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Maruvian Bride (Alien SciFi Romance) (Celestial Mates Book 5)

Page 2

by C. J. Scarlett

“Hello. I grew up on Earth. Of course, I believe in conspiracy theories. Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean everyone’s not out to get me.”

  “You’re a hoot, but you wear me out with that stuff. Snoop all around and let the verse know what you find. Just don’t get yourself hurt.”

  “When have I ever been shy about telling the world what I know?”

  Picking at her pants, Carolyn spoke tentatively, “I’ve heard all about your exploits around the ship. Tran told me you tell wild stories and have had the women in an uproar several times already.”

  Rolling over to look at her sister, she propped her chin on her palm. “They aren’t wild stories if they’re true.”

  “We both know the warriors aren’t adding chemicals to make us more docile to the air purification system.”

  “I never said they were. I said they could do something like that if they wanted to. They could also put androstenes in the air processors to trigger an increase in our sex drives. I just pointed out that we’re vulnerable on this ship. We’re flying in a huge tin can, controlled by aliens bent on breeding us. The only thing keeping us from freaking out is the promise that they’re a humane species whose ethics preclude them from taking advantage of us. I’m just saying, rather than jump on the first one that strikes our fancy, we should be wary and use some good common sense.”

  “I actually agree with you. However, you can’t keep panicking the other women. We need to figure out a better way to communicate that kind of information.”

  “I’d be down with whatever gets them thinking for themselves. We can’t let the aliens spoon-feed us information, without fact-checking it.”


  Chapter 2

  ~ Cassidy ~

  Cassidy’s Music Mix

  Entering the dining hall the next morning, Cassidy noticed Sarah and her daughter Lea sitting at the captain’s table with Yearl. Naturally, he was making a fuss and trying to feed them both. Krylonian males considered that behavior romantic, but Sarah wasn’t making it easy for him. Catching the older woman’s eye, Cassidy gave her a little two-finger salute. It made the woman smile, and her little one giggle.

  As always, Cassidy was careful to survey the room as inconspicuously as possible. Her eyes took in every detail, seeing different groups of males and females clustered around tables. Though dining was the pretense for being together, the vociferous warriors wasted no time attempting to capture the women’s romantic interest.

  At first, their preening and bragging about their military conquests had fascinated Cassidy. Since women outnumbered men on Earth, the unequaled power dynamic ensured women were the ones responsible for impressing men with their looks and achievements. It was fascinating to see the role reversal.

  At some point, their sycophant prattle became more annoying than interesting. It was also a diversion from the more important task of analyzing her new environment. Living on Earth had taught her, when a situation seems too good to be true, there’s usually something else going on.

  There were almost two thousand human women on the huge warship, all bound for one of the Krylon home worlds. Sylon was the planet they were expected to settle on after choosing a warrior. It was reputed to be ruled by three different alien princes, working in unison to create a better world. Cassidy didn’t give two hoots in hell about who the rulers were, and honestly didn’t expect she’d ever set eyes on them.

  She was far more interested in the everyday lives of the Krylon military. The males seemed to be a tight-knit bunch. They were a bit stoic and fiercely competitive with one another, but definitely doable as husbands. That is, if there was no behind the scenes shenanigans going on to ruin things.

  Several members of Earth military came in, and filled their trays. She had learned years ago to scurry on out of their way. It was common knowledge that they were trouble, wrapped in a crisp, flashy uniform.

  Snagging a seat with her sister on the corner of a small table, she knew that she had some explaining to do.

  “What the hell is Earth Gov military doing here? Sometimes I feel like that guy who fell asleep and woke up a hundred years later.”

  Grinning, Cassidy filled her in, “The Sylon home world made some kind of top secret deal with Earth Gov. You won’t believe this, but they are allowing humans to settle on one of their unpopulated continents. Their world is five times the size of Earth and the continent they picked for us is bigger than Eurasia.”

  “I figured they would segregate us.”

  “Not us. We can live wherever we want. They consider us citizens of their world and that makes us welcome on any continent. The Earth settlement is for Earth families, including men and children.”

  Cassidy watched her sister tear up slightly as she swallowed thickly. “We truly are saved.”

  Trying to keep things light, she teased, “Sure, if Earth Gov can manage to stick to the stipulations of their treaty. Every time they break a rule, it costs Earth Gov a hundred more females. This was supposed to be a voyage for fifteen hundred women, but we have almost two thousand aboard now.”

  Carolyn rolled her eyes. “I’m not surprised. Earth Gov is used to having things their own way. I hope they keep screwing up, so more of us can get a chance at a better life. How crazy is that?”

  “That thought had occurred to me as well. We all apparently must learn to get along eventually.”

  “I love the Krylonians. I may not have found my perfect mate, but as a people, I really do love them.”

  “Well, if you don’t find one you like, they will let you interview men from the other two species.”

  “Finheads are out. I don’t like the aquatics because of the scales. They say the clones all look alike. I don’t know about being married to a man that I couldn’t pick out of a lineup.”

  “I’m tracking with you one hundred percent on that one, sister.”

  As they ate, Cassidy felt the hairs stand up on the back of her neck. Someone was watching her, and it was a bit unnerving. Stealing a look around the room, she realized it was the scarred warrior from the night before. What had her handler called him? Commander Darcon or Daron… something like that.

  Jerking her chin at him in acknowledgement must have startled him; the huge warrior froze, dropping food off the tip of his metal, two-prong fork. One of the other males stalked over to him, yelling something she didn’t catch. The aliens had given them a shot of virus specifically designed to implant other languages, yet if they spoke fast or slurred their words, it was almost impossible to understand what they were saying.

  As she watched the odd interaction, she noticed something interesting. All the males at that table were unkempt. Looking around the room, she noticed all the other warriors were neat, well-groomed, and downright presentable. Though many had scars, they were nothing like the disheveled warriors. Every single man at the far-back table looked like carnage on a leash. Now, wasn’t that a fascinating mystery?

  “Oh, no you don’t. I know that look.”

  Carolyn’s voice was just background noise to Cassidy. Picking up her tray, she waggled her eyebrows at her sister, and made for the back of the room. Slamming her tray down at the table, she wiggled between two very stunned warriors.

  The one who had been screaming stammered, “Wha… what are you doing here? You may not sit near the clanless.”

  “The say what now?” Playing innocent, she stammered, “What are the clanless?”

  Looking like his head was about to explode, the belligerent man stated flatly, “Men without clans.”

  “I’m not sure what a clan is.”

  “If you’d care to join me, I’d be pleased to…”

  Making a shooing gesture with her hand, she demanded curtly, “Go away. I wish to talk to the clanless.”

  “Begging your pardon, you may not speak to them.”

  Placing her hand dramatically on her chest, she tried to look earnest. “I’m sure I misunderstood what you ju
st said to me. Males don’t tell females what they may and may not do.”

  “But miss…”

  “Cassidy, are you causing trouble?”

  Turning curious eyes on Sarah, Captain Yearl, and her sister, she responded, “Miss Sarah, how can you even think that I’d be causing mischief on your husband’s shiny new battleship?”

  “Spit it out, sis. What did you find?”

  “Do you know the Krylon lied to us?”

  “We never.” Captain Yearl’s indignant tone was just what she hoped to hear.

  “Well, I was told personally by you that we could have our choice of any Krylon male. Yet, when I came to investigate these males, your loudmouthed sidekick told me they were clanless and I couldn’t sit with them. Would you mind explaining that little contradiction?”

  Appearing extremely put out and aggravated, Yearl explained, “You may sit with whomever you please. Our society is broken into thousands of clans, scattered over dozens of planets. It’s the fabric that holds our society together. If someone is cast out of their clan or if their clan dissolves, they are adrift without land or a means to care for a female. I believe my chief engineer simply attempted to explain that they would make poor life mates.”

  Playing devil’s advocate, Cassidy asked provocatively, “So if I were to choose this one, there would be no objection?” Tapping the one closest to her on the shoulder, she gazed at the annoyed captain.

  Running his hand through his hair, the captain finally stated, “Your choice would be honored. Is this the one you want?”

  “Heck no. I’m just seeing what my options are.”

  “You’re a constant source of aggravation for me, Miss Cassidy. I’ll be happy when we reach the Sylon home world.”

  Sarah shrugged. “At least she’s not still insisting we’re using discount rodent meat from the open-air markets on Sorel for the stir fry.”

  “Yes, that did spark quite a bit of outrage among the females.”

  “How was I to know it was for those energy bars you guys love so much. I mean, we women don’t eat them, but technically, rodents are used in foodstuffs aboard this vessel. Even if your men don’t care what’s in their food, we women sure do.”

  Sighing, Yearl shot a wearied look at his new bride. “Come, my sweet. I require a neck rub.” The poor man sounded a little dispirited.

  As they walked off, Cassidy called after them, “I know you’re insinuating I’m a pain in the neck. You’re not fooling anyone, captain.”

  Carolyn wormed her way between two warriors. “Leave the poor man alone. I can’t believe you accused them of using rat meat. What in the hell is wrong with you?”

  Dropping back into her seat, Cassidy propped her chin onto one upraised hand. Leaning over to look her sister in the eye, she stated menacingly, “I can’t help it. I have an inquiring mind.”

  “And look what operation discovery has gotten you. A seat at the table with a bunch of guys who…”

  “Don’t say it. I want to know all about how they got to be clanless.”

  Just then a buzzer sounded and the entire table of men got up and left the room.

  Cassidy complained as she shoved food into her mouth, “Just my luck. I’m so close to solving the riddle of the clanless, and duty calls for the lot of them.”

  Glancing at her over her glass, a strange look came over Carolyn’s face.


  “Don’t you get it, Cassidy? They are the scruffs of this world.”

  Shock tore through her. “What in the hell makes you think that?”

  “Just look at them. Their hygiene sucks and their clothing smells like sweat. Remind you of anybody?”

  “They have tons of resources here. Why would they limit anything for them?”

  “I don’t know, but we owe it to them to figure this whole thing out.”

  Cassidy stared at her normally fun-loving sister. “You’re starting to sound like me. If that doesn’t scare the hell out of you, I don’t know what will.”

  “Actually, I kind of admire your voracious appetite for mystery and intrigue. Let’s see if we can wheedle some information out of the ship’s computer.”

  Grinning, they both pulled out their electronic tablets.

  Chapter 3

  ~ Daron ~

  Cassidy’s Music Mix

  Climbing up to the twelfth level, Daron moved horizontally across three platforms before finally climbing into his secluded area. In this spacious new battleship, he was afforded ten cubic feet all to himself. As the commander of the clanless, he was expected to manage a punishing workload for all four hundred of them, receiving few perks in return. Space was the one luxury he allowed himself.

  All things considered, Daron considered himself one of the lucky few. Military service was the last true path to clanship for Krylon males rendered clanless. Naturally, even the military wouldn’t accept warriors who had been de-clanned for breaking the law. But those who were let go, secondary to internal clan politics or were made clanless by the dissolution of a clan, were at least eligible for service, though they earned a small percentage of what properly clanned warriors in their classification did. His com buzzed, and he reached for it before he even made it to his bunk.

  “Commander Daron, you have a visitor.”

  “I don’t get visitors to the subsection.”

  “You do now, and she’s very pretty. I’d get here before the others become overly curious.”

  “I’m on my way. Don’t leave her side.”

  Shoving his top knot back into place, he climbed down as quickly as possible. Why would a female be in the lower levels? If it was the captain’s wife, Yearl would lose his mind. Barreling through the doorway of the common room, he stopped short at the sight before him.

  “Females aren’t permitted on the lower decks with the clanless.”

  Standing her ground, she responded politely, “Are you aware that my sister and I were considered clanless on our world?”

  “Females cannot be clanless, for you are few and precious.”

  “Not on my home world. Women outnumber men four to one at this point.”

  “As fascinating as that is, I must ask you to return to the decks sanctioned for your use.”

  “I was wondering if you might join me for dinner?”

  “I had an energy bar earlier.”

  “That can’t be enough for a big, strapping guy like you.”

  “It will have to suffice. Come, I’ll escort you to your quarters.”

  “Fine, but I have to warn you about something. I’ll do everything I can to lure you to stay for a little visit.”

  Smothering a smile, he approached her. “In that case, it will be my obligation to do everything I can to resist.”

  “You’re good at this game. Are you sure you haven’t played with human females before?”

  It was an absurd question, Daron found himself laughing aloud. “I can assure you, I haven’t. Come, human.”

  “Cassidy, not human.”

  “Miss Cassidy, my name is Daron.”

  “I know. Remember, I nearly ran you down.”

  Edging her out the door, he snorted a laugh. “As if a slight thing like you could run a Krylon warrior down.”

  “I heard the clanless are easy to run down.”

  “Ah, this must be a human attempt at comedy. I find humor is a hit or miss with your kind. In case you’re wondering, that last comment was a miss.”

  “Hey, I’m a female. Aren’t you supposed to be falling all over yourself to win my affection?”

  “Sorry, Miss Cassidy, I only engage in battles I have some hope of winning.”

  “Ouch, you make me feel like I’m not worth the effort. Is it because I was low status on my world?”

  “Nothing could be further from the truth. Because of my clanless status, I’m not permitted to pursue a female.”

  “Does that mean I’m the one who must pursue?”

  “No woman in her right mind would pursue a warrior with so little to offer. You’re beautiful. I expect you’ll have many well-clanned males vying for your attention. As for myself, I have no intention of growing a liking for a female I have no hope of ever possessing.”

  By that time, they stood outside her quarters. “Will you escort me inside and check to make sure it’s safe?”

  Even though he knew she was manipulating him, he acquiesced, “Certainly, Miss Cassidy. It will be my honor to put your fears to rest.”

  Stepping into the spacious room, he noticed the space wasn’t only huge but well appointed. In the middle of the room was a table with two plates and some vegetation. Suddenly, the lights dimmed. Jerking his head up, he saw her gesture towards the table. There were several small balls lighting the table area.

  “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to eat something with you. Do you mind if I ask about the lighting?”

  Sliding into her chair, she murmured, “It’s the customary lighting for courting rituals on my world.”

  “Just to be clear, we’re not courting.”

  “Whatever you say. So how was work today, sweetie?”

  “Dirty and dangerous, as always.”

  “Please explain.”

  Taking a deep breath, he tried to get a handle on his negativity. “The clanless are hired for the most difficult, tedious, dirty, and sometimes dangerous tasks. Tasks the military is reluctant to risk clanned warriors over. We work for a tenth of normal wages for each classification, and are seen as readily expendable.”

  “That’s pretty horrible. Do you mind if I ask how you became clanless?”

  Appreciating her bluntness, he answered without hesitation, “My clan mother wished it, so it was done.”

  “Why would she wish something like that on a man?”

  “My mother passed when I was a small child, and by some miracle, my father was able to secure a second mate. She bore him several sons and upon his passing, I was promptly de-clanned to make way for her eldest son to inherit my father’s estate.”

  “I’ll bet you didn’t see that coming.”

  “It isn’t unheard of among my people, but I didn’t foresee it happening to me.”


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