good to see you.” My mom crushed me into a tight hug. “I love you, sweetheart.”

  “I love you too, mom. We’ll be back in a little while. I didn’t sleep much last night and I wouldn’t let Drew stop for food until I saw dad first so we need a nap and some food, then I’ll be back.”

  “Okay. Maybe we can have dinner together in the cafeteria tonight?”

  “Sure, mom.”

  Chapter 25

  “Everything okay?” Drew asked as I slid into the backseat of the car just outside the hospital.

  “Yeah, my mom just wanted to warn me about you.”

  “Warn you?”

  “She wanted to remind me of how much you hurt me before,” I said bluntly.

  “Oh.” Drew looked out the window appearing in deep thought.

  “Hey.” I turned his face to look at me. “I explained to her that it wasn’t what she thought. I told her I was wrong back then. That I made a mistake and that you never cheated on me.”

  “You told didn’t tell her about my job, did you?”

  “Of course not. I told her it was a long story but that you were a good man and you never cheated.”

  “You told her I was a good man?” He flashed me a cocky smirk.

  I playfully elbowed him in the ribs and he had the courtesy to pretend it hurt.

  “So, you feel better now that you got to see your dad?”

  “Yeah. I told my mom we’d have dinner with her in the cafeteria tonight. I hope that's okay.”

  “Of course, it is. We’ll check in, maybe order some room service and take a nap, and clean up before meeting her. That sound good to you girls?”

  “That sounds perfect. I’m starving.”

  “Actually, Jason is going to be picking me up in a couple hours so I might have to settle for the room service and the nap.”

  “I’m so sorry to have dragged you out here.”

  “No, I’m glad I was there. It’s just that Cole is needing me home.”

  “I understand. I’m glad you were here too. I want to stay the night just to make sure my dad keeps getting better.”

  “We should get back tomorrow though, as long as your dad’s okay. Mikhail will be expecting us tomorrow evening at the club.”

  “Okay. As long as my dad’s doing good. Thank you for bringing me here.”

  “Hailey, family comes before everything else. I’m glad you let me be here for you.” Drew wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close.

  “It’s amazing how much some food, a nap, and a shower will do for a person. After a few hours at the hotel, I felt like a new woman,” I told my mom as we sat at the cafeteria table with our trays of food.

  “I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself,” she smiled at me.

  “Actually, I probably wouldn’t have left the hospital if Drew hadn’t talked me into it. He takes pretty good care of me.”

  My mom turned from me to Drew, her smile slipping from her face as she became more serious. “Drew, I’m afraid I owe you an apology.”

  Drew swallowed his drink, looking surprised by my mom’s spontaneous apology. “For what?”

  “I was rude to you earlier and I apologize.”

  “Mrs. Woods, please it’s fine, really.”

  “No, it's not. That is not the way I was raised and not the way I raised Hailey either. I’m sorry for not being more grateful before for you bringing Hailey all the way here so she could be with family during this time.”

  “I was happy to do it. As I told Hailey, family is number one priority.”

  “And I can tell you are sincere about that. Hailey told me that you two breaking up before was a misunderstanding...” Drew went to speak but my mom held up her hand to stop him and went on. “I don’t need to know the details, but I will say I’m glad. You always made Hailey so happy. To be honest, Steve and I always thought you’d end up our son-in-law one day. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders.”

  “Mom—.” I started but she wouldn’t have it.

  “I just want you to know — not that it matters either way but — Steve and I approve, and you two have our blessing.”

  “Geeze,” I put my face in my hands to hide t
he embarrassment on my face though internally I was thrilled to have my parents’ approval. “What century is this again? I didn’t know we needed parental approval and blessings. Should I step away while you discuss dowry prices too?”

  “Hailey, don’t be so over dramatic. I’m just saying, your dad and I are happy you’ve found someone to make you happy.”

  I looked up and smiled. “Thanks, mom.”

  “I’m glad to hear it,” Drew added. “Because I love your daughter and I don’t plan to let her go again.”

  I smiled at Drew. My cheeks hurt. I hadn’t smiled that much in years, and I loved it.

  “Now,” Drew said very seriously, leaning in with his elbows on the table toward my mom, “About that dowry...”

  “Drew.” I admonished.

  “What?” He said with a smirk before looking back at my mom. “As you know, your daughter can be a very stubborn, difficult woman.”

  “Drew.” I swatted him but he batted my hands away and laughed as he continued.

  “I think that should reflect in the dowry amount...”

  He couldn’t keep his cool any longer and all three of us burst out laughing which drew the attention of more than a few of the people quietly eating. Their angry stares only made us laugh harder.

  After dinner, we walked my mom back to my dad’s room and I sat with him for an hour before he got too tired and needed to rest. The four of us said goodnight and Drew took me back to the hotel.

  “Thank you for tonight.” I said as I started to change into Drew’s white t-shirt, he offered for me to sleep in since I’d left without packing an overnight bag.

  “It was fun. I’m glad we were able to spend some time with your family. And I’m glad your dad’s going okay.” He climbed into bed in just his boxers, resting his back against the headboard.

  “They think he’s going to be released the day after tomorrow.” I slipped off my shirt and replaced it with his.

  “Good,” Drew sounded distracted making me turn to look at him.

  His eyes were blazing on my body. “They say that stint should help him from having another heart attack.” I studied his distant gaze.

  “Uh-huh,” he said absentmindedly.

  I slipped out of my jeans and tossed them on the side chair. “It’ll also give him the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound.”

  His gaze scanned up my exposed legs and over every curve. “That’s good — wait, what?”

  I laughed and climbed onto the bed, sitting on my knees. “Something distracting you?”

  “A little bit.” He smiled sheepishly. “You’re just unbearably sexy.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” I smiled and began climbing up the bed toward him like a lioness on the prowl. I finally reached him, and pressed my lips against his.

  Drew didn’t let me lead the kiss for long. His hand grasped the back of my head and pushed my mouth harder against his as his mouth took mine. His tongue invading my mouth and he pulled me into his lap.

  “I love you,” he whispered against my lips.

  “I love you too.”

  His phone beeped from the nightstand, breaking the moment. “Shit, I’m sorry. I need to check that.”

  “It’s okay. I know things are pretty crucial right now with Mikhail.”

  He leaned over and grabbed his phone while his other hand held me in his lap. I watched him read the text and the way his brow furrowed.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, just Mikhail said he missed seeing us at the club tonight and hoped we’d be there tomorrow so we can discuss more of the details of delivery day.”

  “Oh, okay. Why the frown?”

  “When all this goes down it’s going to be dangerous.”

  “I know, but we’re going to be okay. We’ll get through this and find some sense of normal again — but together this time.” I smiled lovingly at him. Drew was making me nervous with all his negative talk. He was usually so positive about the mission.

  “Hang on a sec.” He moved me off his lap and got out of bed.

  He dug through the bag he always took with him. It was similar to the one he’d given me though his looked more like a messenger bag, and much more manly in the worn leather.

  Drew came back over to the bed and pulled me to the edge.

  “Hailey...” He took my hand and lowered himself to one knee.

  “Drew, what the hell are you doing?” Panic clawed at my chest and I couldn’t breathe.

  “Just listen,” he assured me and I tried to focus on what he had to say. “Hailey, I love you more than anything. I always have and always will. Even during our time apart, I never stopped. My heart knew you were mine even when my mind fought it. Joking with you and your mom today about marriage and all that — well it got me thinking.”

  “Drew...I —.”

  “Just listen. This is not a proposal — well, not exactly anyway. I love you. I want to marry you. I’d marry you tonight if you’d say yes, but I know you better than that. I know you can be impulsive enough to jump into things like this but I also know that commitment scares the hell out of you. So, I’m not proposing. I’m asking you to think about it. Consider marrying me without pressure, without a time restraint.”

  Drew opened his hand, revealing a ring box. He let go of my hand to open it and inside was a small, simple diamond engagement ring. I gasped, slapping my hand over my mouth.

  “It’s not much, but it's the one I bought for you years ago when I was just starting out. I’d planned to find the perfect moment to ask you but then everything went to hell. Things could go bad during this mission, or any other. We aren’t promised tomorrow and I know this is way too soon since we’re just starting to find our way back to each other but I wanted you to know that marriage was on my mind then too. It wasn’t just you. We both knew it was meant to be. I want you to take this ring. Keep it in the box, don’t wear it until you’re ready to, but I want to know that someday, when you finally realize we are meant to be together, you’ll have this ring and can put it on.”

  “I couldn’t bare if something happened to me and I never got the chance to tell you how I feel or to know that you never got the ring I’d always kept for you.”

  “Drew...I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. I don’t expect any answers right now. Just take the box, put it somewhere safe until the day you decide you want to be my wife.”

  I nodded with tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. Drew took my hand, placing the small ring box in my palm. He gently closed the lid as he closed my hand around it. I slipped the box into the hidden compartment of my emergency bag and placed it back on the chair by the door before turning back to him.

  “I do love you, you know,” I confessed as I joined him standing at the foot of the bed.

  “I know. That’s why I know one day you’ll get there. But, there’s no rush.”

  “Thank you.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his.

  “You’re welcome.” He kissed me again and pulled me to him, holding my body tight against his. “Now, where were we?”

  I grinned and glanced back at the bed. Drew stepped toward me, guiding me back until my legs brushed against the edge of the bed. He gently laid me down and crawled up my body.

  He held himself hovering just above me with one muscular arm while the other hand drug slowly up the outside of my thigh, bringing the hem of his white shirt with it until it was over my hips.

  He sat up on his knees and dragged my panties down my legs, kissing each leg as he released them back to the bed. He pulled off his boxers and joined me back on the bed.

  Drew’s lips pressed to mine with a new sense of desperation. He was tender but the restrained strength hovered above us as he kissed me until we were both breathless.

  “I love you,” he whispered on a breath.

  “I love you too.”

  Drew rolled us over so that I was on top of him. He
sat up on the edge of the bed, and I straddled him as we continued our passionate kiss. He nipped my ear and sent heat down my body, pooling in my core. I adjusted over him. My body was already so ready for this man who knew me so well. He knew how to play my body like a fine-tuned instrument and he used that knowledge for both of our benefits.

  I sunk down onto him, letting my insides slowly stretch around his length until he completely filled me. His warm hands caressed my back, all the way up to my neck and tangled into my hair. He tugged softly, guiding my head up to gain access to my neck.

  His soft lips and nipping teeth were the most delicious contrast grazing down my throat. I moaned and ground my hips on him, needing more friction.

  Drew lifted his hips, thrusting up into me giving me just what I needed. I cried out and grasped hard on his biceps. “Oh Drew.”

  He took my mouth with his again, swallowing my cries. He flipped us over so he was again on top as he viciously thrust into me. My insides quivered and contracted around him.

  “That’s it, baby,” he rasped against my ear as he nipped at the sensitive lobe. He held me tight against him. The mixture of tenderness and feral need was more than my system could handle.

  Drew tilted his body as he began to piston his hips, thrusting even deeper and reaching something inside that shot pleasure through me like a rocket. I cried out, my back arching and lifting from the mattress as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over us. My body quaked and Drew only sped up, chasing his own release and drawing mine out.

  Three more thrusts and Drew let out a loud roar that sounded more animal that man before collapsing beside me. He slid the rest of the way out of me and pulled me over to him. I wrapped my leg around him and rested my head on his chest as he pulled the blanket up over us.

  “Everything is going to be okay whenever the mission goes down, right?” I looked up at him without lifting my head from his chest.

  “Yeah. Don’t worry about that now. Just sleep.” He kissed my tousled hair and whispered. “Sleep now, baby, I’ve got you.”

  Chapter 26

  The loud shrill of Drew’s phone woke up both from a dead sleep. One glance at the clock told me I’d only been asleep for a couple hours. It was just now three in the morning.


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