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Under a Tuscan Sky

Page 19

by Karen Aldous

  Alberto stepped behind her, and wrapping both arms around her, kissed her neck. Her skin tingled, and after lifting the lid, she squealed. Diamonds sparkled from a rose-gold bangle about a centimetre wide and almost as thick. ‘Alberto, that’s beautiful,’ she said, removing it from the box and running the tips of her fingers over it, as if making sure she wasn’t dreaming. ‘Stunning. You shouldn’t have, but thank you.’ She twisted her body around in his cradling arms and pressed her lips to his.

  ‘We have the whole weekend, il mio piccolo angelo. That suits you, my little angel,’ he said stamping another kiss firmly on her lips and then taking her hand. ‘And, tomorrow, would you like me to take you shopping? I love your dress, but no doubt you came with clearing and cleaning an old house in mind, and you only packed the one.’

  Reaching for her jacket on the coat stand, Olivia met his gaze. ‘Oh, I have promised Bella to go and visit the family at my brother Orlando and his wife Perla’s house. I was going to ask you to come with me. They’ve invited us to dinner at three tomorrow.’

  Alberto craned his neck forward, frowning and pouting. He then waved his hand up in the air. ‘Well, you should go. I don’t think they want me there.’

  ‘It would be nice if you came with me. A bit of moral support.’

  ‘But if it’s your first time, wouldn’t you prefer to meet them alone first?’ Alberto lifted his shoulder and absently pulled at the skin on his chin.

  Olivia could read reluctance in his face but her eyes pleaded. She did understand. It would be her first meeting with Orlando, but his wife and boys would be there too – as well as her mamma, sister, and her family. There would be many people to talk to. She was sure they wouldn’t mind her bringing him along. Besides, Hugh had shown her the difference a little support made even when she thought she was independent, and she wasn’t afraid to admit it to herself now.

  ‘If he’s asked, then I’ll come, tesoro.’ Alberto nodded and pecked her on the cheek. ‘So, first thing, I’ll take you to Milan, or Florence. Whatever suits you and then we’ll go to meet your brother. Where does he live?’

  ‘Thank you. He’s just south of Siena, I think. Bella is texting me his address.’

  ‘OK, we’ll shop in Florence. It’s closer. Maybe we can stay in Siena, then drive south to Il Pellicano, the coast where my parents have a holiday home. They are there for a few days.’

  Chapter 26

  The scenery approaching from Siena was so breath-taking, Olivia forgot about her tired feet and lack of sleep over the last few nights. Whilst it had been bliss sharing Alberto’s bed, she had struggled to stay awake and was asleep within seconds after making love and being wrapped in his arms. He was like a huge duvet, all warm and snug. And, whilst Florence wasn’t that big a city, trying on clothes had been exhausting. The choice was unbelievable and she loved so many of the little outfits she’d tried. Whilst Alberto offered to buy many of them, which equated to virtually a new wardrobe, she knew he was just being kind.

  Even so, he persuaded her to pick out three, and just for those, there was no way she could have footed the bill. He’d been insistent though and so they left Florence with several boxes containing carefully wrapped items such as a floral day dress, a chic pale blue trouser suit, and a black cocktail dress, along with a few accessories including costume jewellery, a pashmina, and two pairs of shoes.

  To visit her brother, as if her nerves weren’t frayed enough, Alberto persuaded her to wear the trouser suit, which at first seemed too fine for the occasion; but once on, it was comfortable, extremely soft, and fitted beautifully. Alberto had a good nose for fine natural fabrics and it was perfect for a casual lunch.

  Following the instructions from the satnav, they came off a main road past Siena and climbed the hillside towards the town. The ochre buildings stood tall, and appeared as though they had been inserted into bushy displays. They turned off again and the road narrowed to a neglected track and then they were in a fenced car park. The satnav announced their arrival.

  Alberto chose a spot next to two other cars. ‘Well, I think this is it.’

  ‘That must be it,’ Olivia said pointing up to a large green iron balcony. ‘He owns a restaurant and, somewhere here, must be his farm or smallholding.’

  After climbing out of the car, they ambled along a path to a set of steep steps, where at the top, they found themselves on a pleasant and small piazza. To the right, above the green balconied terrace was the name: ‘La Vista Picore’.

  ‘Here. We’re here,’ Olivia said feeling her mouth go dry. ‘This is stunning,’ she continued as they walked to the front of the tall medieval building overlooking vast hilly farmland with grazing sheep and distant vineyards. Chairs and tables were stacked by the glass entrance doors at the back of the terrace. The interior looked dark but as Alberto opened the door, three faces appeared behind a counter and, intimidated, Olivia was unsure who was who.

  She slipped her hand into Alberto’s, not at all sure why she had picked up the phone to Bella and agreed to come. Was it Bella’s pleading and assurances that everything would be fine? No. That made her suspect the opposite. Bella seemed too fanciful, but she was compelled to face her mother and brother sooner rather than later. Realistically, that was wise but emotionally she wasn’t ready.

  She tried to recall what Hugh had said about living true to her character. Wasn’t she now an older sister who should be taking the lead? Yes, she was and she was taking the leap.

  Bracing herself, she peered around. The other side of the counter was full of merchandise. She was mesmerized by hundreds of traditionally packaged items on the shelves, the counter; then opening out to a wider shop space to her right, were displays filled with souvenirs and more produce. Linens, soaps, creams, oils, ceramics, wicker containing bottles of Chianti, grappa, jars of olives, fruits, dried fruit, candies, chocolates, sweets, breads, cakes, meats, sausage, cheeses. It seemed nothing had been overlooked.


  ‘Yes.’ She turned her gaze back to the counter.

  A tall, handsome young man with dark reddish-brown hair held out a hand in front of her. His blue eyes were as piercing as Nonno’s had been. The resemblance was unsettling.

  ‘Buongiorno, I am Orlando. I prefer Landi.’ He eyed her with suspicion, then air-kissed both her cheeks and turned to the young woman behind him. ‘This is Perla, my wife.’

  Olivia was instantly struck by Perla’s beauty. Such dark raven hair with almost black eyes and dressed also in a trouser suit, which pleased Olivia. At least she didn’t appear out of place.

  ‘She is beautiful, Landi. So pleased to meet you both,’ she said air-kissing her sister-in-law. This is Hu … Alberto.’ Olivia’s hand shot quickly over her mouth.

  Landi was already greeting Alberto, and she just prayed he hadn’t heard. She cleared her throat. ‘Alberto Luciano.’

  ‘Welcome. Did you have a good journey?’ Landi asked.

  ‘Yes, thank you.’ Alberto nodded as he shook hands with Landi.

  ‘Oh, welcome,’ Landi added and pulled him close for a man-hug.

  ‘This is Perla,’ Olivia said, finishing the introductions for her brother. ‘Landi’s wife.’

  Landi held out an arm for them all to follow. ‘I’ll take you upstairs where Mamma and Bella are waiting.’

  Olivia’s felt her nerves frisson with fear. This was so surreal. A brother. Meeting her family. A family, just days ago she wasn’t even aware of, including a mother who didn’t even want her. Her head felt heavy, leaden with terror. So much was at stake. After leading them up two flights of stairs, Landi stood on the landing and then led them through double doors to a vast restaurant with panoramic views. On entering, Olivia’s gaze set on the one occupied table.

  ‘Please, take a seat. I will organize drinks and come and join you.’

  Bella beamed at her. Her partner Giovanni sat beside her, with long loose curls, and what Olivia thought a cheeky-looking face. H
e grimaced, briefly. Her mother, who was hanging her head down, suddenly peered at her and stood up. Being nearest, she held out her arms hesitantly.

  ‘I’m trying, Mum; I need time.’ Olivia held up her hand. ‘We all need time.’

  Bella came around to the front of the table to hug her. ‘We have all agreed to keep this as civil as we can, so don’t worry. And meet Giovanni.’

  Giovanni stood and kissed her cheeks, then proceeded to shake Alberto’s hand.

  Olivia sensed an explosive air and was confident that just one word out of sequence would ignite the whole place, like it was doused in paraffin.

  Seating themselves with Perla by the full-length windows, Olivia chose a chair facing out to enjoy the magnificent view. Alberto sat beside her.

  ‘So romantic, isn’t it?’ she said to Alberto, seeking to keep the conversation light and sensing an unusual tension in his body.

  Alberto forced a smile. ‘It is very nice.’

  Perla spoke proudly, though appearing nervous. ‘Thank you, Olivia, and welcome to the family. Yes, we love it here. The boys do too. We have a two-year-old, Alfio, and Cosimo, our eldest, is nearly four,’ she said, fussing with a napkin. ‘Landi and I have built our business as much as we can, but soon we’ve outgrown the land. Landi has higher ambitions and whilst the view is very nice, our land is too small for the future.’

  Feeling like an intruder and like she was being judged, Olivia said, ‘It’s a prime spot for a restaurant. You’ve done very well. I can’t wait to taste the food. Does Landi cook too?’

  ‘Yes, he is widely known for his dishes, but he spreads himself, and will do what is needed. Like your mamma and your sister. They are tremendously self-sufficient.’

  Olivia wanted to laugh. There ended the nature versus nurture debate. Her cooking skills ended at the microwave door, tossing in a plastic carton and slamming it shut. Pushing three minutes on the side panel and retrieving it without burning her fingers was a successful meal. Gran always did the cooking or left her some ready meal. Those had become a habit unless Will cooked. And, Italy, well, she’d not been in the villa long enough to practise any culinary skills.

  Landi brought two beers and a bottle of sparkling wine to the table, opening the beers with a bottle opener one by one. He then released the cork on the wine. ‘Our local merchandise, which you will love, I promise. Olivia, I hope you like sparkling?’

  ‘If it’s wine it’s mine, yes. Thank you,’ she said observing his fine features, although slightly bloated she suspected by alcohol. She watched as he took command, handing Alberto his beer and expertly pouring the bubbles. ‘So, does it seem bizarre? I mean, was it a real shock to discover you have an older sister?’ she asked him.

  Orlando nodded, his thick fringe falling across his eyes. ‘I couldn’t believe it. In fact, I refused to believe at first. Where did my mamma make up such stories? Now that I see you, I know. I think you are like Bella but with the blue eyes and dark hair. You have the same shaped bones on the face and the … the lips that curl. Bella and I have the golden colour from Papa. You have the darker – Mamma’s colour hair. Bella tells me you live in London. Already she plans to visit.’

  Chuckling at his comment, she took the wine from his hand, and sat back, feeling a little more relaxed. Alberto seemed marginally less tense now that he had a beer.

  ‘I would like that. Yes, I shall be going home to London soon. You are all most welcome to come and stay. I live in your other grandparents’ house. Nora and Ronnie they were called. Not far from the city. It would be nice for you to see where they lived and where our Papa grew up. Be warned, if you haven’t been before though. London’s buzzy and built up. You won’t find anywhere in London as beautiful as Tuscany.’

  ‘One day,’ Orlando said, gazing at his wife. He passed her a flute of the sparkling wine, and picking up his beer glass, took a sip, his gaze then travelling back across the table to Olivia. ‘Maybe in a year or two when the boys are a little older. So, I’m interested to hear about my big sister. I’ve heard how you discovered us, but not much about you.’

  As the first course arrived – a fresh pasta with vegetables – Olivia began to précis her life story into a few highlights.

  ‘And you?’ she asked, licking her lips as the second course arrived.

  ‘I never came alive or ventured far until this bella regazza, beautiful girl, came to stay at the campsite,’ Orlando said, reaching out to touch Perla’s slender arms. ‘She arrived in the pouring rain one evening, with her friend and friend’s family, soaked through and determined to put up their tent before dark. I ran out to help and was instantly struck by that face and the gusto this girl showed. She is the best thing that ever happened in my life. Suddenly, there was something or someone to touch my heart.’

  He removed his arm from Perla’s and placed his hand on his bosom. ‘Bella and I were happy enough as children. We went to school, came home, did chores, worked hard,’ he said, then glanced up, ‘but I wouldn’t change a thing, apart from enjoying having a papa and you around. Another sister to help aboard the ship, but we – Perla and I – have our own ship. We have our boys and we are now growing our business with them. We both cook and serve, grow the vegetables, tend the pigs and the sheep, and of course, design the packaging for the products.’

  Impressed, Olivia placed her knife and fork on the empty plate. ‘You’ve all done so well, and have wonderful families of your own and, hmm, this was delicious. That pork fillet was the best I’ve ever eaten, honestly, and I’m fussy. I’m not a huge meat eater but a fillet of pork is my favourite. And, yes, in your shop, there’s so much produce to choose from. The displays of food are stunning. You must work very hard.’

  Orlando caught his wife’s hand and eyes as she too finished her main and he lovingly kissed the back of her hand. ‘Thank you. Yes, we try to keep our focus. We work and save hard to make it happen.’

  ‘I’m sure,’ Olivia said, touched by their closeness and recognizing that look Orlando gave Perla. Like Nonna and Nonno, they really were so deeply in love. ‘By the way, where are your boys?’

  A smile spread across Perla’s face. ‘They are with their nonna and nonno. They were taking them to the park. My parents live in the village and took them while we ate. They will return shortly and you can meet them.’

  ‘Oh, lovely. I look forward to meeting them. Bella’s daughter is so cute. Where is she, Bella?’

  ‘In the pushchair over there, asleep. She’ll let us know when she wakes.’ Bella pointed to the side of the room.

  ‘She is,’ Perla agreed. ‘It would be nice to have a little girl. Have you any plans together? You and Alberto.’ Perla glanced from Olivia to Alberto.

  Having finished his meal sometime before, Alberto was dipping bread in balsamic vinegar and oil. He wiped his fingers on his napkin and took Olivia’s hand and put his other arm around her shoulder. ‘We will marry; I know it in my heart. Although it is early days, we are very much in love.’

  Roz peered down her glasses, making Olivia feel uncomfortable again. ‘Yes, it’s happened so quickly, in fact only since I’ve come to Italy to sort out Nonna’s things.’

  Orlando topped up the glasses with red wine. ‘Sounds like it is destiny, just like us, Perla. Well, it appears you are both very well set up, financially, so maybe we will hear news soon.’

  Fearing the elephant in the room was about to charge, Olivia gave Alberto a peck on the lips, along with a happy sigh. ‘Not too soon. Alberto is busy with building his electric car business. I need to return to work. I fly home on Wednesday.’

  ‘Do you need to work? You could probably move in with Alberto. It seems he is a man of means.’

  Feeling her cheeks flush, Olivia sipped her wine and said diplomatically, ‘I have a business in London that needs me. We’ve not discussed our future yet.’

  Orlando fiddled with his glass and Olivia saw his chest rise. ‘Excuse my bad manners,’ Orlando said. ‘I think the
properties you have acquired must make you a wealthy woman. It would be simple for you to quit your work in London.’

  Olivia’s brows crossed, and she took some short breaths before answering. ‘I need to speak to Mamma with regards to, should I say, our unspoken agenda. I’m keen to put things right.’ She saw her brother’s focus quickly shift to Alberto who, at that moment, put down his beer and cleared his throat.

  Orlando said, ‘Maybe we speak as family, privately.’

  Confused as to where the conversation was going, she tapped Alberto’s knee. ‘Alberto is my partner and I don’t wish to discuss things behind his back or to harbour any secrets.’ Apart from a stolen kiss from Hugh, she thought, still fraught with guilt. ‘You all have your partners present and that’s fair.’

  Orlando raised his palm. ‘OK. I will speak openly as you wish, and we will keep this as civilized as possible.’ He then glanced at Alberto once again and apprehensively licked his lips. ‘This is what I understand. Mamma informs me that, on her death, Bella and I will inherit a small cash sum from Nonna’s estate as well as the campsite at Lake Garda. She tells us we will not be beneficiaries to Nonna’s farm and villa, because it is not making money, and from what I now also understand, this was Nonna’s wish. Nonna felt that Mamma owed you, or that it would compensate for the injustice of leaving you in England.

  ‘Mamma has complied for that reason and already legally transferred the deeds to you. This, I believe, will be fortuitous for you, as you will also have income from the entire estate and agritourism as well as ownership of and the rights to Nonna’s belongings. That is on top of Papa’s inheritance and a house in London.

  ‘I am curious as to how you feel about it. Do you think the financial and material gifts with which you have been bestowed, will ever replace the emotional hole you were unfortunate enough to be dealt?’

  Bella’s eyes flashed. ‘Landi, that’s not fair.’

  ‘No,’ Alberto agreed. ‘What sort of question is that? I think it is rude. Ask your mamma what she was thinking. She is the one who makes terrible decisions.’


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