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Wedding Heat: One in the Hand

Page 2

by Giselle Renarde

  She tried to think back to the last time she’d actually seen her husband’s cock, the last time she’d looked at it in the clear light of day, but she couldn’t remember. They always had sex in the dark, when they had sex at all. She wouldn’t mind more. In fact, she’d really love more.

  Cora’s seatbelt pressed hard between her breasts as she arched toward Dan. Her lips grazed his ear and she whispered, “You like me playing with your huge, hard, throbbing cock, huh?”

  How could he deny it when his dick was giving him away?

  “I want you to come all over the steering wheel,” she told him. Still quiet, oh so quiet.

  His throat clicked, like pleasure was trapped in there, trying to escape.

  Cora turned up the radio just enough to cover the hot flapping sound of her hand on her husband’s dick, but not loud enough to wake the kids. She’d like to straddle him right now, just climb into his lap and ride his cock while he drove down this endless stretch of highway. There was a hardness beyond the softness of his skin, and that’s what she wanted to feel within her pussy. She wanted to hug it, tighten all her muscles at once and grasp him inside herself.

  “God, I want to fuck you.” Cora’s hand shuttled up and down his length, faster now, a steady throttle.

  “Language,” Dan teased, though his voice was so tight the word was hardly recognizable.

  “I’m gonna make you come so hard,” Cora whispered. “All over the place. All over your belly and the steering wheel and the crotch of your khakis. Everywhere.”

  “Oh shit,” Dan said, loudly now, suddenly alert. “Where are we getting off?”

  “Everywhere,” Cora said again, wondering why he was being so loud, why he was paying so much attention to the road.

  “Cora, grab the map. What exit was that?”

  For a good few seconds, Cora wasn’t sure what he was talking about. “Exit?” And then she clued in and reluctantly let go of his cock. “I think it’s 237 we’re looking for.” She kept glancing down at his erection, still straining from the V of his fly, crying out to be touched.

  “There, we’re coming up on it now.” In one swift motion, Dan reached down and tucked his dick back inside his underwear, then zipped up with one hand. Cora was wildly depressed to watch his cock go back into hiding. “Look at the map. Tell me where to go.”

  “Yeah, I’ll tell you where to go,” Cora muttered, flipping open the resort directions. “Straight ahead. There should be a sign on the left two kilometres in.”

  The kids began to stir. Cora could feel their rag doll motions like a premature bluster of autumn leaves.

  “Are we there yet?” Vanessa asked, her voice crackling and groggy.

  “Very nearly.” Cora pasted on a smile, then glanced at the time on the dashboard. “Would you look at that? Friday night cocktails are going to start without us.”

  “I guess we’ll have to get in there and catch up,” Joey said with a goofy laugh. “Glug, glug, glug.”

  “Pace yourself,” Dan warned. “I don’t want to be up half the night listening to you puking your guts out.”

  The stamp of rejection on Cora heart shifted aside when she got a glimpse of the resort little Maggie had chosen for her wedding. The place was rustic in the most luxurious sense of the word. A carpet of burnt-orange pine needles led them past a shimmering lake. The sun was just beginning to set, still a pink ball high in the sky and streaked with clouds like ambitious eye shadow.

  “Wow, look at those cabins.” Vanessa tapped on the window, pointing to the row of wood cottages lining the lake. “Why aren’t we staying in one of those?”

  “Because those,” Dan said, “cost $2,500 per night.”

  Joey gawped. “Holy Mother! That’s more than I make in three months.”

  “That’s because you need to find yourself a better job, full-time, none of this three days a week nonsense.” By the time Cora remembered how upset Joey always became when she went on about his employment situation, she’d already said too much.

  But the serenity of the resort grounds must have given Joey some perspective, because he just sighed and said, “I know.”

  Maybe now would be a good time to ask him if he might consider taking a few college courses?

  Nah, Cora wouldn’t push her luck.

  “Last stop, Windhamwood Resort!” Dan pulled into a parking spot reserved for staff.

  “Dan, you can’t park here.”

  The kids were already out and fetching their bags from the trunk. “It’ll only take a second to unload, then we’ll check in and I’ll move to the lot, wherever it may be.”

  He got out too, and Cora sat in the front seat a moment longer, brochures and maps strewn across her lap. She had a sudden and overwhelming urge to be alone, which was a damnable thing at the start of a weekend in a one-room hotel accommodation with her entire family.

  Dan tapped on the window. “You coming, Cor?” The muscles in his tanned arms surged as he held a piece of luggage. The sight of her husband looking so strapping made something inside of her twinge.

  “I’ll guard the car while you check in.”

  When Dan and the kids disappeared into the low-rise resort building, Cora rolled down the window and breathed in the scent of crushed pine needles and floral freshness. It was nice to get away. Without undoing her seatbelt, she turned until she could see the glittering lake. There was something too perfect about it. Must be manmade. Nature couldn’t be relied on to form perfect oblongs.

  Cora bent her head and cried all over the maps.

  She didn’t know why, or where the tears were coming from. Suddenly there they were in all their wet glory, streaming down her cheeks, making her nose run. Her face felt hot, very hot, and when she flipped down the visor to clean up a bit, her nose was red and there were messy pink splotches across her cheeks.

  “Great,” she muttered, pulling tissues from the box under the seat. “Just great.”

  Cora jumped in her seat when the driver’s side door opened. She felt as though she’d been caught doing something naughty.

  “We’re all checked in, and the kids are up in the room getting changed for cocktails.” Dan started the engine without so much as glancing in Cora’s direction. “Vanessa brought a very dapper outfit. I think you might even like it. Joe didn’t show me what he’d be wearing, but I’m sure his pants will be hanging halfway to his knees before the night is over.”

  “What’s the view like?” Cora asked, pretending to be okay. Her voice betrayed her. It cracked, and she felt like her throat was bleeding though she knew it wasn’t.

  Finally, Dan looked. Finally he saw that she’d been crying, and his eyes took on that wide puppy dog expression. He already had his seatbelt on, but he reached one arm across her shoulder and shook her a little bit. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she said, rather too cuttingly. “Nothing, never mind. I don’t know.”

  Dan was quiet. The engine purred.

  “When I asked where the parking was,” he said, “the girl at the desk gave me directions, and then she showed me where the overflow lot was just in case the first one was full.”

  Cora shifted toward the passenger side door while Dan pulled out of their temporary spot. Why was he telling her this when she obviously wanted some comfort?

  “I thought we might check out the overflow,” he went on. “You know, while the kids are getting changed. Give them their privacy.” He drove past the first open lot, all grass and gravel, no pavement. “Give us some privacy.”

  She didn’t fully understand what he meant until they’d reached the next lot, the smaller one. The empty one. A giddy thrill rippled through her core when he parked at the far end under the shade of a dense forest canopy. They were in the middle of the woods, after all. This whole resort was just plopped down in nature.

  Dan undid his seatbelt and then his leather belt. He shifted to the middle of the bench, unbuttoning, unzipping. He was crushing her maps, but when he pulled out hi
s cock the maps were the last things on her mind.

  “Thought you might want to finish what you started.” Dan stretched his arms across the back of the front seat, first toying with Cora’s hair, then pressing her head down.

  “God, yes.” Warm saliva accumulated under Cora’s tongue as she folded herself toward that straining cock. She almost wanted to cry again, but this time because her heart felt too full. “I thought you didn’t care,” she told him. “Or… I thought you didn’t want me to, or…”

  “I want you to.” Dan curved his big hand around the back of her neck, exerting pressure there. “Do you know how much it turns me on, knowing you think about this too?”

  Cora growled a little, smiling. She grabbed his cock, hand over hand, both fists pulsing gently against his shaft. “I think about it all the time.”

  “You think about sucking my cock?” He wrapped his hand around her neck a little harder.

  “Yeah.” Her lips hovered just above his cockhead, so close she could almost taste the sweetness of his precum on her tongue. “I think about it all the time. I think about touching it and stroking it and feeling it in my mouth.”

  She tightened her grip on his shaft and he moaned louder than she’d heard him moan in ages. It was kind of freeing, being out here in the woods. With both fists grasping his cock, she lowered her face to his tip and pressed her closed lips flush to that hot red flesh.

  Dan gasped, drawing his hand like deadweight through her hair, closing his fist and tugging very slightly. It hurt a bit. Not too much. Cora loved it.

  “Cock tease,” he chided as she brushed his cock against her lips like she was putting on lipstick. She smiled, but she didn’t open her mouth, not yet. “Why don’t we do this more often?”

  “I don’t know,” Cora answered. Dan took the opportunity to slide his dick just inside her mouth, but Cora pulled back, laughing. “It’s not that easy, mister.”

  “Sure it is.” His voice had a growling quality now, and if she didn’t trust him with her life she might have been frightened by it. “You open your mouth and I stick my cock in and you suck it.”

  The words sparked a thick pulse between Cora’s thighs. “Dirty.”

  He bucked up toward her mouth, but she held his shaft tighter, pressing down, making him moan and writhe against the front seat. Cora’s side was already starting to ache at this folded over angle, but she concentrated on the pleasure building between her legs.

  Extending her tongue, she dragged Dan’s tip side to side across it. She closed her eyes, just for a moment, to concentrate all her attention on that blissful sensation. Giving a blow job was an act Cora had always enjoyed, but she’d primarily thought of it as… giving. Not getting. Today, right now, she was getting something fierce.

  The sensation of Dan’s cockhead petting her tongue brought a shiver right through her body. There was something cozy and yet exhilarating about it, almost as if he was stroking her clit but it was in her mouth, on her tongue. It felt strange and wonderful, especially as she moved his tip up her tongue, right to the very back where it should have been tripping her gag reflex.

  “You are such a tease,” Dan said again.

  That was okay. Cora didn’t mind being a tease in the beginning, because she knew that when she got right down to business the anticipation would make every sensation that much stronger.

  “Such a tease…”

  And there was a moment she always treasured when she was sucking Dan’s cock: the moment she first wrapped her lips around his cockhead. It wasn’t just the sensation of that blazing flesh against her tongue that she savoured, but the vicarious pleasure she derived from his eager gasp and growl. She loved it.


  Cora looked up at her husband, though the angle was awkward. The dark lust in his eyes told her everything she needed to know. It was time.

  Bowing into his lap, Cora slipped Dan’s tip fully between her lips, closing her mouth around it and sucking, suckling. Not too hard, not yet. She stroked his shaft in tempo, bringing that wonderfully soft skin toward her lips before pulling it back down, pushing and pulling like waves shifting sand on a beach.

  “Oh Cor, swallow it.” Dan flicked her hair away from her face, and that told her he was watching her every move. And that turned her on beyond belief. “Move your hands away and just deepthroat it.”

  She did as he asked, holding loosely to the base of his cock with one hand and his balls with the other. That made him gasp. Maybe he would come soon, though she didn’t want him to, not yet.

  After rubbing the tip at the back of her throat, she was ready for anything. Cora devoured Dan’s cock. One move. She just lunged down on the thing, letting it strike the back of her throat where it usually would have made her gag. It didn’t. Not this time. She closed her whole mouth around his length and wetted his hot flesh while she sucked. She’d never been this wildly turned on while sucking cock. But, then, when was the last time she’d sucked cock in the front seat of a car?

  Suddenly it occurred to Cora that they were in public and quite visible to anyone who might pull into this lot. She sucked Dan’s dick a little slower, listening intently for other engines, other tires. Nothing. Nothing but chirping birds and squirrels calling each other in the trees.

  She built up her pace, bobbing in his lap, less and less concerned about where they were. She just wanted to get him off now. She wrapped one hand around the base of his shaft and squeezed his balls with the other. When he gripped the back of the seat, he shook the whole bench and Cora was thrilled. Between her legs, she felt more wetness building up than she’d managed in ages. She was turned on sucking cock, and that made her work even harder, stroke him faster, suck like crazy.

  “Oh Cor, I gotta fuck you.” Dan pulled her head from his lap, and her brain seemed to swim inside her skull.

  The world looked a little darker than it had before, but that made sense. The sun was going down. Going down fast.

  “Get out of the car,” Dan said, gruff as an angry bear. He was already halfway out his door. She’d barely opened hers when he arrived at the passenger side and pulled her out by the wrist. His insistence brought her two steps closer to orgasm as he led her to the front of the vehicle. Dan had pulled into the corner spot headfirst, so the front and driver’s sides faced nothing but woods.

  The engine was still warm. Cora found that out when Dan tore her peasant blouse up to her neck and pulled her tits out of her bra, handling them roughly before pressing her down against the hood.

  “Why don’t you ever wear skirts anymore?” Dan asked as he pushed down on her jeans. They were still done up, and she struggled to unzip them fast enough.

  “I’ll be wearing a dress at the wedding,” she said.

  He took the waistband of her pants and shoved them down to her knees. “You want me to fuck you there, too? Right in the middle of the ceremony?”

  No more wasting time. Dan found her wet pussy with his cock and thrust so hard he filled her up all in one go. Cora arched and squealed, tensing every muscle in her body. It hurt, but she didn’t care. She milked his cock with her pussy muscles, staying tight as she could so it wouldn’t pang quite so badly.

  “I wanted to fuck you right in the middle of our wedding ceremony,” she told him. The hood didn’t feel quite so hot anymore, and she set her cheek down on it. “You looked damn good in that tux.”

  “You looked damn good in your dress,” Dan replied, like clockwork. He pulled back until just his tip rested at the mouth of her slit, and she braced herself. His hands found their way to her hips, and she whimpered when his fingers pressed into her flesh. Everything felt good. Everything felt so damn good she never wanted it to end.

  When he drilled her again, she tightened up so much she could feel every inch of his dick right up against the walls of her pussy. She whimpered like a small animal while Dan growled like a much larger one, his prey cornered for the kill.

  “Christ,” he said, his voice like gravel. “Y
ou are so fucking tight.”

  Something inside of Cora surged. She surprised herself by reaching back and pressing her palms against his fingers, driving them into her supple flesh. “Yes, baby.” She wanted this. She wanted it all. “Fuck me, Dan. Destroy me.”

  “Careful what you wish for.”

  He fucked her hard, driving her naked front forward on the hood of the car. She wondered what kinds of marks she’d have on her skin and her clothing when all of this was over. And then, suddenly on high alert, Cora turned her head so she could see the entrance to this little wooded lot. She’d fucked her husband enough times to know that he’d have his eyes closed by now, his head tilted back, mouth agape.

  “Fuck me harder.” She bucked back against his dick. It didn’t hurt anymore, even though he was impaling her with cock. He was deeper than deep inside her, lost in some secret place. “Yeah, that’s it. Fuck me, Dan, fuck me, fuck me.”


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