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Under a Tuscan Sky

Page 12

by Karen Aldous

  The building society like you to save with them for a about a year before they will give you a mortgage. Apparently, it is normal. At least Nora and Ronnie don’t mind us being here, which is fortunate. Please come and see your granddaughter any time.

  Love Roz xx

  Hugh continued to soothe her.

  Olivia wiped another tear. ‘Gran Nora was so sweet to them. It’s so horrible to think she never told me. I’m wondering if she actually knew.’ She folded the letter back up and grabbed the next. Two fell out together.

  ‘Maybe she didn’t,’ Hugh said, ‘which makes it even sadder if she was denied her grandchildren.’

  ‘Jeez, this is getting worse.’

  Rosalba Bianchi


  Apr 77

  Dearest Mamma and Papa,

  Hope you two are well. Glad you liked the photographs. Olivia is thriving, growing fast, and has the biggest smile. The sun is beginning to shine again, which I’m so pleased about. I have been getting out more. I also have some very good news. My friend’s sister is a travel agent and she found a very good deal for flights to Florence airport, so Steve and I shall be bringing Olivia to see you in May. You will get to meet Steve too.

  Nora and Ronnie are going to contribute to the fare too, which was very kind of them. I hope the news makes you happy. You will see your granddaughter soon. I’m very excited. I have missed you. I shall be forever grateful to Helen’s sister Janice. She said that they have offers and special deals when it is early in the season, so something to remember. I should arrive at the airport at ten-thirty on the 9th of May. Could Grandad collect me from the airport? So excited. Look forward to hearing from you.

  Love Roz xx

  Rosalba Bianchi


  Jun 77

  Dearest Mamma and Papa,

  It was so lovely to see you both. Steve and I really had a fabulous week. Thank you. Steve really loved the farm and the beautiful weather. He said it was such a magical place and in some ways, I think it reminded him of Ibiza, and waking up to sunshine every day.

  I expect you are missing Olivia already. Nora and Ronnie missed her, just in a week. Don’t you just love her smiles? I will try and get another bargain at the end of the holiday season.

  Meanwhile, lots of love,

  Roz, Steve, and Olivia xx

  Olivia wiped her eyes, picking up the next. ‘I miss Nora. I don’t believe she knew.’

  Rosalba Bianchi


  Aug 77

  Dearest Mamma and Papa,

  Sorry I haven’t written for a while. It isn’t good news. Steve has quit his job and returned to Ibiza. He said it was so wet and miserable and working all those hours and barely seeing us was a waste of time. I thought he would come back after a couple of weeks but he didn’t. I didn’t know what to do.

  He wants me to take Olivia out there to join him. I can’t bring up a child there. The water and sanitation is poor and it’s infested with flies. It’s not safe, but he is adamant he will find us somewhere to live there. He is looking for a house or apartment for us, but he hasn’t got a job and I don’t think he will get one there. I can only hope he returns soon.

  Nora and Ronnie hope so too. I might have to go and bring him back. I hope you are not too disappointed in him. He did try and he may return. I will keep you informed.

  Love Roz and Olivia. xx

  ‘I never knew Dad left.’ She reached for the next.

  Rosalba Bianchi


  Sep 78

  Dearest Mamma and Papa,

  Thank you for both your offers. As I told you when we were there, I love the farm, but I don’t think I could come and live there again. And if Steve lets you down, there are bound to be arguments. Your land between Lake Garda and Monte Baldo could be a good solution for us, Papa. Could you find out and send me details?

  I’m not sure yet what his response would be. Steve hasn’t found anywhere, so I am going out to talk to him. He is staying in his camper van at the same site. I shall leave Olivia here with Nora. She will take some time off. I am so angry that he can’t return to us here to sort this out but I’m sure we can work something out.

  Love Roz and Olivia xx

  Both letters signed off Roz and Olivia. Again, she wiped her eyes. She glanced eagerly at the read pile and around it. That was it. No more letters.

  As if reading her disappointment, Hugh said, ‘Do you need a hug? I know I would.’

  Chapter 13

  Still holding the last letter, she glanced at his now open arms and snuck into them, burying her head in his chest and feeling totally safe and comforted by this stranger as he stroked her hair and shoulders.

  ‘Thank you for being here,’ she said, her voice muffled, sniffing the manly scent on his shirt. He was taller than Alberto, but his torso was leaner, firmer, and his caress lighter. At each stroke, she felt every tension in every muscle evaporate, then every desire began to awaken. Why, she wondered, was she suddenly so physically wanton with lust? First Alberto, now Hugh.

  ‘Well, I’m glad I was. The trouble now is, I want to see this through with you. I want to help and protect you.’

  ‘And I have to learn to help and protect myself.’

  ‘I admire your determination. That shows strength of character. You’re a strong woman. I like that. My mother is strong. She’s brought my two stepsisters up to be strong.’

  ‘That’s so cool. Your mum must have put up with some terrible things to want to take her own life. I’m not strong all the time; I’m not.’ She thought not only of her reliance on Chiara but also of her hormones at this very second. ‘Shall we sit down? My knees aren’t so strong.’

  ‘I was chilling nicely with you to hold.’

  ‘It is lovely. I can’t deny it,’ Olivia said, curling her legs up as she sat on the sofa. ‘So, was she bullied?’

  ‘Yes, my father was very jealous and yet she hardly left the house.’ Hugh followed her to the sofa, and removed two boxes. ‘Well, my arms are here, should you need them.’

  ‘Aww, OK.’ She twisted her body around and curled her legs the other way, then snuggled into them. Lying again against his chest, she felt not only that sexual longing but something deeper as well, something new, something more akin to belonging.

  Chapter 14

  Alberto arrived at her door just after eight o’clock. The night sky was already dazzling with stars and she immediately felt her heart skip a beat.

  ‘I’ll get my bag and jacket,’ she told him, still feeling a little washed out and subdued.

  ‘For you.’ From his pocket, he handed her a small, narrow box. ‘Because you’re special. Yes, open it.’

  Lifting the lid and seeing a string of charms, she gasped. ‘Oh lovely, a Pandora bracelet, thank you.’ She pecked him on the lips. It really wasn’t her thing but it was sweet of him. ‘You shouldn’t have. I’ve only known you a week,’ she said feeling slightly embarrassed as he turned to wait in the car.

  As they headed out to the motorway to Florence, Olivia explained the day’s main event, about the earlier discovery of other children in the photographs inside the chest and how she intended to find and question her mother.

  ‘That’s catastrophic,’ Alberto said, his voice rising. ‘What mamma doesn’t love her children? Do you think you will be able to forgive her if it’s true?’

  ‘At this moment in time, no. No way.’

  ‘Was your mother very young?’

  ‘Yes, but lots of girls have babies young and don’t abandon them by choice. And anyway, why has she continued to hide them? She’s had ample opportunity to introduce us, or to tell me at least. It’s not as if I haven’t seen her, or Nonna.’


  ‘Imagine the secrets and lies that must have been fed to me as a child and the deceit from those I loved and trusted. I’m not sure if my British grandparents knew though.’ She glanced at him, fr
owning. ‘That’s my papa’s parents: Nora and Ronnie.’ She took a deep breath, trying desperately to maintain control.

  Alberto scratched his forehead. ‘Well certainly, you must find out the facts. I don’t know why your mamma doesn’t want her family together. Why is it so complicated? I hope for your sake it’s a misunderstanding. Maybe they are your cousins, or children of friends.’ He glanced sideways at her.

  Olivia nodded. ‘Hmm. I’d like to think I’m completely wrong and they were babies who belonged to friends who she was looking after, or Nonna was. I really do. The sooner I find out, the better. I’m going to find her tomorrow. I’m sorry, I’m not going to be the best company tonight.’

  ‘You will feel safe with me tonight. I have cooked. I would come with you tomorrow but I have a long meeting. I can take you on Sunday?’

  ‘Oh, no. It’s OK. I don’t expect you to drop everything. And Sunday is too far away. I can’t wait that long, Alberto. I’m not even sure I will sleep much tonight. My mind is going crazy. I would have gone today if I was organized and wasn’t seeing you, and besides, I may have a couple coming back for a second viewing of the house on Sunday. I want to be there. I’m waiting for confirmation. My friend Hugh, the antique dealer, has offered to drive me if I need help. He knows the area well. I want to do it myself though.’

  Alberto wriggled in his seat as if his spine had jarred. ‘This friend Hugh is a man?’

  ‘Yes, he’s been very kind. He helped me today and to get Nonna’s heavy cassone to the restorer.’

  ‘So, he is young?’ Alberto licked his lips. ‘If I didn’t have such tight deadlines with my marketing and PR team, I would cancel the next two days’ meetings, but it would take weeks to reschedule them all. I want to help.’

  Olivia detected a little jealousy. ‘Yes, young enough to lift, if that’s what you mean. Early to mid-thirties, possibly. The furniture restorer is in his eighties and we could never have managed to move the cassone between us.’

  ‘Do I have rival for the girl I love?’ His tone was higher than usual.

  Secretly flattered at the mention of love, Olivia grinned churlishly. ‘Not rival. He’s a kind and helpful person, that’s all. So, let’s not let it ruin our evening. I’ve had enough stress for one day.’ She squeezed Alberto’s arm but felt the muscles in her throat and jaw tighten. She had said that with such conviction. Maybe Hugh was a little more than helpful, but she’d never felt intimidated. Quite the opposite in fact.

  ‘Look, Olivia …’ His arm tore through the air with such a force, she jumped as he continued. ‘Tesoro, Olivia, I want you to know that I have strong feelings for you. You are the girl for me and I want you to know my heart is totally yours. I don’t know if you feel the same, but I wouldn’t trust any man with my beautiful girl. Do you feel the same?’

  Surprised at his outburst, she said, ‘Yes, I do care very much but he only offered to help.’

  ‘I understand when men wish to help. I know their motives. You must be careful if you accept his help. Don’t let him talk you into doing anything you don’t want to do. It is safer for you to have someone with you for the journey and for the support,’ he said decelerating the car at his driveway then driving through the barrier and parking the car. Putting on the handbrake, he then patted her knee and leant over to peck her on the lips. ‘But he’s just a friend and you must be strong and explain that to him. I hope I don’t sound controlling or possessive, of course, you have my permission. I’m just warning you what men are like. Let us enjoy our evening.’

  Blinking her eyes in astonishment as they got out of the car, she told him, ‘Thank you, Alberto, but I can assure you I don’t need anyone’s permission.’

  Chapter 15

  The following morning Alberto dropped her home after a somewhat stilted evening. Olivia felt exhausted. In some ways, she wished she’d stayed at home. Both she and Alberto had been tired but there was no way she could sleep all night. Even after they had made love her mind was distracted. The trauma of the day and curiosity wouldn’t leave her.

  She’d lain awake, formulating a list on her phone, anxious to have her questions answered. Her nerves were definitely jagged and the anxiety palpable – not quite as bad as yesterday, but noticeably worse than she’d had for a long time. She just prayed she would cope with it and not have any full-on panic attacks. She had just finished getting dressed when her mobile rang.

  ‘Hi, it’s Hugh. Have you left yet?’

  ‘No but I will be leaving soon.’

  ‘I thought I might persuade you to let me drive you today,’ he said. ‘I can wait in the village or in a parking area for you while you talk to your mother.’

  ‘That’s very kind of you to call back and offer,’ Olivia said resting her fingers upon her cheek, seriously considering his offer. She could feel her nerve twitching several times ash she resisted the lure of his help. As well as driving and saving her fractious nerves on foreign roads, he would be good company and she wouldn’t panic if she was chatting. And as Alberto pointed out, she really could do with the emotional support too.

  ‘I’ll be with you in ten,’ he said, breaking the silence.

  Olivia clenched her fists, compressing determination. ‘Actually, no, Hugh, thank you, but I’m going alone. It’s important for me to do this alone and I think I’m big enough to face my mother and whatever it is I have to deal with, driving and all.’ She cleared her throat and threw her shoulders back.

  This could be the challenge she needed to prove that she didn’t need Will or Chiara or to be reliant on anyone else. She could work things out for herself. She possessed many responsibilities, especially with the farm now. And finishing with Will had had a positive outcome, one that led her to discovering what could be true love with Alberto. It was the first time in her life that she’d felt so excited about someone, even though he had irritated her last night about consenting to her travelling with Hugh. He didn’t own her for Christ’s sake.

  ‘I really don’t mind. It’s no bother. In fact, there are some antique markets near there I’ve been meaning to visit anyway.’ He paused. ‘And, I can’t lie, I’m concerned. I genuinely want to help.’

  ‘I’ll be fine,’ she reaffirmed.

  ‘You are happy with the route and you’ve got the address? Did you speak to the managers at the farm?’ Hugh asked.

  ‘No. What’s the point? My mum needs to tell me. I think she owes me an explanation. I appreciate their loyalty to Nonna but, even Nonna I feel has betrayed me. They’ve all lived a lie, deceived me, whatever you want to call it. I don’t want to talk to them, if I’m honest. I think it’s best I sort this out with my mum. I could upset everyone if I run around with accusations. What if I’m wrong?’

  ‘You’re right. I suppose it’s best they don’t involve themselves in the family affairs. I did wonder if you’d asked if only to save yourself a journey if the kids are only, say, the neighbours’ children. And, there’s … well, wait and see.’

  Olivia gazed at the address at the top of the letter on the console and squeezed her forehead as though realigning her head. There were so many questions queuing inside awaiting a response. Many were at least on her phone but she needed to organize her thoughts to question her mother.

  ‘There is that, but realistically, it wouldn’t help anyone if they meddled. It puts them in a compromising position. I don’t think it is fair of me nor my mum to do that. They’ve been loyal employees for many years.’ She wiped her eyes, almost choking on her own words, but wondering where exactly their loyalties would lie with her. ‘Anyway, I’ve not slept, and I’m still angry and desperate to know if they are my family. So I’d better get going. It’s going to be a long day.’

  Olivia’s eyes watered and she sniffed. ‘Sorry. It must be a strange situation to be caught up in, and best you don’t get tangled in it too. I’m not sure how long it will take, and mum and I will end up arguing, I know. She’ll get fiery as usual. I’m not looking
forward to it. It’s her Italian way and we could end up rowing for hours. Honestly, it wouldn’t be fair of me to drag you along, but, again, thank you, and say hi to Boris.’

  ‘Please, don’t feel guilty. Just ring me if you need help.’

  ‘I will, thanks, Hugh. Ciao.’ She finished the call before her will broke, then realized she didn’t have his number.

  Grabbing the last number on her phone, she entered his name to create a contact, just in case she got lost or broke down, although he had shown her where she would be going on his map yesterday and told her to keep hold of it. Hugh was determined and strong like an iron door, like Chiara. She felt protected. It was very sweet of him.

  With him driving, it would have given her a chance to concentrate on how to approach her mother. Not that there were many ways. It would be straightforward. Show her the photo and ask who the children were. She sighed, still trying to believe her mum would hide something so significant to them all. She checked the time on her phone.

  ‘Eight forty-five now. I should get there for twelve-thirty, one o’clock. OK, Olivia Montague, you can do this.’

  Following the instructions of the sat nav, Olivia had travelled just a few miles and was still on her descent from the plateau occupied by the villa and vineyards, when her skin flushed hot and panic set in. She pulled over and turned up the cool air on the air conditioning as sweat beaded her hairline and neck, before continuing driving down the steep hillside towards the junction for the main road.

  Once on the motorway she headed north and, reaching the other side of Florence, found herself relaxing a little, her anxiety abating. Unable to disregard the glorious verdant countryside, she contemplated the bizarre but looming task of questioning a woman she thought she knew and could trust: her mamma.


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