Book Read Free

Torrid Exposure

Page 3

by Carla Coxwell

  I look down at the wooden box. Part of me wants to just open it now and see what it is. But another part of me holds back. If it is something that is going to make me sad, I don’t know if I want to be around Spencer when I open it.

  “How is Mom doing?” I ask instead.

  “Okay. I guess.” She bites her bottom lip and then shakes her head. “A wreck, really. Everyone is. But Mom isn’t doing too well. I think she might…”

  “Need help? Mom will never see anyone about Dad or her drinking.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Spencer says with a tone that leads me to believe she might have already hinted at it to my mom.

  “Well, I should get going,” I say, standing up.

  “April, wait,” Spencer says. “Something I should tell you before you hear it in the press or from someone else.”

  I sit back down, suddenly feeling nervous. “What?”

  “Kevin… Mr. Hunter, I mean. He’s uh… he’s agreed to buy Dad’s company.”

  I feel knocked over. Surprise doesn’t even begin to cover what I feel. My mouth open and close a few times as my mind tries to process the fact that Kevin is buying my father’s company.

  “What?” I say.

  But Spencer talks over me. “I know you were aware Dad’s company is in trouble. Kevin offered to buy it and he’s going to remodel the restaurants and get it back in fighting form. I’ll be in charge, obviously, but Kevin is my mentor so he’ll be helping out a lot. He’s branching out. I don’t know if you knew that. But he’s looking to buy up different companies and bring it all under his umbrella. This is an exciting next step in the company—”

  “Save it! Why are you talking to me like you’re reading off a company memo or something?” I say, shocked by the entire thing.

  Spencer’s right eye twitches. It is very brief. I almost miss it. It is something that happens very rarely and only when she is incredibly stressed out.

  “April,” she says to me, “it’s done. Already finished. I’m just letting you know… as a sister to another sister. It isn’t up for discussion… certainly not with you.”

  I shake my head. “Bad idea.”

  “How is it a bad idea? How in the world would you know if it is a bad idea?” she demands, growing irritated.

  “Should have waited. Kevin saw this chance and jumped on it because we are all grieving.”

  “How can you talk about him that way? We’ve known him our entire lives.”

  “Yeah, exactly,” I counter. “I don’t trust him. I didn’t even know he was your fucking mentor until Dad’s funeral. So don’t act like I’m in the loop.”

  Spencer looks flushed now. Her reaction is more intense than I was expecting.

  “You don’t know anything about Kevin or his business sense.”

  “I know more than you think,” I say back, thinking about Bennett. “I already knew he wanted to buy up a bunch of smaller companies. I just didn’t think he was going to buy ours. This is your first action after Dad dies? Selling his company to Kevin and trying to pretend you’re going to remain in charge?”

  Spencer’s mouth goes slack in surprise. Maybe she is surprised at my words or the fact that I knew Kevin’s business plans. I watch her and her eye twitches again. Whatever has been going on behind the scenes, my sister is extremely stressed out.

  “I’m out of here,” I mumble, standing up and grabbing the box.

  Spencer finally finds her words. “Dad would have wanted this. He knew what was going on with the company. This is the only way to save it.”

  “Whatever, Spencer. To Kevin, of all people, is what really gets me. Don’t you think it’s funny he ‘mentored’ you and now as soon as Dad is gone, he buys us out?” I fire at her as I open the door to leave the meeting room.

  Spencer tries to say something but we both fall silent. Mom has made her way up the stairs and is alarmed at seeing us. She is going into Dad’s office.

  “April. I didn’t know you were here. Coming to get your father’s item?” she asks me, sounding small and far away.

  “Yeah. Hey, Mom. We just came up here because of the kitchen remodeling downstairs.”

  “Dreadfully noisy, isn’t it?” Mom says to me. “Just came up here for something.”

  She slips into Dad’s office and shuts the door behind her. I look back at Spencer.

  She shrugs. “Sometimes she goes in there and sits at his desk.”

  “Don’t you stop her? Or make sure she is okay?”

  “Of course I do!” Spencer snaps. “April, you don’t get to come in here and tell me how you think things should work. You gave that up.”

  I lower my voice to a whisper, not wanting to alert Mom to the fact we are bickering. “I didn’t give that up,” I say, glancing at the closed office door. “I gave up the company and the money. Not my family.”

  “Oh, wait, like I did?” Spencer snaps back, just as quiet.

  “What the hell are you talking about? I didn’t say anything like that. Projecting much?”

  Not wanting to hear her reply, I take off down the hallway. I am itching to get out of the house. I feel as if I have been here too long already. The memories of the meeting room are hanging heavy over my head. The fact that Mom sits in Dad’s office is more depressing than I can handle. Add in the fact that Spencer has sold the company to Kevin and I want to get out of there before I go mental.

  Spencer, however, follows me down the stairs and out the front door. The summer heat feels as if I have stepped out into a furnace.

  “What?” I ask her, turning around. “I’m not in the mood to fight. Just forget it. You’re right. The company has nothing to do with me. I’m leaving now.”

  “April,” she says and grabs my hand.

  The touch of her makes me stop. I look down at where her fingers are gently wrapped around my wrist and back up at her.

  “Do you… did I make a mistake selling it, then?” Her tone is completely different from the hostile tone in the meeting room. It throws me for a loop.

  “Does it matter? It’s over with now, Spence. You said the company has been sold to Kevin.”

  “How did you know that he was buying up companies?” she asks me.

  “Heard it through the grape vine,” I mumble, unwilling to give Bennett up.

  Spencer lets go of my hand now. “Oh.”

  “You changed your hair,” I point out, wanting to steer the subject away from Kevin.

  “What? Oh,” She touches her hair gingerly. “Kevin thought it made me look a little more serious.”

  “Blonde?” I wrinkle my nose. “Maybe. I liked it dark.”

  “Me too,” she replies, surprising me.

  We stand there for a few more seconds in silence. I don’t know what to say to her. I think again of my promise to Dad to make up with her. But it seems as if that is going to be an impossible task. The burned ground between us seems too much to overcome. I still cannot believe she has sold the company to Kevin.

  “I should go,” I finally tell her. “See you around.”

  Spencer nods and looks as if she is going to say something in reply. But instead, her mouth tightens into a thin line. I walk away from her, feeling more disconnected from her than ever. I cannot believe that she is my sister. It feels as if she is a stranger wearing my sister’s skin.

  Chapter Four

  “Sorry we had to meet here. I’m in the middle of moving so I didn’t know where to go nearby that wasn’t a dump.”

  My eyes widen in surprise as Bennett sits down across from me. The restaurant we picked is fine by my standards. It is a chain but I am not picky when it comes to food. Bennett, however, must think he has taken me to the lowest of the low.

  “You’re moving?” I say in surprise.

  “Yeah. Near here.”

  “Waterfall Sands?” I ask, naming one of the nicest communities nearby.

  “Yeah, that’s right.”

  “I thought you were just going to stay at your dad’s guest house.”

  “Changed my mind,” Bennett says to me.

  I want to ask him what changed his mind but it is then that a waiter comes by. As we order our drinks, I find myself staring at Bennett. Tonight he is dressed casually in just a t-shirt and khakis. He looks incredibly sexy. Before, the thought would have knocked me to the floor. Now, however, I feel too tired to fight against it. Bennett looks good tonight. Might as well just accept it.

  After the waiter leaves, Bennett looks up at me. “Not surprised you called though.”

  “Why not?”

  “Figured you heard about my dad buying your dad’s company.”

  “Did you know?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “No. Dad and I are in a weird spot right now. I’m still refusing to date Stephanie. At first he was furious but then suddenly he just didn’t care anymore. I didn’t know why until I heard the news of him buying from Spencer. Then I just assumed whatever he wanted to do with Stephanie’s father has been put on the backburner. That was when I told him I wanted to move out and he agreed.”

  “That’s good, right? I mean, things sound better,” I say, secretly relieved he isn’t having to go on dates with Stephanie anymore.

  “Yeah. I suppose so. I’m just waiting for Dad to bring it back up again. Although with this purchase, he wants me to head across the country to help set things up. Nothing is concrete yet. We’ll see.”

  “So weird,” I mumble, “the whole thing. Kevin owning Dad’s company. Spencer selling it. I knew it was in trouble but I really thought there was another way to fix it.”

  “Did Spencer tell you or did you find out elsewhere?”

  “Spencer told me when I went over to get what Dad had left me in the will.” I still hadn’t opened the box yet, feeling too emotional to see what was inside.

  Bennett leans back in the booth, looking at the menu. “Well, soon Dad really will have his fingers in all the pies.”

  “You too, I guess. Once he… passes on.”

  “Don’t want to talk about it. The thought of controlling a company that large makes me feel sick. At least if he sends me across country though it shows he really wants to throw me in the thick of things.”

  “The vote of confidence you thought you had lost,” I reply.

  “Yeah, I guess so,” he says to me and smiles, making my heart skip a beat. “Going to be weird though. Having Spencer be part of the company.”

  “Is it that weird though? When your Dad was mentoring her anyway?”

  “Yeah…” he trails off. A funny look crosses his face and he leans forward. “Listen, April…”

  The waiter comes back just then with our drinks and gets ready to take our orders. Bennett quickly asks for more time and the waiter leaves. I look at him.

  “What is it?”

  “I have to—” Suddenly his phone goes off in his pocket.

  He curses under his breath and pulls his phone out. He holds up his hand to me and leaves the table, taking the call. I assume it is Kevin. I look down at the menu, suddenly starving. I try to find the biggest burger on the menu. I can’t remember the last full meal I have eaten since Dad passed away.

  It is a few minutes until Bennett returns. When he does, he runs his fingers through his hair and sits back down.

  “Sorry. That was my dad. Just asking about my new address and everything.”

  My stomach grumbles loudly and I laugh. “Sorry. I’m suddenly starving.”

  He laughs as well. It is an easy laugh. I forget all about the fact that I called him just to discuss the company with him. Maybe that is just an excuse I tell myself to see him again. Now that he is here, I realize I am glad he is here. I wanted to see him.

  The waiter comes back and we order our food this time. Bennett seems to sense the change in my mind because he doesn’t bring up the company again. Instead, we end up discussing other things. He asks about my work. I ask about his apartment. We talk about things we did as kids. The conversation flows so easily that I cannot believe what we are doing – it feels as if we have somehow turned this into a date. Was that what I wanted all along?

  When we finish up the meal, Bennett turns to look at me, “Want to see the apartment? It’s a mess but it has a great view. Probably great for photos. Maybe.”

  “You’re just bullshitting me so I’ll come see the apartment, aren’t you?” I say with a laugh.

  Bennett smiles at me. It lights up his face and I find myself admiring it. I want him to kiss me.

  “The view is nice,” he replies. “No idea if it is suited for photos though.”

  “Sure,” I say. “Show me the apartment.”


  Seeing Bennett’s apartment sends it home again how different we are. Here is someone with billions of dollars at his fingertips. His apartment is three rooms (modest he tells me) with a balcony that overlooks the beach. I find myself on the balcony first, looking out at the ocean.

  “This is amazing,” I tell him as he comes up behind me.

  “Glad you like it. It’s nice. I think I might come out here whenever I’m stressed out.”

  “What happened to your wooden figures?” I suddenly ask, turning to face him.

  “I… threw most of them away.”

  “Oh, no, why?” I ask him, feeling sad. “They were so unique.”

  “Dad wanted the guest house cleared out if I was moving out. I didn’t know what to do with them. I kept a box of them and threw out the rest. It’s just a hobby, April. I can’t do anything with it. With Dad wanting to send me to the other coast to whip things into shape, I have to get serious about this.”

  I lean against the railing of the balcony and look at him, “So, what? What you were saying before is lost now? Doing something you like? Leaving the company?”

  “I was never going to leave the company,” Bennett mumbles. “Let’s be real. This is what I’m meant to do. I guess I was just having second thoughts.”

  I take a step toward him. “I don’t want you to live by what your dad says. So you have his approval now. But what if you lose it again? You should do things you are proud of. Things that mean a lot to you.”

  “Isn’t that easy. I mean, I guess for you it is. But Spencer was groomed for the company too, right? To take charge in case something happened? That’s what it’s like for me. Maybe I need to get more serious. Take risks. Instead of just fooling around with different women and making little wooden figures.”

  “What risks would you take then?” I ask him.

  Bennett looks thoughtful. I admire how he looks right now – thoughtful, the moonlight illuminating his face.

  “I’d like to really take the company to the next level. Dad wants to focus on growth. Buying up what he can. But I have to figure out a way to make my mark on the company. I don’t want it just to be a monster swallowing up other companies. I’ll figure it out someday.”

  “What about outside of work?” I ask him. “What about a risk that involves something other than business?”

  “Hmm… I can think of something.”

  “What?” I ask, curious now.

  Bennett moves toward me and puts his hands on the railing as well. We are inches apart. The sudden movement takes my breath away as I find myself looking up at him.

  “This is a risk?” I ask him.

  “No. Prelude to the risk,” he says to me softly.

  Then he leans forward and his lips are on mine. The touch of his lips on mine, after what feels like centuries of not having him, is a welcome feeling. The warmth shoots through me, bringing every nerve in my body to life. It is as if I have been asleep until now. My body is being turned on, coming to life underneath his lips.

  I return the kiss and press myself against him. He smiles against my lips.

  “Anxious, aren’t you?”

  “Oh, are you teasing me?” I ask him.

  “Maybe a little. What if this is as far as I want to go tonight?” he says slowly, teasing me with his lips brushing against my neck with every word.
  “I’d say you’re full of shit.”

  Bennett laughs. His laugh is low and sends goosebumps along my skin. He kisses along my neck gently. I close my eyes and let myself enjoy the feeling. It is strange how much I have wanted this. How much I have wanted him.

  His hands trail up my back and then up into my hair. My scalp tingles at the touch and he pulls me in for another kiss. This one is passionate. My head instantly empties of all thoughts and concerns. The only thing I can think about is how his lips feel on mine. I know he is dragging this out and teasing me. Part of me wants to rush through it, like we did last time.

  But another part of me wants to take my time. There is no hurry, like last time. There is just us, in his new apartment, free to do whatever we want. There is something freeing that speaks to me. I want to enjoy the night with Bennett.

  “You didn’t show me the rest of your apartment,” I whisper to him. “I haven’t seen your bedroom.”

  He smiles at me and takes me by the hand, leading me back into the apartment. We cut across the living room and down the hallway. I step inside his bedroom. It is messy in there. Boxes need to be unpacked. But the bed is set up and that’s all we care about at the moment.

  Together we fall into the bed. Bennett is taking off my clothes as I yank off his t-shirt. My hands touch his skin, hot to the touch as he leans over and kisses my breasts. His hands fondle them and he pinches my nipples. His other hand goes down to my pussy, now wet with desire and he slides a finger inside of me.

  I gasp in surprise and then close my eyes. The sensations of Bennett fingering me and sucking on my nipples are intense. My entire body feels receptive to every touch and every movement. He alternates between moving his finger in my pussy and running his finger along my clit, teasing me.

  I moan his name, wiggling my hips against his finger. I want more. As good as this feels, it isn’t enough. But Bennett refuses to give me what I want. He teases my clit and bites gently on my nipples. I can feel his hard cock against my leg.

  “I want —” I gasp, “let me suck you.”

  Bennett is more than happy to oblige. But before I can get into position, he lies down and yanks me toward him, into the sixty-nine position. My pussy is in his face and his cock is against my mouth. I feel his tongue probe my wet folds and I let out a moan before I run my tongue up and down his cock. Bennett shudders from the sudden touch.


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