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Kinky Carnival Games (A Romance Novella): Maybe Mandy 1

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by Chris Genovese

  In my mind I was there with them in the room. I’d barged in, letting the towel drop, and sauntered over to where Susie was riding Vince. I saw her taking his whole cock inside of her, sinking all the way down to the base and then rising until the head nearly popped out. She rose and fell, rose and fell. Then her lazy, tired eyes finally noticed me watching and she waved me over with one hand.

  “It’s okay, Mandy,” she whispered, her mouth rising with each syllable as he entered and exited her.

  My eyes were drawn to the slickness of his cock, her juices mixed with his, and the ease at which he was plugging away. I wanted to take her place. I wanted to feel the length of him inside me.

  I saw Vince with his head tilted back, smiling, watching me approach. I knew where he wanted me to go. But I needed to hear him say it.

  “Mandy,” he whispered, “Let me taste you.”

  My hand pumped faster and harder, rubbing vigorously at my swollen pussy as my imagination went in to overdrive.

  In their room, I climbed up onto the bed and squatted down on my knees, watching Susie take his hard cock inside of her. She buried it then released it, buried it then released it. Her breasts were small, but looked so hot with her dark tan and white bikini line over the peaks of her tits. They shook with each thrust like a heartbeat pumping out her chest.

  I’d never been into the gay thing. I’d kissed Susie once in college during a game of Spin the Bottle but it had just been a drunken escapade that had never gone any further. But seeing her there on top of Vince, those small, tight breasts bobbing up and down aroused me even more.

  I leaned forward, kind of curled up into a ball, my pussy just a foot from Vince’s face. I looked over my shoulder and saw him staring at it from the back as he breathed heavily in rhythm with Susie’s motion. I grinned knowing he wanted me. He’d always wanted me.

  I was shy, nervous to make a move, just curled up there watching Susie. She leaned her head to the side, gesturing for me to come on over. So I crawled over to her, unsure of what she wanted me to do. I felt oddly out of place and unsure of myself while my pussy dripped the whole time, pouring onto the mattress. I could feel myself dripping down my leg. I took pleasure in the fact that Vince was watching me as I inched forward, closer to Susie.

  I lifted one of my legs up and over Vince and sat down so that I was facing Susie with my pussy flat against Vince’s chest. Seeing me there in front of his face must’ve turned him on because Susie suddenly gasped as he shoved upward into her. I could feel her ecstasy. Just the thought of that sudden sweet pain sent shivers down my spine. Susie smiled at me and offered me one of her breasts, her hand cupped around it, holding the nipple out to me.

  I was nervous. Part of me kind of wanted to take it in my mouth but another part of me said it’s not for me. It’s not what I was there for. I didn’t want a woman. I needed a man inside me.

  I suddenly felt something touch the folds of my swollen pussy.

  The excitement and pressure had been building up and that light push of my button was all I needed. My legs trembled. I was so tender and finally I was being touched by a man.

  Then I felt Vince lift me up and set me down on his face. His nose bumped against my asshole and I squealed, but then his tongue sank into me and I thought I’d lose it. I wanted to let loose and come on his face. And I was so close. I could feel his chin against my clit, the stubble rubbing me raw as he wagged his tongue from side to side, his nose bumping the spot between my pussy and my ass. It was perfect.

  In my room, I crashed against the wall, shoving my hand back and forth between my legs. I could almost feel Vince’s tongue in place of my fingers, pulling my pussy lips aside and diving in. My finger was his tongue. I never put my fingers inside, but this time I did just a little, just the tip, as I thought of Vince’s tongue plunging into me while Susie rode his dick right in front of me.

  My thumb never left my clit. It was like a button, if touched right, it could…

  I gasped.

  Yes, I need to fuck. I need to fuck. I need to fuck. Vince, tongue fuck me. Susie, just move over and just let me…

  It was going so great. Until, through the wall, I heard Vince make the ape-like noise he did when he was about to come. It was a turn off. Instant cold shower.


  I collapsed to my knees, squatting down, embarrassment flooding over me. I was zapped back to reality, a cruel end to such an amazing fantasy. I imagined what I must look like curled up in my room, back to the wall, towel now at my ankles.

  Is the door even locked?

  For a second I imagined Vince rushing in and begging me again to do the threesome, making this whole dream a sudden reality. I knew if he did, I would accept the invitation. No, that’s not true. That wasn’t my thing. But the thought of it…

  Man, the five-month mark is a bitch.

  I decided right then that I would be happy to meet Braden at eight, and if he were even mildly good looking and a little bit interested in me, I’d be getting some this night.

  The mirror doesn’t lie. And as I stood there in front of it, I wanted to slap the truthful bastard. My dress looked too tight. I’m not plus size, but I’m not super slender either. I’m what guys have called “healthy.” Susie passed by as I stood at the floor to ceiling mirrored closet door.

  “Damn, Mandy, you have the fucking hottest ass ever,” she said.

  “Come on,” I said, a little ashamed.

  She stood behind me and put her hands on my waist. She looked over my shoulder like a proud mom and smoothed down my shoulder length brown hair.

  “Mmm mmm, girl,” she said. “Not a flaw. The hair, the behind, this adorable face.”

  She flicked my nose, knowing that bothered me. I had a little button nose that I wished I could change.

  “What I wouldn’t do for this do,” she added as she ran a hand through my hair.

  When my high school counterparts used to hang their heads upside down, douse their head with hairspray, and then grip their dangling hair in their hands and scrunch it up as much as they could, my hair just naturally styled that way.

  Susie had straight blond hair and a dark tan that most would think was spray-on, but I knew was the result of a dedicated up-at-dawn, beach-bound regimen.

  “Go get dressed,” I told her.

  “Umm, about that. I’m not going,” she informed me.

  “What do you mean you’re not going? I’m not going out with this dude by myself. I don’t know anything about him.”

  I realized I needed to come down an octave. I was squealing the way an eight year old would if a bike ran over her toe.

  “I’m kinda sore,” she whispered.


  Susie just looked at me, cocked an eyebrow, and grinned.

  “Oh no way,” I complained. “Come on. You guys have sex like every day. Since when are you too sore to…”

  She pointed at her butt. I knew she very rarely allowed Vince to go in the back door. That’s one of those things I’d never done and didn’t plan to do. I didn’t even like things coming out that end, so going in…no way.

  Susie rolled her eyes as she nodded and laughed. “Yup. He begged. And I hate to see him beg.”

  “Eww,” I said just imagining them.

  I touched myself while he was doing her from behind. Gross.

  “Please, Susie. Don’t do this to me,” I begged.

  “I can barely sit down right now, girl. Bumper cars would be completely out of the question.”

  “Then I’ll cancel. I don’t wanna go. Let’s just chill here and watch a movie.”

  She took both of my hands in hers and swung them back and forth.

  “Trust me,” she said. “When you see this guy, all this talk about staying home will melt away. HE IS FUCKING HOT, AMANDA.”

  She only said my full first name when she was trying to drive home a point. She was serious.

  “He’s the kind of guy that would be the werewolf alpha in a TV show.�

  I shot her my angry look, still not buying it.

  “Just wait till you see him. Then you stay home if you want to.”


  Braden was late. Not “oh shit he stood me up” kind of late, but late is late. His knock rattled the door at almost 8:30. By then I’d relaxed on the couch and kind of hoped he wouldn’t show at all. Susie and Vince were watching the tail end of The Notebook, one of my favorite movies. Next up? Unfaithful. That’s where I had to draw the line. Surely, whether I was next to them or not, Vince would start to make his move while Diane Lane gets eaten out. Just the thought of their poop chute escapades made me cringe.

  My saving grace came with the one-two knock of my date. Vince opened the door and met his buddy in the handshake hug way men do, their masculine approach at showing their feminine side. At least we girls just wrap each other up in a big hug and pop a kiss on the cheek. No need to showcase brute strength. It wasn’t until Vince backed off that I actually got a good look at my new beau.

  Braden. The name fit him perfectly. He looked elegant, dressed in a charcoal sweater, black undershirt, and midnight slacks. He was much more dapper than any guy I’d dated in the past. His hair was black, kind of messy, but in that oh-snap-look-how-I-just-made-my-hair-look-like-I-didn’t-plan-it-this-way style. It stood up, but kind of went off at different angles expertly. Even from the doorway I could see his icy blue eyes. They seemed to shimmer in the electric blue light of the kitchen fluorescents. His face was chiseled, his jaw squared. He was clean-shaven but looked as if that five o’clock shadow kicked in at noon. Overall, he was a 10 on a scale of 1 to 5.

  In his hand was a single rose, a blue one. Nice.

  “Susie,” he said with a little wave in her direction.

  I stood up from the couch and just stood there. Thinking back, I might have looked like a dummy. I didn’t even say anything at first. I was kind of awestruck. This guy was gorgeous and not in the beach bum Abercrombie way. He was more Adam Levine in Brooks Brothers casual.

  “Yes,” I said.

  And everyone just stared.

  Hadn’t he introduced himself to me?

  Holy shit he didn’t.

  In my daydream state he’d said something like, “And you must be Mandy.”

  In reality we hadn’t been introduced at all and he didn’t seem to know my name.

  “Yes?” Susie repeated, clearly making fun of me.

  “Umm, hi,” I managed to force out.

  “Braden, this is Mandy, but I’m so sorry to say that she’s decided she’d rather stay home…”

  “No,” I blurted out.

  Okay, this is getting worse.

  I turned to Susie. “Susie, shut up.”

  She looked taken aback but then laughed, put her head back, and threw her hands up like, “whatever” and laughed it off. She could never hold a grudge.

  Brazenly I walked past Vince, grabbed Braden by his hand, and pulled him out of the apartment. Yes, I would be getting some this night.

  Finally outside and alone, Braden chuckled and squeezed my hand, a signal I realized meant, “stop.” I did halfway to the parking lot.

  “Sorry about that,” I said. “I just needed to get out of there before my friends did their best to make me regret this.”

  He flashed me a crooked grin, adorable. He was sly and I’d need to be careful if I didn’t want to fall too deep into his well of charm. This one might even be bottomless.

  “Regret this?” he asked. “Regret me? Ouch.”

  I would not be regretting him.

  “Maybe,” I said, trying my best to put up a hard-to-get front.

  “Well, I think we’re in the clear. Think we can do the formal introductions now?”

  “Yes, of course. I’m Amanda, Mandy.”

  “I like that. Mandy. It’s short, cute, sassy. Doesn’t roll off the tongue but kind of leaps off like KaPOW.”

  KaPOW. From anyone else I’d be thinking, “Uh oh, is this one of those cheesy comic book loving kind of guys?”

  But not this guy. From him I was thinking, “Awesome, he kind of sounds like one of those comic book loving kind of guys.”

  “KaPOW,” I repeated. “That’s me alright. And what’s your secret identity?”

  “Braden Cranston, the third.”

  If I was KaPOW, he sounded like KaCHING! I’m no gold digger, at least I don’t think I am. I’ve never been in a position to be with someone with money but this guy had one of those golf-ball-hitting, bridge-playing, sail-boat-whatever-you-do-on-a-sail-boat(ing) kind of names.

  “The third?”

  He shook his head. “Kidding. I’m a first.”

  Damn, maybe he doesn’t have money.

  “Good,” I said. “I like having the original.”

  He smiled. I took his hand and we went to his car.

  Turns out Braden Cransten the first did have some money. Rich? Maybe not but he drove a new Dodge Charger and that was all right by me. We weren’t in the car more than a few minutes before the flirting was underway, and I know what you’re thinking, but I swear I didn’t start it.

  Here’s what happened. He was driving, both hands on the wheel, eyes on the road, some kind of singer/songwriter music on the radio. I think it might've been James Morrison. Very soulful stuff.

  He glanced over at me, just out of the corner of his eye, but I saw it. I noticed. He did it again.

  I looked down and saw that my black dress had crept up a little and my leg was showing. He looked at it again. I pulled my dress down a little.

  “Why’d you do that?” he asked.


  “Why’d you fix your dress? I was enjoying the view. Your legs are gorgeous.”

  I bit my bottom lip. Something in his voice was teasing. You know how sometimes you’re not sure if someone likes you, but then other times you just know? He liked me. I could tell. This wasn’t just some sort of ruse.

  “Thanks,” I said awkwardly.

  That might’ve been a childish response. I guess I should’ve said something like, “Let me wrap them around you.”

  Ha, can you imagine?

  I could never. I don’t even think it would sound sexy if I tried. It probably would’ve accidentally come out sounding like, “Let you wrap me around them.”

  He looked at me again. I wanted him to keep his eyes on the road but the way he kept undressing me with his eyes was turning me on. The next time he looked, I reached down and pulled my dress up to where it had been before. He saw me, so I pulled it up just slightly further.

  It had begun.

  “What do you do for a living?” he asked.

  I considered lying but it wasn’t like he couldn’t find out.

  “I sell ad space, you know the ad space you see on the outside wall at baseball games and stuff? That. At the Penrose Stadium.”

  “So you’re around athletes all the time,” he said.

  “Not really, mostly little league games are played there.”

  I’d forgotten he was from out of town. Anyone living in town knew the Penrose Stadium was not the coolest arena in town. Susie had the same job but she did it at the hockey arena where the real studs were.

  “And you?”

  He laughed. “You really wanna know?”

  “I think so. You’re not like an assassin or something are you?”

  “You like movies don’t you?”

  “I do.”

  “No, I’m a writer…of sorts. You ever go into a Spencer’s Gifts or one of those kind of stores?”

  I had. Susie and I used to go into Spencer’s all the time and joke around with the sex toys. One time she took the lid off a bottle of motion lotion. As she leaned in to smell it, I smacked her hand and her nose went into the bottle. Her nose started burning, her eyes started watering, and we ended up having to ditch our movie dates.

  Sorry, totally random bit of Mandy info. Back to my story.

  “You know the sex games there, like the dirty secret kind
of games and Truth or Dare…that kind of stuff?” Braden asked.

  I laughed out loud and threw my head back. This guy had to be kidding.

  “I write the questions in those games. I write a lot of the stuff there. Sometimes I even do the goofy T-shirt slogans.”

  “Get out of here.”

  “I’m serious.”


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