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Dangerous Games

Page 23

by Nikki Rose

  “We’re also going to have our parents there,” Drew added.

  “And a surprise guest officiant.” I smirked.

  “Who?” Rebecca leaned in conspiratorially.

  I leaned in as if to tell her, lowering my voice almost to a whisper. “If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise.” I winked at her and grinned, which made her huff.

  “So, when is all this going down?” Jason said around a bite of his steak.

  “Next weekend. We were all going to drive out to the coast if you can get a sitter on such short notice.”

  “I’m sure we can work something out. The grandparents are always looking for an excuse to have the kids over.”

  “Sometimes I have to remind my dad they still belong to me,” Rebecca chuckled. “So, looks like we have some planning to do.” She put down her napkin and grinned at me.

  “Simple. Remember?” Drew reminded us and I gave him a devilish grin.

  “Of course.”

  “The weather is perfect for a beach wedding,” Rebecca said as she waddled through the sand in her calf-length peach dress that flowed on the breeze from the ocean.

  “I always wanted to get married in the spring,” I smiled, looking out where the dimming blue sky met the matching blue ocean.

  “Okay, shh. There it is, through there.” I pointed out to the ocean from behind our hiding place of reeds and palm trees near a rustic little surf shop that had closed until summer.

  Rebecca and I looked through to the small gathering on the sand. Two pillars, wrapped in sheer white fabric framed the view of the ocean. A few white chairs where our parents sat lined a sand aisle.

  I could just barely make out the faces of Drew, Jason, and Liam — our surprise officiant who went online to make it official.

  “Oh Hailey, it’s beautiful.”

  “Ready?” My dad’s unexpected voice coming from behind me made me jump.

  “Geeze, you scared me half to death.”

  “Your future husband is getting impatient.” My dad smiled fondly at me. He took in my white flowy wedding gown and his eyes glossed over. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks dad.”

  Since we were on the beach, I kept it simple, flowy with no train to get messed up in the sand. I kept my auburn curls loose like Drew liked. Just pinning the sides a bit to frame my face. My favorite part was the bouquet made of seashells instead of flowers so it would last forever. Rebecca had found a place that made them nearby and I was ecstatic when she showed me their online catalog.

  “I think he’s been pretty patient considering you kept him waiting for years.” Rebecca smirked and bumped my shoulder.

  “Yeah, let's go put him out of his misery,” I grinned and motioned for Rebecca to lead the way.

  I waited until Rebecca was almost at the makeshift aisle. Liam pressed the button to play the pre-recorded music and excitement bubbled inside as I linked arms with my dad and he led me toward the beach. We had timed it perfectly, picked the perfect location on the small island just off the coast. The backdrop for our wedding would be the setting sun over the water.

  As I focused on not tripping on the sand, I looked up, my eyes meeting Drew’s. The music shifted for me to walk down the aisle. Tears pricked my eyes and I batted them back as Peter Cetera’s voice floated through the air, singing After All.

  Of all the moments in my life, everything I’d seen, I knew the one I’d never forget would be the look in Drew’s eyes as he smiled at me while I walked down the beach to him. I could barely breathe by the time my dad kissed my cheek and passed Drew my hand.

  We waited through the song, just staring at each other, soaking in the moment and thinking about all we’d been through and how far we’d come.

  “I love you, Hailey.” Drew stood on my parents’ front porch after taking me out to the movies. He timidly looked down into my eyes and I could see how nervous he was to say those words for the first time.

  “I love you too,” I smiled so big, I thought my face might crack as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to press my lips onto his.

  Drew and I lay on his bed, both naked, as he pulled the sheet up over me and kissed my temple, “That was amazing.”

  “Mm-hmm.” I murmured sleepily.

  “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I? I know that was your first, and —.”

  “I’m good, I promise. It was fantastic.” I lifted my head from his chest and gently kissed his lips. His hand reached to cup my face as he controlled the kiss.

  “How could he do this? How could he cheat on me?” I cried to my best friend; my head buried in my pillows.

  “It will be okay. You’ll get through this. I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but you will.”

  “No. That was it. He was it for me. He was the love of my life but he didn’t want me.” I sobbed so violently I thought I might die.

  “You were there that night?” His pained voice echoed in my mind. “ have to let me explain...”

  “You weren’t cheating on me?”

  “No. Hailey, you were the love of my life. You still are... I’d planned to ask you to marry me. I just wanted to be the man you deserved first.”

  “All this time...”

  The lyrics were perfect. Rebecca had brought the song to me a few days ago claiming it had to be the song. And she was right. The moment I heard it; I knew — it was ours.

  As the music faded and the rumbling of people taking their seats died down, Drew mouthed the words, “After all.”

  I smiled and a tear escaped, rolling down my cheek but Drew was there to catch it. His hand cupped my cheek and his thumb swiped the tear away as Liam began the ceremony.

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the love of Drew and Hailey.” Liam began. “Love is not an easy journey and marriage is not something to be entered into lightly. But, these two have never been known to shy away from a challenge, especially when the reward is so great. And, love is the greatest reward. It is love that makes all the challenges and all the struggles worth it. Love for each other, for family, for friends.

  “I can speak with absolute certainty when I say, there is no stopping these two when they set their mind to something. I have no doubt that will hold true of marriage as well. Lao Tzu said, ``To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage.’ And, I can attest that these two have both in excess.

  “It is now time for those words Hailey and Drew wish to hear the most. The vows that will take them from engagement to marriage.” Liam nodded to me, signally it was my turn to speak.

  “I, Hailey take you, Drew to be my husband. I will share my life with you, build our dreams together, support you through times of trouble, and rejoice with you in times of happiness. I promise to give you respect, love and loyalty through all the trials and triumphs of our lives together. This commitment is made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope, and made new every day of our lives. With this ring, I marry you. Wear it forever as a sign of my love.” I slipped the simple gold band onto Drew’s finger and he looked up with so much love in his eyes I thought I might melt.

  “I, Drew, take you, Hailey, to be my wife. I will share my life with you, build our dreams together, support you through times of trouble, and rejoice with you in times of happiness. I promise to give you respect, love and loyalty through all the trials and triumphs of our lives together. This commitment is made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope, and made new every day of our lives. I give you this ring. Wear it with love and joy. As this ring has no end, my love is also forever.” He slipped my ring onto my finger to nestle beside the engagement ring he’d bought for me five years before.

  “With the exchanging of vows and giving of rings, I am happy to pronounce you husband and wife.” Liam smiled and raised his eyebrows at Drew. “Kiss her, man.”

  Drew didn’t waste any time. His hand grabbed into my hair and pulled me to him, kissing me so deeply that my to
es curled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on tight.

  We were finally where we belonged. It was a long journey to get there, but the journey was worth every step.

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  The Line Series

  Crossing the Line

  Blurring the Line

  Drawing the Line

  When Dae Breaks

  When Knight Falls

  Dangerous Games




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