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Kain's Game (Shifter Fever Book 4)

Page 9

by Selena Scott

  She leaned back, eyeing him for a second. Then, seeming to make up her mind about something, she reared back and reached for him in between them.

  “What are you doing?” he found himself echoing her questions, and even stranger, he actually found himself batting a girl’s hands away from his dick.

  “Isn’t it obvious?” she asked, one eyebrow raised. She pinned one of his hands back and gave him a tug that had breath hissing between his teeth. He was a little distracted so it took him a beat to realize that she’d dropped down.

  Her tongue had just tasted the tip of his cock when he put his hand in her hair and gently pulled her off. “Val, darling,” he said, fluttering his eyelashes. “You wouldn’t, by chance, be attempting to even the score, would you?”

  She glared up at him. “I don’t like debts.” Her tongue got him one more time. “Of any kind.”

  “Well, maybe you live with this one.”

  He snatched her up by the waist and dropped his legs over the foot of the bed, planting his feet on the floor. Her feet tangled around his calves and he opened his legs as wide as he could, pinning her open.

  One of his arms automatically lanced across her chest in a diagonal, grasping her opposite shoulder and holding her against him. She squirmed and the movement in the mirror across from them caught her eye.

  She was a lifetime warrior. A fierce fighter of the highest order. She could have gotten out of this hold with her eyes closed. But the look in Kain’s eye kept her from trying. He was devouring this image of her like this. His eyes were hooded and his mouth slack. She felt his cock grow another inch behind her back.

  She realized that to fight out of this would be to deprive him of pleasure. When all she wanted to do was give it to him.

  Her nature didn’t allow her to relax fully into the hold, but she did accept it. When his free hand traced over her stomach and drew a line down her pussy, Valentina threw her head back, her eyes still on the mirror.

  “Just look at this pretty pussy,” Kain said in her ear. “All soft and ready to play.”

  Her eyes dropped to where he petted her. Her thighs strained up off his lap for a second when he pushed his middle two fingers inside her.

  “Oh fuck.” His lips landed on the back of her neck but his gaze stayed on the mirror.

  Valentina gasped and jutted her hips forward. Kain rubbed the heel of his hand against her clit and started to pump his fingers into her. Those little sounds were coming out of her again. The ones she’d never made except with him.

  And she barely recognized herself in the mirror. The loose hair, her lips so full and red, her curvy body. And she definitely didn’t recognize the way she rode his hand.

  He stopped with the heel of his hand and instead curled his fingers inside her. He was petting something that felt very new to Valentina. She wasn’t sure if she was going to like it. She felt like she was going to burst, but not in the usual way.

  “Fuck, look how gorgeous you are.” His hand was wet to the wrist and her pussy was still softening even more. He petted her and petted her and Valentina tried to squirm away from the rising tension within her. But he held her fast. “Give it to me. Oh God, you perfect woman. Look at that. Just give it to me. Don’t keep it from me.”

  She fought it for only another few seconds before she tossed her head back, blocked out the entire world, save for Kain’s hand, and gave them both what they wanted.

  She was exploding in reverse, caving in. The orgasm was from deep within her and it almost had nothing to do with her clit. It was like she was coming inside her womb and it was dull and viciously powerful at the same time. It was like her usual orgasms were a stab of pleasure and this one was a hammer. It was a full-bodied release. Nothing was practiced or controlled.

  He released her, laying her gently onto the bed. She laid with one hand thrown above her and the other halfway covering her slack mouth. Her eyes were half open and blurry.

  He was floored. Utterly floored by her. He laid on one side of her and gently pressed one hand to her belly. He knew she’d be too sensitive to be stroked right that second. Even though it was the only thing he wanted to do.

  “I’ve never seen anything like that,” he admitted.

  She rolled her head to look at him. He loved that there was no self-consciousness in her eyes. That wasn’t his Val.

  “That was, seriously, the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. You gave me everything,” he whispered against her lips.

  “No,” she whispered back. “But I will.”

  She threw a leg over his waist and rolled on top of him, chest to chest. He sought her heat with his cock, just to feel her there. But she was so wet that he was somehow already three inches deep.

  They grappled with one another, soft and firm at the same time. She wanted to get on top, to ride him into ecstasy, to rule him. But at the last second, she gave him a different kind of perfect gift and rolled onto her back.

  Her reward was the look on Kain’s face. His mouth was open and fierce, all teeth. Air huffed out of him in rough pants every time he thrust forward. And his eyes? His eyes were absolutely lost.

  He looked like he barely understood what was happening to them as he fucked her slowly across the bed, each thrust deeper than the last.

  “Kain,” she whispered, and he immediately dropped his eyes to her. He saw her then and his expression changed.

  She thought it turned to determination. But she wasn’t sure because he dropped his mouth to hers. They didn’t kiss so much as fuse.

  He hitched one of her legs over his hip and kept pushing, pushing, pushing into her.

  When he’d worked them all the way across the bed, and Valentina’s head hung off the mattress, he feasted on her neck. She felt him losing his rhythm, his concentration. He whispered words that didn’t make sense. Words of revelry, of sex, of righteousness. And then he was tensing and spinning out and Valentina was determined to go with him.

  She bore down on him, rubbing her clit against his pubic bone, and let him completely fill her up. Stretch her into another orgasm. And as it swept over her, curled her fingers, arched her back up off the bed, she wondered if it would ever stop.

  She wondered if Kain would ever stop.


  For the second day in a row, Kain woke up in Valentina’s bed. And for the second day in a row, he woke up alone.

  For some reason, it didn’t surprise him. And he couldn’t help but chuckle when he found her almost illegible note on the counter.

  -Went out. Back at dinnertime.

  He shook his head at nothing and tucked the note into the drawer with the first. Half of him was tempted to get dressed and head out, see if he couldn’t track her down. He did have shifter senses after all. But the other half of him knew it was a blessing in disguise.

  He had some things to cross off his list today. Namely an extremely important conversation with Alec. His stomach tightened in anxiety at the thought. He loved Alec as a brother. And he’d just done unspeakable things to Alec’s sister.

  Kain paused and looked in at the rumpled sheets of Valentina’s bed. His stomach tightened for a different reason. He could admit to himself that it was probably good she wasn’t here right now for a different reason as well. She’d scrambled his brains like an egg.

  He thought about her the entire time he showered and ate breakfast and he still had no idea where to put her in his mind. What the hell was that last night? It couldn’t even be classified as sex. Well, yeah. Of course it could. But what category was he supposed to put that in? What did you do with sex so good it made all other sex look like dry wheat toast?

  Maybe he wouldn’t have cared about classifying it if he weren’t driving to Milla and Alec’s on a Sunday morning to attempt to explain what had happened. He figured Ansel was right. No man wanted to hear ‘I fucked your sister and I wanna do it again’. He definitely had to come up with something better. But he was having trouble. Blame it on the scrambled egg brain

  He pulled into their driveway and prayed that Milla and Alec had partaken in some lazy Sunday nookie. Because he really wanted them to be in a good mood.

  Hitching his black hat low on his brow, he bounded up the stairs of their tiny porch and knocked a few times before poking his head into their even tinier house.

  He really liked that Milla had gone from a spacious and luxurious high-rise condo in Manhattan to this one-room cabin that hadn’t been updated since the early eighties. It was outdated and had about two inches of paint on the walls. But somehow, it really suited them.

  “Hey!” Milla said in surprise over the back of the couch. “What brings you here so early?”

  Was it early? Shit. Kain looked at his watch for the first time that day. It was only 7:15. And he’d been up for an hour already. When was the last time he’d woken up at the buttcrack of dawn and hadn’t felt like rolling over and dying?

  Scrambled. Egg. Brains.

  He shook his head. “Just wanted to talk to you guys about something. Alec in particular.”

  Alec came out of the bathroom shirtless and scrubbing a towel over his face. “Are you making breakfast or are we?” he asked, dryly, tossing the towel back into the bathroom.

  “Hang that towel, you caveman,” Milla called from the couch, but she had a dopey little smile on her face.

  They’d been together for years now, but sometimes it still shocked Kain to see his sister all flirty and soft the way she was sometimes with Alec. Inka? No surprise there. She was a sweetie to the core. And Matt reaped the benefits. But Milla? No way. She was a bad-ass, hard-ass, kick-ass chick who’d met the exact right guy that exposed that little bit of sugar she usually kept hidden away.

  Kain sat down at the breakfast table and Milla and Alec joined him. He caught just the tail end of the couple doing some sort of silent eye communication thing. Alec had a strange look on his face. One that Kain had never seen before. The man looked distinctly uncomfortable. Nervous maybe?

  “So, what’s up?” Milla asked. Alec rose and started pouring coffee for everyone and Kain was glad to have something to wrap his hands around.

  “I needed to talk to you guys about something important.”

  “Us, too,” John Alec said as he slid back into his seat. He made meaningful eyes at his wife.

  “Really?” Kain asked, looking back and forth between them. His mind traced back to Ansel dropping the pregnancy bomb yesterday, but that was not the vibe he was getting right now. No, he was not getting a thrilled, excited vibe.

  “Yeah,” Milla traced a hand over her blonde cap of hair and looked at her husband for a second. “Alright, I’m just gonna say it.” She slapped a palm down on the kitchen table. “John wants you to fuck his sister.”

  “Milla!” John Alec’s face went flat as he shook his head into his hand. “I knew I should have handled this by myself.”

  Kain’s heart wasn’t beating. And his scrambled egg brains couldn’t process, nor even understand, English anymore. And he certainly had no chance in hell understanding whatever the hell had just happened here at this breakfast table. He opened his mouth and let words come out. “That’s… a first.”

  Milla snorted. “I’ll bet it is. That some dude actually wants Kain Keto sniffing around his sister? No offense,” she added. “Because obviously you’re a catch. But you have to admit you do your fair share of sniffing.”

  “Milla, you’re making this much worse,” John Alec told her point-blank, with just a hint of affection in his tone. “I’m starting this over. Kain, I’m worried about my sister. You know that. She hasn’t been the same since I left Herta. And that’s my cross to bear. But my life is here now and I can’t change that.” He laced fingers with Milla under the table. “That doesn’t mean I don’t wish for happiness for her. I’ve seen you with her. And I thought that if you… got closer to her… it might make both of you happy.”

  Kain pulled his sweaty hands off his coffee cup and adjusted his cap. “Ah.” He scratched at the back of his neck and squinted his eyes at the couple across the table. He had no idea what to say. “Uh.”

  Slowly a light turned on behind Milla’s eyes.

  “Oh my God, look at his face! He already did!” She pointed at him across the table, her finger just a foot from his nose. “Kain, you dog!”

  He knew shrugging wasn’t the right move right now. So he didn’t do it. “That’s actually what I came by to talk to you guys about.”

  Alec was frozen, his arms crossed over his chest. “You fucked my sister.”

  “You fucked my sister!” Kain pinched his nose. “Sorry, that was immature. And totally not the same thing. I get it. You didn’t know me when you got with Milla. I should have talked to you before anything happened with Val. I just wanted to make sure there was something to talk about before I talked to you about it.”

  “So talk.”

  Damn. Alec could be a little scary sometimes. Like right now. His brown eyes burning a hole into the side of Kain’s face. Well. Skirting around it wasn’t going to make this easier on anyone. He just had to tell the truth.

  “Look. I’m all scrambled up. I don’t really know what’s going on. She keeps disappearing on me right when… Well, I’m sure you know she’s not the easiest person to communicate with. She’s prickly and stubborn. And, sorry, I’m off track. I just want you to know that I’m being respectful with her.”

  “Of course,” John Alec scoffed. “You’re always respectful, Kain. I wouldn’t question that.”

  “Oh. Right.” That threw him off a little bit. “I can’t define for you anything that she and I haven’t defined ourselves. But yeah. I’m, uh, I’m into her.” He scratched the back of his neck and glanced at Alec.

  “Wow. John. This is like your dream come true. John’s been thinking that— mmmph!”

  Alec clapped a hand over his wife’s mouth before she could say anything else in that blunt way of hers.

  “I’m hoping that this will work out with you two,” Alec supplied.

  Kain blinked. “What do you mean ‘work out’?”

  “I just think it would be fine if you gave her a reason to want to stay on Earth instead of go back to Herta.” Alec had the grace to look at least a little uncomfortable.

  “I’m sorry. I’m not firing on all cylinders right now. What’d you say?”

  Alec refused to repeat that statement again. So he went with a different version. “I came to live on earth for Milla. And maybe Valentina would do the same for you. And even if what you two have isn’t on the same… track as what Milla and I have, then maybe you keep that to yourself for a while. And by then, maybe Valentina is used to Earth.”

  “Uh,” Kain rose from his chair lithely and paced to the counter. He leaned against it for a second before he turned around and held his brother-in-law’s eyes. “Ah, no. I’m sorry, man. I’m gonna give you a super respectful but very firm no.”

  “What?” Alec leaned back in his chair, his eyes burning. “You’re saying that you’ll fuck her but you don’t want what’s best for her? You’ll mess around with her but you won’t be serious with her?”

  “John!” Milla cut in, but Kain cut past her.

  “Don’t insult me, Alec, don’t pretend that this is a conversation about whether or not I’m committed to her. Or whether or not I care about her and her happiness. Which I obviously do. Because I’m a decent human being, by the way. This is a conversation about whether or not I’m willing to deceive her! Manipulate her. Which I’m not. I’m not willing to do that.”

  He swiped a hand through the air and forced himself to sit down at the table instead of walk out the door.

  Alec held that same fierce, war-like expression on his face for half a minute before he deflated little by little. “You’re right. It was disrespectful of both of you for me to ask that of you.”

  “For the record, I don’t want her to go back to Herta either. Don’t you know it makes me sick to my fucking stomach that she was alone when sh
e got attacked? When I think about what might have happened?” He lowered his hands from his face and looked Alec in the eye. “But it’s not for me to say whether she stays or goes. That’s her, man. That’s all her.”

  Alec gritted his teeth. “You don’t understand the way we grew up. The duty we were raised with. The code of honor. It was the set of rules by which our family lived. And then when our father died, fighting for the enslaved became the only way we knew how to honor him. How to have a family. It is the only purpose for us. She’s going to go back. Even if she knows she’s going to her own death, she’s going to go back.”

  Kain’s stomach dropped out. But he stood. “If that’s what happens, Alec, if that’s really what she wants and there’s no stopping her? Well, we’ll figure something out then. You and I, we’ll— we’ll take Herta in turns. A few days on and a few days off. Or something like that. I don’t know. But seeing what happens is all we can do. We can’t control her. And what’s more, we shouldn’t try.”

  Kain held Alec’s eyes. Tried to convey how wrong he thought he was while also showing brotherly love. He didn’t want to fight with him, but he thought Alec had some massively screwed priorities right now.

  When Kain couldn’t read Alec’s face, he started to lower himself back down in the chair. He wasn’t leaving until they’d sorted this out.

  “No,” Alec waved a hand at Kain, realizing that the kid was gonna stay and duke it out. “No. You’re right. I’m pissed off that you’re right. But you’re right. I’m scared for my sister and I’m sick and tired of being scared for her. It was selfish of me to ask that of you. To try and get everything wrapped up nicely so I wouldn’t have to worry anymore.” He scowled. “But I really wish you’d just said yes.”

  Kain couldn’t help but laugh. The corners of Alec’s lips twitched.

  “Alright,” Kain rose. Milla and Alec thought he was going to leave but instead he opened their refrigerator. “Looks like I could do omelettes. Oh, and check it out. You guys sprang for that fancy bacon.”


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