A Pirate's Prisoner

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A Pirate's Prisoner Page 4

by Victoria Davies

  Twirling, sword raised, she froze when she saw Reece standing behind her with a pistol leveled directly at her heart.

  “Hello, Captain,” Reece said. “So good of you to join us.”

  At his words, men slid from the shadows.

  Natalie recognized the faces she saw in the weak moonlight. It was his crew, released from the brig.

  “Where are my men?” she demanded.

  A slight smile twisted his lips. “Where mine used to be. Don’t worry, they’re alive. A few are a bit worse for wear but nothing fatal, I assure you.”

  “How did you do this?”

  Reaching into his pocket, Reece pulled out a long silver chain with a key she knew all too well. Her hand flew to her throat, searching for the necklace she should have been wearing.

  “When did you—” her words broke off as everything slid into place. The change she’d seen in him this morning. The way he’d touched her freely, of his own will, with such care. The soft smile that had meant so much to her had all been artifice. She’d tumbled to the bed with him, too caught up in his game to realize what his true objective had been.

  “I’m such a fool,” she whispered, pain stabbing her. Of course he’d had an ulterior motive. He’d wanted to get her so turned around she’d never realize he’d stolen the chain from her neck. And he’d succeeded.

  Stupid. Her blind need for him might just have signed her death warrant. Because despite her fascination with him, she knew the lord had never felt the same.

  “Looks like the tides have turned, Natalie.”

  She lifted her chin. Natalie would never let him see how his trick had wounded her. Not if she could help it. “Indeed. So tell me, Captain Reece, what is your plan now?”

  “Very similar to yours,” he told her, his eyes heating. “Rupert?” he called. The man slid from the sidelines and moved next to his captain. “Weigh anchor. I want to be well away from here before any of her crew look out into the harbor and realize it is short one ship.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain. You heard him, lads, to your stations!”

  “You can’t steal my ship,” Natalie snarled.

  Reece grinned, waving his pistol back and forth. “I can do whatever the hell I damn well please. You are no longer in charge, darling. My ship is at the bottom of the ocean. Seems a fair trade that I commandeer yours.”

  “My men will come after you.”

  “A pirate crew?” he asked, stepping closer. “Are you sure? Loyalty among thieves is never to be trusted.”

  “We may be pirates but we’re worth more than your privateer crew any day.”

  Anger flicked in his eyes. “What was it you said to me once?” he asked. “Ah yes, you are a prisoner abroad my ship. I advise you to treat me with a little respect.”

  “One does not respect liars and cads.”

  Reece moved closer. “Then do yourself a favor, darling, and pretend.” He glanced at Rupert over his shoulder. “I’ll leave you in charge, Rupert. Call me if there are any problems.”

  “Aye. Will do, Captain Reece.”

  Turning his attention back to Natalie, he motioned toward the captain’s cabin with his pistol. “After you, pet.”

  Natalie glanced at her room, trying to decide if it was in her best interests to comply. “What do you want?”

  “So many things,” he murmured, striding closer. “But for now I will settle for vengeance.”

  She balled her hands into fists. “Then I’m not moving.”

  “Fine by me, but I’ll have you either way. Here I was trying to be the gentleman you always accused me of being and give you some privacy.”

  A tremor shot through her at his words.

  “Walk into the cabin of your own accord,” he instructed softly, for her ears only. “You sank my ship, imprisoned my crew and chained me to your bed. Trust me in this, Natalie, right now I am not a man you want to test.”

  She flinched at the harsh words, considering her options. But Natalie didn’t want to risk whether or not he was bluffing. Not before such a large audience.

  Head held high, she turned around and marched into the captain’s cabin.

  Reece followed closely behind. Once inside, he slammed the door shut behind them and turned the key in the lock.

  “Now then,” he purred, his eyes raking over her. “Let’s get started.”

  Natalie took a wary step back. “Started with what?”

  “Come now, Natalie,” he murmured. “When our positions were reversed you stripped me and had me tied to your bed to await you pleasure. Do you really think I’ll be so different?”

  “Everything about this is different,” she whispered, retreating another step.

  Reece moved farther into the cabin, his pistol still trained on her. “Here’s your first instruction, Natalie. Remove your clothes.”


  “You heard me.”

  Natalie swallowed. It wasn’t as though this was the first time she’d disrobed for him. God knows, he’d seen all of her before. But now, when the power was in his hands, it felt completely different. Before she’d stripped for a lover, anticipating their mutual pleasure, but this time Reece was in control. Her clothes were part of her defense and she was loath to relinquish any advantage.

  “Need I remind you of the punishment should you fail to follow my orders?” Reece asked her.

  Natalie eyed him with distaste. She knew what awaited her if she disappointed him but part of her couldn’t believe he’d truly hurt her. Had everything that happened between them been a lie?

  Hesitant fingers lifted to the buttons of her shirt. When she paused, Reece growled in warning. She undid the first two buttons before stopping. What was she doing? No matter her circumstance, she was still captain of this ship. And captains didn’t yield to their enemies without a fight.

  Her hands dropped to her sides and she lifted her chin defiantly. “Going to shoot me, Reece?” she asked. “Wouldn’t that make your vengeance too quick?”

  A snarl of rage escaped him as he stalked to her. Natalie drew a sharp breath when he wrapped an arm around her waist and hauled her up against his body.

  “Damn you,” he hissed. “Nothing is ever easy when you’re involved.”

  “Sorry I wouldn’t play helpless captive for you,” she snapped.

  His eyes drifted down her gapping blouse, “You may not be helpless,” he acknowledged. “But you’re still my captive.”

  “For now.”

  He leaned closer, as if unable to stay away. Natalie inhaled sharply as his lips brushed along her jaw. “I can almost hear your mind whirling as you plot your escape.”

  “Just something I learned from you.”

  “Ah,” he murmured, catching her earlobe between his teeth. Natalie shivered, cursing her body for wanting him despite her disadvantage. “But even I knew when to fight and when to give myself over to the pleasure of having you astride me.”

  “Trying to talk me into allowing you to seduce me for revenge?” she asked, ignoring her pounding heart. “Clever.”

  He leaned back slightly. Meeting her gaze, he tossed the pistol aside before gripping her shirt with both hands. With a mighty tug, he tore the material open, buttons flying across the room.

  Natalie gasped in surprise but refused to cower. Shrugging from the tattered material clinging to her, she arched an eyebrow and dared him to mock her.

  “Happy?” she demanded.

  “Not nearly,” he replied, his eyes hot on her breasts.

  She’d stopped wearing her bindings since capturing him, figuring it wasted too much time. Now she knew she should regret the absence of the coverage but the raw lust burning in his eyes raised an answering heat in her.

  “You are too bloody perfect,” he told her.

  She shook her head at his words. “How foolish.”

  “For me,” he amended. “You’re perfect for me.”

  Natalie froze, looking up a
t him with questioning eyes. Was this more than just a dominance game? Did he feel for her what she felt for him?

  “The trousers,” he murmured, his hands sliding over her hips. “Please, Natalie.”

  “Giving the captive a choice?” she scoffed.

  He caught her chin in one hand and tipped her gaze up to his. “Don’t you know you always have a choice with me?” he whispered.

  The mocking smile slid from her face as she studied his serious eyes.

  Reece’s hands dropped from her body and he took a step back, giving her room to decide.

  Natalie felt torn. He had stolen her ship. They both knew he was the one calling the shots. But here he was, waiting for her to give some sign she’d welcome his advances. The captor was waiting for permission.

  And despite his betrayal, her body ached for his touch.

  Just a little more, she thought, playing with fire. The rules of their game had changed. She was on borrowed time with him. Couldn’t she enjoy what he offered while she still had the luxury? She’d stop him if he went too far. He’d listen to her. Surely he would.

  Her hands rose to the clasp of her trousers, wanting to play the siren he so obviously wished for. Watching him closely, she pushed the material over her hips and wiggled out of them. Before when they’d entered her cabin and he’d angrily demanded she strip, she’d felt only resistance and shame, but standing before him now, naked and exposed, she felt powerful. He might control her ship but her body still drove him to his knees. When he reached to touch her like a man who’d seen paradise, she couldn’t help but smile.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured.

  “And now?” she teased, raising a hand to trail over his chest. “What does the conquering hero demand?”

  “Get on the bed,” he ordered, his voice hoarse.

  Natalie hesitated for a moment before taking a step backward, her eyes locked on his. As she glided toward the bed, Reece reached for his own garments. Natalie couldn’t help licking her lips as he disrobed for her. Whatever else could be said about the tricky captain, she had to admit, all it took was his naked form to drive every rational thought from her mind.

  Her knees hit the bed and she sat hard. When he strode to her, Natalie’s mouth went dry.

  She rolled her shoulders back and stared up at him. “What now?” she breathed.

  Reece leaned down, pressing his knee onto the mattress beside her. Eyes on his, she scrambled backward and he crawled onto the bed toward her. When her back hit the headboard she had nowhere else to go.

  A wicked smile flashed over Reece’s face before he pressed his lips to hers. Natalie groaned as his tongue darted into her mouth, kissing her thoroughly. His hands glided over her naked body as he plundered her mouth. Natalie dimly felt his fingers slide down her arms but was too focused on his sinful mouth to care. She tilted her head to the side, deepening their kiss. Her head was filled with wicked fantasies when she heard a slight click and felt the cool kiss of metal against her wrist.

  “What the devil?” she cursed, tearing her mouth from his to look at her wrist. She saw the iron cuff encircling her right hand seconds before Reece locked the second one around her left.

  “No,” she snarled, jerking at her hands.

  Reece slid back, watching her with hooded eyes.

  “Bloody bastard,” she swore. “You need to come with a warning sign. Kiss at your own risk, for it will always end badly.”

  He flinched slightly at her accusation. “I fulfilled your fantasy,” he murmured. “This is fair play, Natalie.”

  Natalie had never felt so exposed. She tugged against her bonds as she tried not to think of the vulnerable position he’d placed her in. Her fate was no longer in her own hands. He had the power here.

  Reece crawled closer, careful to avoid her flailing legs. When he ran a gentle finger down her cheek, she stilled, looking up at him in question.

  “This morning you were practically begging me to continue,” he told her.

  “This morning I wasn’t chained to a bed,” she snapped. “And I thought you wanted me. I didn’t know you were faking it to get the key to your chains.”

  He glanced up at her, his blue eyes clear. “I did want you,” he said. “I’ve wanted you every night for years. Any way I can have you, Natalie, I will take you.”

  “It was a ploy to escape.”

  “Partly,” he acknowledged. “But that doesn’t mean I wasn’t desperate to see your head thrown back in pleasure. To taste you on my tongue. I wanted you to writhe beneath me.”

  She looked away in reply to his words.

  Reece leaned closer, pressing his lips to the thundering pulse in her throat. “No woman has ever turned my head as you have.”

  She pulled her hands against her ties. “Let me go and maybe I’ll believe you.”

  “Ah,” he murmured, leaning down to her. “I think I said something similar. But you didn’t believe me, did you?”

  “Reece,” she breathed.

  “What a pair we make.”

  She closed her eyes, having no defense.

  He leaned down and pressed his lips to her navel. Natalie arched against her bonds, straining for release. Reece trailed his tongue up her abdomen. When he reached her breasts, he cupped them in his hands.

  “Reece,” she gasped as he twirled his tongue teasingly around her nipple. Natalie bit her lip to keep from begging. Pleasure thrilled her, turning all her senses against her. All she wanted was for him to follow through on his sensual teasing.

  “Tell me you want me,” he demanded.


  His tongue flicked over her nipple.

  “Say it, Natalie. Just as you once made me beg for you.”

  Beg? She didn’t beg. Ever. A gasp ripped from her as his tongue lapped over the sensitive bud. Maybe ever was a little too long. She’d never last.

  He hadn’t, after all. He’d given into to her and begged for her to make love to him. As she twisted beneath him, she wondered if he’d felt so conflicted. They both knew she wanted him, but she wanted to be the one in charge, not him.

  Except in her secret heart of hearts, she couldn’t deny the pleasure of yielding control. What would he ask of her? she wondered. Would he push her further than she was willing to go? Never in her life had she trusted anyone to hold such control over her.

  “Natalie,” he breathed against her breast.

  “No,” she replied. “I won’t give you the power.”

  He lifted himself from her, looking down into her eyes. “I’m the captain now. You are my captive.”

  “I’ll never be yours,” she whispered, meeting his gaze.

  He flinched at her words. “Never is a long time, darling.”

  “You told me once if you got free I’d never want to see the consequences. So what do you plan, Reece? How will you take your revenge?”

  He leaned down almost close enough to brush her lips with his. “Is that all we have?” he asked in a soft whisper. “The weighing of the scales. What if all I wanted was to give you pleasure?”

  She inhaled sharply. “Another trick.”

  “No,” he denied. “Not this time. I’ll tell you a secret, darling. I’ve dreamed of you for years. I’ve longed for you and during every battle we’ve fought I’ve wondered, what would I do if I won?” He drew his lips down her throat, pressing light kisses against her skin. “Just for one night, be mine. Please.”

  The ragged plea struck her heart. Natalie tried her hardest to remain strong against his words but despite everything, she found herself weakening. Hadn’t she wanted the same thing? Just one night to have him in her arms?

  “It doesn’t mean anything,” she whispered. “If I yield tonight, I’ll still fight you in the morning.”

  He nodded. “Trust me, Natalie, I know. But a single night with you is better than none.”

  She yanked her hands against the chains. “Can’t you release me?”

  He grinned slowly, shaking his head. “I asked you the same thing, pet. But in the end, we both enjoyed you taking control. Do you think I’ll be any less thorough in pleasing you?”

  Natalie bit her lip, worrying it between her teeth. He was asking for a great deal of trust.

  “Make your choice,” he murmured. “Tell me, Natalie. Because if you truly want me to stop and never touch you again, all you have to do is ask.”

  She looked up at the man she’d fought against for so many years and felt her heart clench. He wouldn’t hurt her. Not even when all the power was his. In this, at least, she believed in him.

  “Touch me,” she whispered. “But don’t make me regret this, Reece.”

  “Never,” he promised, leaning down to her.

  His lips caught hers in a rough kiss. Natalie strained against her bonds to get closer to him. She tilted her head up to his until her neck ached from the effort.

  “Hush,” he told her, raining kisses down on her upturned face. “Let me please you.”

  “How?” she demanded.

  Reece grinned in response before sliding down her body.

  Natalie gasped as he drew his lips down her torso. His hands ran over her thighs, tracing invisible designs into the skin. When his thumbs drew circles higher and higher on her legs, Natalie had to fight her instincts to keep from moaning.

  “God, you are beautiful,” Reece murmured, his lips dropping a light kiss on her stomach. He ran his hands higher until they brushed against the apex of her thighs.

  “Christ,” she gasped, arching away from the bed.

  “You’re so wet.”

  She glared down at him. “You have that effect on me.”

  As if to reward her words, Reece bent lower so he could drag his tongue along her slit.

  Natalie couldn’t help the cry of pleasure he wrenched from her. She looked down at his dark head between her thighs and didn’t know if she’d ever seen such an erotic sight.

  When his tongue touched her clit, however, all coherent thought fled.

  “More,” she ordered when he sucked the tight bud into his mouth. Never had she felt anything as intense as this. Every stroke of his tongue drove her higher. She arched her hips, pressing her sex harder against his mouth.


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