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Taming The Alpha: A Wolf Shifter Mpreg Romance (Savage Love Book 3)

Page 22

by Preston Walker

  He was thankfully not missing any teeth in his human form. He owed this to the fact that wolves possessed 10 more teeth than humans did. He had lost some of the extras. No big deal.

  His mouth hurt though, as was normal after being kicked in the face.

  Reaching out to the doorknob with his bloody hand, Ulysses twisted it and shoved the door open.

  It was just another empty room with nothing inside it, not even any debris or chunks of wood and insulation that might have come from the rough ceiling. Huddled against the back wall was a gorgeous man with auburn hair and beautiful blue eyes that shone even in the shadows. He had been bound with a length of rope and was currently struggling to try and free himself from his bonds. This was the rustling sound Ulysses had heard, clothes rasping against the ground as his mate wiggled and struggled.

  “Robbie!” Ulysses cried out, relieved and furious all at once.

  Robbie lifted up his head, his wiggles ceasing. His eyes flashed with warning, the same sort Ulysses had received earlier, but he couldn’t say anything because his mouth had a rag stuffed in it.

  “Lee?” someone else said, sounding doubtful. “What are you doing here? Did Wheeler ask you to come?”

  Ulysses turned to look into the face of the man who had once been his best friend. Brody was here, standing guard over the captive Robbie.

  Everything fell into place for Ulysses right in that moment. All the puzzle pieces came together. Wheeler had done this, and he had recruited the help of some of his workers. That was why he had been recognizing scents all over the place. They belonged to other workers. He should have been able to recognize them, should have been able to put names and faces to them, but he just hadn’t imagined it to be possible.

  He hadn’t even considered that the people he used to work with would do something like this. Maybe Wheeler, since he seemed to be the person behind all of this, but Clark and Brody and everyone else?

  Why didn’t I recognize those other three men, then? Is there more to this that I don’t know?


  “Yeah,” Ulysses said. “I got asked to come.”

  “But that wasn’t the plan.”

  Ulysses shrugged, making his way deeper into the room. “I always get what I want.”

  Brody smiled uneasily, though it was clear his thoughts were churning and wheeling, struggling to come up with some sort of solution. And in the next instant, he wasn’t smiling at all. He wasn’t doing anything, because Ulysses reared his fist back and brought it crashing as hard as he could into the other man’s face.

  Brody stumbled back, grabbed his face, collapsed on the floor. He hit his head on the wall on the way down and didn’t move.

  Snarling, shaking out his aching hand, Ulysses hurried to turn back around, wanting to get his mate out of here as quickly as possible. He was prepared to fight this out, but he wanted to actually have to do as little fighting as possible.

  Standing between him and Robbie was Wheeler, who must have barged in at some point in the last few seconds.

  And Wheeler had a gun, and he was pointing it right at Robbie.

  Ulysses didn’t move, though he could feel his lip curling against his will. “If it isn’t the boss. You know, I have lost so much fucking respect for you in the past couple minutes. I wouldn’t work for you again even if you paid me a thousand bucks each day.”

  Wheeler smiled, but it was a sad little grimace with very little feeling behind it. “I wouldn’t hire you even if you were the last man on earth. I hate to say it, but you have done nothing but bring me trouble. Now you’ve even gone and fucked up my last plan.”

  Ulysses took in the scene before him, trying to figure out how the hell he was going to take the advantage here with a gun pointed at the man he loved. “I don’t even care what the plan was. I just don’t care anymore.”

  “You never really could see the big picture. Too dense.” Wheeler shook his head. His hand wobbled on the gun, then steadied again. “But you were a good pawn, up until recently.”

  Ulysses also shook his head. “Enough of this bullshit. I’ll find out later why you’re doing this. Right now, I just want to know who all these strange people are. The only one I recognize is Brody.”

  Brody, who was lying on the floor, groaning and holding his bashed head as blood tickled its way down the back of his neck.

  “I guess you’ve got the right to know that.” Wheeler shrugged. “They’re mostly part of my night crew. They helped to dismantle all the cars you and Brody fetched for me.”

  That explained it, then. Ulysses had probably been catching whiffs of their scent in the repair shop for ages without really knowing what, or who, he was smelling.

  “The police are coming,” Ulysses growled. “You might as well put that fucking toy gun down and give up.”

  “I can’t do that. Not even now that you’ve messed everything up so much. I’m just going to have to shoot both of you. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Ulysses. And I’m sorry about your boyfriend.”

  The wretched thing was, Wheeler sounded as if he meant it.

  Ulysses was known for his recklessness. He was known for acting without thinking. That was just what he did.

  And it was what he did now. He stepped forward.

  Wheeler whipped around, bringing the gun around with him, and fired.

  The sound was deafeningly loud, a sharp and concussive burst of purse noise. Ulysses stopped, his sensitive ears hurting, the rest of him struggling to catch up with what had happened. He couldn’t feel anything.

  Wheeler was looking down.

  Ulysses looked down, too.

  Wheeler must have fired at the wrong moment, or the wobbling of his hand must have worked against him. The bullet had followed a trajectory nearly straight down, blasting through Ulysses’ shoe and embedding itself in the floor.

  He would be missing a toe, if he hadn’t already been missing one to begin with.

  Wheeler lifted his gun up and fired, but the gun only clicked harmlessly. He’d only come prepared with one bullet.

  “You should learn to think ahead,” Ulysses suggested, and punched him as hard as he could.

  At the moment Wheeler hit the ground, the police burst into the room.


  Robbie smiled at the sight before him. He loved weddings. There was nothing better in his eyes than a celebration of something so joyous as this, when two people who loved each other could be bonded in every way possible. He knew Ulysses disliked that humans respected marriage just because of the label, but the alpha hadn’t been able to say no to having one when Robbie asked him to marry him.

  Things had changed so much in the past several months. Wheeler had been arrested and many of the people who had been involved in the car thefts which plagued Pensacola were also behind bars, awaiting trial.

  Ulysses was not to be indicated in any of the crimes, as he had proven over and over during the following investigations that he had nothing to do with them. He had been innocent the entire time, manipulated by his boss, believing everything he was doing was okay.

  The one thing he could not explain was how he had known exactly where to go to find his mate, when he had no knowledge of what was about to happen. After dozens of hours of interviews, police and lawyers eventually decided to call Ulysses’ sense of timing an act of God.

  Robbie knew it was more than that. It had been an act of love.

  Shortly after the bulk of the interviews faded out, as some of the case was dropped by the media in favor of more interesting topics, Ulysses was offered several other jobs. He had picked one, and was already amassing parts to work on his custom chopper in his spare time.

  His spare time, at the house he lived in with Robbie. They had moved in together as the pregnancy moved along at a rapid clip, figuring it was better to be together sooner rather than later.

  As for Robbie, he had put Aaliyah in charge of the daycares while he took leave to “have a baby” As far as anyone knew, he was only adopti
ng. Maybe someday he would tell his most trusted caregiver the truth, but not today.

  Samson came into the world at 6 months, and he was on the husky side even for a human baby who had spent the proper length of time in the womb. There was no doubt in Robbie’s mind that he had given birth to a very powerful alpha. A parent had a sense for these kind of things.

  The pregnancy itself was the difficult part. Robbie went through pretty much every difficulty possible, though he tried to face it all with a smile. The hardest thing for him though, was when he couldn’t smile, when the mood swings got ahold of him and turned everything upside down.

  But, those, too, had passed, like everything else. When Robbie went into labor, he was nearly already giving birth on the ride to the hospital. Samson was born a mere hour after his parents were placed in a private room, slipping to the world easily and seamlessly. He didn’t even cry when he first emerged, which had prompted Ulysses to ask if there was something wrong with the pup.

  No. Everything was perfect. Samson was perfect. He had a head of dark curls and bright hazel eyes. In facial features, he more resembled Ulysses. And Robbie was just fine with that.

  And now, a few months after giving birth, he was standing up here in front of a crowd of wolves. Shadow Claws, the pack to which his mate belonged. And Lethal Freedom, the pack of which he was an honorary member. Both of them had come together on this day to celebrate a union of their members, and Robbie couldn’t tell who belonged to who. He could see no rifts between them. No separation. They were as one, just as he and Ulysses.

  And here came his mate, walking up through the park and looking like a complete and utter snack in his black tuxedo. He held their son in his arms, who was wearing a tiny little tux of his own. They both looked perfect. Beyond perfect.

  Robbie held out his arms, wrapping them around Ulysses’ shoulders. “Are you ready?” he whispered, nuzzling their cheeks together.

  “I still think this whole marriage thing is stupid,” Ulysses grunted. Then, as he looked at Robbie, his eyes softened. “But for you, I’d do anything. And I want honeymoon sex.”

  Robbie laughed, then pulled his son into his arms. Samson let his little head rest on Robbie’s shoulder, and he felt a dizzying wave of protectiveness and love wash over him.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “I love you, too. Now let’s get this show on the road. These shoes hurt my feet.”

  The End

  End of Book 3– Please Read This

  Check out Book 1 of the Savage Love Series, Destiny’s Love. Click Here for more information!

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  Without these amazing people the book would not be the book it is today, Thank you so much!

  C. Mitchell

  Taming The Alpha

  (Savage Love: Book 3)

  Preston Walker

  © 2018


  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and events are all fictitious for the reader’s pleasure. Any similarities to real people, places, events, living or dead are all coincidental.

  This book contains sexually explicit content that is intended for ADULTS ONLY (+18).




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