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Misadventures of a Valedictorian

Page 11

by M. F. Wild

  The powerful orgasm stole my breath. I squeezed the base of my cock and came on her waiting lips. Mrs. Parton surprised me by guiding me into her mouth. She slid down my length a few times, and then released me.

  “Fucking delicious,” she rasped, jolting me out of my blissful haze.

  The gravity of what had just happened hit me all at once. Clare’s sweet face came to mind. I ran my hands through my hair.

  “Jesus! What did I just do?”

  “You just fucked my wife,” Coach Parton’s voice came from behind me. I jerked my pants up and spun around to face him, unsure how he was going to react to all of this.

  “Coach, I—”

  He held up his hand and walked over to his wife.

  She flashed me a wicked grin before turning around and gripping the sides of the wooden breakfast table.

  “Thanks for getting her ready for me, Hayward.” Unashamed, he dropped his pants right in front of me, situated himself behind his wife’s perched ass, and gave her a few hard slaps across her backside. He shoved his cock into her, glancing over his shoulder at me mid-thrust.

  “You’re welcome to stay and watch, son. She loves an audience.”

  “I-I’ve got to go.” I barreled toward the front door and did not stop until I reached my Jeep. I fought to keep my shaking hands steady enough to put the keys in the ignition. Throwing it in reverse, I slammed my foot on the accelerator, squealing my tires as I backed out of the driveway.

  Once I was on the main highway, I angrily slammed my hand down on the steering wheel. “You’re such a fucking idiot!” I screamed.

  Suddenly, my phone lit up in my cup holder, illuminating the dark cab of the Jeep.

  Guilt rushed over me when I read Clare’s name on the screen. I took a deep breath and answered the call, silently praying she wouldn’t be able to hear the shame in my voice.

  “Hey, beautiful. Are you calling to tell me you’ve fallen for someone?”

  I was hoping the joke would lighten my mood. Clare’s laugh made everything melt away. She was like the warmest sunshine on the coldest, darkest day.

  “Maybe I am.”

  Like a lovesick fool, I grinned into the phone. “Oh, really? Tell me who he is so I can kick his ass when I get back.”

  “He’s this star quarterback. I don’t know if you know him or not.”

  “He sounds like a prick.”

  She giggled into the phone. “Yeah, sometimes he can be.”

  “Hmm, is that so? Well, tell me, does he know how you feel about him?” I held my breath as I waited for her to answer.

  “I don’t know, but I’m hoping he figures it out really soon.”

  The deafening silence on the phone made my heart ache. I hated that I couldn’t have her in my arms, that I couldn’t feel her against me.

  “I miss you, Eric.” The intensity in her voice shook me to the core. I looked at the green exit sign up ahead. Four hours and I could be back with her. Putting on my signal, I turned onto the exit ramp and merged onto the interstate. My parents would be furious, but they’d get over it. I had a girl to get back to.

  “I’ll be there soon, baby. Don’t worry.”

  Chapter Nine


  I read over the highlighted paragraph in my Abnormal Psychology textbook for the fourth time, but the words wouldn’t stick. I couldn’t get Eric’s voice out of my head. He’d sounded like his same charming self over the phone, but something felt off. I hung up the phone after our call and cried into my pillow, hating our physical distance as much as I was growing to hate the way other people were coming between us all the time.

  Still, he’d all but mandated that I experiment and push my boundaries while at school. Without a doubt, I was enjoying my various encounters and discovering things about my sexuality that I never thought I would. Last night with Paul was earth-shattering in its own right, even if I was worried my friend cared about the emotional piece of our union more than he let on.

  But no matter what I did, no matter who I let into my body, I couldn’t shake the way I felt about Eric. I loved him—truly, completely. I’d wanted him so badly and for so long that I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to get him out of my heart. Worse, I knew deep down he wanted to be there. But how could we have a future this way?

  A knock at the door pulled me from my troubled thoughts. I rose from my desk and opened the door to find Paul balancing a pizza box on his palm.

  He lifted it up with a smirk. “Hungry?”

  “Of course.”

  I smiled warmly, because Paul had that effect on me. I didn’t deny relishing our time together, the same way I didn’t regret the easy friendship that had formed between us these first few months of school. I moved aside and let him inside my dorm room. He set the box at the edge of the desk and peered over my textbook.

  “Homework? On holiday break?” He lifted an eyebrow, gracing me with another amused look. His eyes were kind behind his glasses.

  My heart twisted with affection. I tried to ignore the way I craved his touch, too, in that moment. Instead, I nudged him away playfully and dropped down into my chair. “You’re one to talk, book nerd.”

  He sat on the bed, and we each took a piece of pizza. We chewed in silence, but the air was thick with tension. Mostly sexual tension, I figured, based on the way his gaze traveled over my bare legs to where my university shorts hit the tops of my thighs.

  I’d been moping around in my room all day and hadn’t bothered changing into real clothes. I’d been too busy replaying our night together over and over in my head. Paul and I had shared something special, but I couldn’t ignore the uneasiness I now felt.

  “Are you okay?”

  I widened my eyes and looked up. His gaze was thoughtful, like he was worried for me.

  I nodded with a swallow. “I’m fine. Just, you know, getting my head back in the game for Monday when classes start back up. Finals are right around the corner, and I’m hoping to stay ahead of the stress.”

  He stared down at his feet. “That’s not really what I mean.”

  A few seconds passed before I spoke again. “You mean last night?”

  Our eyes locked, and he nodded.

  “I’m fine, Paul, really. I had fun. I hope you did too.”

  He bit his lip and averted his eyes again. Instinctively, I wanted to know what my friend was thinking, but another part of me was scared to ask.

  “Who is he? Who is this guy who has your heart?”

  My breath rushed out. “Paul…”

  “No, I want to know who puts that look on your face. I see it tonight, and I’ve seen it before. I can make you happier than he does, I know it.”

  “You don’t understand. It’s complicated.”

  He frowned and his jaw tightened. “I’d never share you, Clare. I’d cherish you. Every minute you gave to me, every touch. I’d never take it for granted.”

  My head fell into my hands, and I fought back tears. He couldn’t know what this kind of agony was like…

  He took my hand and pulled me to him. I thought about resisting, but I wanted the comfort of his arms as they folded around me. We sat that way for a long time, his strong arms cradling me tightly, my body nestled against him, and my thighs straddling his. No matter what happened between us, I cared for Paul and I cherished his friendship. Maybe sleeping together had been a mistake, but his affection was a gift I wasn’t going to squander.

  “Thank you for everything you’ve given me, Paul,” I whispered, trying like hell to keep my emotions in check.

  He pulled back so he could look into my eyes. His deep green gaze seemed to reach into my soul. “You’re thanking me?”

  “I’m sorry, Paul. You promised me…” A tear fell down my cheek. “You promised nothing would change.”

  He caught my cheek and silenced me with a timid kiss. I kissed him back, tightening my grasp around him as our tongues met and dueled passionately. He pulled away breathless, touching me with restless hands.

  “Clare, I promised you that nothing would change. I loved you before, and I could only love you more after what we did. I’ll accept whatever you give me, but goddamn, you can’t stop me from trying to give you everything you deserve. You deserve the world. Love. Devotion.”

  “Paul…” I wanted to beg his forgiveness. I couldn’t give him what he wanted. Heaven help me, I wished I could…

  Could I?

  He hushed me with another deep kiss, and we moved to my bed. There was nothing tentative about the way he touched me. His kisses were hungry and consuming, like he was trying to communicate every intense emotion with the flicks of his tongue and the way he yanked at my clothing. My own emotions rioted. My love for Eric. My affection for Paul. The primal needs of my body. Everything mixed, creating a tornado of feeling and a fierce need to release all of it.

  Paul tugged off his shirt, and then pulled down my shorts and panties. He buried his face between my thighs. I cried out and threaded my fingers through his dark, silky locks. He licked and sucked, and I guided his motions, rotating my hips against his full lips and eager tongue.

  “Put your fingers inside me,” I whimpered. “Fuck me deep, Paul. Please…I need to feel you.”

  He slipped two fingers into me, fucking and twisting, bringing me to the brink while his mouth never stopped. He cursed, murmured my name, promised me everything I wanted against my pulsing, wet flesh. I didn’t have to reach for it. The orgasm ripped through me. I screamed and tightened my grip on Paul as I flew into the intense feeling.

  In that moment, everything was right, in sync. The bliss was temporary, though. A loud crash jolted me. Paul’s fingers slipped from me as he straightened.

  And Eric’s frame hovered at the edge of the room.

  * * *

  “What are you doing here?” Clare scrambled to a sitting position, dragging a blanket to cover the lower half of her body.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” I snapped at her, accusation thick in my tone.

  I knew I had no right to say the words, but I couldn’t help the way they flew from my lips.

  Paul had been posted up between her beautiful thighs, his lips glossy with her arousal. A low growl tore from my chest, and I tightened my fists.

  “You. Get out.” I pointed toward the door.

  Paul drew his dark brows together. Slowly, he grabbed his T-shirt off the floor and pulled it on. He rose and faced me squarely, almost threateningly.

  “You don’t deserve her.” His tone was quiet, barely a whisper, but unmistakably serious.

  I couldn’t conjure up a reply before he slipped past me and through Clare’s busted door. Maybe because deep down I believed him. How could I possibly deserve Clare…after everything I’d done? A flash of fucking Coach P.’s wife penetrated my thoughts, and a wave of nausea hit me.

  Yet, as I’d heard Clare’s scream of ecstasy on the other side of that door, I couldn’t help myself. Nothing could have kept me from her. Nothing, and no one.

  Paul. I fucking knew it. I knew he wanted her. The way he looked at her spoke of an underlying affection that made my skin crawl with jealousy.

  I had no right to feel it. But Jesus Christ, I’d talked to her hours earlier. How could she do this when she knew I was on my way to her?

  Clare shifted over the bed and pulled on her shorts. When she came to me, tears glimmered in her eyes.

  “Why are you here?”

  “I hung up with you and was on my way here. And this is what I walk in on?”

  “What you walk in on?” Her voice was loud and shaky with emotion. “You broke my fucking door!”

  “Did you fuck him?” I had to know. I just had to know.

  Her jaw was tight and she took another step toward me. She was without makeup, but her cheeks were flushed. She was gorgeous, and I had to restrain myself from pulling her to me and fucking her senseless. I didn’t care where Paul had been or what they’d done. Goddamnit, she was mine.

  “Yes,” she said calmly. “I slept with him. He cares about me, and I care about him. We’re friends.”

  I shook my head, filled with fresh rage.

  “You did this,” she whispered, tears brimming her eyes. “You pushed me away. You wanted it this way. And so this is who I am, because I can’t have you the way I want to.”

  I closed my eyes. “Clare…baby.”

  “Get out.”

  My eyes flew open. “What?”

  “Just get out.”

  I closed the small space between us. Determination burned like fire in my veins. “No.”

  She tried to hold her ground, but took an unsteady step back. “Eric.”

  I caught her wrist and pulled her toward me. “You can get pissed. You can hate me, resent me. You can fuck your friends and drive me out of my goddamn mind. But you’ve always been mine and you always will be.”

  “How can you say that?” She shook her head, avoiding my penetrating gaze.

  “Because I love you. And I’ve never loved anyone. I loved you enough to let you go, to let you feel things and have experiences that rip my heart out.”

  “I think you should go.” Her voice lacked the punch it had earlier.

  I looped my arm around her waist and hauled her against me. “Maybe Paul’s right. I may not deserve you, but that doesn’t change the fact that I can’t breathe without you.”

  Crashing my lips against hers, I released something between a sigh and a moan because she was in my arms again. Four hours on the road and I’d entertained every fantasy of claiming her body, fucking her until she screamed my name into the air. I could have never expected this would go down. But as angry as she was, she melted against me now. Her hands twined around my neck as I kissed her deeper.

  “Say you’re mine, Clare.”

  I nibbled along her jaw, sucking her neck until she gasped.

  “I’m yours, Eric. I’ve always been yours.”

  “Good. Now I’m going to show you.”

  I turned her abruptly, kicked her chair away, and bent her over the desk. Her hands scrambled over the books and notes that littered the surface. Yanking her shorts down, I revealed her perfect bare ass and glistening pussy. My jaw clenched, because I knew Paul had already made her come. I had to mark her…show her that she was truly mine over anyone else.

  “Did he fuck you bare?”

  “No!” The anger was back in her voice, along with a twinge of guilt.

  “Good. Because I’m about to.”

  Her fingers curled over the edge of the wood desk, her ass perched high in the air like she was waiting for me, saying yes to me.

  Thank God, because this was what I needed. Just her and me. Nothing between us. I pushed up her shirt and worked my zipper down to free my cock. I was beyond hard. I teased the tip up and down her slick pussy. A small whimper escaped her lips, which morphed into a guttural moan when I shoved into her with one fierce thrust. My eyes rolled back. Nothing on God’s green earth had ever felt better than the warm, wet haven of her pussy.

  “Yes!” she screamed as I fucked her hard and fast.

  No way could I go slow. Not now.

  Almost instantly, her pussy became a tight fist around me, like her body was demanding my come. “Going to come in you, baby.”

  “I want you to,” she mewled.

  I hooked my arm behind her elbows and arched her back to me so I could reach her neck and murmur in her ear as I took those last strokes inside her.

  “No one’s ever going to come in you but me, Clare. Understand?”


  “And when he puts his mouth on you, when he shoves his cock in you, he’ll know this pussy is mine.”

  I bit down on her shoulder and her whole body began to shake and spasm, forcing the orgasm to rush over me. A long groan left me as I pumped hard and deep into the beautiful woman who’d completely ravaged my heart.

  * * *

  My muscles went lax under the warm shower, but I still felt shaky from Eric’s violen
t fucking. He lathered my loofa and washed over my shoulders, down my back, and gently between my legs. Moments ago, as I was floating down from the intense high of my orgasm, Eric’s release dripping warm down my thighs, I had felt very much his. He owned my body and I never wanted that to change, even if I had to figure out how to live without exclusivity.

  He kissed my shoulder and held his body flush against me.

  “I love you,” he murmured.

  I melted a little bit more. I turned in his arms and slid my fingers through his damp hair. I remembered the first time he kissed me. His hair had been dark and damp from sweat, and somehow, after years of me silently adoring him, he finally saw me. Now, he was here, in my heart.

  “Why did you come back to me?”

  He winced but his lips stayed tight. A familiar flash of jealousy burned through me.

  “Did you see Mandy?”

  His frown deepened. “No. I told you, I’m done with her.”

  I relaxed, glad to know that catty bitch didn’t get her claws into my man. But tension lingered in Eric’s body as he held me.

  “What happened?”

  He shook his head with a sigh. “I was at Coach’s house watching a game, and his wife…she came onto me. I don’t know. It was fucked up.”

  My eyes widened. “She cheated on him?”

  “No, it wasn’t like that. It’s going to sound weird, but I think it was kind of like foreplay for them. He started going at her right afterward. I got the hell out of there and called you. Then I knew I couldn’t wait anymore to be with you. I should have never left you here by yourself.”

  I sighed, not liking the story he told me, but feeling grateful for his honesty. Apparently we’d each had our own misadventures. I just wasn’t sure how much longer we could keep this up.


  He lowered his head, brushing his lips sweetly across mine. My thoughts scattered when he hitched my thigh over his hip and slid his cock into me slowly.

  “What, baby?” His voice was a quiet rasp, reminding me that we were still having a conversation.

  “Eric…how can we keep doing this? I don’t want to hurt you anymore.”


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