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A Mermaid Under The Mistletoe

Page 11

by Jessica L. Elliott

  Leilani gave a powerful thrust of her tail, propelling herself forward in the water. She closed her eyes to the white and blue tile, imagining the coral reefs of her native waters. She reached the wall of the pool and took hold. The sharp scent of chlorine assailed her breath. Voices echoed in the large room. Children’s laughter floated around her. She smiled.

  “Mommy, look at the beautiful mermaid!”

  “I want to be just like her when I grow up.”

  “Do you think that tail is real?”

  She smiled as she continued to swim around, occasionally pausing near groups of children to chat. The Christmas Eve celebration brought much-needed cheer to the surrounding neighborhoods. Leilani signed little scraps of paper and pointed to where Jinx sat with little sand art mermaid and shark stickers for each of the children. With no performances or practices, Leilani had thrown herself into the project so that each child could take a small piece of art home. Jinx and Butch offered what help they could, and together they’d made nearly four hundred stickers. She only hoped they had enough as she watched families of children wander past.

  At the end of the celebration, Leilani got out of the pool and shed the red and green holiday tail. Butch handed her a towel. “Thanks,” she said.

  “No problem.”

  Once dry, Leilani walked over to the table Jinx sat at. “How’d we do?”

  Jinx grinned. “The good news is, we didn’t run out. There are still about fifty stickers left, give or take. The bad news is, I’m probably not going to give you all of them. Just sayin’.”

  Laughing, Leilani nodded. “I figure you’ve earned a few. The rest I’ll put into sets to sell in my online store. I’m sure someone will snap them up.”

  “What can I help with?” Butch asked.

  “Well, if you and Jinx can get the table back where it goes and have all of these put away, I’m going to go get changed. I don’t fancy going out in the snow wearing just a bikini a second time,” Leilani said with a grin. “Then I think we just check in with Officer Good and we can be on our way home.” After Butch and Jinx agreed, Leilani walked to the changing rooms where her bag sat in a locker. After putting in the combination, she opened the lock and swung the door open. She stared in shock. All the clothes in her bag, except her underwear, had been taken out. In their place she found a wrapped gift with a note on top.

  Something more fitting a mermaid princess. Butch

  Leilani shook her head with a wry grin. “You’re either very brave or exceptionally foolhardy, mister, trying to guess a woman’s size.” She unwrapped the package and gasped. A red sweater with a shimmering mermaid silhouette lay on top of a flared, black skirt. Underneath rested a pair of red pumps and a long jewelry box. A sparkling, gold chain with green and red crystals rested against black velvet. Tears threatened to build in the corners of her eyes. She looked at the tags and discovered to her amazement that each item fit. “How?” But the answer came almost as soon as she asked herself the question. “Jinx. That little spy.”

  Deciding she’d spent enough time ogling her gifts, Leilani got dressed and touched up her makeup in the mirror. She pulled her hair into a simple up-do to prevent any damage to her sweater from the pool water. Pleased with her reflection, she left the locker room. When she arrived in the lobby, Jinx and Butch were waiting for her. The smug grin on Jinx’s face gave away her role in what had happened. Leilani attempted to look stern. “I thought you were putting your lock-picking days behind you.”

  Jinx shrugged. “I owed him.”

  Unable to keep the charade, Leilani broke into a wide grin. “I’m glad you did.” She turned to Butch. “Thank you. It’s all lovely.”

  “You do like it? We can exchange any of it if you want. Or return it or...”

  Recognizing a spring of mistletoe hanging above Butch, Leilani interrupted him with a sound kiss. She ignored Jinx’s whistle, allowing herself this moment where she could revel in the affection from this would-be grizzly. When she finally pulled away, Leilani smiled. “I think it’s the most perfect gift you could have given me. Thank you.”

  “Well, Butch, looks like you finally found someone to keep you out of trouble,” Darla teased.

  “More like someone to get me into trouble,” Butch muttered, though he grinned.

  Darla laughed. “Maybe. In any case, thank you again, Leilani, for coming today. You made a lot of these kids’ day.”

  Leilani beamed. “I was happy to do it. Everyone deserves to have a happy Christmas.”

  “Well, most everyone,” Darla said. “I hope you enjoy the rest of your time here in Minnesota. I don’t suppose you’d consider staying after your lease is up?”

  Shaking her head, Leilani replied, “I miss my sunshine too much.”

  “Fair enough. Take care.”

  Leilani was surprised to see Aaron walk into the rec center. “Sorry I’m late, Jinx. My navigation system got confused at the light.”

  Jinx giggled. “It happens. You two have fun. And don’t worry, Leilani,” she added with a grin, “I plan on being home before midnight.”

  Butch put an arm around her as Jinx and Aaron left. “Looks like it’s just you and me.”

  Leilani turned to him with a smirk. “I’m not so gullible as to believe that’s a coincidence.”

  He shrugged. “Can’t blame a guy for trying. Come on, let’s get you some dinner. You’ve got to be starved after being in the pool that long.”

  She smiled. “I suppose I am a little hungry. What did you have in mind?”

  “Dinner at The Mermaid’s Tail and then movie at my place sound all right?”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  LATER THAT EVENING as she cuddled against Butch’s side, Leilani couldn’t stop her smile as they watched White Christmas together. Their meal had been wonderful, as had the conversation. The logical side of her told her they needed to have a serious discussion about where this relationship was headed, while Leilani’s heart told her logical side to get lost. She reveled in the quiet peace of Butch’s embrace. As the movie drew to a close, Butch cleared his throat. “By the way, I left this at your apartment the other day, but I think in all the commotion it must have been missed.”

  She turned as he handed her a small, wrapped present. Leilani smiled. “Any hints?”

  Butch scoffed. “It doesn’t take that long to take wrapping paper off a present.”

  “Well, if we’re doing a gift exchange, let me go to the apartment and get your present.”

  “I can wait for tomorrow.”

  “If I’m not supposed to wait, you aren’t either.” She kissed his cheek. “I’ll be right back.”

  Leilani walked to her apartment and picked up the package under the tree labeled with Butch’s name. She returned to his apartment and handed it to him. “You go first.”

  “Do I have to?”


  “Even though this was my idea?”

  Leilani smirked. “Just open it.”

  Butch sighed as he tore away the wrapping paper. His hands came to rest on the framed piece Leilani had spent the better part of three days putting together. “A teddy bear?” he asked.

  “It’s not just any teddy bear,” Leilani retorted. “His name is Grizzly, if you’ll notice. I thought you’d like this particular collage. Especially since you’re a lot like this bear. You’ve gone through so much pain and suffering, and yet you’re genuine, kind, and pretty cuddly.”

  Butch chuckled as he looked at the pieces of torn canvas. “It’s great, Leilani. Really. And now, it’s your turn.”

  Leilani picked her present up again. She pulled the paper from the box and glanced up at Butch. “More jewelry?”

  “Hey, this was supposed to get to you early anyway. My idea had been to give you one little present each day leading up to the full ensemble today. But with everything going on, things changed.”

  “You spoil me,” Leilani chided.

  Butch kissed her cheek. “You deserve to be spoiled.�

  She laughed as she lifted the lid on the box. A silver mermaid pendant hung between two miniature bottles of sand.

  “Something for my artistically inclined, professional mermaid.”

  Leilani looked up at him with a brilliant smile. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Perhaps you can use it to remember me when you go back to Hawaii.”

  “Or you could come with me,” Leilani said, looking away for fear he might say no. “I’m sure Hawaii has an insurance company you could work for.”

  “I have no plans of working at another insurance company,” Butch replied.

  Crushed, Leilani nodded. “I understand.”

  Butch stroked her cheek before tilting her head so she was looking at him. “I don’t think you do,” he said, his voice soft. “I said I don’t want to work in an insurance company, not that I don’t want to come with you to Hawaii.”

  Hardly daring to believe it, Leilani gave him a half-smile. “Really?”

  He kissed her gently. “Really. I’m sure you can help me find something in paradise to keep me busy. And if nothing else, being a beach bum probably isn’t the worst thing in the world.”

  Leilani laughed and threw her arms around him. “No, it certainly isn’t. Merry Christmas, Butch.”

  “Merry Christmas, Leilani,” Butch said, drawing her close as they leaned against the couch. “I love you.”

  She kissed him. “I love you too.”

  Leftover Dumplings

  Around the holidays, it always seems that I have tons of leftovers. And if you have kids, you know that sometimes they just don’t want to have the same old thing over and over (and over) again. Leftover Dumplings is a fun, simple way to dress up that leftover meat. You can also get creative with leftover vegetables. It’s great for a cold day, or any day you’ve got lots to do and only a little time to cook in.

  Leftover Dumplings

  1 package refrigerated crescent rolls

  1/4 head of cabbage, finely chopped

  1/2 lb cooked pork (or other meat), shredded or finely chopped

  Salt and pepper to taste

  Preheat over to 375 degrees.

  Mix pork, salt, pepper, and cabbage in a bowl. If desired, you can also add a little gravy or barbecue sauce (depending on what leftovers you’re using) to

  keep things moist.

  Roll out crescent rolls and divide into triangles. Put between 1 and 2 tablespoons of meat mixture in the middle of each triangle. Close dough around meat mixture.

  Bake for 12-15 minutes until rolls are golden brown.

  Dumplings can be served plain, or dunked in gravy or other sauce.

  Note: If you end up with leftover mix, it makes a great filling for sandwiches. Enjoy!

  Author's Note

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed reading this sweet romance as much as I enjoyed writing it. A Mermaid Under the Mistletoe started out as a “Little Mermaid” inspired Christmas romance for the Wish Upon a Christmas Star anthology in 2018. As I wrote, I came to realize that the characters didn’t quite line up with the Little Mermaid story in the way I’d planned. Jinx became more of the mermaid character, in the sense that she was often at the mercy of others and needed rescued. Leilani stepped into the hero role, guiding Jinx to her fresh start with a lot of sisterly love and advice, with Butch being the grumpy father figure and Clint, obviously, taking the role of the villain. I suppose Jinx would tell you that Aaron is the Prince Charming, but that story might have to be saved for later.

  Making Leilani a professional mermaid was the easiest way to pull in the “Little Mermaid” aspect, but it also provided a fun area to research. Professional mermaids can be found in specialty shows as described in my book, but also at aquariums, swimming pools, and other areas. And believe you me, looking at all those mermaid tails made this author desperately wish she was a stronger swimmer. They are gorgeous!

  If you’ve been reading my books for a while, I hope you recognized Leilani’s stage name. And if you didn’t catch that little Easter egg, check out my fantasy short story, Talori and the Shark, available for 99¢ on its own, or free in the Fantastic Creatures anthology by Fellowship of Fantasy.

  If you enjoyed reading, consider leaving a review on your favorite sites. And I’d love for you to keep in touch for more sweet romance and light-hearted fantasy.

  Wishing You Happily Ever After!

  Jessica L. Elliott


  Facebook Group:

  Other Books by Jessica L. Elliott

  Sweet Romances

  Welcome to Romance Series

  Katie’s Chance for Romance

  Operation: Romance

  Santa’s Visit in Romance

  Love From the Lamp Series

  Oh, Snap! (short story prequel)

  How to Marry a Genie

  How to Date a Genie

  Fairy Matched Series

  Of Snow and Mistletoe

  Of Stars and Evergreen

  Of Bows and Cinnamon

  Almost a Fairy Tale

  Holly and Mr. Ivy

  Scarlett and Blizzard

  Bless His Heart

  Wrapping Christmas

  A Mermaid Under the Mistletoe


  Charming Academy Series

  Charming Academy

  Finding Prince Charming

  Prince Charming's Search

  Becoming Prince Charming

  The Ultimate Prince Charming

  Prince Charming's Quest

  Through the Rainbow series

  Into the Rainbow

  A Summer of Rainbows

  Talori and the Shark (illustrated short story)

  Toil and Trouble

  Anthologies & Boxed Sets:

  “Talori and the Shark” in Fantastic Creatures

  “Leticia's Song” in Hall of Heroes




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