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His Wings (The Ethereal Book 2)

Page 12

by Aya DeAniege

  “I know. The only thing that ever stopped him for a little bit was your violent streak, which I pray we never witness again.”

  We were both quiet for a time. I didn’t want to talk about it, even think about it.

  Just, one time, Michael had pushed me too far, and I had let loose on him and the surrounding area. Michael hadn’t said anything to me or picked on me for almost a century.

  “Yeah,” I said. “That was weird even for me.”

  “Mm,” Sam said as he sat on the edge of the bed. “Last night, Michael wasn’t spying for the sake of spying. He also wasn’t trying to figure out what you were doing with his date. He knew that before he went in. It wasn’t even about embarrassing you. None of that at all. There’s something about Sera that has caught Michael’s attention, and he came looking for an answer last night when I was so close to talking Grace out of her clothing.”

  “You hoped to get rid of him by sending him in my direction,” I said.

  I could understand that. We had all done that with Michael at some point in the past. He didn’t understand our need to be alone with our chosen companion. Even if it was a man for a riveting discourse. Sending Michael to the astral plane to check on something was our go-to escape route.

  Though, given the wedding and so many guests, there were lots of places that Sam could have sent Michael anyplace in the estate and probably numerous locations across the city itself.

  “Yes, desperately so. I asked if he had looked at Sera on the astral plane. He decided to do it while he knew where she was, rather than risk waiting. Except Grace was already up, so that was kind of pointless.”

  “If it wasn’t about making a point, why’d he make such a fuss?” I asked.

  “Sera has a set of wings.”

  Those words did not explain why Michael had done what he did. They explained why he was so worked up, but not why he had kissed me or compared me to a human. Just because she had wings, didn’t mean that Michael could act out the way he did.

  Wings weren’t new information.

  “Uh huh, tattooed on her back.”

  “Fused to her soul.”

  I did a double take at that.

  After the words sunk in, I was still furious. Even that information didn’t give Michael just cause to act the way he had. Wings linked to Sera’s soul was reason for panic, absolutely, but Michael should have told me about that, not do what he did in front of so many witnesses.

  And then it really sunk in and I tried to figure out how that could even work.

  “W-b-bat?” I asked, trying to say but and what at the same time. “How did he see her soul? Michael isn’t capable of that kind of vision. Toby could. Did Toby tell Michael about that?”

  Human souls couldn’t be seen on that plane. We could see a lot of different things, we could definitely see humans and creatures hanging around them, but we couldn’t look at their souls. That was outside of our vision. Some Heavenly Hosts could see the soul, such as guardian angels, but that had something to do with the colour of the soul and where it might be heading.

  Complicated things which were outside of my duties.

  “Good point, it is weird that Michael saw her soul. That probably means something else is going on.”

  I gave my head a shake. There was still no way that Michael should have been able to see Sera’s soul. The most he should have been able to see were the wings attached to her.

  Then the significant bit trickled back into my mind.

  She has wings.

  “Those are real wings,” I said. “But… but that’s not…”

  “Not possible, technically speaking,” Sam said. “Somehow, someone got their hands on a set of wings that haven’t been tended in a while. Do you know any angels who would part with a pair of wings?”

  I liked how he could be so calm about it. Like he was talking about a curiosity, instead of an action that should have resulted in an explosion. A literal one, that would rip through both the astral and physical planes of existence as Heaven tried to reclaim the wings and Hell reached upward for the soul of the human, to drag them into the depths.

  There were safeguards to prevent a human from gaining a set of wings by accident. Those safeguards didn’t just vanish because a bit of magic, even if it was dark magic, was applied to the human and wings to stitch them together like some freak of nature.

  “Parting with a pair of wings would severely diminish an angel’s power and keep us from being able to return to Heaven because the guardians wouldn’t recognize us as us. They would think a mortal had claimed part of our wings to try to gain access.”

  “Do you know how they came to be attached to her?” Sam asked.

  There was only one explanation. I didn’t know how it was possible, just that it happened.

  In reality, there might be two explanations, but somehow I doubted Father decided to attach wings to a human soul without the Heavenly Host screaming out about it and telling me, one way or another.

  Which left one explanation, and Sera had told me all about it because I had been curious about the details. I had thought I’d have to go in to clean them out and keep them from using Enochian in their spells or something.

  “Tattoo parlour downtown below a Wiccan shop with the entwined vortex symbol in the window,” I said.

  “That’s oddly specific,” Sam said.

  “I asked her last night.”

  “Right, Michael said the ink was winding the wings into her soul, binding it to her. The act of having sex with you brought the wings deeper into her soul. I don’t know if you knew she orgasmed, but good work.”

  I had known, that was how I had been able to end our interaction. Thankfully Sera wasn’t used to men lying about orgasm, so she didn’t even try to look for proof. I was also adept at faking it for women. All I had to do was screw up my face and sound like I got stabbed in the ribs, it worked out great.

  “She knows what she likes, and just tells you what she wants and how to do it,” I said. “She practically did all the work.”

  “I didn’t tell Michael that the wings went deeper when she had sex.”

  That told me that Sam had a conversation with Toby before the Heavenly Host had left the estate. Toby must have seen something that he hadn’t told me about. Not that I had given him the time to talk to me about what he saw.

  I had been so intent on getting Sera home and then getting back to hit Michael that I hadn’t taken the time to get an outside perspective on what had happened.

  “You think the more sex she has, the deeper the wings go until they’re just a part of her?” I asked. “Angel wings surely can’t mesh cleanly with a mortal soul. It doesn’t work like that.”

  “Unless she’s grace incarnate,” Sam whispered.

  I swore and looked away. Her being like that meant that Michael would fight harder for her, assuming that he would be next on the list because he was second oldest. He was just that egotistical that he would make that assumption. And him having found her wouldn’t help matters at all.

  I want her.

  “How do we figure out whose grace she is?” I asked.

  “Michael’s not missing a pair of wings. We know that. Are you missing a pair of wings?”

  I didn’t understand why he was suddenly on the wings. I had just asked about grace, not the wings. We needed to know whose grace it was first, to keep Michael and I from fighting over her. The wings would come out in time. All I had to do was get a close look at them, then ask Heaven who was missing some wings.

  “Why would you even ask that?”

  “Well, we’ve never seen anything like this,” he said. “I have to guess that you know more about our anatomy. You could tell me if I’m wrong, but would the wings not need the grace of the angel that the wings belong to, to not explode and rip a hole in the plane of physical existence? Creating a type of black hole that drags everything down into it and would be the best cause for Gabe to be sitting in the living room right now, strumming a guitar
and humming?”

  I winced.

  We didn’t like Gabe playing with music. Whenever he picked up an instrument, we all felt that strum up our spines. The calling to war.

  Gabe meant nothing by it. He just liked instruments. While in Heaven he had created numerous instruments just because he loved the way they sounded. On Earth, however, every time he strummed or plucked or poked an instrument, we felt it, and we all got just a little more anxious.

  “Yeah, Grace thinks it’s adorable, she’s encouraging him,” Sam said.

  “As long as it’s not his trumpet, we’ll be fine,” I said. “Gabe takes to musical instruments when he gets stressed.”

  “You’re right, you and Michael fighting is a good reason for him to be stressed,” Sam said. “What about the wings? Is it possible?”

  “Very possible,” I said. “See, wings will reattach to the owner of the wings like that,” I snapped my fingers, “the grace of an angel will automatically draw the wings back. Like yours did when you took Baal back into yourself. Therefore, the grace does not belong to the angel whose wings were stolen.”

  Magic ink and a soul that wasn’t a soul, but was angel grace instead would explain how Sera wasn’t exploding.

  “Right, and the ink is magic, that’s what’s connecting them,” Sam said. “Need to investigate the tattoo parlour.”

  “Exactly. Orgasm, as it expels a demon would draw in the light. The more often she has sex, the deeper the wings will go into her soul or her grace. We don’t know what kind of creature that would create. We have to figure out how it was done and separate the two before the grace gains wings. That would be weird.”

  “Reach out to Heaven, would you?”

  “I definitely will,” I said. “I’ll also head to the parlour and check it out.”

  There was a minute or so of silence. Sam seemed to consider whether he wanted to tell me, then came right out and said it.

  “Michael is having her over for a picnic. Gabe thinks he’s talked him into having sex with her.”

  It was meant to be a warning. I was to behave and not start anything over the fact that Michael was having Sera over to the estate, but she had already been clear with me, and I would give her that. Sera was a woman in the modern age. I couldn’t just buy her love by sending a letter with a drop of my scent on it to win her over.

  She would come to her own decision, and I doubted what Michael called sex would keep her interested for long.

  “But that’d be bad,” I said. “Her orgasming, I mean.”

  “They’re barely attached,” Sam said. “Just at the tip.”

  I chuckled. He smiled in response and rubbed at his chin with the back of his hand. Then he shook his head.

  “It might help things, and he’s obsessing over her,” Sam said. “Weirdly obsessive. Maybe that’s how it looked when I started focusing on Grace.”

  “And so you think that Sera is Michael’s grace,” I said. “Which is impossible because dark witches are still controlling his grace. There’s no way that they’d just let that wander into the body of a woman to be reborn and not… oh.”

  “And not find the woman and tattoo a pair of angel wings into her soul so that it’s easy to find us so that they can try to steal our graces, not realizing that we don’t have our graces. And maybe they’re doing it because maybe they’re running low after all these years? Let’s face it. If it was a limitless magic, they would have taken over the world already, instead of parcelling out the magic.”

  “Right,” I said. “That means Grace is in danger, you know that, don’t you?”

  “I do,” Sam said. “Need to get Grace to a doctor first, then I’ll see about pushing the tickets. Mary might not be happy about flying down by herself, but she’s a grown woman.”

  We had a rule that Mary went on any vacation we took.

  Even a honeymoon.

  She would fly down with Sam and Grace and join them a few days, maybe, but she wouldn’t interfere otherwise. Mary would get a nice vacation, with someone nearby in case something went wrong, and Sam would have Mary there in case he got nostalgic.

  Grace had agreed, but she and Mary were friends, sort of. She more of acted like Mary was her mother-in-law except they got along.

  “Right, while I go save Michael’s grace,” I said.

  “No, don’t do that,” Sam said. “Dark witches are still his issue to handle and figure out. All I want you to do is check out the tattoo parlour, see if you can figure out what is going on. The witches know we’re here, but they don’t know who any of us are beside Gabe. No one is trying something with Gabe, considering he can just whip out the trumpet and the Heavenly Host will just come down from Heaven and smite whoever tries something. Grace or no grace, he’s dangerous.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “Not more dangerous than you, though.”

  I made a sound at the back of my throat.

  “That was a reminder, Raphael. None of that thing you do.”

  “I know,” I said.

  “Good,” he said, standing. “I’m going to go set up an appointment for my wife now. You just take your time getting ready.”

  “Why am I taking my time?” I asked.

  “Gives Michael time to man up before we have to do something like separate them and perform an old-fashioned exorcism or something. How do you separate an angel who is possessing a human?”

  I considered, but nothing came to me. It wasn’t like it had come up before. Thinking about it, really thinking about it, the only solution I could come up with was the same one we used for fallen angels who had taken on human form.

  “Burn them with fire,” I said.

  “No, really.”

  “I’m not joking,” I said. “You have to burn them with fire until nothing is left but ashes. Just to be safe, you then separate the ashes into six piles and take them to the edges of the earth and dump them into volcanoes. Not water, water connects back to itself too quickly.”

  “That might scare him off ever having sex again.”

  “I know that,” I said. “I would also prefer not to do that to Sera. I like her.”

  Sam arched an eyebrow at me.

  “Not because she’s Michael’s grace incarnate,” I said. “I like her because she’s a good person. She’s fun to be around, and I quite like her kinks.”

  “Tell yourself what you’d like,” Sam said. “There’ll be a person just like Grace and Sera, but for you instead. Maybe a man, you’d like that. Maybe that’s even why you want to change to a woman because you know your grace has been reborn in the form of a man.”

  “Thanks for trying, I guess,” I said.

  “Trying is half the issue,” Sam said. “Oh, I’ve decided that if you choose to become a woman, so will Michael. Not permanently, I haven’t settled on how long he has to be a woman. But, if we’re working under the assumption that Sera is his grace, how do you think she’d take to being with a woman for a little bit, rather than a man?”

  “I think she’d slap on a strap on and have some fun,” I said.

  “I think she might invite you to do the same,” Sam said with a little smile. “I like that you have never allowed the look of your flesh to dictate who or what you are. Except as a mildly Irish, well-educated man to turn the humans on and make your job easier. You’re still the same as you were when we were in Heaven, and you haven’t allowed the humans to destroy your innocence.”

  “Thank you?”

  I had to pose the words as a question because I wasn’t sure it was a compliment.

  Sam made a sound and took his leave.

  I sat on the bed for a little while longer, doing nothing in particular. When I finally got out, I went straight to the shower. I washed the scent of the bathtub off of me. I readied myself to go out, dressing in a worn out t-shirt, ripped jeans, and a scarf despite the weather.

  I looked like a particular type. Like the type that would sit in a coffee bar and talk about how capitalism was ruining the
world while my father paid my rent and for the most up to date technology and toys. Which was the exact look I was going for. I wanted to be able to act like a dumbass and to have them act like I was one.

  The stupider I acted, the less likely they were to notice that I was an angel.

  It’d be fun.

  Once dressed, I went down to the kitchen and found Grace sitting at the little table with her head in her hands. She looked absolutely miserable.

  “Eating is a necessity,” I said. “You will not feel better until you eat.”

  “How do you know?” she asked.

  “What you’re experiencing is technically a sudden drop in blood sugar level because your body is redirecting its reserves to other places. Until you eat, you will feel sick, and I know it feels like the end of the world, but you’ll be fine.”

  “I didn’t drink that much,” she groaned.

  “I talked with Sam, he’s going to set up a doctor’s appointment,” I said as I grabbed an apple. “Make sure nothing is really wrong.”

  “Why is he taking me to the doctor?” Grace asked.

  “Last night I yelled at you to get out of the tub?” I asked.

  “Yes, yes you did.”

  “That’s why. It’s a weird thing for me to do,” I said. “There are a couple of reasons I threw you out, including a heart condition or two whose symptoms might present as nausea even though it’s really pain.”

  “Oh shit, that would suck,” she said.

  “Relax, if it’s life-threatening, given your age, I’ll just fix you up,” I said with a little nod. “Can’t make you immortal, that wasn’t our doing with Mary.”

  “Yeah, she told me the story,” Grace said as she wrapped her hands around her coffee mug.

  “You should cut back on that too,” I said, motioning to the mug with the apple. “Preferably none at all, but you should probably just ease it off until you almost want to stab me in the face for drinking coffee myself.”

  Grace frowned at the mug. Her eyes moved off to the side, her head doing little motions and lips moving as if she were saying something, though she wasn’t speaking out loud.

  “Raphael, how would you feel if I ate raw fish?”

  “Pass it by me first, want to make sure the mercury isn’t high enough to hurt you,” I said, biting into the apple.


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