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Misadventures of a Valedictorian

Page 3

by M. F. Wild

  I jerked the leather belt free from his waist and worked frantically to unfasten his pants. Using both hands, I forced them down with a wildness that surprised even me. Desire fueled my actions. I dropped to my knees, feeling blindly for his cock. He jerked in my grasp as I worked my hand up and down his shaft. The sounds of his appreciative moans only made the experience in the dark room more erotic. My strokes grew stronger as I grabbed the base of his long cock and squeezed his delicious girth with my fist. No wonder he’d made me come so hard.

  “Clare.” He panted, pulling away from me. “Are you sure about this?”

  By way of an answer, I took his thick length into my mouth, sucking with all my might. As if caught off guard, he stumbled back a step.

  “Goddamn, baby,” he muttered. Then he came close again and placed his hand on the back of my head, urging me to take more of him.

  I eagerly complied, feeling his length hit the back of my throat. The hint of his salty essence on my tongue made me moan in delight.

  He gasped and pushed my shoulders back. When he pulled me up, my mouth made a loud popping noise as the sealed suction was broken.

  Travis fumbled at his pants on the floor and then seconds later I heard the crinkling sounds of a condom wrapper. Thank God he was using his head. I certainly wasn’t.

  He firmly gripped my waist, turning me around as he yanked my ass back toward him. I slapped the wall in front of me, barely managing to catch myself before my head hit. Travis slid his hand around to my front, gliding across my mound, inching toward my pussy.

  “Mmm. You’re fucking dripping for me, aren’t you?”

  Without waiting for an answer, he sank his long fingers inside me, stealing my breath as he fucked me with them. Just as I was about to come, he removed his hand. A small whimper left my lips at the empty feeling.

  Then, I felt the heat of his breath at my ear. “Don’t worry. I’m gonna get you there, baby.”

  He slapped his cock against my ass twice before lining himself up with my soaked opening. I ached to have him inside me…for him to relieve the throbbing that had been building for months.

  “Please hurry,” I begged, my desperation growing by the second.

  My lower lip trembled as I felt each delicious inch of him stretch me, filling me so deeply I thought I would cry from sheer pleasure.

  “Jesus Christ,” he gasped, sinking in deeper. “No wonder Eric kept your pussy all to himself.”

  I winced, because I didn’t want to think about Eric. Instead I focused on Travis, on the pleasure he was giving me as we fell into a perfect, hard rhythm. The erotic sounds of our bodies slapping against one another drove me closer to the edge. Travis’s forceful thrusts grew more feral, each push taking me closer and closer to the blissful edge of orgasm. Desperate to ride it out, I pushed my ass back into him. When I felt the tip of his cock hit my cervix, I rolled my eyes into the back of my head. Dear God, I could practically see stars.

  “So. Fucking. Tight.”

  His loud growl as he came only intensified my own climax. I couldn’t stop shaking as he collapsed against my back. Together, we sank to the concrete floor.

  Several moments passed in silence, our bodies warm against each other, only our ragged breathing filling the tiny room. The heavy smell of sex permeated the air, clinging to my skin with the memory of Travis’s hands on me.

  Part of me regretted what had just happened, but a deeper part of me fucking loved it. Travis had just proven to me that my options were limitless.

  * * *

  When I came to my senses, I pushed Mandy away from me, instantly breaking our kiss. Using the back of my hand, I wiped my mouth, disgusted by the thoughts that rushed through me. There was a time when all I did was dream about kissing those cherry-red lips. But that was before they’d been wrapped around the cocks of half the fucking football team. The bitch had just been with Travis last week, for fuck’s sake. I didn’t want my best friend’s dick on my mouth.

  I narrowed my eyes. “What the hell was that all about?”

  “Oh, come on, Eric. Don’t be like that. Let’s go somewhere we can celebrate for real.” She slid her hand over my chest, inching downward. I grabbed her by the wrist and pushed her hand away.

  “Not interested.” I glanced around the auditorium full of people, searching for Clare, but she was gone. Damn it. I knew she’d seen Mandy kiss me. I could only imagine what she was thinking.

  Using my arm, I pushed Mandy to the side and ran toward the nearest exit. I had to find Clare. Suddenly I was furious with myself for having waited so long to get to her again. But, just as before that one incredible night, our lives so rarely intersected. She was in all the honors classes, constantly busy with her work. She never frequented the parties that I went to, and she lived on the other side of town. We lived completely different lives, in and outside of school. But none of that mattered now. School was over, and I was done waiting. I needed to taste her, to feel her come apart in my arms again.

  I used my height to my advantage, looking over the crowd for her. When my gaze landed on Clare’s best friend, I maneuvered through the sea of people until I reached her.

  I tugged at her elbow to get her attention. “Hey.”

  Megan’s eyes widened. Her expression conveyed complete shock that I was talking to her. I studied her reaction, wondering if she knew what happened between Clare and me.

  “Oh, hi, Eric,” she stuttered, flushing as she tucked her red hair behind her ear.

  “Have you seen Clare?”

  “Yeah, I thought I saw her go that direction.” She pointed toward the long hallway that led back into the school. It didn’t make any sense to me why she’d go that way, but this was the only lead I had on her.

  “Okay, thanks.”

  I left Megan and headed back. As I turned down the quiet hallway, I realized this was probably the last time I’d be in this school. When I passed the large trophy case, I paused and stared through the glass at the tall championship trophy our team had won last fall. I could still remember how incredible it felt to have thrown the winning touchdown of the game. The cheers would echo in my ears for the rest of my life. It didn’t seem possible that all that was all over now.

  I’d almost given up my search for Clare when I heard a door close nearby. Hope once again filled my chest. Picking up my pace, I turned the corner. Then I stopped dead in my tracks. Travis was fumbling to fasten his pants. Even from this distance, I couldn’t help but notice the huge satisfied expression plastered across his face.

  I remembered countless times I’d seen my best friend doing the same thing after a hookup. Travis Whyte was the epitome of a manwhore. He craved pussy like it was fine cuisine. I shouldn’t have been surprised he’d score some at his own graduation. But something about his expression gave me pause.

  Taking a step forward, I was just about to call his name when the door opened behind him. I bit my lip, waiting to see his latest conquest. As if in slow motion, the girl’s face lifted, revealing information I wished I could forget. But I couldn’t unsee it. My heart plummeted as our eyes met. Her name fell from my lips in a painful whisper.


  Chapter Three


  The air went from stifling to frigid as I passed from the country club’s shaded balcony into the air-conditioned dining room. While Ridgeville’s youngest club members spent their time at the golf course throwing back cocktails in the summer heat, the wealthier and more refined patrons lunched at white-linen-covered tables overlooking the expansive greens. As a server working both areas, I had the benefit of both views, which I may have enjoyed more if I hadn’t been working nonstop for the past few weeks since graduation. I was determined to earn back the money I’d spent on my upcoming trip with Megan. Plus, I had to save plenty for my first year at college. As a result, I’d been taking every shift I could get.

  “Get the lead out of your ass, Clare,” my boss barked.

  Late thirties, premature
ly balding, and shockingly single, Greg had suggested last week that I wear lower-cut tops to help with tips. He was a sexist jerk, but he’d been right. I traded in the standard white cotton logo T-shirts for a scoop-neck version. With that adjustment and the right bra, my tips had nearly doubled that week.

  I ignored his berating and hustled to the bar to fulfill another drink order. I caught my breath while the bartender worked on my list of elaborate cocktails. I swept my hair off my neck, enjoying the brief reprieve from the heat. I’d been wearing my hair down, since the big tippers seemed to like that too. Never mind that my curly hair was an epic frizz. They were probably too busy looking at my tits to care.

  I’d never paid much attention to my looks, but in the months since I’d lost my virginity to Eric and his best friend, Travis, my awareness of my body had completely transformed. I was no longer the same quiet and introverted Clare Winston whose only claim to fame was beating out the GPAs of my fellow classmates at Ridgeville High. Now, I was Clare Winston, the girl who’d had the two hottest guys on the football team—at once.

  My heart melted every time I thought about Eric Hayward, but the butterflies quickly dissipated when I remembered Mandy’s lips on him and the way I’d thrown myself on his best friend to ease the pain afterward.

  I hadn’t decided yet if I regretted hooking up with Travis. The whole graduation day had been rotten, disappointing from start to finish, with the exception of the incredible orgasm Travis had given me in the storage closet. But the look on Eric’s face when he caught me afterward was tattooed on my memory, unwilling to fade. I couldn’t believe that he might care about my little infidelity. It wasn’t like we were dating. I was shocked he even knew my name before we’d hooked up.

  I closed my eyes, reliving a sliver of our time together. Eric’s tenderness. The fire in his touch. The way he looked at me made me feel like what we’d shared could have been special despite my inexperience and his popularity. I shook my head and tried to focus on the task at hand. I had a few tables that still needed orders taken. I couldn’t let my thoughts keep wandering to an impossible dream, a fantasy with no future.

  As I forced that thought from my mind, I heard a familiar voice.

  “Clare. Is that you?”

  I spun, and my heart nearly exploded. Was it possible that Eric Hayward had grown even more attractive over the past three weeks? He pushed back the sandy brown hair that feathered down onto his forehead and worked his gaze over me. As much as I relished the hunger in his eyes, I hated the hard look that came next. Disappointment, and maybe a shred of anger. He tensed his jaw as he approached. His presence felt imposing, from his broad shoulders all the way down to his toned legs. The muscles under his polo shirt twitched as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his shorts.

  My mouth fell agape as I searched for words. “Eric…I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

  “My parents have been members here since before I was born.” His tone was hard, cutting through me.

  I stared down at my canvas shoes. The formerly white fabric was stained now from weeks of hustling drinks and food to my wealthy clientele. Never mind not being in Eric’s league at school. I had no business lusting after him outside of that fucked-up social world. Of course his parents were wealthy too. The only thing my dad was loaded with was vodka.

  “This is my first season here. I had no idea. Sorry.”

  He reached out and touched my chin, lifting my gaze to his. “We need to talk.” His brown eyes looked more serious than I’d ever seen them.

  “I’m working, and we’re slammed. My boss will flip his lid if I step away right now.”

  “What time do you get off?”

  “I’ll be here until close, around nine o’clock.”

  He nodded and brushed his thumb over my lower lip before his touch fell away. “Is anyone expecting you at home?”

  I shook my head, keeping the truth sealed tight inside. My father was a waste of a human being now and wouldn’t know if I was home or not. I could move out of state and it might take him months to notice.

  “Good. I’ll meet you by the swimming pool at nine thirty.”

  I nodded quickly, conflicting emotions whirling through me. I had no idea what Eric wanted to talk about, but I was about to find out.

  * * *

  I spent the next hour ignoring my parents and younger brother. My focus was riveted on Clare’s sexy little body wearing out the distance between the outside of the clubhouse and the bar inside. The older men at the bar were taking in eyefuls of her curvy ass whenever she walked away, and I wanted to slam their sloppy grins into their drinks.

  Clare looked different. I couldn’t figure it out. I’d shared the halls of Ridgeville High with her for four years. She’d been invisible to me, and now she was the only girl I could see. And I couldn’t scrub out the memory of seeing her after her hookup with Travis.

  If I’d had any doubts about what had gone on, they were swiftly removed when I talked to Travis about it. He had to go into all the details too. Her mouth was silk, and her tight pussy put Mandy’s to shame. I cared less about him fucking my ex of several months than I did about him horning in on Clare. She was mine, and she was about to learn that lesson once and for all.

  After the sun set, I made my way to the swimming pool to not-so-patiently wait for Clare. The air was cool and fragrant with summer. The course was quiet, save for a few stragglers heading to their cars after shifts at the restaurant. I shrouded myself in the darkness, a short distance from the edge of the illuminated pool. Several minutes later, she appeared. She looked around but didn’t see me. With a heavy sigh, she dropped into a lounge chair, her head in her hands. I didn’t envy her. My only job this summer was to stay in shape to start a new season in the fall.

  After a moment she rose and looked around again. Not seeing me, she kicked off her shoes and set her apron, work shirt, and shorts on the lounge chair. In her bra and underwear, she dove into the pool. I tapped my foot, anxious to touch her. But I had to let her know I was serious before we got to the fun stuff. Then an idea hit me.

  While she swam, I claimed her clothes and tucked them in a place she’d never find them. When I returned, she was swimming to the edge. She gasped when she saw me towering above her.

  “Time to talk,” I said.

  She lifted herself from the pool and searched for her clothes to no avail. I tossed her a robe that I’d grabbed from the locker rooms.

  “Come with me. I’ll give you your clothes back after you’ve learned your lesson.”

  “What? I need those for work.” Her voice was shrill with panic.

  “Good. Then you’ll be motivated to do as I say. Come with me.”

  Without waiting for her to answer, I walked toward the golf carts. Silently, she followed. I drove us far out onto the course, where no one would see us or hear us. I turned off the engine and sat silently a moment, revisiting my anger and all the things I wanted to say to Clare. The perfectly manicured greens were bathed in moonlight. When I glanced over at Clare, she was holding her robe tight to her chest.

  “Tell me why you fucked Travis.”

  Her lips trembled. “I…I was having a bad day.”

  My teeth ground together. “Yeah, I was too after that. Believe it or not.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t plan for you to see us.”

  “Is this the kind of girl you are now? Were you even a virgin when I fucked you?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  Her eyes became glassy, and I immediately regretted my words. I was making her feel cheap. I knew she was a virgin. The feeling of breaking through her hymen was permanently etched in my mind, one of my all-time favorite memories actually. I had to take a different approach. I had to make her understand.

  I stepped out of the cart and reached for her hand. She took it and stood before me.

  “I know you were a virgin, Clare. And I understand you chose to share that part of yourself with me. I’ll never, ever fuck
ing forget it. The thing is, it’s making me a little possessive knowing I was the first one to have you. And I don’t feel like sharing you with every guy who gets a hard-on around you—which judging by the bar at the club, is a lot.”

  She shook her head vigorously. “I threw myself at Travis. I was desperate…for something. I don’t know. But it wasn’t his fault. I don’t want you to blame him and ruin your friendship.”

  “Travis and I are fine. But if you want to spread your legs for another guy, you better make damn sure I never hear about it. Because if I do, I might kill him. Your pussy is mine, remember?”

  Always will be. I heard the words in my head but caught them before they left my lips. This possessiveness I felt over her body was irrational.

  She was breathing heavily, her eyes shifting over my expression like she was trying to read me. I unfastened her robe, slid the belt from it, and pushed the garment from her shoulders. I caught her hands in mine, kissed her palms, and sucked her fingertips. Then I wound the belt around her wrists, binding her tightly.

  “What are you doing?” Her voice was shaky, from fear or desire, I couldn’t know for sure.

  “I’m teaching you a lesson, Clare. You do everything I tell you, and you’ll get your things back. If we disagree, chances are high that I’ll leave you out here to find your way back, and you’ll never see your work clothes again. Understand?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  I wanted her to show me, not tell me.

  “Travis tells me great things about your mouth. I want to see if we can do things with it that he hasn’t. Get on your knees, Clare.”

  * * *

  I was shaking from head to toe, but the second he wound the robe belt around my wrists, my pussy became incredibly wet. I wasn’t sure what Eric was capable of, but I also desperately wanted to find out. I’d never seen this dominant side of him. He’d seemed so fun-loving at school, a picture-perfect guy with an easy demeanor. He was intense on the field, of course. But I couldn’t quite fathom seeing that passion directed at me…of all people.


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