Book Read Free


Page 26

by Heather Atkinson

  Ryan made the three of them some dinner and when they’d finished he cleaned up the kitchen then went into the den, which was smaller than the lounge and full of the kids’ toys, reading on the couch while they played.

  Eventually Rachel poked her head around the door, indicating she wanted to talk to him. He followed her into the kitchen where she slumped at the table, looking pale.

  “You look done in,” he said. “I’ll make you some dinner.”

  “That would be great, thanks,” she said, dragging her fingers through her long dark hair.

  “Where’s Leah?”

  “In her room. She is of course grounded for the foreseeable future. She goes to school and comes straight home, no detours to her friends or into town. The only time she’s allowed out is with us. For her own protection as well as punishment.”

  “She told you everything then?”

  “Yes. At least, I hope so. Christ, what a mess. I wish she’d come to us sooner.”

  “My sentiments exactly.”

  “She must have been so scared, going through all that alone.”

  “You seem quite calm. I thought you’d be furious.”

  “I was at first when she told me but I’ve had time to calm down. Thank God you found Duncan and got here in time. Christ knows what Reid would have done to her if you hadn’t.”

  “But I did and she’s safe.”

  She pressed her fingertips to her eyes when tears formed. “If anything happened to her…”

  Ryan left off preparing the omelette to hug his wife, who clung onto him. Leah watched through the door, feeling awful and stupid and wondering what she could do to make it up to them.

  Amber anxiously paced the lounge. She was so close to having it all and being free to do what she wanted, no one to tell her she couldn’t buy what she wanted. She kept praying for a knock on the door from a team of police officers wanting to search the premises. She’d already squirreled away her valuables, there was no way they were getting their grubby hands on them. All the police had to do was find one thing to ensure Mikey stayed inside. Surely that couldn’t be so hard after all the bad things he’d done?

  “Will you shut up?” she snapped at Zach, who stood on wobbly legs, holding his arms up to her, wanting to be picked up. “I can’t bloody think. Oh for God’s sake,” she added when his lower lip wobbled and his eyes filled with tears.

  When she heard the front door open she hurried into the hallway, fully expecting to see Declan. Her stomach lurched when she saw Mikey looking tired and dishevelled.

  “You’re back?” she said, momentarily stunned.

  “Yeah because it was a bullshit charge,” he replied, hanging up his coat.

  Amber recovered from her surprise, ran to him and flung her arms around his neck. “I was so worried.”

  “Really?” he said, hugging her back.

  “Course I was. You got arrested.”

  “I’m sorry for putting you through that babe,” he said, kissing her.

  “What happened?”

  As he explained Amber realised Dwyer had definitely been the man to go to. She doubted this would be the end of it. Zealots didn’t tend to give up easily. There was still hope.

  “What’s up little man?” he said when he heard Zach crying.

  He walked into the front room and picked him up, the boy going quiet, resting his head contentedly on his dad’s shoulder.

  “They’ve picked up that something’s wrong,” said Amber. “I did my best to protect them from it but kids have a way of knowing.”

  “His nappy needs changing,” he said. “He’s soaking.” It wasn’t the first time he’d come home to find Zach desperately in need of a nappy change when Amber had been looking after him. It had never happened to Josh but back then she’d actually cared.

  “Oh I’m sorry baby,” she said, kissing the top of Zach’s head. “I’ve just been so distracted, I didn’t realise.” She took Zach from him. “Let’s go and get you changed.”

  As she carried him out of the room, Zach reached out pleadingly for his dad. Mikey looked down at Josh, who was pale and quiet on the floor with his toys. This boy, who had once been so rambunctious and lively was growing increasingly quiet and withdrawn and he knew that was down to his mother’s increasing disinterest in him.

  “Come here little man,” he said, opening up his arms.

  Josh’s face lit up and he rushed into his dad’s arms, hanging on tight. Mikey blamed himself too, he’d been spending a lot of time at work recently, mainly to get away from Amber but his boys had been suffering. Yes, they were cared for by the nanny but that was no substitute for a parent. Well no more. He was taking a few well-earned days off and he was spending time with his boys. He was also going to speak to his solicitor about getting a divorce. But before he told Amber he had to make sure his property was placed where she couldn’t get her greedy hands on it. He’d ensure she was comfortable and never had to worry about money, after all she was the mother of his children but Amber and her grasping parents would try to get the lot off him. No fucking way. Most importantly, she wasn’t getting the boys. The sad thing was, he thought they’d mean less to her than the cash.

  Amber waited until Mikey had gone to bed to call Declan. For a gangster her husband was a boring sod. She had friends who were married to gangsters and, unlike Mikey, they were never in bed before eleven o’clock. They went out at night clubbing, drinking, gambling, making deals. Her husband behaved more like an accountant. Her friends told her she was lucky, she always knew where her husband was at night, that he wasn’t sleeping around. But then again they didn’t know that Mikey, the dirty bastard, was shagging his own cousin. Neither did he come home tanked up and slap her around. In that respect she knew they were right but she longed for more excitement. His idea of a good time was a family outing to the park. The Maguires and Laws were anomalies in their world, leading their quiet, respectable, family-centric lives. It was…weird.

  She went out into the front garden to make the call, which was on the opposite side of the house to their bedroom.

  “What the hell happened?” she demanded when Declan answered.

  Her lip curled as she listened to his pathetic excuses as to why he was an utter failure. As soon as Mikey was out of the way and she was a free agent she was going to ditch the loser. He was just a means to an end.

  ‘I promise I will find another way to set you free,’ he said.

  She swallowed down her anger and loathing. Unfortunately she still needed him on side. “I know you will,” she said, keeping her voice soft and gentle.

  Declan continued to coo platitudes in her ear and Amber was so concerned with thinking how else she could get rid of Mikey that she failed to spot the man himself staring down at her from one of the upstairs windows.

  “I thought you weren’t coming in today?” said Jez when Mikey walked into the bungalow.

  “I’m not,” he said, gesturing to the grey jumper and blue jeans he wore. “Haven’t you noticed the casual attire?”

  “You came in to show off your outfit?”

  “No. I came to say that I’m taking a few days off. I need to spend some time with my boys. Amber’s hardly paying them any attention and it’s taking its toll.”

  “Jesus, are they okay?”

  “Josh is quiet and withdrawn and Zach is clingy and needy. They’ve gone from being confident and lively to the opposite and I partly blame myself. I’ve been staying away from home more just to avoid Amber.”

  “So…you’re coming back then?”

  “Course I am. I just need some quality time with my kids.”

  “Good,” he said with a relieved smile. “And quality time with Amber?”

  “Hopefully not for long. I’m going to see a solicitor about a divorce.”


  He nodded. “It’s time. I used to think staying with her was protecting my boys but now I see it’s only causing them harm. She doesn’t watch them properly either
, I’m worried they’ll get hurt on her watch.”

  “Sounds like you’re doing the right thing. If you need anything just let me know.”

  “Cheers mate. There was something else I wanted to discuss with you.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Declan. Didn’t you think that was weird, him tracking down Katia’s man then killing him, so he couldn’t talk?”

  “Actually, yeah. I wasn’t sure whether I was being paranoid or not after you were nicked.”

  “I thought I was too but it’s been bugging me.”

  “Unless things got rougher than he wanted to admit and he had no choice but to shoot him?”

  “Maybe. But I can’t help but think, first Declan is off with me, then the coke goes missing, then someone sets me up. Maybe me getting nicked wasn’t down to Katia? Maybe it was closer to home?”

  “Can you imagine Declan having the balls to do something like that?”

  “No but then again, I couldn’t imagine him having the balls to take down one of Katia’s heavies on his own, but he did.”

  “You think he might be coming out of his shell?”

  Mikey shrugged. “Who knows? But I don’t like it. Last night when Amber thought I was in bed she went into the garden to make a phone call.”

  “Maybe she didn’t want to disturb you?”

  “She’s never given a shit before. Maybe she didn’t want me to overhear?”

  “You think she was calling Declan?”

  He raked his hands through his hair. “I don’t bloody know anymore. I’m hoping these next few days will help clear my head. I just hope to Christ we don’t get any nutters attacking us in the meantime.”

  “If they do then believe me, you’ll be the first to know.”

  “Yeah, thanks. Right, well, I’ll be off. If there’s any problems…”

  “I’ll try not to call you. Go on, get yourself sorted and have fun with your boys.”

  “I intend to. The poor little buggers deserve it.”

  After leaving the bungalow Mikey went straight round to his solicitor’s office, who gave him some good advice about how to protect his assets from an avaricious ex and her free-loading family. Then he headed to the care home to see Jules and finally give her the presents he’d bought.

  “You won’t find her in there,” called the receptionist as he smiled at her and headed down the corridor towards Jules’s room.

  Hastily he backtracked. “Why, what’s wrong? Why wasn’t I told?”

  “You won’t find her in there because she’s out in the garden. I think you’ll be pleased.”

  Puzzled, Mikey headed back outside, scanning the vast gardens for Jules. Eventually he found her round the back of the home with Catherine and her physiotherapist.

  “Oh my God,” he breathed.

  Jules was actually walking. Fair enough she was on crutches but still, she was moving about on her legs under her own steam.

  He was so pleased he set off at a sprint to reach her, foolishly failing to stick to the path, which had been gritted and he slipped on a patch of ice. His arms pin-wheeled and he staggered forwards beneath his own momentum before falling in a heap at her feet. Fortunately he managed to avoid crushing the carrier bag containing her presents.

  Jules’s bark of laughter rang out loud and clear across the gardens while Catherine and the physio politely hid their smiles.

  “Fucking brilliant,” snorted Jules as he hauled himself to his feet, a hand to his lower back.

  “You’re walking?” he breathed, slightly winded.

  “Me walking makes you forget how,” she grinned.

  “It’s amazing.”

  “The swimming pool helped.”

  Mikey thought how her speech was normalising when she used shorter sentences. Neither did she pause as long between words. “It certainly has.”

  “You’re lucky you caught us when you did,” said Catherine. “We were just heading back inside.”

  “They keep telling me rest,” said Jules, rolling her eyes.

  “Too right we do,” said the physio. “Remember, an injury at this crucial stage could set you back weeks.”

  “Fair enough,” she sighed.

  Mikey watched in astonishment as she fought her way across the garden on the crutches back to a waiting wheelchair, which she sank into gratefully. He followed as she was wheeled back to her room, patiently waiting while Catherine removed her outdoor clothes before settling her into the armchair by the window.

  “Hot chocolate?” she said cheerfully.

  Both Mikey and Jules accepted then they were finally left alone. He took the seat opposite hers and grinned. “Well done you.”

  “Cheers. Tiring though.”

  “You okay?” he said when she massaged her wrists.

  “The crutches dig in.”

  “Not to worry, you won’t need them for long the way you’re going.”

  “Thanks. Jez said you get arrested yesterday.”

  “Yeah, that was a bit embarrassing.”

  “Dwyer bastard. You know who did it?”

  “Well, Declan caught one of Katia’s men in the city.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Cheeky sod.”

  “That’s what we thought. Declan said the guy admitted to calling Dwyer then Declan killed him.”

  She studied him carefully. “You not think the same?”

  He shook his head. “Something just feels off, although I couldn’t say what.”

  “Trust that.”

  “I am.” He took a deep breath before saying, “I’ve also spoken to a solicitor about getting a divorce.”

  Her eyes widened. “Seriously?”

  He nodded. “It’s time. Me and the boys are miserable. We can’t go on this way. I just need to put my assets somewhere she can’t touch them.” He saw her eyes light up at the possibility of cracking an innuendo, then the confusion when she couldn’t think of one. Shame. He’d missed her innuendoes.

  “If you not happy then you get out,” she said instead.

  “I intend to but I’m not going to let onto Amber until everything’s in place, so you won’t tell anyone, will you? Including Jackson?”

  “Course I won’t.” She lapsed into silence before saying, “someone has it in for you. Be careful.”

  “You don’t think it was the man Declan caught?”

  “Maybe. Maybe no. Danger could still be out there.”

  “Thanks, that makes me feel a lot better.”

  “I watch your back, I no tell you what makes you feel better.”

  The corner of his mouth lifted into a smile. “I appreciate that.” He held out the carrier bag. “I got you a present.”

  “Thanks,” she smiled, taking the bag from him and delving inside. “Awesome,” she grinned when she produced the CD. “Love these.”

  “I know,” he said, pleased by how thrilled she was.

  “Could you…,” she said, holding out the CD and waving it in the direction of the CD player in the corner of the room.

  “Course but not too loud or we’ll have the staff complaining.”

  He slipped the disc into the machine, hit play and smiled as he listened, foot tapping in time to the heavy drum beat.

  “You like this?” she said, astonished.

  “I admit I used to hate it but while you were in the coma I listened to this band in my car. It made me feel…closer to you,” he said, looking down at his feet, feeling a little embarrassed. “It grew on me and now I kind of like it.”

  When he looked back up at her she was smiling but there was no trace of derision or amusement, it was a gentle, sweet smile and he returned it.

  Jules was the first to break the moment by dipping into the bag to retrieve her second present.

  “Love it,” she grinned, opening out the t-shirt. “Thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome.”

  He retook his seat opposite her, the music continuing to snarl away in the corner.

  “So what you do with Ka
tia’s man?” she said.

  “We sent him back to Katia as a little surprise. Well, part of him anyway,” he replied, making her grin.


  Katia strolled through the jewellery shop, chatting with customers and bestowing benevolent smiles and words on her staff, revelling in all the gold, silver and glittering jewels all around her. When she was here it felt like she was in Nirvana and sometimes she still had to pinch herself.

  She poured out two glasses of champagne for a very rich client buying his fifth bride-to-be her engagement ring, a huge, dazzling rock worth thirty grand. Personally Katia thought he had more money than sense but who cared as long as he spent it in her establishment?

  She was annoyed when a delivery driver walked in, spoiling the atmosphere in his bright red t-shirt and shorts, clutching a parcel.

  “Deliveries round the back,” she hissed at him.

  “Sign for this,” he said, thrusting the parcel at her.

  Furious that her order had been ignored, she snatched both the parcel and the little machine she had to sign off him. After furiously scrawling her signature she handed the machine back to him.

  “In future, deliveries round the back.”

  The driver just rolled his eyes before strolling out, purposefully taking his time. Only when he’d closed the door behind him, slamming it a little harder than was necessary, did she start to calm down. If only he’d known who he was fucking with he would be on his knees before her, begging for forgiveness.

  She looked around at her clients but they hadn’t even noticed, too dazzled by the beautiful rock they were contemplating buying. So she decided to retreat to her office to open the parcel. No doubt it was samples of the invitations for her wedding to Hayden.

  She cut through the thick tape around the cardboard box and was puzzled to find a plastic box inside. She couldn’t see through it as it was misted. Whatever this was, she was quite certain it wasn’t her invitations.

  Puzzled, she peeled off the airtight lid and retched at the stench that assailed her. Inside the box was a severed right hand, the top of it covered in thick black hair. On the pinky finger was a gold signet ring, selected in very poor taste she thought. However the ring clearly identified the owner of the hand. It belonged to Graham who she’d sent up to Manchester to mess with the Maguire’s deal with Toni McVay.


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