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Cheyenne (A Timeless Series Novel)

Page 30

by Wiedmeier, Lisa

  Colt’s arms tightened. “Cheyenne,” he said affectionately. “We are the ones who don’t deserve you.” He kissed my forehead, and released his tight hold. I kept my head on his shoulder.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were brothers?” I questioned.

  “You didn’t ask.”

  “I don’t want to come between you and Callon; family is always more important.”

  “You won’t,” he promised.

  “I already did.” I sat up, staring into his icy blue eyes. It all made sense now. “You weren’t angry with me that night in the tent were you? The night Callon kissed me.”

  “No, I wasn’t.” His jaw tightened.

  “Then why did you treat me like that? Why did you let me think you were disgusted with me, that you didn’t want me…that you didn’t love me?”

  He sighed, pain radiating through his words, “I’m so sorry. I was angry, but it wasn’t directed at you. I worked through it; Callon and I are fine now. You don’t need to worry about it anymore.”

  There was more to this, more than he wanted to let me know. Callon was the oldest, leader of their clan—did that mean Colt had to listen to him? Obey his orders? Deep down I suspected I was right. I was too emotionally spent to think it out further. I would ask more later. I just needed Colt’s touch, his love. I wrapped my hands around his neck, and buried my face in his neck. I kissed it lightly. He always smelled so good, and I inhaled deeply. His large hand rubbed my back gently.

  The day was spent; I was fragile and needed my music to work through what I’d learned that day. I needed to set all these emotions free, to spill them out over the strings—covering the wounds—healing my heart once again. I needed to find my peace.

  I heard another set of footsteps, and I lifted my weary lids to see Callon standing before me with the guitar. He knew what I needed, just as Colt did. This was why I could love him the same and yet differently, things like this.

  He placed the guitar in my lap and sat next to us. I adjusted myself and sighed, remembering that this was my father’s guitar. Somehow the thought brought me comfort. I ran my fingers down the fret board and gently caressed the strings. I closed my eyes and imagined the notes twisting and turning in the air. They weaved in and out of each other, rising up into the clouds above—taking with them the broken pieces of my heart, cleansing my soul and helping me gain perspective again—closure.

  The notes seemed to be endless. I had held in so much for so long. I played until I felt full, filled with the peace I so desperately needed. Keeping my eyes closed, I finished and took it all in. I knew I would have an audience, and I knew they would be watching me.

  “How do you do that?” Dex said affectionately.

  Opening my weary lids, I replied, “Do what?”

  “Play with such passion. The music is so moving, it’s as if I can see into your soul.” He paused, his hazel eyes warmed. “Your father played, but not like you. It’s amazing. It’s truly a gift, my dear.”

  “I don’t know, Dex. I see the notes differently than most I guess. It’s as if they move across the air, dancing before me.” I paused a moment as I replayed it in my mind. “It captures my heart and soul, healing the hurts and reconciling the pain and anger. I can’t really explain it—I just do it for me.” I glanced around and saw the compassion and affection…from my family—mine. I could show them my heart. It was safe here. They wouldn’t hurt it—I had to trust them.

  I slid from Colt’s lap and took the guitar inside to the case I found on the coffee table. I laid it down carefully and secured the latches. No one had followed; they were still on the porch.

  I was worn out, and I needed to rest. I washed and headed for bed. I curled up on the bed and stared out the window. It was quiet, and I was feeling at peace. The bed shifted as Colt slid in next to me, his arm circling around me, his breath touching my neck. He was always so careful with me, always keeping a barrier between us unless I asked otherwise, always on top of the comforter while I snuggled in the warmth underneath. The room slowly darkened.

  There were so many things I loved differently about him than Callon. This was one of them.

  “I love this about you, Colt,” I whispered.

  “Love this?” he murmured his reply and his breath tickled my ear.

  “I love the fact you don’t mind holding me, the whispering in the dark.” I sighed. “Your strength surrounding me. I love this about you, and I want you to know.”

  He caressed his warm lips on my neck. “I love the fact you want me to hold you.” His lips touched my earlobe. “I love to whisper in the dark with you,” his deep voice sent a shiver down my spine. “And I love the fact you want my strength surrounding you—I want to keep it here with you always.” Another sultry kiss touched me as his leg wrapped over mine. I lifted my hand and touched his as I closed my eyes.

  “Sleep, Cheyenne,” he instructed. “Rest your weary eyes.”

  I did just as he said, and I rested my weary eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 25

  Mist was rising, and I was alone in a shadowy forest. A dim light flickered in the distance; it was a fire. I crept closer. I was curious who was around the fire. As I neared, I saw many faces—hard, scarred from battles, some youthful, while others were aged beyond their years. Swords were strapped to their sides, dark clothing covered them, sinister riding cloaks. I glanced around. Their horses were just as rugged as they were. A flash of white flickered in the murky night. Snarls and snapping of teeth echoed nearby. A hideous odor drifted past my nose, the same hideous odor from the day of the Tresez attack.

  My pulse quickened, and my breath became more intense—the odor was closer than I realized. A snapping branch caused me to twist around. The creatures were stalking me…I had nowhere to run. No one to turn to—I was totally and utterly alone. Trembling, I stood before them. One leaped, but I was able to scramble away. I turned to run, but they quickly encircled my position. I stared into the blackness, searching for an escape when one stepped back, creating an opening. My heart was racing while another crept closer, pushing me into the gap. I had no choice but to proceed forward slowly, cautiously, my eyes flashing back and forth. They led me to a valley.

  It was lighter now. In the distance I saw Callon, Daniel, and Colt, and they were fighting. As my vision cleared, I saw they were fighting the men from the fire. My breathing hitched—there were too many of them!

  I wanted to run, I wanted to help, but I couldn’t. The Tresez wouldn’t allow me to move. I watched helplessly as they each fell. They were dying for me!

  “No!” I screeched. “No!”

  Darkness surrounded me again; I jumped and realized I was in bed. Panting, I sat up, my heart pounding in my chest. It was a dream! I pulled my legs into my chest. I wrapped my arms around them—trying desperately to regain control. It wasn’t working—I couldn’t catch my breath.

  I flung my legs over the side, and ran for the door and bolted down the hall. The great room was empty—the house was vacant. Panic quickly set in—I needed to know they were alive. I dashed through the screen door, stopping briefly on the porch and staring out into the shadows of the dark night. It felt too much like my dream. I was hyperventilating—I couldn’t speak, couldn’t call out a name.

  Callon appeared just to my right; I leaped from the stairs and ran full speed, throwing myself into his arms. I was sobbing uncontrollably now. I still couldn’t utter a word.

  Alarmed, his arms tightened, and his voice was tense. “Cheyenne, what’s wrong?” I couldn’t reply. “Are you okay? Tell me what happened.”

  He attempted to pry me loose; but I buried myself further into his arms, tightening mine around his waist as the sobbing continued. Calmly he rubbed my back as he tried to reassure me. “It’s okay. Shh. Everything’s okay.” Eventually he reached behind his back and pried my arms free, and helped me inside. My crying was slowing. He was alive.

  He sat me on the bench in the bathroom and kneeled befor
e me, tenderly wiping the tears. I stared into his warm eyes. “Sweetheart,” he said softly. “What’s wrong? I can’t help if you don’t tell me.”

  Relief set in, as the reality that it was a dream registered—they were alive. Callon was right before me now, he was touching me. I wasn’t dreaming any longer. His beautiful face filled with warmth and compassion was right before me—no he who must be obeyed, no Mr. Evasive, no Dr. Callon—it was just Callon. Callon who said he loved me, Callon whom I’d told Lilly I had feelings for also. I’m not sure if I really knew what happened, but in the next moment I leaned forward and kissed him. I closed my eyes and tenderly caressed his lips three times, drawing back only slightly as I comprehended the significance of what I’d done. He grasped my face. He held it, and we gazed into each other’s eyes, his searching deep within again.

  “I’m sorry,” I muttered. “I shouldn’t have done that.” I looked down, ashamed. What was wrong with me?

  “Are you going to tell me what this is all about?”

  He continued to hold my face, searching for an answer as it all came bubbling out. “I had a dream, but it was so real. You were all dying for me, and I needed to know you were alive.” I waited for my breaths to slow. “I don’t want anyone to die for me. I want you to live.”

  “It was just a dream. We’re all here. We’re all safe, and no one is going to die,” he said firmly.

  “It was so real,” I said desperately. “And then no one was around…” My panic began to rise again. “Where is everyone?”

  “They’re close by. It was just a dream—it wasn’t real, Cheyenne.” Callon tried to reassure me.

  “Will you stay with me?” I said anxiously. “I don’t want to be alone. Please?”

  “I won’t go anywhere; I’ll stay.” Callon helped me stand as he took me back to the bedroom. Sitting, I curled up next to him, resting my head on his chest as his arms wrapped me in the security I needed. No words were spoken. I just took comfort in knowing he was there—they were alive. As he rubbed my arm, his touch was enough to allow me to sleep once more.

  A warm hand caressed my cheek. My eyes fluttered open, and I realized I was still in Callon’s arms. I jerked my head and saw Colt. My heart instantly started to race. Relief washed over me as I flung myself into his arms. I latched onto his neck like there was no tomorrow, pushing myself closer. He was alive. I could feel him—it was just a dream. The bed shifted, and I twisted my head to see Callon leave through the darkness—he didn’t turn around. Colt’s arms securely held on.

  “It’s okay, Cheyenne. It was just a bad dream. Callon told me. We’re here, and everything’s okay. I told you we’re not going to leave you. You’re safe; we’re all safe.”

  I released my hold and drew back to stare into his cool eyes through the darkness. There was just enough moonlight to see his face. I grasped it firmly, remembering what he promised me weeks ago.

  “Colt O’Shea,” I said fervently. “You need to promise me you will not die. You need to promise me no matter what, you will live. No matter what!” I rose to my knees, pressed my lips to his, and kissed him with passion and determination. There was no hesitation in his response as his hands moved, one to the small of my back and the other to cradle my head. Our lips moved in unison, vigorously caressing until we had our fill.

  I slumped to my knees, my hands falling to my sides, as I once again realized I had just reacted instead of thinking through my actions. His hands moved to support my shoulders, and I lowered my head.

  “I’m sorry, Colt,” I whispered.

  “Why?” he said in surprise.

  “I didn’t mean to do that.”

  “I really didn’t mind at all. In fact,” he chuckled. “You can have bad dreams more often if I get this kind of response each time.” I looked up to see him grinning.

  I sighed. “You’re such a guy sometimes, you know that??”

  “Yes,” he replied and drew me close again, kissing me as we fell into the bed. We landed on our sides, and I remained locked in his arms. He withdrew only slightly, his warm breath pouring over my face. “I guess if I’m going to live, then I should probably stay here. Who knows what lurks for me outside this room?” He raised his brows as I rolled my eyes. He was just teasing me now. I tried to turn away, but he held firm.

  “You’re not going to turn away from me now. If you want me to stay with you, you have to let me have what I want,” he said slyly.

  I arched a brow. “Excuse me? Have what you want?”


  I gave him a speculative glance as I replied, “What is it that you want?”

  “First,” he said with a hint of deviousness. “I don’t want you to turn away from me. I want to look at you.”

  “It’s dark,” I replied quickly, and he ignored me.

  “Second, I want you to stay right here in my arms.”

  “I already told you I like to do that,” I said flatly.


  I cut him off. “Third?”

  “Yes, third,” he said in exasperation. “I want you to spend the day with me tomorrow and do whatever I ask you to do.”

  “I can do the first and second, but I don’t know about the third. Whatever you ask me to do? I just don’t know,” I replied tauntingly.

  “Okay,” he said flatly as he pulled away and quickly headed for the door. I sat straight up.

  “Colt,” I said in panic. “Don’t leave me.”

  He stopped dead in his tracks, turned back with concern and rushed to my side, sitting on the edge of the bed. His hands touched my shoulders. “I won’t leave you. I’m here. I was only teasing,” he said tenderly.

  A very large grin formed on my lips. “I know,” I replied cunningly. “Two can play your game.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You truly are unscrupulous.”

  “Oh,” I said slyly. “I learned from the best—you!” I winked, and in an instant he yanked me closer.

  His lips moved to my ear. As he whispered, a shiver ran down my spine. “I still get all three, and now there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  “You’re a little controlling, aren’t you?” I whispered. He drew back and what I saw in his eyes told me he wasn’t teasing as I was.

  “Yes, I am,” he said confidently. “You belong to me, and there is nothing you can do about it.” His lips pressed against mine, compressing them under his firmly. It only lasted a few moments, but it still took my breath away. He shifted on the bed and pushed me back, lying on his side as he propped up his head with his arm. He laid his free arm across my waist. I couldn’t say or do anything—I was speechless. I stared into his icy blue eyes, and pondered his last words.

  I was at a loss. He was being over-protective and possessive and saw nothing wrong with that. I’d seen hints of it previously, but had chosen to ignore it. Part of me wanted to belong to him, but another part was screaming no. I was the one who had the dream, who ran into their arms. I kissed them both before I truly knew what I was doing. Did Callon tell him? Was this what this was about? We stared until my blinks became longer, and I could no longer keep my eyes open.

  Colt’s warm breath filled my lungs as his lips lingered above mine. “I love you, Cheyenne,” he whispered. “No matter what happens, you’ll always belong to me. You’re the love of my life, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.” A tender caress sent goose bumps over me as I drifted off to sleep, this time without any dreams to remember.

  When I opened my eyes, the sun was up and the window open. I glanced around the room. I was alone. I sat up, dropping my feet to the floor. My mind began replaying what happened the night before, and Colt’s words. He said I belonged to him. What did that mean exactly? It was as if I was a possession to have, not a love to receive. I couldn’t help but think maybe it was because of Callon—did he know I kissed him? I was such a fool.

  Sighing, I opened the door, unsure what to expect today. I glanced down the hall and didn’t see or hear anyone. I q
uickly entered the bathroom. I was still dressed in my clothes from the day before. I looked at the bench; Colt had laid out an outfit for me. Did this have to do with the whole possession thing? Did he feel like he had control over me by doing this? It was going to stop before it got out of control.

  Showering, I dressed for whatever it was we were doing today and threw my hair in a ponytail. As I exited the bathroom, I found him waiting, arms crossed and leaning against the wall. He looked intent, on what I wasn’t quite sure.

  “Good morning,” I said hesitantly as I remained in the doorway.

  “Morning,” he replied as he stepped forward taking my hand, we went to the kitchen. Glancing around, I saw we were alone.

  “Where is everyone?” I said warily.

  Not turning as he got my breakfast, he replied flatly, “Close by.” He twisted himself around and grasped my waist as he lifted me to the counter and handed me a granola bar as he stood in front. “You want some orange juice?”

  “Uh, sure,” I said, somewhat surprised. He had caught me off guard when he turned and lifted me to the counter. His behavior was concerning. This wasn’t normal. He had acted this way before—the day before I left town to go to Montana when he didn’t want me to leave. Was I going someplace without him?

  He handed me a juice, and stood in front of me, waiting for me to finish. He took my glass and placed it in the sink. I slid off the counter, and he took hold of my hand. He pulled me through the front door, and we paused on the porch.

  “So what are we doing today?” I asked.

  A grin appeared as Colt replied, “If you remember correctly, you have only fulfilled two of the three conditions from last night. So you are fulfilling the third today.”

  Ah, that was what was on his mind. Nervously, I thought about what we were going to be doing. I scanned the area before we left the porch. He headed toward the horses and released my hand when he opened the corral gate. He looked guilty of something—I wasn’t sure I wanted to find out what it was about. With Sam in tow, he stopped at my side and raised an eyebrow.


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