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Cheyenne (A Timeless Series Novel)

Page 27

by Wiedmeier, Lisa

  Its lips rose in a deep rumbling growl. It began circling, looking for my weakness. My fingers ached as I held the wood tightly waiting for the Tresez to make its next move. My breaths came in short, hard bursts, and my eyes blurred as the rain almost blinded me. The creature lunged in a burst of speed, and I rolled to the side, barely escaping as my make-shift weapon once again came down on its skull. A yelp escaped its mouth, and its black eyes focused in on me with death.

  I barely had time to scramble to my feet before it attacked again. Anger rose to the surface. I was not going to let this creature get the best of me. He was hunting me, but I would win in the end. It leaped, and I pushed the branch into the ground so it was upright, holding it with all my might. It fell upon the branch, and the end pierced its body. We tumbled to the ground. There was no struggle—the branch had killed my foe.

  The weight of the repulsive creature had me pinned to the ground. Its grisly teeth were next to my face, and its hot saliva was running down my neck. It was becoming difficult to breathe with the dead weight upon me. Its smell was horrid, rancid—unlike anything I have ever smelled previously. It was becoming almost impossible to bear its weight.

  Daniel’s desperate words reached my ears, “Cheyenne! No, Cheyenne!”

  He pushed the creature off and pulled me into an upright position. My limbs came back to life with a painful tingle as the blood returned. Breathlessly I replied, “What took you so long?” I paused, waiting for the oxygen to reach my brain. “Do I have to do everything on my own here?”

  I attempted to open my eyes, but the pounding rain impaired my vision. Nervously Daniel chuckled as he drew me up into his arms, “Glad I could come and help a little.”

  “Is everyone okay? Are the remaining Tresez dead?”

  “We’re just fine. They’re gone now. Mandi is fast and covered a lot of ground. The rest will be here soon.”

  “Where’s Mandi?” I asked in a panic. “Is she alright? She’s the reason I’m still alive. She protected me like I asked her.”

  “She’s close; she’s fine.”

  “Cheyenne!” Callon’s anxious voice called out.

  Daniel turned slightly as he replied, “She’s fine, Callon. The Tresez fell on her when she killed it.” He smiled. “She just needs to catch her breath.” Callon kneeled next to us, and began wiping the mud and blood from my face.

  “You killed the Tresez?” he asked in surprise.

  “I didn’t have much choice, since the three of you were off playing with the others.”

  Colt appeared behind Daniel. He looked relieved as he reached over and touched my hand. “Playing with the dogs are you?”

  “I wasn’t able to teach this one new tricks, so I got rid of it,” I replied quickly. Three apprehensive grins appeared.

  Dex and Lilly arrived. “We need to get moving. I don’t like this weather,” Lilly said with stress radiating in her voice. “Cheyenne is already soaked to the bone. We need to get her back quickly.”

  The tremors started as I sat. I was soaked like the rest, and the adrenaline was gone. I was becoming cold rapidly, as I was sure they were also. I attempted to rise, but Callon scooped me up into his arms.

  “I’m fine,” I said through chattering teeth. “I can ride back on my own.” He didn’t listen as he placed me in Colt’s waiting arms.

  The rain was unrelenting. Colt tried to shield me. He handed me up to Callon after he mounted his horse. I knew why I rode with Callon. He was performing his doctoral duty and needed to be near me.

  The remaining ride back was treacherous. The rain-soaked ground made it slippery going. We were not able to gallop or trot. I kept my head down and eyes closed as the rain slapped at my cheeks. Tremors raked me as my teeth chattered. I pressed my back against Callon’s chest, but it did little to provide warmth. It only brought to light the ache in my back that was beginning to grow. The Tresez’s weight must have pulled a muscle or something. Callon tried to help shield me to no avail. The storm was unwavering.

  As we slowed, I saw Colt reaching for me; he swept me away into the cabin as Lilly opened the door. Once inside, we headed straight for the bathroom to the enormous walk in shower. The water was running; it was already warm. Colt set me to my feet, and helped hold me up. Lilly began prying off my bloody and muddy clothes. She paused briefly at my back before continuing.

  I was glad I had my swimsuit on. Colt removed his shirt and pressed his warm chest against me. I realized I was colder than I thought; he had goose bumps on his arms and chest. Lilly was standing behind me rubbing my arms and legs, trying to circulate the blood to warm me. She walked away for a moment and returned with Dex and Callon. Not a word was said as they stood staring at my back.

  “W-w-what’s wrong?” I managed to say through chattering teeth. “Am I that hideous?” I tried to turn, but Colt held me still.

  “Cheyenne,” Dex said warily. “Did the Tresez claw you when you were on the ground?”

  “No,” I replied as I thought back. “At least I don’t remember being clawed. I don’t have marks on the front of me. Why?” The chattering was slowing as I was warming.

  “You have some deep scratches on your back. They look like claw marks.” Dex touched my back, his fingers running the length of them. I flinched. I hadn’t realized they were there. That would explain the ache.

  “Is it that bad?”

  “Possibly,” he replied with deliberate hesitation.

  Great! What more could happen to me? Wrapping myself up in bubble wrap was starting to look like a good idea…at least it might prevent some injuries. At least I could look forward to being more durable when I was Timeless. I could still be injured, and it might hurt, but at least I would heal quickly.

  I began replaying in my mind what took place when I came upon the Tresez. Was there anything that happened I could remember clearly to know one of them had scratched me? Then it came to me!

  “Dex, when Mandi and I first came upon them, something touched my back as we began to run. It didn’t hurt. I just assumed one of them leaped and missed. Apparently that wasn’t the case?”

  The water stopped.

  “We need to get a better look at these. Lilly is going to help you get changed, and then we’ll see what needs to be done.”

  Lilly gingerly wrapped the warm towel around my shoulders, and I moved away from Colt. There was deep worry in his eyes as he turned and walked away. Lilly took me to the bedroom where I changed into jeans and a tank top. We tried to dry my sopping wet hair, but gave up and went to the great room where the others were waiting.

  A fire was roaring and everyone except Lilly was already changed and dry. Colt drew me into his arms as we entered and walked to Callon and Dex, who were anxiously waiting in the kitchen.

  “I’d like to take a look at your back now.” Callon said as he read my response. “This is going to take a few moments. I need you to be patient with us,” he said compassionately.

  “I understand,” I replied quietly. Colt turned me so I was leaning into his chest. His long-sleeved shirt was open, and my cold cheek touched his bare chest for the second time. Warmth filled me. They pulled my hair aside, and Colt cradled my shoulder in one arm and my head in the other. Carefully they pulled up my tank, revealing the deep lacerations. Warm fingers tugged the material aside and moved lightly on my back. It sent goose bumps down my arms.

  With the warmth finally touching me, fatigue hit hard. I closed my eyes and soon relaxed in Colt’s hold. My arms began sagging at my sides as I slipped down further. He adjusted his hand to support me more.

  “Cheyenne,” Dex said softly. “We’re going to stitch these up. I’m sorry; you’ve been so patient, just a little bit longer. There are pieces of broken nails we need to remove first.” He hesitated. “Cheyenne? Can you hear me?”

  I heard his words, but I didn’t care anymore. All I wanted to do was sleep. My legs were weak, but Colt held me upright.

  “She’s falling asleep, Dex. I have her. Go ahead
and finish,” Colt said quietly.

  I never did fall asleep. I was hanging in a semi-comatose state for a long time. They pulled and pricked, but none of it hurt, except for a few dull twinges.

  “Did you get it all?” Colt’s deep voice rumbled in my ear.

  “I think so. There were quite a few nail fragments embedded deep in the wound,” Callon replied.

  “We’ll know soon enough if we didn’t,” Dex added.

  They pulled my shirt down, and Colt gingerly lifted me. “Are we done?” I said groggily.

  “Yes, at least for now. You want to lie down?” Colt asked tenderly.

  “No, just stay with me please. You’re warm. Can we sit by the fire?”

  “Sure.” He held me in his lap, and I buried myself further into his heat.

  Soft small fingers touched my cheek and forehead. “Dex,” Lilly said with concern. “She’s still so cold.” She draped a blanket over me, and I dozed for a long time, never really resting, catching bits and pieces of their conversations.

  “They sent out nine Tresezes this time. Daniel said one ran off. They’re going to hear about what happened when it returns,” Callon stated.

  “How much time do you think we have?” Dex’s steady voice asked.

  “It’s hard to say.. We’ll need to move soon,” Callon replied.

  “I don’t think you should go alone, Callon.” Lilly said firmly. “Dex and I can come. Qaysean and Sahara would have wanted us to be a part of it.”

  Was I dreaming? Did I hear them say they knew my parents? She said Qaysean and Sahara would have wanted this. Wanted what?

  “Lilly,” Dex said quickly. “I think we may be needed elsewhere. We have to prepare things. They are more than capable of protecting her.”

  “I can’t leave her now. She needs us,” Lilly protested.

  “Lilly, I know you want to stay with her. I promise you we’ll see her again, but right now we need to prepare the others. We have to organize the clans. It will take months. They love her too much to let anything happen. You need to trust me on this.” Dex’s voice was filled with such empathy and authority that she hesitated with her response.

  “We’ve waited for so long,” her voice crackled. “I just want to be there for her.”

  “I know,” he said with sympathy. “And you will be, in time. We have to be patient just a little longer. She needs to figure out who she is first, what truly lies within herself. Only then will she be able to accomplish what needs to be done. We’ll all be together again someday.”

  What did I need to figure out, and what was I expected to accomplish? Was that in the journal? Silence filled the space again, and only the crackling of the fire remained.

  There was a strange sensation, a tingling on my back, on the right side below my shoulder blade. Shivering, I looked up. Colt was staring at me curiously. It happened again, stronger. I twitched my neck and pulled my shoulder up slightly.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked as his brow furrowed.

  It happened again, only this time it was more like a prick. I squinted my eyes and sat upright. His hand tensed on my leg.

  “Cheyenne,” he said in distress. “What’s wrong?”

  I didn’t know. It came again, a deep pinch. I winched my shoulders back, and pushed my brows together. My right arm began to tingle. I quickly scanned the room. All attention was on me. Wide-eyed, I leaped to my feet and arched my shoulders back for a moment.

  “Cheyenne?” Dex said with anxiety. He and Callon were next to me now.

  “Give me a minute,” I said breathlessly. I relaxed my shoulders, and looked at them with reservations. “You said there were nail fragments. Did you remove them all?” Both hesitated. This wasn’t good. Irritation was quickly rising. “You don’t know, do you?” Another sharp pain shot to the surface, and I clenched my teeth together to prevent myself from screaming. My eyes began to water. “What should I expect? Is this going to get worse?” There was an edge to my words.

  “Yes,” Dex replied.

  I balled my hands into fists as the stabbing pain returned. It lasted longer this time, like a hot iron was branding me.

  “What should I expect?” I bellowed out. “Tell me!”

  Lilly stepped closer.

  “Lilly,” Dex said forcibly. “Step away from her now.”

  “Why?” I snapped back.

  “Cheyenne, you may hurt her.”

  “I may hurt her?” I said angrily. “I’m not strong enough…” I trailed off as the piercing pain returned. Leaning forward, I grasped my shoulders with my hands. Stepping closer, Callon attempted to reach out. I straightened and swiftly took two steps back. “Don’t touch me,” I said through clenched teeth.

  Colt was still sitting on the hearth. Callon was closest to me with Dex and Daniel just a few steps behind. Lilly had moved back into the kitchen, panic in her eyes, uncertain what would take place next.

  “Colt, Daniel, Callon,” Dex said calmly. “It’s going to take all three of you for this. We don’t want to hurt her.”

  It hit again, the sensation that someone was stabbing me with a knife over and over again. Callon stepped forward, and I took three steps to the side. I was now in the center of the great room. Colt and Daniel were flanking Callon’s sides. The pain wasn’t subsiding, and deep within, a rage I didn’t understand was building. Fury was running through my veins—no one was going to touch me—no one!

  “Come closer, and I’ll snap your wrists!” I screamed, surprised at my own violent outburst.

  Every muscle was tense as I waited for their next move. In unison, all three stepped forward, spreading out further. “I’ll scratch out your eyes!” I spit out with venom. “I warned you!”

  Callon leaped, his hands grasping at me. I turned and jumped, clearing the couch in one swift movement. I was completely focused as they stared in disbelief. Colt nodded as he moved to the side of the couch while Daniel did the same. Glancing around, I still had plenty of room to make it to the front door.

  Callon suddenly sprang over the couch, and I darted to the right, barely avoiding Colt’s grasp and headed for the front door. It opened, and I was about to slide through when Callon caught hold of my wrist, yanking me back and throwing me into Colt’s arms. Immediately he pinned my wrist to my sides, I was able to squirm enough to make it difficult for him. My legs went out from under me; Daniel was trying to contain them. I was kicking and flailing about, but they moved me to the kitchen table. Dex was waiting, and I was pushed face down.

  Colt pinned my shoulders and hands. Daniel was at my legs and Callon was at my waist.

  “No!” I screeched. “Just leave me alone!”

  Dex pulled up my shirt, and cold fingers began running over the wound, stopping in one location just above my right shoulder blade. Fighting with all my strength, I tried to break free, but they held me firm.

  “Cheyenne,” Dex said firmly. “This is going to be very painful. I am going to try and remove the fragment; I need you to be very still. Can you do that for me?”

  I heard his request, but I couldn’t comply. I was groaning, thrashing about, unable to stop. Lilly’s fingers brushed my cheek, pulling the hair away, her words were soft, soothing, calming. “Cheyenne, you can do this. Concentrate on something else. Dex needs you to be still. He won’t be able to remove the poison if you don’t. He doesn’t want to hurt you.” She paused. “Think about your music. Play the songs in your head. You said it calms you. You’ve got to try—you’ve got to try.” She kept repeating her words in a calm, reassuring tone.

  I concentrated on her voice, her words, and the music began playing in my mind. I imagined my hands drifting over the keyboard, strumming the guitar strings. Eventually I was able to control the rage and became still. Their grips only loosened slightly. Dex was tugging at my back. After a period of time, the pain began to subside. The tension in my body lessened, and I eventually lay limp on the table.

  They released their hold only after Dex gave the okay. Colt imm
ediately lifted me into his arms, my legs falling to the floor. He held me for a long time before I was able to compose myself.

  “I’m sorry,” I said weakly. “I didn’t mean to get so angry—it hurt so much. I didn’t want anyone to touch me. I’m so sorry.” I truly felt awful. I didn’t like feeling so out of control.

  “Everything’s fine now, Cheyenne,” Dex’s reassuring voice said. “You actually did better than I expected. I’ve seen others react much worse than what you did. We know you couldn’t control yourself. It was the poison from the Tresez starting to work its way through your system. We won’t hold it against you.”

  “I don’t know about that,” Daniel chimed in, chuckling to ease the tension. “She popped me in the jaw pretty good with her feet a couple of times.” Soon the room was filled with light laughter. Daniel had a way of turning things around and seeing the funny side.

  “Dex?” I called out as Colt rubbed my arms. “Did Callon tell you about my theory of three? My accidents come in threes.”

  “Yes, he did, Cheyenne,” he replied calmly. “It’s very interesting. I think we need to keep it in mind…” he trailed off, deep in thought.

  Colt released his hold, and took my hand as we went back to the couch. I hesitated as I glanced around the room. “I don’t want to offend anyone, but I’m feeling a little worn out. If you don’t mind, I think I’ve had enough excitement for one day to last a while. I’m going to head to bed.” I turned to Colt. “Do you mind?” He didn’t reply, but came with me.

  “Good night,” Lilly called out.

  Colt followed me to the bedroom.

  “You don’t have to stay with me. If you want to talk with everyone, I understand. You’ve been holding me all afternoon,” I said reluctantly. I really did want him to stay, but I wanted him to want it too. He plopped down in the bed, and patted his hand for me to come and sit.


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