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Conversion Book Two: Bloodlines

Page 47

by S. C. Stephens

  “How do they find people willing to do that?”

  Teren shrugged, looking out over the room that was all listening to us. A voice from behind us answered me. “We place ads, in the personals.” I twisted to look at Gabriel standing behind us. “We don’t mention exactly what we are looking for, but you’d be surprised how many are more than happy to do it.” He smiled widely as my mouth opened even farther. “For the right price.”

  “Oh,” was all I could squeak out to that. I took in the leader of this group of mixed and pure vampires behind me, authoritative, yet welcoming at the same time. A bright shaft of sunlight was lighting him from the side, lightening his sandy brown hair to near blonde and making his green eyes exceptionally emerald. He had power, money, charm, and the looks to go along with it. This man was the sort of person who could change the world, if he chose. But his life mission had been to save Teren’s kind. Well, my kind in a way now too. I was thankful that he was on our side.

  He cringed slightly and moved away from the sun. To me, that meant he wasn’t in Teren’s generation. Maybe Alanna’s? His arm swept out to indicate the seat beside Teren and Teren nodded. Gabriel sat down fluidly, watching me sip my cup of blood that Teren had brought back for me.

  “What flavor,” he asked politely.

  Teren answered before I could. “Puma, found one on the hill.” Gabriel raised an eyebrow at Teren and smiled.

  “Those are popular, our supply has dwindled a bit. Finding one now is quite impressive.” His grin widened more. “I’d love to hunt with you some time?”

  Teren smiled softly, not wanting to be rude by telling the man how much he didn’t like it. “Another time, maybe. We’re going to head home after Emma is full.”

  I smiled at that, around my cup-o-blood. I may never actually get full again, while these two fuel burners were inside of me, but I’d be good in a couple minutes. Gabriel looked over at me, a slight frown on his face. “If you must leave, you may.” Bringing his eyes back to Teren, the barest hint of a devilish smile lit the corners. “Your great-grandmother will be very displeased that you disobeyed her order.”

  Teren looked down, a sheepish smile on his face. “Yeah, well, I am an adult. She’ll just have to deal.” He looked up at Gabriel, a slight smirk still on his lips as he watched Teren. “Besides, my wife is my priority now, and we don’t have the time to wait around for sunset.”

  Teren’s voice lost its impishness as determination filled it. If anyone could wish an outcome into existence by sheer will power, it would be Teren, right at this moment. Gabriel eyed him speculatively before shifting his gaze to mine. “You won’t consider taking the dosage here?”

  Not having words for this imposing man, I only shook my head, no. He smiled and nodded, not looking surprised. “I’ll have Starla get ready to drive you home.”

  Teren nodded and Gabriel made to stand up. He paused halfway in standing to smile down at Teren. “Your great-grandmother is…an extraordinary woman.”

  Teren’s eyes widened fractionally as Gabriel stood completely. “I have immensely enjoyed her visit.” I clamped my mouth shut to not laugh. By the slightly dazed, amazed look on Gabriel’s face, I was pretty sure he knew Halina in the most intimate way a man could know a woman. Teren’s mouth lowered a bit, and I’m sure he was aware of that too. Gabriel put a cool hand on his shoulder, smiling down on him as a father figure would. “Your family is welcome here, anytime.”

  With a slight twist of his lip, he turned and left us at the table, staring after him in wonder.

  Less than an hour later, we were flying down the interstate, Starla grumpily clutching the wheel and chomping on a fresh piece of gum. It was apple flavored this time, but no less sickenly sweet. Teren sat beside me in the backseat, letting me lie down on his lap. Well, as much as I could in the small backseat. Adjusting the seat belt around my stomach, I listened to the sounds of the liquid vials in the trunk sloshing in time to the thumping music pouring from the speakers. I hoped that stuff worked better than the dose Teren had been forced to take. Although, I suppose that had worked exactly as intended. I was just hoping for the opposite effect.

  As Teren stroked my hair, he watched Starla, singing along to the current hit playing on the radio. “Why do you take the shot?” he asked her. She paused mid-chorus and looked at him in the rearview mirror. Her eyes narrowed as he continued. “You don’t want to be eternally young?” His eyes flicked over her manicured nails, over styled hair, and designer dress. I scrunched my brow at that. He did have a point. She did seem the type that had been trying Botox by fourteen.

  Her jaw tightened and her narrowed eyes turned into a nasty glare. “Don’t presume to know me.”

  Teren blinked, surprised at the harshness in her voice. “I’m sorry. I meant no offense by that.” He shrugged. “I’m just curious.”

  Her face relaxed and she started chomping on her gum. Her eyes drifting to mine, she let out a quick sigh. “The conversion took my mother and my sister.” Her eyes flicked back to Teren’s, moister now than before. “There is something in our bloodline, that won’t complete the changeover. We’re faulty, hardwired wrong. I’m the last of my family, and that would have been my fate too, if Father hadn’t found me.” She shook her head and her voice dropped to a whisper. “I have to take it…it’s the only chance I’ve got.”

  I stared at her, surprised at her admission. I glanced at Teren, he looked equally shocked. Starla eyed us in the mirror before focusing back on the road. “Anyway, that’s why I figured Father could help you. I know that I’d be dead in a few years if he hadn’t helped me. Dead-dead, I mean.” She smiled as she glanced at us again. “But now, I help Father.” Her eyes flicked over to Teren, before shifting back to the freeway. “He studies me, studies my blood. He’s changed the formula a few times since meeting me, learning what works, from the junk in my blood.”

  She smiled, pride obvious in her features. “I’m helping him perfect it. The mixed seem to take to it better now, or so Father says. He’s tried it out on five in the last several months, and three of those didn’t auto-convert.” She glanced at us again, while I mentally tried to figure out what percentage rate of success that equaled. She smiled wryly as she watched me try to puzzle that out. “The weird thing in my blood just may be what saves your children. Chew on that.” Then she blasted the radio, driving all conversation from the car. Teren and I glanced at each other and he gave me a soft, reassuring smile.

  Teren called his family on the way there. Not to let them know we were headed home, they knew that, but to let them know what we’d discovered. Or rather, what had discovered us. I could hear Alanna’s relieved sobs through the phone. After that, he handed me his cell and I called my sister.

  She berated me for not calling her earlier and I heard her whisper that we were okay to someone in the room with her. When I recognized the male voice answering her, I blinked. “Hot Ben’s still with you?”

  I cringed when I realized my pet name for him had slipped out of my mouth. Oops, pregnancy brain. Probably shouldn’t have said that right in front of my husband. As I sat up in the seat, Teren frowned down at me, an eyebrow raised. Starla laughed while I lamely shrugged. Appropriate or not, it was true. He was hot.

  Through the phone, my sister started giggling. “Hot? I suppose he is…” She paused for a moment and I knew she was checking him out. I heard him say, “What?” and then my sister responded to my question. “Yeah, he wouldn’t leave my house until he heard that everything was cool from Teren.” She paused again. “So, is everything…cool?”

  With a laugh and a shake of my head at Ben’s dedication to his task, I filled my sister in on exactly what had gone down in L.A.

  After several pit stops, traffic jams, exasperated sighs from Starla, and backrubs from Teren, we finally arrived back at the ranch. I’d never been so happy to see the river-rock encased beauty. The red roof tiles gleamed at me in greeting as we zipped up the bumpy drive. It was late afternoon, a few hours befo
re dark, and only Alanna and Jack waited for us in the parking lot. Alanna had tears in her eyes as she waited for the car to stop.

  Whispering how worried she was, she swept her son into a firm embrace. He returned it just as eagerly, lifting her up a little in his happiness. Then he released her and reached back into the car to help my bulky body exit. He got me to standing and then Alanna’s cool body was around mine, hugging me as fiercely as she dared. She couldn’t even speak through her tears and I found my exhausted hormones matching her reaction. We cried in each other’s arms for a good five minutes.

  Starla groaned and laid her head back on the seat, obviously anxious to head back home; she didn’t even shut the car off. While Jack and Teren retrieved the suitcases of vials from the trunk, Alanna and I finally separated. Wiping my eyes, I leaned back into the car and thanked Starla profusely for coming all this way to get us.

  “Whatever,” she muttered. She took off the moment Teren closed the back door. He yelled a goodbye at her car as she flew away from us, dirt and gravel highlighting her retreat. Teren shook his head. “Not a country girl.”

  I laughed and slung my arm around his waist. He smiled down on me as I watched Starla leave. I heard her car squeal onto the highway and wondered if I’d ever see that prissy vampire again.

  Looking up at Teren, I sighed contently. “Ready,” he asked. My sigh caught in my throat. I knew what he was really asking. My heart started beating faster and I clenched a hand over my stomach. No, I wasn’t ready. How could you ever really be ready to possibly die? I exhaled slowly, letting the air escaping my body, calm me. Without speaking, I nodded. I was as ready as I was ever going to be.

  Alanna put a cool hand on my shoulder and she and Teren walked me into the kitchen. I inhaled deep as we walked into the home. The smell of freesia from the hallway upstairs hit me, the scent wonderfully smelling of home and comfort and family. Feeling more at ease, I followed Teren into the dining room. He and Jack set the suitcases up on the table, Teren popping one open. He grabbed a small pink vial as Alanna cocked her head at him.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  Teren shook his head. “Hopefully, it’s what will save our children.” He grabbed a syringe in the case and prepared exactly 4cc. When it was ready, he faced me and exhaled in one short burst. “Ready?” he asked again.

  My heartbeat tripled. I shook my head no, but said, “Yes.” We had no more time to wait. It was surprising I hadn’t died already. A few more days was all the time this body had, Gabriel had pretty much confirmed that. I was fated to die…one way or another.

  He nodded, squatting down in front of me. “I love you, Emma,” he whispered.

  Alanna behind me started crying softly as Jack held her. Imogen blurred down into the room, fighting against the strain of sunlight still present. Instantly, windows were covered to accommodate her, and shaking in pain, she waited next to her daughter. I didn’t reprimand her for coming down. She wanted to be here, and she was willing to take the pain to support me. Tears filled my eyes as I nodded at the loving family behind me. Twisting back to Teren, I said, “I love you too.”

  He grabbed my arm, twisting it so he could see my inner elbow. His hand was shaking as he brought the tip of the needle to my bare skin. Just as he was about to stick me, I whispered, “Don’t forget to take them.” He paused, looking up at me. “If I don’t make it, if my heart stops, you cut them out of me.” I shook my head, my tears falling. “They are thirty weeks now, they’ve got a real shot.” My hand cupped his cheek. “You get your ass to a doctor and get someone here to save them. Promise me.”

  A tear dropped to his cheek as he stared at me. “Promise me,” I repeated.

  He swallowed harshly and his voice came out thick with emotion. “I promise, Emma.”

  I swallowed and bent down to kiss him. He stuck me while our mouths moved together. I gasped at the brief pain, at the smell of the pinprick of fresh blood, and the warmth rushing up my arm. He pulled the needle out, his lips insistent as he continued to pour his love into it. His hands came up to cup my cheeks and I could hear sniffles and contained sobs from the group watching this.

  As my hands ran through his hair, I felt the warmth spread through my entire body. I felt myself relaxing as his tongue found mine. I felt my heart slowing as our frantic kiss settled into something languid and lustful. As my heart slowed to calmness, my breath started to pick up.

  Teren broke apart from me, his pale eyes concerned. “Are you okay? What do you feel?”

  Aching with the loss of his retreat, I leaned forward to find his lips again. “Fine, I feel fine.” We met again, a slight groan escaping me.

  He pulled away again, his breath faster too. “What do you mean you feel fine?” His eyes searched mine, a passion there, buried under the layers of concern.

  I smiled, feeling that warmth from the injection circulating through every cell. It gave me a light, airy feeling, and I felt everything about me slow down. Everything but my breath. That picked up as I glanced over Teren’s face. “I think it worked,” I said huskily, finding his mouth again.

  He pulled back, cupping my face. I held my breath as I watched him. I heard the room silence as every vampire held their breath. Only Jack’s low, deep breathing remained. Teren’s eyes moved down to my chest, to my heart. He stared, like he could stare straight through me. I listened with him, as I let out a soft exhale. My breathing back to a normal, slow pace, I cherished the steady thump I heard, mixing pleasantly with the two fast, fluttery beats underneath it. The entire room listened to those beats for a solid ten minutes.

  Time finally seemed to convince Teren that I wasn’t going to keel over. His eyes finally flicked back up to mine. “You’re alive. Oh my god, you’re alive.” His lips were back on me then, no longer holding back.

  I heard Alanna, Imogen and Jack all start to exclaim and make joyous noises of celebration. Then I felt Imogen slip from the room, offering her congratulations and support from her darker, bedroom environment. Alanna and Jack tried to offer their supportive comments, but Teren and I were letting our relief spill out physically, and couldn’t pry ourselves away for long enough to acknowledge them.

  Finally, Alanna leaned over our making out bodies and said, “Would you mind taking that upstairs, dears? Your father eats here.”

  I could clearly hear the humor in her voice and I chuckled in Teren’s mouth. His humor wasn’t quite there and he only grunted, lifting me up and blurring us to our room here at the ranch. The room where our children were going to be born…when they were ready to be.

  Chapter 22

  And Then There Were Four

  Relief, exhaustion and stress finally took its toll, and we fell into a deep sleep after our celebratory reunion. A sleep that I’m sure would have lasted for a solid twenty-four hours. Would have, if just before dawn, the door to our bedroom hadn’t been busted open. Stalking into the room, Halina glared at our naked, tangled bodies, barley covered in loose quilts. Ignoring my squeals of protest, she blurred over to Teren, grabbed him around the throat, and lifted him, one-handed, off the bed.

  “You disobeyed me…again,” she snarled.

  She was holding him in the air with one arm, his feet not quite touching the floor. She glared at his face, ignoring that he wasn’t wearing anything. She also ignored my plea for her to let him go. He struggled against her, looking more embarrassed than hurt. Finally prying her fingers away from his airway, so he could speak, he bit out, “I’m no longer a child, Halina, and I don’t need your permission.”

  Her eyes narrowed at the use of her name and she lifted him a little higher. He squirmed, pried her fingers loose again, then added, “Emma couldn’t wait. She needed the shot.”

  Halina seemed to remember that I was in the room at that point. She glanced over at me and I clutched the sheets around my body, like she could somehow see me through them. She ignored my nakedness as assuredly as she was ignoring her great-grandson’s. She tilted her head as she listened t
o my heartbeat. “It worked?”

  Her head twisted back to Teren and he nodded, or tried to anyway, she was still clenching his throat. Loosening her fingers, he squeaked out, “Can I get dressed now?”

  She looked down, finally noticing that he was buck-naked. She smirked as she lowered him to the floor. “I’ve been changing your diapers since the day you were born. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” Teren rolled his eyes before blurring away to the closet.

  While he dressed, Halina came around to me. A soft smile on her lips, she reached out and placed a cool palm on my stomach. The twins inside squirmed at her touch, one kicking my bladder. She smiled at them, her teenage face full of wonder. I ignored my desire to be dressed as well, as I watched her. “Amazing man, that Gabriel. He assured me it would work on you.” Her eyes flicked up to mine. “He was right.”


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