Escaping Love

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Escaping Love Page 13

by Debra Smith

  Clint advanced, snapping at the feline with his massive canines.


  He could feel his prey claw at his belly as he slowly suffocated his prey. He’d never let go. The moment of retribution was his to prolong.

  An image of Alex’s stricken face flashed before his eyes, cutting his battle short. He wanted to be with her, touch her, claim her for everyone to see. With a sudden jerk of his head, he snapped the bastard’s neck with a sickening crack.

  Tossing the limp carcass to the side, he threw his head back and howled his victory to the world, but mostly to his mate, the woman he loved. The crowd roared with excitement, high on the smell of blood. He could see the hunger for the fight in their eyes. But they wouldn’t get it, not today. This day belonged to his beast.

  With his bloodlust fed his other hunger raged to the surface of his mind. The witnesses grew quiet and parted, revealing his next target.

  Shifting, he reveled in the way his skin burned for the transformation.

  “Run,” he growled.

  Alex’s eyes widened before her fight or flight instinct kicked in. She turned and, in the moment it took to blink, dashed through the unruly jungle. He lifted his head, scenting her arousal tainted by a small hint of fear. His cock jutted from his body and each step reminded him how much he wanted inside her sweet little cunt.

  The bystanders began to file back into the house and then he was ready for the hunt. He grinned wickedly as his Little Cat’s scent changed to her animal form.

  She must have taken to the trees. No matter, he would catch her, force her to shift back, fuck her, and claim her.

  With a warning howl, he took off after her.

  Her trail was easy to find with his senses on high alert from his battle. As he ran through the underbrush the forest animals grew ghostly quiet. They could sense an apex predator on the hunt.

  He jumped over a log and fell into a pool of quicksand.

  “Tricky cat.”

  No wonder her scent was so easy to follow—she was playing with him. He found a nearby vine and pulled himself free. She’d gained a head start, but it wouldn’t last long. He picked up his pace, laughing as he ran into another one of her diversions. A nest of rainforest ants were not too pleased at his uninvited visit.

  His foot burned but it would heal.

  He laughed, thoroughly enjoying the chase. She proved to be a worthy opponent. With all the unfamiliar smells she had him following a false trail. The one thing she couldn’t mask was the unique scent of her need. It called to him.

  Focusing on that alone, he changed directions, running toward the sound of flowing water. She drew close. He could feel her. Breaking through the brush he found his prey gloriously naked and sunbathing on a beach of white sand.

  “What took you so long?”

  She stood with her hair down, resting just above her ass. Her pert little breasts dotted with perfect nipples, moved up and down with each exhale. He could smell the moisture between her legs.

  His appreciation rumbled deep in his chest. Her mouth parted with sweet invitation, and his eyes grew half-lidded.

  “Is that a snake in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?”

  “Oh I assure you, darlin’, this is all me.”

  He started stripping of his clothes happily discarding them in a sandy pile.

  She gave him a guilty-looking smile. “Enjoyed the quicksand, did you? That was one of my favorites.”

  “Don’t worry about that, Alexandria. I plan on spanking you sweet ass for being so mean to your mate.”

  “Mate?” she squeaked and started to back up. She looked at the water, probably hoping for escape.

  “If you run from me again, little one, I will not have the restraint to be gentle when I make you mine. You do know how wolves claim their mate don’t you?”

  Her eyes widened as she shook her head.

  “We pin you to the ground, enter your secret entrance and mark you with our bit while we pound into you.”

  She swallowed and licked her lips. The scent of her need grew to cock-shattering strength.

  He closed his eyes, drawing every mouth-watering detail of her fragrance inside his body. He let it mark him too.

  He opened his eyes slowly and gave her a wolfish smile.

  “I can see my words please you. Now have you made your choice? Run or stay?”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Alex’s body shivered with delight under her magnificent male’s appraisal. Her thighs were coated with her cream, and her pussy clenched with need. Could she handle him like this? His masculinity after winning the Blood Right called out to her feminine core. She ran her hands over her over sensitive skin, moaning at the contact.

  He wanted her as his mate, and she wanted him as well—more than anything in the world. He’d come for her, protected her, and all she had to do was say yes.

  There were still so many things about him she didn’t know. The big things, such as how he treated her, the way she felt about him, and the way he made her smile seemed like enough. The rest would be learned with time.

  “I would like my answer. Will you be mine?”

  But still one thing bothered her.

  “Do you love me?”

  He gave her a look of utter disbelief.

  “How could you ask me if I love you? Haven’t I showed you in the way I touch you, the way I hold you? Do I not provide for your every need? If this is not love then what is?”

  “You haven’t said the words.”

  Her excuse sounded lame to her ears, but sometimes you just needed to hear it.

  “I love you, Alexandria, more than simple words could express.”

  Happiness in the form of tears spilled out of her.

  “Yes, I will be yours, always.”

  He pounced, bringing her small frame into his. He bent down and kissed away all of her tears. Her nervousness gave way to passion as her body reminded her of what it desperately needed. She hardly noticed.

  She kneaded his back as he tasted her skin. Briefly she noticed the angry scar on his shoulder, the one from the gunshot.

  “I thought I lost you,” she whispered.

  “Shh…none of that, darlin’. This moment is for me and you. Your fears have no place here.”

  His strong rough hands cupped the globes of her ass, lifting her off the ground. Her head lolled to the side as he trailed hot kisses down her neck. He bit at the sweet spot where her shoulder met the base of her collar.

  Moaning, she wrapped her legs around his waist pushing her heat against his cock. She began rubbing against him, desperate for him to be inside her.

  “Not that way. When I fuck you it will be in your ass.”

  Fear and curiosity rippled through her body. She’d never done that before. Despite her uncertainty her body responded with swift arousal. Soon she’d be his and only his. She threaded her fingers through his hair and pulled his mouth to hers. He kissed her with desperation as if his control only held on by a thread. She sucked on his tongue mimicking what she wanted his body to do to hers. She felt soft sand against her back, amazed that she’d been so consumed she hadn’t felt him move her.

  He halted the kiss and nibbled on her jawline. His hand plucked at her nipple while the other cupped her breast, massaging gently. His mouth fell to the one on the left while he continued his ministrations on the other, rolling her nipple between his fingers and making her hiss with pleasure. Her whole world spun out of control as her release coiled within her.

  His tongue played a quick melody, driving her higher. Her head thrashed in the sand, but she dared to watch him. His gaze locked with hers as he swirled his tongue around the base of her nipple. Then he drew her into his mouth and released her with a savage pop.

  “Watch me, Alexandria. Watch me make you come like this.”

  He continued to play her body like an expert musician, knowing every way to make her body sing with exquisite pleasure. He sucked her deep into the wet heat of his
mouth and did something she couldn’t quite explain. It felt like tiny fingers found every nerve on her breast, and then he gently clamped down on her with his teeth, sending her spiraling over the edge. He murmured sounds of praise as he brought her back down to a slow simmer.

  “You are so beautiful. I love to see you come.”

  His hand followed a smooth trail down her stomach to her bare pussy. He dipped his fingers inside her with a low growl.

  “You’re loaded with cream. I wasn’t going to taste you but I find I can’t help myself.”

  He licked the sensitive flesh of the underside of her breast before biting her.


  His path continued, and he only paused to play at the curve of her hip. He moved lower, forcing her legs wider with his impossibly wide shoulders. He used his thumbs to part her most secret folds.

  Her cheeks heated. She’d never felt so vulnerable under someone’s scrutiny. She squeezed at his shoulders with her knees, trying to hide his view. He pinched the flesh of her inner thigh with his teeth.

  “Do not try to hide yourself from me. I will know everything there is to know about you. Besides, your cunt steals my heart. So pink, so wet, it makes me want to stay just like this forever.”

  She clamped her eyes shut, trying to hide from the intensity of his stare.

  “Look at me, Alexandria. Watch me feast on what is mine.”

  She did as he asked and with the first delicious swipe of his tongue her hips bucked, trying to both move closer and escape the tortuous ecstasy that was her mate.

  He devoured her body, mind, and soul. Leaving nothing as he built her to an almost painful peak. When she went over the edge she would never be the same. Her nails dug into the sand as she tried to ground herself.

  He circled his tongue around her clit as he pushed two fingers inside her. She groaned and pushed back. He seemed to find the sensitive spot she could never find on her own. She had doubted the magical G-spot even existed, until Clint.

  He drew his fingers in and out, gathering her juices. His fingers circled the puckered entrance of her rear. Not entering but waking nerves she never knew were there. Then he pushed one finger inside her, and she clamped down on him.

  A faint burn ensued, not really painful, just different. He left it inside her and drew her focus back to his mouth on her clit. She held it with his lips then she squeaked while he began to move the finger still inside her ass.

  “Oh God, that feels good.”

  Fresh moisture coated his mouth as she exploded. His free hand splayed across her lower stomach holding her in place. He slipped another finger inside her bottom, and her head swam.

  “I can’t—there’s no way you’ll fit.”

  “Hush I must prepare you. Now hold still and relax.”

  How could she relax when something so foreign moved inside her? Moving the hand he used to restrain her, he began to play with her neglected nipples.

  “Mmm…” Her mind focused on better things. Anything other than the growing pressure.

  He growled against her clit, sending her over the edge once again as he finger-fucked her ass. It felt so good. Nerves came to life with each stroke. She could only imagine how his cock would feel pounding into her while he pierced her flesh with his bite.

  “Fuck me.”

  “As you wish, darlin’.”

  He removed his fingers and flipped her onto her stomach. Sand from her back flew from her skin. She looked over her shoulder at the male who’d won her heart. Her chest filled with love, knowing soon she would be his forever. There may be a little pain but the man poised behind her was worth it.

  He spread the moisture from her slick cunt to her back entrance and around his cock. Then she took even breaths, trying to prepare for the invasion. He was huge and she doubted his reassurance that he would fit. But she trusted him. She felt the head of his cock push against her, and she tried not to tense.

  “Shh, Little Cat, there may be some discomfort but I promise in the end there will only be pleasure.”

  Inch by tortuous inch, he invaded her body until she was panting from the effort not to run. Her skin was slick with perspiration. Leaning forward, he kissed her shoulder, letting her adjust to his size. He whispered words of love as he began to slowly withdraw from her body. He increased his pace and her body began to welcome each thrust of his hips. Soon she panted from pleasure instead of pain.

  “More,” she cried.

  She was so close to coming she bit her lip from frustration, tasting blood. She could feel his hot breath fanning along her shoulder when he bit down, causing her pussy to spasm and massage his cock. She cried out as his hot seed filled her. Each pulse of his cock sent her over the edge again until she fell limp, unable to support her own weight any longer.

  He released his hold on her shoulder and laved at his mark.

  Aftershocks shot to her clit as he withdrew.

  He carried her to the water and began to carefully soothe her sated flesh.


  Clint smiled at the dreamy look on his mate’s face. She let him wash her and only responded with soft murmurs of thanks. Pouring water over her skin and between her legs, he bathed her. The cool water must have restored life to her tired limbs because she cupped his cheek and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

  “Thank you for everything.”

  “Anytime, darlin’. Just say the word and I’d happy for a repeat.”

  “Cheeky bastard. So are you going to tell me about your new name?”

  He dragged his hand through his disheveled hair and tried to think of where to start. The beginning was as good as any place.

  “Well from what Gus told me—”

  “Wait what? Gus spoke. You have a talking donkey?”

  “No I—”

  “Oh my god, was it like an out of body experience? I’ve read that sometimes people close to death have conversations with their pets.”

  “Woman, you’re crazy. It—”

  “Don’t’ call me crazy you’re the one—‍”

  He clamped his hand over her mouth.

  “Now, darlin’, it’s rude to interrupt.”

  She narrowed her eyes, seeming to say “really, you do it to me all the time”.

  “Do you want me to tell you the story or not?”

  She nodded emphatically.

  “Fine now, hush. Your mate is talking.”

  He saw her eyes flash but she remained silent even though he could tell it was almost impossible for her.

  “As I was saying. Gus the donkey was actually a shifter. When I was a young boy my family lived on a ranch in Montana. They’d shift and run around the state parks. Well someone got careless and shifted in front of a human, which started rumors of werewolves. A huge hunting party went out and tracked my Clan back to the ranch. They found tracks shifting from wolf to human and knew they had the right place. My father was the Alpha and put me and one of the old ranch hands in the root cellar, figuring we would be safe. But then the bastards started the fire. According to Gus everything was gone. No one made it out but me and him.”

  “Goodness, I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I don’t have any memories of the past or the people in it. I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to know them but I can’t do anything about it now. I’ve got some friends looking into who set the fire and they will be dealt with, silently. So Gus shifted and put me on his back and we made it all the way to Wyoming. He had me shift to a wolf pup to try and stay warm. Gus was old and pretty soon his animal side took over to better his chance for survival. That’s when we got separated and Clara found me. You know the rest.”


  “Yeah it’s a helluva story. I just wish I knew where Gryph was. I still haven’t heard from him.”

  Tears formed in her eyes.

  “What is it?”

  “Clint, I’m so sorry. Carlos sabotaged their boat. I’m not sure if they’re still alive.”

  Emotions rangin
g from denial, to fear, to anger pulsed under his skin. There was no way some asshole got the better of his Alpha. Gryph was too smart for that. He’d show up, probably when he least expected it.

  “There’s one more thing. I went to Jesse’s place before leaving Wyoming. She wasn’t there. Nothing was gone but according to her neighbor, she never showed up.”

  “Do you think Kane had something to do with it?”

  “Yeah, I’d bet my life that bastard is responsible.”

  “We have to find her. It’s my fault he was with her. I kept telling you he was a good guy. I should have never let him go with her.”

  “It’s not your fault, Alex. I’m to blame. All we can do know is clean up the mess left by Carlos and go home. We need to have a proper ceremony for Clara and find my sister.”

  Alex shivered in his grasp as she sniffed back tears.

  “Don’t worry, darlin’. We’re not done yet.”

  She could practically feel his love wrap around her body. She felt safe and secure knowing that they would face the upcoming challenges together. She had finally found a true home safely nestled in his arms.

  About the Author

  Debra loves reading as much as writing. As a mother of three, and thanks to inspiration from her dreams, she never has a lack of writing material. She grew up in a small town in Colorado hiking, riding horses, and enjoying all the outdoors has to offer. Chocolate is her addiction as well as traveling. She aspires to one day be a Best Selling Author.

  Other books by Debra

  Presented by Pink Petal Books

  The Keeper of the Key, Book One in the Shangri La Secrets Trilogy

  The End’s Beginning, Part of the End of Days Anthology

  Presented by Ellora’s Cave

  Finding Release, A short Erotic Story

  Indie Releases by Debra Smith

  Transforming Love, Book One in the Koning Clan Series

  For more about Debra Smith find her at her website.


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