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Fire-heart (Tales of Alterra, the World that Is)

Page 72

by C S Marks

  Tal-fásath: The Elves” rather unflattering name for the Ravani desert, it means “realm of barren waste,” or, “land of terrible loneliness.” From fás (lonely, barren) and tal- (realm).

  Talishani Ali (TAL-ih-SHAH-ni Ah-LEE): Battle-seasoned Minister of Defense in Dûn Arian, he commands the City forces during the Battle. He is a worthy and likeable man; Hallagond, in particular, admires him. He is usually called simply “Ali.”

  Tallasiar (TAL-ah-SHAR): Western city of the lost realm of Tuathas, it was reputedly very beautiful. Dûn Arian is said to resemble it in design.

  Talrodin (TAL-roh-deen): Hunter-scout of Greatwood, friend of Nelwyn and brother of Halrondin. He was slain by Gorgon. His name means “Strength of the realm,” from tal-(realm) and rodos (as the trunk of a tree).

  Tal-sithian, (SITH-ee-ahn): Green forested island in the Linnefionn; the Elven-realm of the Lord Airan and Lady Arialde. From sithion (deer). It means “realm of deer roaming.”

  Tarfion (TAR-fee-ohn): Father of Gaelen, spouse of Gloranel, twin brother of Tarmagil and elder brother of Turanen. Tarfion was probably unexcelled as a hunter-scout, and he gained the King’s favor upon saving the life of his son, prince Aruin. Name means “hunter of the realm.” From fiona (hunter) and tar-(of the realm)

  Thaylon (THAY-lon): Given name of Rogond, it means “Trustworthy.” From thala (to trust).

  Thorndil (THORN-deel): Northman, ranger and friend of Rogond, companion of Belegund. His name means “Piercing gaze, eagle-eyed.” From thorn- (to pierce).

  Tréigim (TREY-geem): High-elven word meaning “forsaken.”

  Tuathas (TOO-ah-thas): Greatest of all Realms of Men, Tuathas alone possessed an Asarla. Because of this they were more enlightened than other men, and were nearly as fair as the Elves. It was destroyed during an eruption of one of the great Fire-mountains that bounded it, and very little of the realm survived. From “Tuath” (north).

  Tuathar (TOO-ah-thar) sing. Tuathan: Men of the northern realm of Tuathas, lost in the rising of the Great Fire-mountain. Name means “northman,” from tuath (north) and aridan (man). They are more enlightened than other races of men.

  Turanen (TOOR-ah-nen): Younger brother of Tarfion and Tarmegil, father of Nelwyn and spouse of Elwyn. An unparalleled archer, he was slain in the third uprising. Name means “glen-bowman.” From tuag- (bow) and ranen (glen).

  Tûr Dorcha (Toor DOR-ka): Wrothgar’s stronghold in the Darkmere, it means “Dark Tower.”

  Ujaalah (oo-ZHAA-lah): Ballali High Holy Day that corresponds to the Summer Solstice.

  Ulcas (UL-cas), sing. Ulca: Evil servants of Wrothgar, their origin is unknown, but they are undoubtedly perversions of other races, as Wrothgar is incapable of true creation. They are varied, and some are quite formidable in battle, but most can prevail only through sheer numbers. All are ugly. They dislike sunlight and live in dark places, particularly beneath mountains.

  Undaalah (oon-DAH-lah): Ballali High Holy Day that marks the Winter Solstice.

  Upani (oo-PAH-nee): Unsavory oasis known as the Darkwater.

  Visili, Haleck (Vih-SEE-lee): Criminal, imprisoned in Dûn Arian, freed by Hallagond, and later redeemed. Visili appears to be of northern descent.

  Waddi (Wah-DEE): Good-hearted third brother of Al-Muniqui, he feigned feeble-mindedness to protect himself from his ambitious relatives. He succeeded Al-Muniqui as chieftain.

  Wellyn: (WEL-lin): Son and heir of Ri-Aruin of the Greatwood, and very dear friend of Gaelen. His name means “courageous, one who is brave.”

  Wrothgar (ROTH-gar): Evil being of Alterra. Also known as the Shadowmancer and the “Black Flame”. Name means “Dark Fury.” From wroth (fury, wrath) and gor (dark).

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  About C.S. Marks

  C.S. Marks has often been described as a Renaissance woman. The daughter of academic parents, she holds a Ph.D. in Biology and has spent the past two decades teaching Biology and Equine Science. She is currently a Full Professor at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College in west central Indiana.

  She began writing shortly after the untimely death of her father, who was a Professor of American Literature at Butler University. A gifted artist, she has produced illustrations and cover art for all three books. She plays and sings Celtic music and a few examples of her songwriting may be found within the pages of Fire-heart. She enjoys archery, and makes hand-crafted longbows using primitive tools.

  Horses are her passion, and she is an accomplished horsewoman, having competed in the sport of endurance racing for many years. One of only a handful of Americans to complete the prestigious Tom Quilty Australian national championship hundred-mile ride, she has described this moment as her finest hour.

  She has been happily married for over three decades. She and her husband, Jeff, share their forest home with ten dogs (predominantly Welsh Corgis) and five horses.





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  The Fire King

  Invincible. Unconquerable. Perfect. Fearless.

  It’s no longer enough….

  Not for Aincor Fire-heart, the first High Elven King of Alterra. For Aincor’s reign, his power, his life itself – is about to change.

  After charging headlong into a conflict that plunges all of Alterra into war, Aincor must face a force of such power and terror that none may stand against it. Despite unrivaled skill, pride, and valor, no one is truly invincible…or fearless. As the Flame struggles against the Shadow, Aincor’s secret, hidden dread rises up to torment him. Will it stand in the way of victory?

  If the King falls – what of the Kingdom?

  From the creator of the beloved ELFHUNTER Series comes a tale of fate and faith, of the eternal but never certain struggle of Light against Darkness, of the power of love itself – as a King is forced to confront that which is in himself, that which is in us all.


  Available now in Print and Ebook


  In the third of the Tales of Alterra, the World that Is…

  …the Elfhunter is forced into a confrontation with Gaelen of the Greatwood, setting into motion a tale of deceit and betrayal from which neither may emerge. In an effort to prevail over his wily enemy, Gorgon forms a powerful, poisonous alliance with an ancient, sinister force darker and deadlier than any the Company has yet known. Each side must weave a web of deception that ultimately drives them deep into the ruined northern lands, even as the World of Alterra is plunged into war. Will the armies of Lord Wrothgar overwhelm all who stand against them? Does the fate of the Light rest on the shoulders of one small Wood-elf as Gaelen strives to defeat the Elfhunter at last? At the heart of it all is the Stone of Léir and the mighty but forlorn spirit trapped within it.

  Coming in 2014


  The first in the new Alterran series: Undiscovered Realms

  The Defenders of Light despise you.

  The Powers of Darkness would doom you.

  What if you discovered that your ancestors committed the most shameful atrocities in history? What if your only chance to climb from the darkness of the past depends on the good graces of your enemies? How will you convince them to aid you when they kill your people on sight?

  You are the last hope of a struggling race, beset from all sides. No one wants you—everyone wants you dead. You have made your case before the Council of the Wise, but just as the first fragile trust begins to form, it is shattered. How can your former enemies ever trust you again? Will you find your way back into the Light or be forever Outcaste?

  The latest from award-winning author C.S. Marks, Outcaste is the first in a new series beginning
twenty years after the ending of the Elfhunter trilogy. A riveting tale told in the classic epic style, it is suitable for readers of all ages. Join the Company of intrepid adventurers (and delightfully intelligent horses). Come to Alterra, the World That Is.

  Coming in 2014




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