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Cheyenne (A Timeless Series Novel)

Page 24

by Wiedmeier, Lisa

  “I thought you said you had a royal flush?”

  “I never said that. I was merely asking you what it consisted of. You…” I pointed around the room, “took it the wrong way. It’s not my fault you jumped to conclusions.”

  He squeezed my sides. “And you said you didn’t know how to play poker! I won’t be so nice next time.” He kissed my cheek and gave Callon a sideways glance as he seated me right between his legs on the floor.

  I blinked. Something was going on with Colt and Callon. Nobody else seemed to pick up on it, though, and we carried on playing.

  We played several more hands, but I was growing tired. I’d been drained from my reunion with Colt, and it was becoming harder to stay awake. Slouching against Colt’s leg, my head quickly found its home in his lap. But I didn’t want to go to bed. I wanted to continue to enjoy this day—these moments. To forget about the danger awaiting me.

  I closed my eyes and listened to the crackling fire; the conversation continued until I could hear no more.

  An ear-splitting crack of lightning hit a tree right outside the window, accompanied by a deep roll of thunder. I sat straight up, trembling. I was in my bedroom, alone. My heart was pounding in my chest, like a flapping bird trying to escape. The room lit for half a second more—but that was all it took.

  I was staring out the window and saw a shadowy figure in the trees. The room darkened, and I didn’t blink. Another flash of light, another half a second, and the mysterious shadow vanished.

  A thunderous boom pierced the air again, and a hand touched my shoulder. I screamed as I leaped off the bed, only to find two hands pulling me close.

  “LET GO!”

  “Cheyenne! It’s me, Callon.” It took a few moments to realize who the hands belonged to, and I immediately stopped fighting him. “Shh, it’s okay. It’s just a thunderstorm.”

  I allowed him to draw me in. “Lightning hit outside your window.” He began stroking my back. “You don’t need to be frightened. I’m right here.”

  “W-where’s C-Colt?” I stuttered.

  “He and Daniel went outside to secure the horses and make sure the lightning didn’t cause a fire.”

  “They went to make sure a fire didn’t start?”

  “Yes, it’s been a dry summer up here. We don’t need a forest fire right now.”

  The shadowy figure stood out in my mind; maybe it was Dex. I knew it wasn’t Colt or Daniel—it wasn’t the right shape.

  “What time is it?” I moved back, pulling my arms away.

  “It’s around three a.m. You need to get some more rest; you’ve only been sleeping for a couple of hours.”

  “I don’t think I can sleep now.”

  At that exact moment another burst of lightning lit up the room, followed by a deafening crash of thunder. I buried myself into Callon’s chest again. I was such a baby.

  Or was it that I enjoyed being in his arms?

  “Come on. Let’s go out in the great room. We can sit on the couch, ok?” he suggested.

  I nodded. The remaining light from the fire provided the only illumination. The lightning flashes started to decrease, and the thunder grew more distant. My eyes caught sight of the journal setting nearby on a table. A pen and paper to the side, at least I knew what Lilly said was true. Dex was working on deciphering it for me.

  Eventually I relaxed, pulling my legs into my chest. I leaned my head onto Callon’s shoulder, and my sleepiness returned. His arm moved around me, and he began to gently brush his fingers across my arm. It was softest of touches, as if he was afraid I’d shy from the intimate contact. I slouched more and soon found my head resting on his lap. He pulled a blanket from a basket nearby and placed it over me. Eyes closed, I soon was resting peaceably again.

  Sunshine streamed through the windows, and I sluggishly opened my lashes to see Colt sitting on the coffee table. His face was placid, and I very quickly became aware of the fact my head was lying across Callon’s lap. I sat up immediately and glanced at both. They were talking. I needed to butt in before something happened.

  “So, did you have fun in the lightning storm last night, Colt?” I stretched my hand out, taking hold of his to ensure he would look at me. “Callon said you had to get the horses. Is everything okay?”

  “Everything is fine now. They were spooked when the lightning struck so close; Mandi ran off, but we managed to bring her back.”

  “How far did she run?” I asked, concerned.

  “Pretty far. She’s fast, you know. Faster than Bo or Charlie; Sam is the only one she would let come close. We just got back.”

  My gaze traced over him.

  “I see you decided to take a mud bath on the way back,” I giggled.

  A very devious grin spread over his lips. “Yes, as a matter of fact I did.” He inched closer. “I thought you might enjoy it too, so I saved some for you.”

  “You wouldn’t dare!”

  It was an empty threat. Colt yanked me forward into his lap, making sure to spread the mud across me while he kissed my cheeks. We were both laughing.

  “You know.” I smirked. “The last time you did something like this, I had to pay you back…it could be worse this time.” I winked. He squeezed me tight until I said, “Ouch.” Seconds later, I was over his shoulder, and we were heading out of the great room.

  “You’re a mess, sweetheart. You need a shower,” he said playfully.

  “Colt!” I screeched. “Cut it out!”

  Lilly, Dex, and Daniel were laughing, too. Callon remained subdued, though. He didn’t seem happy to have Colt handle me like this.

  We stopped in front of the bathroom door. He set me to my feet, grasped my face in his hands, and kissed me firmly. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”

  I was too stunned to argue.

  He returned with clothing rolled into a towel and placed it in my hands. A very crafty smile was plastered across his face. “You know, Colt,” I said. “I’m quite capable of picking out my own clothing.”

  “Oh, I know,” he said lightly. “But this is more fun. Before you jump in the shower, hand me your clothes.” I gave him a look.

  “So I can wash them with mine,” he explained innocently.

  “Oh,” I examined his face, trying to figure out his motive, but finally determined he was just being particularly mischievous today. “Okay, give me a minute.”

  In the bathroom I undressed and wrapped a towel around myself. I barely opened the door and stuck my arm out with dirty clothes in hand. His fingers firmly grasped mine as he pulled the clothes free and kissed my knuckles.

  I showered, and took the time to shave my legs. I finished up and wrapped a towel around me. As I unrolled the towel Colt gave me, two small items fell out. Oh geez, what was he thinking?

  On the floor before me were two items, a top and bottom piece for a bikini. He was playing a game with me while all I wanted to know was what the journal said. I shook my head. Lilly did say it would take a while…I decided to play along since I knew he would be holding my other clothes hostage. He was especially rambunctious today for some reason.

  I purposely took my time in the bathroom. He may have cornered me, but if he wanted to see the end result, I was going to make him wait for it.

  I eventually headed for the door, and peeked around the corner. There he was, a huge grin on his face.

  “What’s taking so long, Cheyenne? You don’t need my help, do you?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “You, mister, are in so much trouble right now. What were you thinking?”

  “I was thinking that before I give you your remaining items I should inspect what I’ve already given you.”

  “Colt!” I snarled. With his arms folded, leaning against the wall, he gave no response. I was going to hold my ground. “I guess I won’t be coming out of the bathroom today.”

  I started to close the door, but a large arm pushed through, pinning me behind the door itself. Colt’s head popped around, and he chuckled.

“You need to do better than that, sweetheart. I can scowl better than you.” His large fingers grasped my wrist and pulled me out as the door closed. He gawked at me, like I was some kind of exotic zoo exhibit.

  “Are you happy now?” I sneered.

  “Not quite.” He took my hand and twirled me around while I rolled my eyes. “Now I am.”

  “May I please have some other clothes now?” My irritation had no effect on him. He tossed me a pair of jeans, and I replied, “Is this all I get?”

  “No, but I’ll give you more when I’m ready. Put them on please,” he instructed as he leaned against the vanity with his arms crossed.

  “Are you going to tell me why I have to wear a swimsuit today?” I grumbled.

  “Sure, you’re going swimming in the river with me.”

  “You could have just told me that instead of playing this little game, you know.”

  “Oh, I know, but this is way more fun. Put the jeans on.”

  Rolling my eyes, I slowly pulled them on. “Now can I please have more?”

  “For a price.” That devilish twinkle in his eyes appeared again.

  “Excuse me?” I arched my brows and crossed my arms. “What’s the going rate for my freedom today, then?”

  “Oh, it’s pretty simple actually. Just a kiss.”

  “Just a kiss?” I asked.

  “Yup, just a kiss.”

  I looked him square in the face. “Nope.”

  His eyes widened. He stood upright, towering over me.


  “Can’t afford that, sorry,” I said. “I already have the jeans. I’ll just walk out with what I have and ask Lilly for a shirt.” I stared up at him, defiant. “I might also mentioned to her your calculating, devious scheme and see what she thinks about it.”

  “Hmm,” he replied. A cunning grin spread over his lips as he stepped closer. I backed away. “I guess you could do that. However, you would still have to get to the door and I really don’t see that happening.”

  I took a step back, dropping my hands to my sides. “I could scream—somebody would come running to help.”

  He took another large step towards me. I was now up against the wall. “You could, but I‘m faster than you. I would be able to stop you before you even let out a peep.”

  I quickly side-stepped, but he cornered me as his arm came to rest on the wall next to my shoulder. He lifted his other hand to the wall, caging me in. My heart began to race.

  “You’re awfully sure of yourself, aren’t you?” I asked.

  Those imposing blue eyes were peering down at me.

  “Yes,” he said in a whisper as his lips touched mine, hesitating for a brief moment before he drew back. “Now that wasn’t so bad was it?”

  “No,” I replied breathlessly. “It was awful!” I dove under his arm, grabbing the t-shirt from the floor as I dashed for the door. I turned the corner for the bedroom. Colt was grinning, and in hot pursuit. I pulled the shirt on, and hurriedly jumped to the bed, crossed my legs and folded my arms. I attempted to look impatient. “What took you so long?”

  “Now that wasn’t nice,” he said as he entered the room.

  “Never said I was nice; come to think of it, I don’t ever remember anyone ever calling me nice.” I winked.

  He stood there for a moment. I could see he was contemplating something. Within a second he was over me, tickling me.

  “Colt!” I screamed out as the laughter took over. Seconds later Daniel came to the rescue. It only lasted briefly before everyone else arrived to see what was causing us to make so much noise. With Colt’s attention diverted, I bolted to the other room with Lilly’s assistance.

  “Colt!” Lilly called out sternly. “You had better treat her right. I’ve already warned you…” I ran around the corner and didn’t hear the rest of her scolding as I chuckled.

  I plopped into the couch, and waited for the rest to follow. Colt emerged from the hall first with Lilly still yelling in his ear; he rolled his eyes as he tossed me my shoes and socks. The rest were smirking as I caught their glances.

  “So, Colt said something about swimming in the river?” I asked.

  “Yup. We’re taking you up the mountain to see the waterfalls. It’s really beautiful. I think you would really enjoy it,” Callon said thoughtfully.

  “Are you sure it’s safe?” I was thinking back to my recent attack. A few weeks ago I’d have jumped at the chance to get out, but now I really wasn’t so sure. Who knew what was waiting out there for me.

  “There are five of us. You’ll be fine.” Sympathy rolled through Callon’s eyes. “You’ve been locked up with us for a while. I thought some freedom to explore would be welcomed.”

  I smiled. He was right. I couldn’t cower in fear about what could happen. Besides, I was going to obey Callon now, no matter what. If I was careful, everything would work out.

  “Is the weather going to be nicer today?” I fiddled with my laces as I tied them.

  “It’s supposed to be warm this afternoon.”

  “When are we leaving?”

  “As soon as you eat some breakfast. We’ll be gone all day. We may spend the night if you’d like. Lilly has already packed food for the trip.”

  I glanced at Lilly who was now in the kitchen. “Thanks, Lilly.”

  She smiled. “You’re welcome.”

  I followed Colt to the kitchen. He proceeded to scour the fridge. “I’ll just take a granola bar if you have one,” I spoke up. “You don’t need to go through much effort this morning.”

  Colt went to the pantry. He returned with his prize in hand and a warm grin just for me.

  “Anything for you,” he said lovingly.

  I swiftly kissed him. “Paid in full then.” We both chuckled, and Lilly tilted her head at us. As I ate my granola bar, Colt brought me a glass of orange juice. I guzzled it, and we headed for the front door.

  Callon was absolutely correct about the weather. The sun was beaming in the sky and its rays warmed my skin. Birds were singing, butterflies flying, and squirrels scampering. The horses were saddled and ready. Seeing Mandi, I knew why Colt was covered in mud. She still had it caked all over her. She was in the corral, but upon seeing me, she immediately came to the fence.

  I hopped on the lower rung, and began rubbing her mane. “Hey there, girl. I see you had some fun last night.” She moved her head up and down as if in response…odd how human her response was. “You’re a little muddy now aren’t you?” She nodded again. I raised an eyebrow.

  Removing my hand from her mane, I set it on the rail as I stared into her caramel eyes. “Did the lightning scare you?” For the third time, she replied with a nod. I was watching her closely. Could she understand me? I needed to test this theory out.

  “Mandi,” I said firmly. “If you understand me, stomp your right foot.” Still staring into my eyes, she stomped her right foot. I blinked. This wasn’t any coincidence…

  I turned to Colt and Callon.

  “Hey, come over here a second.”

  “Cheyenne?” Callon left Bo and hurried towards me. “What’s the matter? Is everything okay?”

  I nodded to Mandi.

  “I’m not sure.” I furrowed my brows. “This is going to sound crazy, but I think Mandi understands me. I was talking with her, and she nodded her head in response.”

  The moment the words left my mouth, I regretted them immediately. The look in their eyes said it all.

  “But she stomped her foot when I asked.” They were barely holding back their laughter.

  “Uh, honey,” Colt said. “Horses do nod their heads from time to time.” His grin grew larger.

  “She stomped her foot too,” I said earnestly, trying to save myself from complete humiliation.

  “They stomp their hooves sometimes too, sweetheart,” Callon added, barely containing his laughter.

  Rolling my eyes, I turned to Mandi. “Watch this. Mandi, if you understand me, stomp your foot.” I watched for her response, but non
e came.

  Shaking my head, I stepped away from the corral. They burst out into a bellowing laugh, and I shook my head.

  “Just what I need, to give the two of you more ammunition! Good thing Daniel’s not…” I turned my head to see Daniel. He had been behind me. “Oh, forget it!”

  I stormed away, leaving the three to chortle.

  “Damn stupid horse,” I mumbled under my breath. “Thanks a lot, Mandi!” I could have sworn she was snorting at me in laughter, shaking her head.

  Daniel’s voice echo in the background, “This is just about as good as the whole Jeep incident…”

  I cringed. Wonderful, now he had more things to tease me about.

  Humiliated, I sat on the porch and waited. The trio kept glancing at me from time to time, laughing on and off. One of these days I was going to have to learn to keep these things to myself. I was a glutton for punishment.

  Eventually we were ready to leave; Daniel was holding Mandi’s reins while he called out, “Hey, Cheyenne, Mandi asked me to tell you she’s ready to go.”

  Rolling my eyes, I had no other choice but to walk over. Colt stopped me before I mounted.

  “You know we love to tease you. You come up with some pretty funny stuff.” He wrapped his arms around me.

  “Yeah,” I replied. “It’s my job to provide the entertainment around here. Good thing I take it so well. You know, I could be one of those girls who cry over everything.” I looked up into his mischievous eyes.

  “You could,” he paused as he kissed my head. “But you don’t, and that’s why we love you.”

  Chapter 21

  We were in no immediate hurry as we rode northwest towards the mountains, casually chatting and taking in the scenery. Dex rode alongside me and talked about the mountain ranges, pointing out specific formations. Wildlife was plentiful and the ground fertile. He said not many people traveled this far out; it was rare to see anyone pass through unless they were Timeless, thus giving me a little sense of security. Between the five of them, they thought it would be safe for me to be out and about.

  Making it to the base of the mountain, we followed the river upstream to the waterfalls. I could hear it before I saw it. A musty damp odor combined with the scent of pine trees, wildflowers, and grasses filling the air. As we drew closer, the thunderous claps of water hitting the rocks below echoed in my ears. The volume was startling. At the tips of the falls, the green water splashed, running downward to three levels.


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