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by Heather Atkinson


  Dividing Line #11

  Copyright Heather Atkinson August 2017

  This book is dedicated to Carolyn Murden and Randolph Caines. Love and best wishes to you both xx


  It was a subdued Christmas Day. Even the children weren’t as raucous as usual. Cathy was doing her best to get the festive mood going but it was difficult when one of the family was missing, locked in a coma in a private care home on the outskirts of the city. Consequently no one was in the mood for charades or the trivia game she’d bought especially for today. They’d all cheered up a little after exchanging gifts, then a very glum Jackson and Cara had arrived after spending the morning at the care home with Jules, depressing them all even more, everyone feeling guilty about having any fun. Ryan and Rachel and their children weren’t due to arrive until the following day and Cathy hoped they would lighten the atmosphere.

  Only Amber was cheerful but then again, she was the only one who was glad Jules was in a coma because it meant she didn’t have to worry about her husband Mikey sneaking off with her behind her back. He was even being a bit more attentive in bed, although she was sure Jules was still in the back of his mind when he was making love to her. All in all, things were looking up. She was still sleeping with Declan, Mikey’s cousin, even though she had no feelings for him whatsoever, she just enjoyed getting one over on her husband, who was clueless. Declan wasn’t here, he’d gone back to Ireland to spend Christmas with his mother and younger brothers and he wasn’t due to return until the New Year. It would be good to have a break from him slobbering all over her. She’d given up flirting with Riley, Beth’s husband, not just because he never responded but because he looked so much like his half-brother Ryan Law that it freaked her out. Ryan was the scariest man she knew and that was saying something. Plus she was trying to get back into Beth and Cathy’s good books. She still thought they were a pair of sad losers but now Jules was finally out of the picture she wanted to take back what had been hers before that obnoxious, loud-mouthed bitch had come along and stolen it. But most of all she wanted Jackson, Jules’s husband. She wanted him so badly she ached inside, she even thought about him when she was in bed with Mikey. It wasn’t just the fact that he was a cage fighter that got her so hot, he was fucking stunning too and ever since Jules had been put into a coma he’d developed a sombre, tragic air that Amber found oddly attractive. However she’d dialled down her flirting with him too as Beth and Cathy seemed to watch her more closely than usual when Jackson was around. Just like Riley he’d never responded to her advances but he was upset over Jules and one day that grief would subside, he’d want a woman who was conscious for a start and he would fall for her charms, which were considerable if she did say so herself.

  Amber glanced sideways at Jackson, admiring the way his jumper clung to his muscular shoulders and heat flooded through her as she imagined being wrapped in those arms, her naked skin pressed against his.

  “You okay babe?” said Mikey, putting a hand on her knee, looking concerned. “You’ve gone all red. Are you not feeling well?”

  “I’m fine,” she smiled. “It’s the wine.”

  He nodded and returned to his conversation with Jez, leaving her with her very pleasant thoughts.

  Beth ran a hand over her belly. She was five months pregnant with her and Riley’s first child and she had a lovely bump. She already had three children with her first husband, Alex Maguire, who had turned out to be a complete psycho who had tried to kill them all. Thank God he was dead and gone. Now she had Riley, who was a gentle, caring husband and a million miles from Alex. Her first husband had put his own kids through hell too, subjecting them to abduction and the sound of their aunt Rachel being tortured in the next room. Archie - her middle child - had even witnessed his dad trying to rape Rachel and had never been the same since. Her sweet, warm little boy had been replaced by a cold, unfeeling child who just wasn’t normal, despite all the therapy he’d had. Thankfully her youngest child, Holly, had been too young to remember the trauma and her eldest, Alfie, had recovered well. Beth loved all her children but sometimes Archie scared her. Since Riley had moved into the family home he had improved and no longer suffered from violent outbursts, during which he had been known to hit her. But instead his violence was expressed insidiously - treasured objects and prized possessions found mysteriously broken, Holly or other young children pushed over so hard they hurt themselves, but always done from behind so they couldn’t see the culprit. He didn’t physically attack Alfie anymore, not since his big brother had started to hit back and being Alex Maguire’s sons, both boys were large for their age. Poor Alfie used to take the abuse but now he was older he failed to see why he should put up with it anymore and both Beth and Riley supported him in that. However Beth’s biggest fear was for the child in her belly. Often she’d catch Archie staring at her stomach in anger and when talk turned to the baby he would storm out of the room. When the baby was born she would have to watch over her twenty four hours a day. They already knew they were having a girl, it had been confirmed at her five month scan. She hadn’t confided her fears to Riley, he was so excited about finally becoming a father that she didn’t want to spoil it for him. She knew he’d noticed Archie’s odd behaviour but he’d assumed lots of siblings got jealous at the prospect of another child in the family and of course they did. However Beth didn’t think many of them were actually capable of causing the baby in question real physical harm.

  Beth shivered and pushed these morbid thoughts aside. She had hoped today would take her mind off her worries, she loved family get-togethers but it just wasn’t the same without Jules. Poor Cathy had done her best to bring some life to the party but it hadn’t worked so she’d given up and thrown herself into an armchair with a glass of wine.

  Beth looked over at the children playing on the games in the corner of the room. Alfie at fourteen years old led the way, holding court to his little sister, seven year old Holly as well as Jez and Cathy’s children - Ruby and Jack eight and four respectively. Their third child, George, was mercifully quiet for once, asleep in the cot in the next room. Six year old Josh - Amber and Mikey’s son - was playing too while his brother, eighteen month old Zach sat on Mikey’s knee, chewing on a piece of cake. Beth noticed he was always sitting with Mikey. Amber rarely bothered with her children anymore, the cow. Archie however stood apart from the rest, looking on, the eternal outsider who had forgotten how to laugh and have fun like a normal child. The others had done their best to encourage him to join in but he’d refused, shaking his head, eyes cold. Beth shivered when Archie’s gaze turned her way, his icy eyes flaring with rage as they connected with her stomach. Beth wrapped her arms tighter around herself and she leaned into Riley, enjoying the comfort of his arm around her.

  Merry fucking Christmas, she thought to herself.

  Rachel woke languidly and stretched, the corner of her mouth lifting into a smile when she felt Ryan stir beside her, his warm arm sliding around her waist, his lips on her neck.

  “Good morning,” he purred in her ear.

  Her smile increased when she felt his hardness pressing against her back. “Someone’s wide awake already.”

  “It’s impossible not to be when I’m in bed with you. I’m amazed I get any sleep at all.”

  Rachel rolled on top of him, kissing his mouth before letting her lips slide down his neck to his chest, revelling in his moan of pleasure. Only two months ago she’d almost destroyed their marriage by concealing from him the fact that she had a breast lump that could possibly be cancerous. Unable to put him through the fear and worry she’d kept it from him, attempting to deal with it alone, pushing him away so he wouldn’t see the scar from the surgery to excise the lump. Bewildered
by her sudden coldness, he’d become convinced she was going to leave him. She’d seen what her actions had done to him, the hurt in his eyes unbearable every time she’d pushed him away. Ever since she’d confided the truth in him she’d done her best to make it up to him, assuring him of her love at every opportunity, showering him with physical pleasure and showing him how much he meant to her. Thankfully the lump hadn’t been cancerous and all that worry and stress had been for nothing. Now she revelled in every moment with her husband because only recently she’d thought she might lose him forever.

  They both sighed when what sounded like a herd of charging elephants emanated just outside their bedroom door.

  “Sounds like the kids are up,” said Rachel. “They’re excited about going to Manchester.”

  “I wish they’d be excited more quietly,” said Ryan, running his fingertips along her bare thighs. “I have plans for you this morning.”

  “I thought we carried out all your plans last night,” she said, returning to kissing his neck, enjoying the smell of the aftershave that still lingered on his skin from the previous day, which failed to conceal the masculine muskiness beneath.

  “That was only stage one. This morning is stage two.”

  “Sounds exciting.”

  “It is and it involves you on your back with your thighs around my neck…oh for heaven’s sake,” he sighed when the door burst open, Rachel hastily rolling off him.

  Ten year old Ethan and eight year old Aaron burst into the room, both sporting huge grins and looking like miniature versions of Ryan with his thick dark hair and slate grey eyes.

  “Come on Mummy and Daddy,” said Ethan. “We’re going to Manchester. Hooray.”

  Aaron cheered too, both boys throwing their arms in the air.

  Rachel looked to Ryan, holding the duvet close to hide her nakedness. “Sorry babe, looks like stage two is going to have to wait until after the festive period.”

  “Well that’s just great,” he sighed.

  Ryan and Rachel’s eldest child, Leah, sat cross-legged on her bed, frantically texting.

  Reid, answer me! Big trouble.

  She sent the message and sighed when there was no reply. She was desperate to call him but she was too afraid of her parents overhearing. Last night Ashley Boyle, a detective inspector in the Devon and Cornwall Police, had turned up at their house, accusing her mum and dad of beating up four men suspected of committing some pretty serious crimes. One of the men had died at the scene, turning the investigation into a murder inquiry. Fortunately her parents had been able to prove they were with family when the attack took place. Now the police were after the real perpetrators, as were her mum and dad. They’d been blamed for something they hadn’t done and they wanted to stop the real culprit before they brought some serious mayhem to their door. The only problem was, the source was a lot closer to home than they thought.

  “Finally,” she muttered, snatching up her phone when it beeped.

  Hang tight babe. No one knows anything. Just keep it together.

  She sighed, jabbing at the screen with her thumbs. My mum and dad are going to start looking for who did it. Trust me, you don’t want to get in their way.

  I can handle them.

  You really can’t. Lie low, don’t do anything else. Please.

  Take it easy gorgeous. Everything’s in hand.

  With a growl of frustration she threw the mobile phone onto the bed beside her and buried her face in her hands. What the hell had she done?

  “Leah, are you up yet?” her mum’s voice called up the stairs, making her jump.

  “Err, yeah,” she called back, leaping up. “I’m just going for a shower.”

  “Good girl. We’ve got a plane to catch in a couple of hours so don’t be long.”

  Leah wondered whether she should just tell her parents everything - about meeting Reid at a party at her friend Britney’s house three months ago and how they’d taken it upon themselves to emulate her parents by becoming vigilantes. On top of that Reid, at twenty, was five years older than her. She was due to turn sixteen in six months but she knew he was still too old for her.

  Leah was well aware Reid had only gravitated towards her because of his fascination with her family but she hadn’t been able to help herself, he was so gorgeous with his long black hair, glittering blue eyes, piercings and tattoos. Plus he owned his own car, which Britney was so jealous of. Her best friends Sarah and Britney were the only people who knew about her relationship with Reid, she’d been too afraid of it getting back to her parents to tell anyone else. She shuddered to think what her dad would do to Reid if he found out. Or when he found out, she thought miserably. Her dad had a habit of finding out everything. Reid had already known her parents were the vigilantes, sorting out anyone in the area who caused trouble, not that there was much of that in Devon but there was enough to keep them busy. It hadn’t taken a lot of detective work, many people already thought it was them but they’d made things so peaceful that no one was willing to grass them up. He’d questioned her relentlessly and she’d flatly refused to answer some of his questions, no matter how sweet his kisses or how many times he told her how beautiful she was. She was a Law and Laws didn’t grass on their own. She was so stubborn he’d found it impossible to coax her into telling him anything she didn’t think she should. She’d also refused his requests for sex. She was still a virgin and she intended to remain that way until she was sixteen. She was far too afraid of the consequences for Reid should her parents find out. There would be no going to the police with a statutory rape charge. Instead they’d dole out justice their own way, which wouldn’t end well for him. Plus her mum had always schooled her never to let anyone tell you what to do with your own body. She wasn’t ready for the next step with Reid and she was buggered if she was going to let him push her into anything. Fortunately he’d seen how determined she was and backed off. Then he’d come up with the idea of creating their own vigilante group. Leah, who loved to fight, thought it was a great idea and she’d helped him set up their little gang, along with three of Reid’s hardest friends. At first it had been fine, the five of them sorting out teenage vandals, drunks and general pains in the community’s collective arse. Then they’d gravitated to heavier stuff. So Reid, Leah and their friends ensured justice was served. Until yesterday. They’d decided to strike on Christmas day because the streets would be quiet, the majority of people at home with their families. Unlike the four men who had got away with raping two fourteen year olds. Thank God she hadn’t been with them, she didn’t want to get involved with murder. What had Reid been thinking? Perhaps the men fought back and Reid had no choice? But something told her that wasn’t the case. Reid had been building up to this, he’d been becoming increasingly violent. It wasn’t just about getting justice anymore, for him it was pleasure. He enjoyed hurting people, as did his friends. He’d killed that man on purpose.

  A chill shot down her spine. What the hell had she unleashed?


  Leah’s spirits lifted with the plane as it took off from the airport, heading for Manchester. It would be good to get away from Devon for a while and leave behind the worry of Reid and his crew. If only her Aunty Jules were conscious, she’d have confided in her straightaway, she’d know exactly what to do. But she was still in a coma and showing no sign of waking any time soon. She swallowed down the lump in her throat. She’d grown so close to her aunt very quickly and she desperately missed her. Although her body still lived, it felt as though she’d died.

  Leah pushed aside such thoughts and attempted to concentrate on the Reid situation. Maybe she could confide in her Uncle Mikey? She’d always got on well with him and he was one of the most powerful men in the country. Reid in comparison to him was an angry toddler with a stick. But he might hurt Reid or he might tell her parents. She wasn’t sure which was worse. She’d even considered speaking to Battler. Both he and Bruiser, along with Daina and their two children were coming with them. Daina had
given birth to their second child - a boy oddly called Magnus - a couple of weeks ago. The brothers sat before her, their bald heads sticking up well above the top of the seat.

  “You okay sweetheart?”

  Leah jumped in her seat, jolted out of her reverie. Her mum, sat beside her, peered at her curiously.

  “Yeah, fine,” she replied as casually as she could.

  “You’ve been very quiet and you look so pale.”

  “I’m okay. Just a bit tired.”

  When her mum pressed a cool, elegant hand to her forehead, Leah was tempted to break down and confess everything to her.

  “You feel hot. Maybe you’re coming down with something?”

  “I’m fine Mum, honestly.” She forced a carefree smile. “I’m looking forward to seeing the family.”

  Rachel beamed. “Me too honey.”

  Leah held her breath as her mum gazed at her with her intense black eyes, terrified she’d somehow discern the truth. She could always tell when someone was lying but if she thought there was anything strange going on she didn’t comment and returned to reading her book.

  Leah sighed when a small plastic gorilla bounced off her forehead. “Ethan, stop it,” she hissed at her brother sitting beside her.

  He gave her his charming grin that made old ladies coo and retrieved it from her lap, where it had landed.

  When he gave her that grin again she couldn’t help but smile back. What she wouldn’t give to have his innocence again. Her parents had always told her not to be in such a hurry to grow up. How she wished she’d listened to them.

  Boxing Day was being held at Beth’s house, who was determined it would be more jovial than Christmas Day had been. However she had the arrival of Ryan and Rachel to help lift everyone’s spirits. They all missed them and it was so good when they were reunited. Plus Archie was actually being nice to her today. He’d smiled at her three times and in a pleasant way, not a creepy I’m going to get you sort of way and it made her realise how long it had been since he’d smiled at her sincerely, which made her a little sad. Still, perhaps things were on the up.


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