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Page 35

by Heather Atkinson

  With a glower she launched into another assault, one of the blows connecting with the right side of Mikey’s face, knocking him sideways.

  “Looks like you’re getting your mojo back,” he grinned. “I don’t know what you were worried about, your speed is back and you punch like a fucking train.”

  “You ever going to hit me back you girl?”



  “Call me what you like, I could never hit you Jules.”

  She jabbed at his face with her right fist, catching him just under the chin, snapping his head back.

  “How about now?” she yelled, getting frustrated.

  “You actually want me to hit you?”

  She nodded. “I want a real fight, not just sparring.”

  “Then go somewhere else because you’re not getting it from me.”

  More punches and kicks were thrown his way but he dodged them all.

  “Fight me properly,” she bellowed.

  His gaze was hard. “No. You want to deal with that rage, you do it in a better way.”

  “Fine, I will,” she retorted.

  His eyes narrowed with suspicion. “What have you got planned?”


  “Jules,” he said, warning in his voice.

  This time she kicked out at him but Mikey was ready. He grabbed her leg and tipped her backwards but she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down with her, both of them hitting the canvas with a thud.

  They stared at each other before Jules pressed her lips to his. Frantically Mikey yanked off the gloves, cast them aside and pulled her against him. Jules tore off her gloves too and she pulled up his vest.

  “Oh God,” he groaned as she kissed his chest, sliding lower to his stomach. Before coming here tonight Jez had warned him about pushing their relationship before they were ready and his words echoed in his head. “Wait,” he said, taking her hands when she began pulling down his shorts.


  He sat up and took her face in his hands. “Is this really what you want?”

  “Course it is.”

  “As much as it pains me to say it, I don’t think it is. I think you want revenge sex for what Jackson did.”

  “So what? We’ve both wanted this for a long time.”

  “Not like this,” he said sadly. “One day I would like more from you than just sex and doing this would ruin that. It would make you feel used and you wouldn’t be able to forgive me for it.”

  “Stop talking daft,” she said, kissing him again.

  He almost gave in and thought to hell with it, but finally he was so close to having it all with her and he would not let his libido ruin it.

  “No, it’s not right,” he said softly.

  With a huff she shot to her feet. “You won’t fight me and you won’t fuck me. What use are you?” she yelled before jumping out of the ring and stomping away.

  Mikey flopped onto his back in the middle of the ring, gazing up at the ceiling with a very painful erection. “I’m going to punch Jez in the balls.”

  The next morning Jules found a flat to rent in a quiet block in the centre of the city filled with professionals and couples. No families. She didn’t want to be surrounded by happy families, it was why she was secretly quite keen to get out of Jez’s house.

  The flat was empty, her only belongings her clothes and a few personal items. She didn’t have any furniture. After arranging for a bed and table and chairs to be delivered and stocking the kitchen with some food and drink, she changed into her work out gear and ordered a taxi, which took her fifteen minutes out of the city centre into Rusholme.

  She told the driver to drop her off on a quiet residential street and walked the two blocks to a tyre garage standing on its own in private land.

  She went round the back and knocked three times. The door was opened by a huge, glowering slab of a man.

  “Jules, you’re back,” said the slab.

  “I am.”

  “You here for a flutter?”

  “No, I’m here for a fight,” she said pushing past him.

  “But…,” he said, helplessly watching her go before hastily shutting the door.

  Jules waded her way through the group of not just men but women too loitering around the edge of the large room, standing below huge racks of tyres, all of them watching her curiously. Some looked very well-to-do. One man even wore a tweed jacket with leather elbow patches. People from all walks of life came to bare knuckle boxing matches to get their kicks.

  She approached a short, thin man sporting a green cardigan full of holes and a plaster holding the bridge of his glasses together. She knew Harry was loaded, thanks to his work as organiser of the bare knuckle fights for the Maguires but he was a tight sod who refused to spend a penny of it.

  “Jules,” he smiled. “Long time no see. It’s good to have you back.”

  “Business is still booming I see. The new legal bare knuckle fights haven’t affected you then?”

  “Nah. Where’s the fun in that? Worrying about whether you’re going to get raided is half the fun.”

  “Who’s fighting tonight?” she said.

  “That pair of skinny bastards,” he said, nodding towards two men who couldn’t have been more than twenty. They’d stripped to the waist, flexing their puny muscles.

  “Is that the best you can find?” she said.

  “Nope. The Bear’s here tonight but I haven’t got anyone to fight him. Danny Melville was going to fight him but the dick got nicked last night for drunk driving. I was hoping someone would show up to fight the champ but so far nothing.”

  Jules looked over at The Bear, who wasn’t particularly large but was covered from head to toe in thick dark hair.

  “Get The Bear greased up and ready to go. He’s got someone to fight.”

  Mikey was at home watching rugby on the telly, Zach on his lap. Amber was sat beside him filing her nails, studying them as though they were the most precious things in the world, the sound grating on his nerves. Josh played on the floor with his toys.

  “Can we never have any peace?” snapped Amber when his phone started to ring.

  Ignoring her, he pulled his phone out of his trouser pocket with his free hand and looked at the screen. “It’s Grant.”

  “So what? Ignore it. Don’t you see enough of him during the day?”

  Mikey was tempted to ignore the call, if only so Amber wouldn’t whinge at him but instinct told him it would be much better if he answered. “Alright Grant?” he said into the handset, causing Amber to glare at him. What he had to say had him sitting bolt upright in his seat. “Oh hell. I’ll be right there,” he said, already dialling Jez’s number.

  “Don’t you dare tell me you’re going out,” said Amber.

  “Sorry babe, I’ve no choice. It’s an emergency. Jules has turned up at a bare knuckle boxing match. She’s going to fight.”

  “So what? If she wants to do something stupid like that, let her.”

  “You don’t understand, it’s an illegal underground fight.”

  “Are you seriously telling me you don’t want her doing anything illegal?”

  “Yes. We run these fights but we never get involved in them. If she loses have you any idea how much that would damage our firm’s reputation?”

  “Don’t be so dramatic.”

  “I’m not being dramatic…not you Jez, I was talking to Amber.” He couldn’t help but smile at the reply Jez gave him to that. Quickly he related what Grant had told him and Jez responded with a stream of swearing before telling him he’d meet him there and hanging up.

  “Sorry babe, got to go,” said Mikey, handing Zach to her.

  “Don’t you dare go out at this time,” she said as he got to his feet.

  Mikey sighed. Her cheeks were turning pink and her eyes glittered. She was working herself up into a hissy fit and he didn’t have time for it. “Don’t be like that babe,” he said. “If she goes ahead with
this fight and loses it could be the beginning of the end for us. The first sign of weakness and your competitors can’t wait to move in. The money, the big house, the cars, the holidays will all be gone. Is that what you want?”

  Amber smiled inwardly. Mikey was angry but it wasn’t aimed at her. For once it seemed both barrels were aimed firmly at Jules. “You’re right, I’m being selfish. Sorry. You go and get it sorted out.”

  He blinked at her in amazement. “Really?”

  “Yes, really.”

  “Oh, right. Okay.” He planted a kiss on her cheek. “Thanks for understanding babe,” he said before rushing from the room.

  She carried Zach to the window to watch his car race down the drive, kicking up gravel and dust as it went. Once he’d turned the corner and vanished from view she dumped Zach in his playpen and went out of the room to call Declan. She couldn’t wait to get his take on this.


  Mikey left his car two streets away from the venue where the underground fight was taking place. Before the Maguires had taken over the fights they’d been badly run, some competitors dying while those placing bets were blatantly ripped off. Frank Maguire had chased off the wide boys who had been running the show, ensured bets were kept fair and everyone was paid out, brought in some rules to ensure there were no more messy deaths and paid off the police to stay away and now Mikey was keeping up the good work.

  He raced through the streets and up to the tyre garage. Grant was waiting for him at the door. The bouncer guarding the door hastily stood aside for Mikey as he tore inside, shoving people out of the way to reach the centre of the room.

  They rushed into the vast, dingy room, which was full of sweaty, desperate people hoping to make a few quid as well as those just here for the entertainment. But this time there was an excitement in the air.

  “Fuck, we’re too late,” said Mikey.

  Jules was already squaring up to her opponent, wearing a tight black vest and leggings, revealing all those tattoos.

  “That’s The Bear,” said Grant. “He’s undefeated.”

  “Who the fuck put her in there with that caveman?” said Mikey.

  He shoved his way to the front and grabbed Harry by the front of his cardigan, putting more holes in it.

  “Who’s responsible for this?” he demanded.

  “It wasn’t me,” squeaked Harry. “It was Jules, she insisted.”

  “Insisted on what?”

  “Fighting the biggest, hardest bastard here and they don’t come any bigger and harder than The Bear.”

  “Stop the fight right now,” he snarled.

  Harry swallowed hard when a bell rang and the two opponents squared up to each other. “I tried to stop her but she’s unstoppable.”

  Mikey released him and turned to watch the fight. “Yeah she is.”

  “Am I in trouble?”

  “No. I know how Jules can be,” he ended with a dismissive wave.

  Harry sighed with relief and melded into the crowd.

  A chubby blond man was knocked flying as Jez shoved him out of the way to reach Mikey and Grant. “Oh hell. What’s she doing?” he exclaimed.

  “Keep your voice down,” said Mikey. “Do you want everyone to know she’s doing this without our permission?”

  He took in a deep breath to calm down, although his eyes were heavy with anxiety. “If she loses this we’re fucked.”

  “Just take it easy. She can win.”

  “Before the coma she could have but now, who knows? What if she’s injured? Or what if she’s knocked back into the coma?”

  Mikey felt sick. That would be unbearable but he was helpless to do anything as the fight began, The Bear swinging his enormous fists at her. Jules still possessed her speed and she avoided the blows, managing to get in two quick jabs to his face, aiming for the soft tissue of his nose, sending him staggering back slightly. Bare knuckle fighters never aimed for anywhere bony, which could result in an injury to the hand. Instead they went for the softer areas. The Bear stared back at her, unable to hide his surprise. He’d thought this would be an easy win but she was stronger than he’d anticipated, blood trickling from one nostril.

  Mikey had to own she looked poised and strong, eyes constantly scanning The Bear, searching for weaknesses. He lunged for her, attempting to grab her. Mikey held his breath. If The Bear got her into one of his famous clinches she wouldn’t be able to get out of it, he was just too big but she darted backwards, out of reach, performing an elegant spin that left The Bear flailing around. She swung her fist into his kidneys. As he was reeling from that she drove her fist up into his stomach, driving the air from his body but The Bear didn’t fold in two like she’d planned and his fist shot out, grazing her arm.

  “One of Jules’s strengths are her kicks,” said Mikey. “And kicking isn’t allowed in these matches.”

  Usually fighters clinched, leaning into each other either to rest or to stop the momentum of their opponent’s blows but Jules couldn’t risk that, not when The Bear was so much heavier than herself. She wouldn’t have the strength to extricate herself from his bulk, so she was forced to keep moving. However that worked in her favour. The Bear was a formidable fighter but he didn’t have her stamina and he was starting to tire, the hair on his body glistening with sweat. Jules kept moving, constantly jogging backwards and forwards, forcing him to keep moving too and when he swung his fist the movement was more lethargic.

  Jules ducked and rammed her fist into his kidneys again. With a grimace he fell onto his knees. Before he could get up or the referee could intervene to allow him time to get up, she punched him in the nose, knocking him flat on his back.

  The cheering went silent, everyone stunned.

  The referee counted to ten and still The Bear didn’t get up.

  “Oh thank Christ,” breathed Jez, trying to look like he’d known all along that would be the outcome.

  Jules swung her bloodied fists into the air, looking very pleased with herself, which only infuriated Jez even more.

  Finally she spotted them and gave them a cheery wave. Mikey thought Jez’s head was going to explode.

  “You here to congratulate me?” she said as she pushed her way through the crowd to reach them, removing the bloodied wrappings from her hands and casting them aside.

  “You must be fucking joking,” hissed Jez. “Outside. Now.”

  She pulled on her black hoodie and followed her brother, Mikey and Grant towards the exit, revelling in the congratulations of the crowd, ignoring the glowers of those who had put all their money on The Bear.

  None of them spoke as they marched Jules out of there, Jez leading the way, Mikey bringing up the rear.

  They walked back to Mikey’s car, the three of them climbing in while Grant tactfully waited in Jez’s car, which was parked directly behind.

  Mikey got into the driver’s seat while Jez and Jules got into the back.

  “What?” she said when the two men glared at her.

  “What?” said Jez. “Is that all you’ve got to say after that display?”

  “I won, didn’t I?” she retorted.

  “Thank Christ you did. Have you any idea what the consequences would have been if you’d lost?”

  “Well I didn’t. I beat the shit out of the champ and I’ve made you all look harder than ever. You should be celebrating, not having a go at me.”

  “Celebrating? You could have destroyed our entire firm with one stupid, rash act. What the hell were you thinking?”

  “I needed to prove myself.”

  “So you decided to prove yourself by risking everything we have?” Jez was so angry his face was turning purple.

  “Stop being a drama queen.”

  Jez’s eyes bulged. “Don’t you fucking dare call me names,” he bellowed, making both Jules and Mikey wince. “If you weren’t my sister and a woman and recently come out of a coma I’d knock you out for that.”

  “You could try.” She held up her bruised hands. “You’
re looking at the new bare knuckle champ of Manchester.”

  If the situation hadn’t been so serious Mikey would have grinned. She sounded just like the old Jules. “Oy, watch my motor,” he said when Jez punched the back of the passenger seat in sheer frustration.

  “Yeah, well done Mikey. Always thinking about the important things,” Jez glowered.

  “What’s the point in going on about it?” said Mikey. “What’s done is done. We can’t change what happened, she won. End of story. Now let’s get out of this shithole before all the orangutans start pouring out of the garage.”

  “Believe me the last place I want is to be here,” hissed Jez. “George has got a snuffle and he’s being really grumpy. Cathy was so pissed off at me for coming out this evening and that’s your fault,” he said, jabbing a finger at Jules.

  “Then go home. I’m not asking you to sit here having a go at me.”

  The fact that she was right only made him more furious. “I’m going before I do something I regret. You are on a warning lady. One more stupid stunt like that and you’re out of the business. Do you understand?” he yelled.

  She wiped the spittle from her face. “Message received loud and clear.”

  “Good. Take her home Mikey because I can’t be fucking arsed,” he said before leaping out of the car, slamming the door shut behind him.

  Jules’s grey eyes met Mikey’s with a challenge. “Are you going to have a go at me too?”

  “No. He said everything I was thinking,” he replied, watching Jez jump into his own car, muttering to himself. “And I’ve thought of something Jez never considered.”

  “What’s that then?” she sighed, folding her arms across her chest.

  “You pulled that daft stunt because you wanted to test yourself. You’re going after Slattery, aren’t you?”

  “No,” she said, deciding to front it out.

  “Jules, it’s me,” he said softly.


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