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Assignment: Deadline on Love [Hawt Men In and Out of Uniform 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 5

by Honor James

  “Who the hell said I was going to muss you up?” he asked with a slow grin. Wiggling his eyebrows, Cutter tugged her in close to kiss her again. Helping her up off his lap, he smacked her ass lightly. “Let’s get moving. I definitely want a few more kisses before we start work. Which reminds me, what is the boss’s policy on public shows of affection?”

  “Don’t mind them at all,” she said with a grin. “In fact, I’m totally good with you kissing me as much as you want, holding my hand, hugging me, anything you want as long as it’s with me.” She patted his ass and winked. “Especially since I’m sure that more than one woman and maybe a few men as well will hit on you.”

  “They can flirt all they want, but I have a strictly hands-off policy. They touch me, and they are accepting the consequences as they come. You, on the other hand, feel me up all you want, sweetheart.” Grabbing her hand, he tugged her out of her office, pausing only long enough for her to lock the door.

  Once they were out of the office, Piper led him into the main bar area and explained where everything was. Half an hour later, they sat in a back booth with her in his lap. “We need to get back to the office, so I can get the cash drawer for tonight. Walk with me?”

  “Absolutely,” he said. He gave her a squeeze as he pressed his nose to her neck. “I think some of your staff is already wondering what’s going on. I’ve caught more than a couple looks this way, and some very intense-looking whispering.”

  “Yeah, they aren’t used to me showing any sort of attention to any male or female for that reason. They are just a little surprised that I’m as affectionate as I am right now.” She shrugged and pressed a kiss to the side of his neck. “Okay, come on before I forget myself.” She got up out of his lap and held her hand out to him. “Come on. Walk and talk with me.”

  Unfolding from the booth, he took her hand, lifting it to his lips and pressing a kiss to her fingers. “What’s on your mind, sweetheart?” he asked. They walked past the staff who, the moment they weren’t right next to them, went back to their whispered speculation.

  “Just trying to think of everything that needs to be done tonight. I usually get into this haze before opening. Running through everything that needs to be done and all that needs to be done through the night. I have a checklist that the bartenders keep up with as well, but you know how it is,” she said with a shrug. “When it’s something that means so much to you, it’s all you can think of. Right?” Only, oddly enough, she wasn’t only thinking of the bar, but him as well.

  “True enough, but you should always allow for the surprises,” he said. “Besides, you have a hell of a lot of good people working here, right? They all know their jobs, where to be, what to do, how to do it. So let them do their jobs, and you worry about all the other stuff.”

  “Like you?” she asked and turned to face him. “For the first time, ever, I’m thinking about more than just what I need to do with the bar. I’ve just met you. Why is that? How is that possible?”

  “We click,” he said. He moved in closer to her, backing her up to her office door. “We have chemistry, but beyond that you and I fit together, sweetheart. No matter what, you know you can count on me. That’s the first step in any relationship, trust.”

  “I do trust you. I’ve never trusted much before, but I do with you. Even though I’ve been hurt before I do.” She had her heart broken before, but she believed in him, a great deal. “I enjoy being around you as well, that’s huge. Right?”

  “I would never hurt you, Piper. I may not always be the brightest bulb in the world, but I would never, ever hurt you. You’re important to me, sweetheart. I can’t say for sure where this is going, what we have between us, but I know I want to explore it fully. If you’re willing, of course,” he said.

  “I want that as well. I really want to be able to have a chance at exploring what possibilities we will have together. I have a feeling that there will be many.” She leaned into him, her hand on his chest, and then looked up. “For now, though, we have work to do, right?”

  “Yes, ma’am, that we do,” he said. Smiling, he pressed his chest to hers and rubbed his nose lightly to hers. “You are fucking awesome, Piper. Never forget that, sweetheart. And know that if anyone bothers you, the authorities will never find where I end up burying the bits and pieces.”

  That had her laughing. “Deal,” she said with a smirk. “With you around I have a feeling I won’t forget anything anytime soon. Which is a good thing, by the way,” she added happily. “For now, let’s get ourselves out there so that the doors can open up?”

  Cutter pressed a kiss to her lips, slow, gentle, and with a lot of emotion behind it. When he drew back he let out a rough-sounding breath. “A promise for later, when we get back to your place, sweetheart. For now, let’s go sling some beers and bust some heads.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” She moved around him, grabbed the tills, and headed out, passing him the key to lock up the office behind her.

  Chapter Five

  “Talked to the general,” Cutter said from behind her. His arms slid around her waist a moment later, and his lips pressed against her neck. “The lads have finished with your house already. It’s all rewired, and not even a fly can get in there without us knowing it. He also had the blueprints for this place left there. Unfortunately he didn’t get a look at them, just had one of the guys drop them off for me, so he couldn’t answer any of my questions about your bar and the weird walls.”

  “Okay. Well at least part of that’s in place with the house, right?” So they would be safe at her home, to be sure. “Has Yoshi moved into the room that you were going to occupy?” Since he was sleeping with her, it was open for the man now. The room had its own bathroom so that was even better.

  “No, sweetheart,” he said softly. “Remember I mentioned that he was staying up the street? It’s a strategic move, really. Ensures that should someone get at us, he can get to them. Which reminds me, I’ll have to call to wake him up once we’re in the house. He’s only on duty when we’re there since the security system will ensure not a soul can get in during times we’re away. It should also assure no one gets in while we’re there, but we may need to play with the sensitivity a bit until it’s just right.”

  “Whatever it is that we need to do is something I can deal with. As long as we are safe, I’m good with it.” Poor Yoshi, though, having to be awake when they were sleeping. Talk about boring.

  “Uh-oh, you’ve got that look on your face that women get when they are thinking too hard. What’s going on in your head, sweetheart?” he asked as he turned her to face him. “I can practically feel you twitching with the need to fix something.”

  “Just thinking that he’s going to be so bored. Poor guy. Seriously, he’s going to be bored staying awake while we are sleeping and, well, you know.” She grinned. “Lots and lots of, well, you know, hopefully. We do have a new box of condoms after all.”

  “The word you are looking for is sex, sweetheart. Lovemaking works as well. Fucking could also be applied depending on what we’re about, but sex usually covers the basics. It’s also why I haven’t encouraged you to invite him into the house. I’d rather have you all to myself, naked, with no one to see you but me.”

  “Good point. Plus, with no one but us being in the house we can have sex all over the place. On the stairs, on the back of the sofa, on the dining table. You know, everywhere.” She seemed to be insatiable when it came from him. She seemed to always want to have him naked and be naked with him.

  “On the counters, in the shower, against the wall, or on your kitchen table. There are so many places, so little time,” he said with a grin. “Damn, I think we should pick up a dozen boxes of condoms. This way I don’t have to try and get two orgasms for every condom. Not that that wasn’t a bit of great fun. Especially since you were such a doubter.”

  “Yes, I was a doubter, but I think you are right. It would be nice to be able to have long loving, taking our time and both of us coming in tandem
. Maybe we should get more condoms. Keep some in the shower, some in the kitchen, living room. A little of everywhere so that we don’t have to plan ahead but can jump in with both feet.” And not have to stop in the middle of wanting to be together.

  “I love how you think,” he said. Chuckling, he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight. “What needs to be done before we can get the hell out of here? I do want a peek at the blueprints tonight, if only to ease my curiosity about this place. But I don’t want to rush you.”

  “We are good to leave now.” She nodded and looked around once more. “Let’s go home. Maybe pick up some milk on the way home so that we can have something to eat when we get there?” Cereal was the breakfast of champions. Well, for her at least.

  “I think we could do a little better than that. We will hit the store, though. We need condoms, and we’ll pick up some actual breakfast foods. If they have what I want there, I’ll pick up the stuff for my mom’s chili, too. It takes a full day to make. Torments you the entire time, but it’s well worth it. That is, of course, if you like chili,” he said.

  “Are you kidding me? I love chili. We just have to make sure to pick me up some Bean-O as well because otherwise I will have heartburn like crazy from the beans.” She loved chili with lots of beans, but it didn’t love her so much.

  “Right, we’ll get you whatever you need. There are a lot of beans in Mama’s chili recipe, as well as a lot of other good things. Grab your stuff, sweetheart. And let’s get the hell out of here. We have things to do, including lots and lots of sex.”

  “Yes, I couldn’t agree more. I think that you and I see each other eye to eye on this stuff, and that makes me very, very happy. Okay. So do you need to make your shopping list, or are we just going to wing it?” Piper asked as she linked her arm with his, giving him a sort of side hug as she did so.

  “Wing it, babe. Always,” he said. Laughing softly he patted her hand and led her out of the bar. At his truck he helped her in, and moments later they were on the way to the market. Once there, he commandeered a cart and set off. Amazingly enough, he seemed to know just where to go, what to get, and did it all without a lot of muss or fuss. They were in and out in under twenty minutes, with plenty of condoms as well. The poor checkout girl’s eyes had practically bugged out of her eyes. ‘Course, it hadn’t helped when Cutter had made a comment that Piper was a nymphomaniac who he was more than happy to help with her sex addiction.

  “You do know that tomorrow the whole town is going to be talking about the bar owner that just can’t keep her legs shut, right?” Not that she cared one small iota. It wasn’t like she was in a small town, so she honestly didn’t care. “Although the look on her face was priceless, especially when she looked you up and down and said that if anyone could do the job it was you.”

  “Quite the compliment, actually,” he said. Pulling her into his side, he hugged her close with a laugh. “Sorry, sweetheart, but I couldn’t resist. Not with the look she was giving us. Besides, it’ll give her a great story to tell to all her friends later. We should come back tomorrow, see if she’s working, and if she is, pick up a few more boxes.”

  “Oh God, the woman would have a heart attack and start to ask if you have brothers or cousins to satisfy her itch,” she teased. “Because with the way that you were looking at me she knew she didn’t have a chance in hell with you.” Which made her happy as hell.

  “Damn straight she doesn’t have a chance with me. Why would I go with anyone but you?” he asked softly. “You are perfect for me in ways I can’t even describe. I truly don’t have words to tell you how amazing you are to me. What you do to me, what you make me feel, and then you top it off with the fact all I can think about is getting you naked. Damn, woman, you have me fucking wrapped around your finger,” he said.

  “Right back atcha, babe,” Piper told him honestly. She took a deep breath and shook her head. “I don’t get it, but I’m good with it. I like that we complement each other as well as we do a great deal. I hope that we are able to continue to do so while you are here with me.” She worried about what happened when they caught the person threatening her, but that was then and this was now.

  “You’re worrying again,” he commented. He shot her a look as he pulled up in front of her house. “Why are you worrying, sweetheart? Come on, talk to Cutter. Tell him what’s got you frowning and chewing on that sexy little lip of ours so hard.”

  “I’m worried about how I’m going to go on when this job is over for you. Weird, I know. We have only been together for a couple of days but already you are more important to me than my bar, and that says something right there.”

  Sighing, he turned the engine off, hopped out of the truck, and walked around to her side. Pulling the door open, he helped her out, shut the door, and pressed her up against it. “Look at me, Piper,” he said. His hands were resting on her hips, his forehead against hers as he stared down into her eyes. “Sweetheart, if what we have is even half as good as I think it is and will be, you’re not getting rid of me when this job is done. You are not just a job. I want you to know that. The moment I met you I knew this was going to get damn personal for me. If you want me to stick around when you have your life back, I will. I want to, Piper. Fuck, woman, you have me tied up in knots already just thinking you are planning on kicking me to the curb.”

  She lifted her hand and put it on his cheek, her other hand as well, and breathed in the breath that he let out. “It’s such a short amount of time to know you, but I know without a shadow of a doubt I want you to stay,” she whispered. “I like having you around. I like having you around for more than just sex, too. What I feel goes beyond the physical.” Which scared the hell out of her. “You are more than just a protector, too,” she whispered with her lips practically on his. “So much more.”

  “I’m whatever you want me to be, sweetheart. But I’d really like to be yours, period.” He pressed a kiss to her lips before stepping back. “Let’s get everything inside and put away. I want to curl up with you in my arms for a while and just hold you. I want to do a whole lot more, but for now that’s my immediate need.”

  “Mine too.” Piper kissed him gently, her lips just brushing over his as she did so. “Cuddling once everything is put away sounds like a damn fine idea. I like how you think.” She patted his chest and pulled back. She missed him when she did pull back but did it all the same. “Later we will make us some breakfast and go to bed. Deal?”

  “Works for me,” he said. He passed her a couple bags and then took the rest to carry in. “Lead on, sweetheart. I’ll be right on your ass, one of my favorite places to be, by the way. It is a pretty damn fine ass. Perky, nicely rounded, makes me want to sink my teeth in.”

  Piper just grinned. There was nothing she could say to that because in all honesty she loved it when he did sink his teeth into her ass, into her anywhere. “Well as long as you sink more than your teeth into me, we are totally good.”

  “Like you even have to ask,” he said. When they reached it, Aeron indicated for her to unlock the door. Once she did that, he stepped inside and punched a code into her alarm pad, or rather her new alarm pad. It was a hell of a lot bigger and more complicated looking than the old one.

  He gave the door a nudge as he tugged her in closer to him. “You need to pick a new code, different from the other system just in case. The pad is set at an angle so even if someone was pressed to a window anywhere in sight of it they can’t see what you punch. The only other thing to remember is when you have someone come over, to put your body between them and the pad. Never let anyone see the code that is yours, and yours alone.” He pressed a few buttons, and then stepped away to let her enter her code into the pad. “When it beeps, hit the okay button, and then punch the code in again.”

  She put in a code, the day, month, and year she met him in DDMMYY format, and then smirked. Yes, it was only a day or so ago, but that was an important day to her, so that was all that mattered. “Okay, now what? Does this
thing have an instructional manual to go with it?” There were many buttons, a touch-screen display, and more things than she could think of on it, and quite frankly it was intimidating.

  Aeron held up a book, two inches thick, in front of her face. “Your manual, ma’am,” he said. A look to his face showed a perfectly serious expression, but his eyes were definitely showing his laughter. “It’s mostly in English, too,” he said.

  “Are you flipping kidding me right now? This has to seriously be faked. There is no way in hell that this book is to this alarm system. Right?” At his look, she felt herself pale. “Good lord, I’ve read novels that are shorter than this freaking thing.” Damn, she was going to have to do some heavy-duty reading and that sucked ass.

  He rolled his eyes at her before propping a shoulder to the wall. Flipping the book open, he turned it to face her. “The first forty pages are the table of contents, of which I had Yoshi highlight the applicable parts for your particular system. Ten pages after that are diagrams for the control panel, and then an even greater breakdown of the system to a microchip level. Of which you can ignore eight of those ten pages. Again, Yoshi has highlighted the buttons that are integral for your system.” Aeron flipped to the pages he was talking about to show her. “This is all you need to know. While it looks crazy insane, it’s very simple. I made sure we took it down a bit so that you wouldn’t ever be overwhelmed, Piper. It looks intimidating, which it’s supposed to, but it works a lot like your other system. It just has a few additional little perks like a notification system for when you’re out of the house. It will send you a little message on your phone once we set up the app, to alert you to any number of things. All of which can be controlled right there, on your phone, in that message.”

  “Oh, that’s very cool.” She looked at the book and then the alarm and nodded. “So my alarm system has an app. That’s seriously awesome.” She had an app for her bar, but never had one for her alarm. “So Yoshi is your tech genius, I take it? He’s the one that makes the gadgets happen for you all?” She was curious about the men that Aeron worked with, the dynamic that they all seemed to have in place with each other as well.


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