The Winning Element
Page 22
“Way back when you first met me, even though you called me your little sister, did you like me but didn’t want to admit it? Or did I slowly grow on you?” I hoped he didn’t think my questions were stupid.
Playfully, he groaned. “Why do girls always have to know more?”
I waited.
“Yes. Okay? Yes. I thought you were hot when I first met you.”
I grinned. “You thought I was hot?”
“And klutzy.”
“Hey!” I bumped my shoulder to his, enjoying the fun. “Did you know I liked you back in Iowa?”
David bumped my shoulder back. “How could I not when you fell all over yourself every time I came around.”
My jaw dropped. “I did not.” Actually, I had.
He put his arm around me, and I scooted closer as we lapsed into more silence. Idly, we watched Mr. Share and Beaker stroll across the grass, going farther and farther away.
“How’s it going with the get-to-know-you-as-a-sister thing?” I asked.
“Good. Beaker said she met some guy CJ in Barracuda Key.” He chuckled. “I’ve only been her brother for a week, but, weirdly enough, I’m feeling protective.”
“What’d she say about CJ?”
“Just that she figured out they really didn’t have anything in common.”
David’s and my phone call from last week popped into my mind, and I finally asked the question that had been bugging me. “Why’d we get disconnected last week? Ya know, when you called?”
“Chapling cut in. That’s when I first found out my dad was coming to Barracuda Key.”
“Oh.” That made sense. And to think I’d obsessed over something so simple.
David leaned over and kissed my neck. “What about that date?” he asked.
"What about it?” I flirted back.
With a sigh, I glanced down at my cell clipped to my jeans.
***. TL’s stat code.
I looked at David. “I can’t believe this.”
He pushed to his feet and held his hand out to me. “Here we go again.”
I took his hand and let him pull me up. “I can’t believe I ever threatened to leave. I don’t know what I’d do without this place. Without all of you.”
David squeezed my hand. “We, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
My face warmed at his comment.
He gave my hand a quick squeeze and led me inside the door. “I’m glad you’re still here.”