A Pirate's Prisoner

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A Pirate's Prisoner Page 5

by Victoria Davies

  “Please, Reece,” she begged.

  He drove his tongue into her as he would a cock and the shallow strokes nearly sent her out of her mind. She thrashed on the bed, fighting her bonds in an effort to grip him and demand he move faster.

  “Easy,” he murmured, pressing a hot kiss against her inner thigh.

  “More,” she begged. “Please, you can’t leave me like this.”

  “Oh, my Lady, I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  Without any more urging, Reece slid a finger into her slick sex.

  Natalie nearly levitated from the bed with a helpless cry.

  “Good?” Reece asked, thrusting back into her. He moved slowly, with deliberate care. She knew every stroke of his fingers was meant to drive her crazy with lust and he was succeeding beyond her wildest dreams. Natalie had never known such blinding need.

  When he added a second finger, she shrieked with pleasure.

  “Hell,” she whispered. “Reece, let me come.”

  “Giving orders, Natalie? That won’t do.”


  “Who’s in charge tonight?”

  She shook her head, biting her lip.

  Reece grinned at her defiance, stilling his fingers within her. She groaned in protest.

  “Who, Natalie?”

  “Dammit,” she snarled.



  Reece smiled in triumph at her capitulation. “Yes,” he agreed. “And don’t forget it.”

  “Not bloody likely,” she muttered, wringing her hands against the chains.

  He moved up her body and caught her nipple between his teeth, no doubt in punishment for her insubordinate words. Natalie twisted beneath him as he ran his teeth over the hard nub. He bit down gently as his fingers thrust back into her. With a strangled cry Natalie broke apart in his arms. She came with blinding pleasure, drowning everything else out. For a second her bonds didn’t matter; her ship was a distant worry. All she cared about was the orgasm crashing through her body.

  When she finally stopped twitching, Reece was beside her, grinning.

  “What a beautiful sight,” he murmured.

  “Mmm.” It was all the retort she was capable of.

  Reece leaned down to draw his lips across hers. “That was a mere taste, darling.”

  “Trying to kill me with pleasure?” she asked.

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” he replied. “As much as you’d miss me if I were gone, I’d miss you even more.”

  Her heart swelled at his softly spoken words.

  “Free me, Reece,” she whispered. “I promise not to make trouble tonight.”

  He shook his head wordlessly. “Turn about, my dear. It’s fair play.”

  “But I want to touch you.” She licked her lips in slow invitation, watching as Reece’s eyes followed the movement. “I want to run my fingers down your chest. I want to kneel before you and take your cock in my hand. I’ll run my tongue along your hard length and suck you deep into my mouth. Don’t you want to feel me swirling my tongue over you, Reece? Just unchain my hands and I’ll do all that and more.”

  Reece groaned, no doubt tempted despite himself. “Siren,” he accused with a panted breath.

  “I know what I want,” she replied. “And it’s you between my lips.”

  “Christ, you could tempt a saint.”

  “Which you are definitely not. Does that mean I get my way?”

  He shook his head. “Not tonight.”

  “One time deal,” she whispered, licking her lips.

  “Dammit, Natalie. You’re making it hard to stick to my plans.”

  “Might as well scrap them then,” she replied.

  “You’ll like my plans,” he murmured, shifting to between her thighs.

  Natalie hissed in a swift breath when she felt his hard cock nudge against her.

  “I do like that,” she purred. She moved to wrap her arms around him but was thwarted by her cuffs.

  “These bonds are horrible,” she complained.

  “Don’t I know it,” he replied, nudging her legs farther apart as he settled more firmly against her. “But in a moment you won’t care.”

  “Thinking highly of yourself again, aren’t we?”

  “Want to lay a wager?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “I only bet on a winning hand.”

  He grinned, rubbing himself against her. Natalie closed her eyes in pleasure as his cock ran along her slit.

  “Ready?” he breathed into her ear.

  “Since I first met you,” she replied.

  Reece gripped her hips and thrust into her without another word.

  Natalie opened her mouth to cry out but found her shriek muffled by his lips. Reece kissed her deeply, his thrusting tongue mimicking the movement of his hips.

  Natalie arched her hips to meet his sure thrusts. Her hands fisted in her chains, and she growled against his lips. The restricted movement was frustrating but at the same time it put the pressure squarely on Reece’s shoulders. He was completely in charge of their pleasure. And her disappointment would be his failure as well. She rather liked the thought.

  But Natalie knew Reece would never let her down. His hands burned on her hips as he angled her for the deepest penetration. His hard cock drove into her, reaching depths she’d never dreamed of. Every thrust sent shockwaves of pleasure spiraling through her. All Natalie could think of was the next stroke that would send her swirling closer to fulfillment.

  His harsh panting filled her ears as he drove into her. Wordlessly she twisted her head to meet his lips. They kissed with burning desperation, mutual need driving them onward.

  Natalie rocked her hips against his and clenched her inner muscles.

  “Christ,” Reece swore. “Do that again.”

  She grinned as she complied.

  “So tight,” he grit out.

  “Reece, please,” she urged. “I’m so close.”

  “Come with me, darling,” he instructed her. “Let me see your pleasure.”

  Her hands knotted in the headboard as she tried to master the sensations riding her body.

  “More,” she ordered, moving more desperately against him.

  Reece thrust into her faster. Both raced unheedingly toward their fulfillment.

  With a final thrust, Natalie screamed. She burst apart, her climax crashing over her.

  The rush of pleasure darkened her vision and deadened her hearing. She knew nothing except the intense sensations washing over her body.

  She heard Reece cry out above her, felt the hot spurt of his seed within her.

  When the room stopped spinning, Reece collapsed heavily on her. Her groan of protest was enough to make him slide to the side but no farther, not that she was complaining. She liked the feel of him pressed so intimately against her.

  Natalie’s heart raced. Who would have thought giving up her tightly held control could be so perfectly shattering? She turned her head to the side to watch her lover. There was no way to know what paths their lives would take but she had a sneaking suspicion any future without him in it would be unbearable.

  Chapter 5

  WHEN she opened her eyes, light streamed in through the port window. Natalie smiled groggily as she pushed herself up. Glancing at her wrists she realized Reece had released her sometime during the night. She rubbed the faint red lines on her skin, thinking them a small price to pay for the pleasure she’d experienced last night.

  Natalie moved to slide from the bed when a clink of metal stopped her. Throwing back the covers she saw the cuff she’d used on Reece securely around her own ankle.

  “No,” she breathed.

  “Fair is fair,” Reece replied.

  She looked up to see him lounging against the door jam.

  “Good morning,” he greeted.

  Natalie wrapped the sheet more firmly around herself. “Is the chain really necessary?” she dema
nded. “We’re at sea. There’s not much I can do way out here.”

  “I don’t want to test that theory,” he said. “You could stir up a storm on a cloudless day.”

  She crossed her arms, frowning. “You can’t just leave me here.”

  “I can do whatever I want.”

  “I won’t take being chained lightly.”

  He grinned. “Darling, what can you possibly do about it?”

  “Come here and find out.”

  He shook his head.

  Narrowing her eyes, she ripped the sheet away from her body, exposing herself to his gaze. “Just a little closer,” she purred.

  His eyes dropped to her chest, transfixed. The lord even took a stumbling step closer before he shook his head.

  “Vixen,” he charged. “You’ll need to do better than that.”

  When she glared at him, he merely raised a cool brow. So she couldn’t use lust against him as he had used it against her. Not fair.

  With a growl, she wrapped the sheet back around herself.

  “I have matters to attend to,” he told her. “I’ll check on you later.”

  “Leave me here and I will end you,” she vowed.

  That earned her another grin. Grabbing a book from her desk he tossed it to her. “Rest up,” he advised. “You’ll need your strength later.”

  “As if I’d let you touch me again.”

  His gaze raked over her tousled form. “Didn’t you learn last night, Natalie? You’ll beg me to touch you again.”

  He ducked out of the cabin right before the book he’d given her hit the closed door. She gnashed her teeth in fury. The man was impossible.

  Flinging herself from the bed, she paced the small space the chain allowed her. She was about to turn back to the window when something caught her eye. Sitting on her desk was a gaudy chest she certainly had never bought. It was ornately craved with an iron lock that would keep all meddlers away. Something of Reece’s? She frowned. That would mean it came from his ship when they’d fought. One of his men must have taken it and kept it hidden. Natalie eyed the chest.

  Stretching out her arms, she tried to reach the desk but it was too far out of reach.

  “Dammit,” she sighed, dropping back onto the bed. What was so important Reece would have smuggled it here? The one thing he wanted to save from his sinking ship.

  “I will find out all your secrets,” she vowed, eying the chest. Somehow she would win her freedom and when she did, Reece would learn he’d cross the wrong woman.

  * * * *

  She’d tried to keep her anger burning, really she did, but enmity against an absent enemy was hard to fuel. The first hour she’d been happy to plot his untimely demise in all manner of delicious ways but as the time slowly inched by with nothing to do, boredom quickly took over. By the afternoon she was regretting throwing the book at the door, as it was now beyond her reach. The only company she had was the sullen sailor who brought her meals without a word. Not once did she see Reece.

  Outside the window she saw the sun set into the ocean. Natalie chewed on a fingernail to keep from shredding the bed sheets out of boredom. Had Reece felt this way when she’d left him? She almost looked forward to his return because, though Reece was many things, boring wasn’t one of them.

  Finally she heard the turn of the lock in the door and slid from the bed, the sheet wrapped tightly around herself.

  Reece entered, his eyes heating when they saw her. He closed the door behind him before padding over to the desk to start undressing.

  “That’s it?” she demanded. “You left me here all day.”

  “Gets to you, doesn’t it?” he replied, tugging off his boots.

  “I’m still angry at you.”

  He shrugged. “Sure. But it’s not the strongest feeling you have right now.”

  She arched a brow, daring him to tell her what she felt.

  His boots dropped to the floor before he started to move closer, his fingers working on the buttons of his shirt as he walked.

  Natalie did her best not to let her gaze drop to the skin he was unveiling.

  “You’re bored,” he told her, slipping the shirt down his arms. “You want to fight. You want to grab me and take out your frustrations on my body.”

  She snorted.

  “I know,” he continued, “because it’s exactly what I wanted to do to you after you left me alone all bloody day.”

  He stopped before her, waiting. “Tell me I’m wrong, Natalie.”

  Eying the man before her, she wished she could but having him here with her made her body hum. Her boredom had been chased away the second he’d crossed the threshold. She knew she should be angry but that would come later. Right now she wanted to prove his distance had hurt them both. Instead of torturing her, he could have been with her. All day long. Playing out all their secret fantasies.

  “You’re going to regret what you did today,” she purred.

  He grinned. “I know. But I’m sure I’ll enjoy your revenge.”

  Her hand struck out but instead of attacking, her fingers tangled in his hair. She pulled him forward roughly, claiming his mouth with her own.

  His hands immediately rose to her body, as if he couldn’t bear to be apart any more than she could.

  Together they tumbled backward onto the bed. His hands clawed at the sheet hiding her from view and she eagerly kicked it off. Natalie arched her back, pressing her breasts against his bare chest. His sharp exhale tickled her ear.

  Lust clouded her mind, threatening to make her forget she was mad at him. Forget she wanted to best him. The only weapon she had left was her body. She had to make it count.

  Splaying her hand on his chest, she pushed him backward. He rolled eagerly as she leaned over him.

  “Do you remember last night?” she purred, leaning down to kiss his chest. “What I wanted to do to you?”

  “Christ,” he groaned as her fingers trailed over the erection straining against his pants.

  “Do you want me to do it now?” Her fingers traced his hard cock, feeling the heat of him unhindered by the material separating their skin.

  “Strange kind of revenge,” he said roughly.

  She smiled calmly. “Yes or no, Reece?”

  “As if you even needed to ask.”

  Her smile widened as she tugged at the waist of his trousers. She pulled the material down his legs, letting her fingers touch and tease as they glided down. Dropping the clothing over the side of the bed, she turned her attention back to the man spread out before her.

  Mine, she thought with a hunger she hadn’t known she was capable of. Not forever, she amended, shaken at her need. Just for a little while longer. She didn’t need more.

  Her hands stretched up his legs as she crawled closer.

  “Were you this hard all day?” she whispered. “Thinking of me in here, waiting for you?”

  “Yes,” he confessed.

  She drew a gentle fingertip along the length of his cock. “Sounds uncomfortable.”

  “You have no idea.”

  Natalie wrapped her fingers around his cock and squeezed carefully. Air rushed from her lover’s body as he instantly stiffened. A smile on her lips, she toyed with him, stroking him with deliberate slowness.

  “Natalie,” he begged.

  Good enough, she thought, bending down to trail her tongue up his length. She felt the muscles in his thighs clench beneath her hand. Drawing her tongue over his tip, she leaned down and took him into her mouth.

  Reece’s guttural cry echoed in the room as she began to suck him. Natalie kept her movements languid, wanting absolute control. He rocked beneath her, straining to dive deeper into her mouth.

  As she pleasured him, she fought to remain in control and not allow herself to be overwhelmed by the power she held over him. Though she wanted to see his head thrown back in pleasure, he needed to learn who was in charge.

  When she tasted the sa
ltiness of his seed on her tongue she knew he was close. Too close.

  She pulled her mouth away, ignoring his anguished cries. Before he could recover his wits she shoved him with determined force.

  Reece, unprepared for the attack, floundered before tumbling from the bed. She heard him crash onto the floor with a satisfying thud.

  “Hell,” he groaned.

  She pulled herself to the edge of the bed, looking down at her tousled lover.

  “Don’t leave me alone all day again,” she ordered, lifting her chin.

  He looked up at her and did the last thing she expected. He threw back his head and laughed.

  Natalie blinked at the rare sight. He looked younger, gentler. She’d never seen him laugh like this, she realized. Without guard or artifice. It was a heady experience.

  “You,” he said, a grin still on his lips, “are never boring.”

  She frowned at his reaction. “Daft man.”

  He shook his head, climbing back toward the bed. “Every time I try to predict what you’ll do, you surprise me.”

  Natalie tilted her head as she studied him. She’d expected anger for her trick, a demand to finish what she’d started. But he made no move to continue where they’d left off, despite the fact his cock obviously wanted him to.

  “Where did you learn your tricks?” he asked, cupping her face between his hands.

  What was this? she wondered. Idle words or an attempt to know her?

  “A street brat does what she must to survive,” she replied carefully.

  He stilled before her, a seriousness in his face she had never seen before. Reece looked at her as if searching for answers to questions she didn’t understand. The intensity made her want to squirm away but she wasn’t one to run from a fight. Even if it was one she didn’t understand how to win.

  “I know nothing of you,” he finally murmured.

  She snorted. “You know a lot about me.”

  “How you like to be touched,” he amended. “How you like your men to take you. But not anything about you outside the bedroom.”

  “Dangerous ground.”

  He was silent.

  She could distract him, she knew. A hand on his cock and he’d forget his questions. But oddly she didn’t feel the need to hide as she’d always had with her other lovers. He’d started down this path, perhaps they could continue following it. If only for a little while.


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