Escaping Love

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Escaping Love Page 12

by Debra Smith

  “Go to hell, Carlos.”

  A sick pleasure filled her stomach as she saw her handiwork across his face. Her claw marks had succeeded in making him into a monster for everyone to see.

  He noticed her line of vision and pressed a finger to the snarled, puffy slashes.

  “You think you’ve won some kind of victory. Let me be the first to tell you you’re wrong. I have everything I’ve ever wanted. Tonight I’ll become the leader of the most powerful Clan. Haven’t you wondered why your father hasn’t come to see you?”

  She had, but she wouldn’t dare admit it.

  “He’s being held till after the ceremony. If you cooperate I will release him.”

  “What do I care? He only cares for himself.”

  “Well then if that won’t sway you I’ll harm your mother. My men are a bit randy after all the exercise tracking you down. I know they would love a few hours with a beauty like her. And if that’s not enough I will start killing women and children. One every hour you continue to act like a child.”

  “You wouldn’t. The people wouldn’t allow it. The queen would have you banished or killed.”

  “Ah yes, the queen. I wouldn’t worry about her and her mate. I had her boat sabotaged. I’m sure they are at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea by now.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “Let’s just wait and see. If she comes to save your people then we know I’m lying, but I assure you I am not.”

  “Someone could outbid you. I could go to another Clan.”

  He smiled evilly. “They wouldn’t dare. Let’s just say I hold something precious from all of them. Now get ready. I can’t wait to own you. Remember my warning, one every hour on the hour until you do as I say.”

  She shivered in revulsion.

  She sat on the edge of her bed. He truly was the devil here on E to take all good from the world.

  He left and the air lightened. She hadn’t noticed the heaviness he caused. Now she could finally breathe.

  Another knock on the door came.

  “Come in,” she croaked.

  The maid from before came in quietly with soft, miserable eyes.

  “I’m sorry about before.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Let’s get you ready.”

  The moment she decided to comply, her soul left her body, not wanting to accept the events coming to pass. She seemed to watch from somewhere else as the maid coiffed, plucked, and basted her for the Presentation. The golden collar fitted perfectly around her neck, choking the last bit of hope from her body.

  If the dress hadn’t been for the event, she might have worn it for Clint. But as a hot tear flowed down her cheek, the maid clicked her tongue.

  “You mustn’t cry, miss. You’ll ruin your makeup.”

  “Of course. I’m sorry.”

  Her cat clawed at her, trying to get her to fight. She pushed her back for the sake of innocent people. Her white panther paced in her mind, looking for a way out.

  “There now, don’t you look beautiful?”

  The woman in the mirror looked like an angel. Her hair rested in an elaborate chignon on top of her head. Gold bands decorated her braids. When they caught the light it made her hair sparkle. It reminded her of the stars and her wish.

  Stop it.

  The dress clung to her curves, displaying everything except where the modesty bands covered her lady parts.

  Still it wouldn’t take much to fill in the blanks.

  Empty eyes caught her gaze, and she wanted to smash her reflection.

  “The Alpha said you could see your mother if you behaved. I will let him know to send her in.”

  “Don’t call him that. He’s not the true leader.”

  “Sorry, miss.”

  The maid curtsied and left.

  Alex fisted her hands at her sides.

  Her mother’s scent hit her before she could even knock.

  “Come in, Mother.”

  The door opened slowly, as though her mother couldn’t decide if she really wanted to see her or not. Alex couldn’t blame her. It wasn’t every day your only remaining daughter was sold at action.

  “You look stunning.”

  It wasn’t a question so she didn’t answer. But she did have some questions of her own. She took a moment to look at her childhood room. It seemed so cold. There were no pictures or toys, just and extravagant show of wealth. Ivory and gold as far as the eye could see.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about the Clan? Didn’t you think I should know?”

  Her mother’s perfectly-painted expression didn’t change.

  “You know I leave those matters to your father, dear.”

  She ground her teeth, keeping her words to herself. No matter how long this day lasted it wouldn’t be forever. One day while Carlos was asleep she’d kill him. Maybe not soon but eventually she’d free everyone from him. It was her destiny to bring a time of prosperity to her people. She’d find a way to do it one way or the other.

  “I must go. The guests will start arriving soon. See you at the party.”

  Her mother exited and she let out a pent-up breath. Soon this day would be over and she could start planning a way to rid the world of evil.


  Clint paced the room of his suite, trying not kill anyone. His plan wouldn’t work if he didn’t follow the rules. He’d caught his Little Cat’s scent the moment he entered the house. His wolf gnawed at him to go seek her out to make sure she was okay. Only the thought of retribution kept him contained. Soon he’d have her.

  Then he would waste no time mating with her, marking her in the way respected by his kind. Then any male that dared touch her would die.

  He rolled his shoulder, ignoring the stiffness. He’d healed in a matter of days thanks to Gus and his pond scum tonic. The old man had shared some interesting facts about his family. The truth of his past was making today possible. One thing he learned was he was sickeningly wealthy. Like Bill Gates wealthy.

  His black pin-striped suit made his skin crawl but he was here to play a part. It was specially tailored just for him by some Italian guy. He didn’t care what he looked like as long as he got the job done. He wondered if Alex would even recognize him. He looked like a whole new person. Hell, he even had a different name, Lance. He liked it but he’d probably keep Clint for the long-term. If it’s not broke don’t fix it. Plus Clara gave him that name.

  His fist turned white from the force he used to keep from punching a wall. Soon he’d get even with the slimy bastard. He’d found out the man’s name—Carlos. Even that taste on his tongue sparked rage.

  He’d better not have touched his Little Cat. His expression turned murderous in the mirror. Gus, or Bart in this case, chose that moment to walk through the door.

  “All the arrangements have been made. It’s just a matter of time before the Presentation.”

  “Good. I’m going crazy locked up in this room.”

  “We can’t risk you being recognized by any of his men.”

  Clint’s mind understood the soundness of his friend’s words, but his heart wouldn’t seem to listen.

  An annoying dong sounded in the hallway.

  “Attention, all Clan leaders, the Presentation is about to start. Please find your way to the ballroom and take your seat.”


  Clint’s designer boot clicked on the marble floor as he made his way to the room. It was full of men of all kinds and Clan species. He scented everything form desire, to fear, to anticipation. He had to fight the urge to kill them all. He’d failed Alex once. He wouldn’t let it happen again.

  He found a spot in the corner out of view and less noticeable compared to all the eager men in the front row.

  He watched as a middle-aged woman walked onto the stage. She held a feline grace and looked right at home among all the fine things in the room. Her white pants suit looked expensive and stood out against the red curtains covering the stage. Her black straight hair hung perfectly
to her waist. It was her eyes that sent a spark of familiarity through him. She must be Alex’s mother.

  She gripped the microphone gingerly and waited for the buzzing room to quiet.

  “Thank you all for coming. It is my honor to present my daughter, Alexandria Santos, the rare white panther foretold by our forefathers.”

  The woman looked to the left of the stage seeming to wait for something. The room sucked in a collective gasp.

  His Alexandria wore almost nothing as she was led out on the stage by a petite woman. A golden collar circled her neck complete with a chained golden leash. All of her creamy flesh was on display for every male’s viewing pleasure.

  The scent in the room shifted to one thing and one thing only—stone-cold lust.

  He growled deep in his chest and if it hadn’t of been for Gus, he would have already been on the stage shielding her perfection from their view.

  Her handler paraded her around the stage, grinding his nerves. Her mother asked for a round of applause, and consensual nods of approval filled the vast room. The double doors at the back of the room opened, bringing in a new source of light.

  As soon as his eyes adjusted he saw his prey. Carlos walked down the center aisle wearing black leather pants and a silk white shirt and stepped onto the stage, taking the leash from the petite woman.

  Alex’s body tensed, and he could see the hate in her eyes from across the room.

  Carlos pulled her behind him like an inconsequential pet as he walked to the microphone.

  “Sorry I’m late. I had some business to attend to.”

  Clint could feel the air change as hate fear and disgust clogged the area.

  Maybe he wouldn’t have as much resistance as he anticipated. It could only be in his favor. He had to wait for the perfect moment for his plan to work.

  “Shift,” Carlos ordered.

  She hesitated until Carlos pulled on the chain. Then she seemed to deflate, losing some of her extraordinary luster.

  A bright light filled the room and in her place stood her animal form, her dress disappearing with her human form. God, she took his breath away. He’d never seen a creature lovelier in either her human or animal form.

  Carlos led her around the stage, nodding to the occasional person.


  Alex obeyed immediately and covered her body with crossed arms. She looked absolutely miserable. He promised himself he’d never let her feel that way again.

  Carlos stayed center stage with the light reflection of the gold necklace draped around his neck.

  “Isn’t she exquisite? Let’s give her a round of applause.”

  He waited until the noise died down then a sinister grin spread across his face.

  “Now for the moment we’ve been waiting for. Let the bidding begin.”

  It took Clint a moment to register what was happening. There wasn’t supposed to be verbal bids. They were supposed to write down an amount and present it to Alex’s father of whom he had yet to see. It seemed his plan would need to be adjusted.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Bile burned the back of Alex’s throat. The bastard had decided to do public bidding. He cheeks burned with utter humiliation. Outrageous numbers were thrown around as if the amounts weren’t enough to feed a small country for the next five years. Her worst fear had been realized, but she held onto her sanity by reminding herself that one day she would have her revenge.

  More numbers were called, some by heavily-accented men. They wouldn’t win. Carlos wouldn’t allow it. He was just enjoying the show. She looked at all the foreign faces with lust and power gleaming in their eyes. They had no clue that a true monster stood before them. The one’s she knew from her father’s business just sat there stoically not saying a word. They were the only real challengers in the room. Whatever the small-timers bid, Carlos could easily match without hesitation.

  Her gaze sought her mother for some meager amount of comfort, but she found none. Her mother’s eyes were hollow just like the day she found out her youngest daughter died in darkness.

  The moments dragged on while the bids settled down little by little till that last one had been called. Carlos grinned with sinister glee and called out his bid.

  “One billion dollars.”

  The sound of his words echoed through the eerily stunned silence of the room. She flashed a desperate smile to one of her father’s friends, but his gaze went to the floor.


  She tried again, but it always ended the same.

  “Going once,” Carlos called.

  Still no one would come to her rescue. Her world started spinning as she gripped the chain symbolizing her imprisonment. She fought for air as the room stayed mute.

  “Going tw—”

  “Two billion.”

  The sweet county drawl tickled her ears. Her head snapped up as she searched the faceless people for the one who spoke.

  Carlos’s words simmered with anger, “I’m sorry what was that?”

  “Two billion.” The voice sounded more familiar as she found a pair of sapphire blue eyes imploring her through the darkness.

  My cowboy.

  She’d barely recognized his clean-shaven face and perfectly styled hair. If it hadn’t been for his voice she never would have noticed him.

  “I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t catch your name,” Carlos sneered.

  She watched as Clint stood to his full height.

  “My name is Lance Calvert, only remaining heir to the Calvert Clan. And my bid is two billion dollars. Do you have a counteroffer?”

  He was using a different name, but it was him. She could feel it to the marrow in her bones. She tried to hide her happiness under the scrutinous gaze of her captor.

  Hell, she wanted to jump for joy. The insurmountable weight on her heart lifted, restoring her faith. He looked absolutely glorious and no matter the danger, her body heated. Her nipples pearled beneath the fabric of her top, and moisture seeped between her legs. Carlos snarled and pulled her with the leash he still held.

  “You know him, you little bitch?”

  With Clint there she felt braver. “Yes, I know him. Now do you want to increase the bid or not?”

  He seemed to grapple with his choices. His eyes flashed with something close to anger, when he regained his cool composure.

  “I concede to the man. Now come up to the stage and claim your new pet.”

  Alex wanted to give him a matching set of scars on his other cheek but she refrained, barely. She watched hungrily as Clint stalked up to the stage.

  Clint took the leash from Carlos and immediately freed her from the collar. He gave her his jacket to cover up with. It did the perfect job, as the edge came to her knees. God, he smelled so good. She wanted to take his hand and leave Carlos and everything else behind.

  Carlos started to leave the stage when Clint spoke.

  “Not so fast there, partner. I have a bone to pick with you. I invoke the Blood Right of Hospitality.”

  Carlos whipped around.

  “You have no cause for a Blood Right.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. Miss Santos was mine to protect under the oath of Hospitality.”

  “Do you have a witness to corroborate the fact?”

  “I do. Bart, bring in Clay, would you?”

  It was then that everything dawned on Carlos. The big bear walked in with a slight hitch in his step. She wasn’t sure what Carlos and his men had done to him but she would bet he’d come to regret it.

  Carlos’s eyes narrowed on Clint.

  “You are not who you say you are. The name you go by is Clint.”

  “This is true. Not too long ago that was my name until an old friend came forward and told me the story about my past.”

  “Lies,” he hissed.

  “Now listen here, you slimy excuse for a man. I don’t lie. Ever.”

  “Then prove it.”

  Clint motioned toward Clay. The bear pulled out an official-looking pap
er and presented it to Carlos. Clint encased her hand with his while Carlos read the paper.

  “Fine. I will accept your request for the Blood Right.”

  Alex gripped the sides of the suit jacket to keep from flipping the bastard the bird. But now there was a new problem Clint had been shot and a Blood Right was exactly what it sounded like. The two lethal predators would shift and fight. Whoever drew the most blood would be the winner.

  Her cowboy gave her a soft smile. It should have reassured her, but it didn’t.


  Clint squeezed Alex’s hand while trying to stay calm. He wanted nothing more than to rip Carlos’s throat out and be done with it. He fought the instinct to pull his Little Cat into his arms shielding her from everything that was about to happen.

  He had every confidence he would win. Even if he didn’t, Clay had a claim to the Blood Right as well. Carlos had killed their mother. Justice would not go unclaimed. One way or the other the weasel would die. He just hoped he’d be the one to do it.

  Everyone stood and filed out of the house to the front yard. If this was anywhere but in the shifter world people might become alarmed with a wolf and a panther ducking it out in someone’s front yard. But not in his world. It was common and widely embraced. They believed that the strong survived, and this was the ultimate show of strength.

  His body hummed with muscle feeding adrenaline. His need to protect his mate then claim her brought his primal instinct boiling to the surface.

  They circled each other with calls from the crowd, fueling their primordial fire. This would be it. He nodded to his opponent and shifted into his sandy-blond wolf.

  His mind changed then, his wolf pushed to the front, ready to claim the right to kill the one who dared harm what was his to protect. He could smell the fear coming from the lithe panther. The male knew his time was at an end. His human side wanted to drag the fight out, but his wolf knew the faster it was over the safer it would be.

  He waited for the panther to make the first move. They circled and the world became a blur of movement the cat slashed at his face but was no match for his speed. He countered by ramming his powerful body into his rival’s back. The cat snarled and hissed. The smell of death hung in the air, ready to take away the loser.


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