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Page 4

by D. J. Manly

  “I’m not a cop,” he corrected, “I’m a soldier.”

  “Umm, a military man. From Caramel?” Tyler lifted an eyebrow. He couldn’t begin to tell him how many fantasies he’d had about being taken prisoner by the military. Now, those were men.

  “That’s right. I was recruited to run the Sky Police, and bring you under control.”

  Tyler howled with laughter. “So they brought in a big macho soldier to do the job?”

  “Something like that,” he replied.

  “Good luck, baby,” Tyler grinned, watching him for a minute. “But that’s not the only reason, is it?”

  He shrugged.

  Tyler nodded, studying him. There was something familiar about him. “We’ve met somewhere before, haven’t we?”

  “Nope,” he said, lifting his head off the pillow to glance at him.

  “I feel as if we have.”

  “It’s impossible. This is the first time I’ve been given permission to set foot on the forbidden planet.”

  “Forbidden planet?” Tyler wrinkled his nose.

  “Private joke,” he said.

  “Are you sure you haven’t…?” Tyler cocked his head.

  “I would have remembered you. I assure you, I’m not one of your Mr. Nameless Dicks.”

  Tyler grinned. “You have an interesting way of expressing yourself, Mr. Donovan.”

  “Commander Donovan,” he growled.

  “Your not jealous of Mr. Nameless Dick, are you, Commander?” Tyler cooed. “Not jealous of what I let him to do to me in the vehicle, are you?”

  “Extremely,” he said softly. “In fact,” he said, closing his eyes, “I’m mad with jealously. Was he good?”


  He sighed. “And what number is he?”

  “Who counts,” Tyler shrugged, running his gaze over him, pausing at his groin. “So, is it impressive?”

  “Is what impressive?”

  “Your cock?” he asked him.

  “I’d like to think so,” he told him.

  “Would you like a second opinion?”

  “Not from you,” he said.

  Tyler sighed. “So, what are we going to do in here then?”

  “Right now, you’re going to sleep, and in the morning, you’re going to start making amends for your crimes.”

  “Amends,” he repeated blandly. “And how am I going to do that?”

  “Community service,” he grinned.


  “Community service.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  He stood up now. “Tomorrow, you’re going to start two weeks of work as my personal assistant.”

  “You got to be kidding.”

  “Not. At the same time, we’ll talk about what it means to respect the law. So, I suggest that you hit the bed,” he invited, opening the sheets.

  Tyler stood up. “I’m not going to be your servant. Your sex slave maybe…” he grinned at him.

  Bryce lifted one corner of his mouth. “Oh no, you’d enjoy that too much.”

  “A little full of yourself, aren’t we, Commander Donovan?” Tyler mocked.

  “I’m very observant,” he returned.

  “And where are you sleeping?” Tyler paused, before getting into bed.

  “Right there, beside you,” he said. “Now get in the bed and lie down.”

  “Do you expect me to sleep with my clothes on?”

  “Actually, yes,” Bryce said.

  “Afraid you could lose control?” He moved his face closer to him.

  “Not really. But I’m not taking any chances. Lie down and raise both hands over your head.”

  Tyler blinked. “Sounds interesting,” he replied, doing as he asked.

  Bryce walked over to pick up the handcuffs. He grabbed Tyler’s hand and placed the cuff around his wrist, then the other, including one rung of the bed.

  “Come on,” Tyler protested, moving around, “I won’t be able to sleep like this.”

  “You won’t be able to get into any trouble, either,” he replied, pulling his tee-shirt over his head.

  Tyler’s eyes widened at the sight of his muscular chest and forearms. Then he leaned down and took off the boots. He turned towards him and smiled, reaching for the snap on top of his black leather pants.

  Tyler ran a tongue over his lips.

  Bryce seductively undid two snaps, looking at him the whole time. He could see his hips strain upwards, his chest begin to move visibly up and down.

  Then he stopped. “Guess I better keep them on. What do you say, Rose?”

  “I say you’re an evil son of bitch, Donovan,” Tyler muttered, which caused Bryce to laugh heartily.

  “Nightie night,” he mocked, sliding onto the bed beside him. “Oh and by the way,” he said as Tyler fumed, “you have a great ass. If you weren’t a common criminal, I might have considered giving it a ride tonight.”

  Tyler swore under his breath, and yanked at the cuffs in frustration.

  Bryce Donovan tucked his hands over his head and looked up at the ceiling. “It’s a shame, isn’t it, Rose, the one time you are put in a position that really peaks your interest, it’s going nowhere.”

  How in the hell did he know that being cuffed like this really excited him? “You presume a lot,” Tyler spat.

  “I presume nothing. I was subjected to a fast forward brain scan of your life before we met tonight. I know the age you were potty trained, and I know what really turns you on. Problem is, you can’t find a man who can scratch your itch.”

  Tyler’s jaw dropped.

  Bryce moved his head on the pillow so that he was looking right at him.

  Tyler brought his legs together, and issued him a dirty look.

  “Are you horny?” he asked him softly.

  “Not at all,” Tyler snapped.

  “Umm, your body says otherwise.” His eyes lighted on the conspicuous bulge in his pants. “Do you want me to undress you?” he asked him softly.

  Tyler tore his gaze away from him. He glanced down at himself. Damn.

  Bryce sat up on the bed and leaned over him. Tyler looked up into his face. Shit. If only he wasn’t so gorgeous. He held his gaze as he felt his hand move over his thigh.

  “There’s… there’s a law against this… somewhere…” he muttered.

  “And what law would that be, Tyler?” His voice was deep and silky smooth.

  “Sexual torture…I…think…” Tyler retaliated.

  Bryce grinned and removed his hand. “Well, in that case, I’ll stop. It’s too bad because I was going to take off your clothes and use your body to satisfy my deepest desires. In fact, there’s no end to my sexual imagination.”

  He lay back down. “Good night,” he said. “Sweet dreams.”

  Tyler swallowed. His sex throbbed and he couldn’t even reach down and relieve its insistent need.

  After a few minutes, Tyler said, “Were you really going to…?”

  “Was I really going to what, Tyler?” he murmured, falling asleep.

  “You know…take off my clothes and…?”

  He laughed softly, rolling over on his side. After a few minutes, he was asleep.


  What a bastard! He was in the shower now and he had left him handcuffed to the bed. What a sadistic monster!

  Suddenly he emerged from the bathroom, dressed in nothing but a skimpy white towel tucked casually around his slim waist. His chest and his hair still damp, exquisite brown nipples taut from the stimulation of the shower.

  As he walked over to him, Tyler caught a glimpse of his muscular thigh and craned his neck so that he could admire the way the towel outlined the bubble shaped curve of his incredible ass.

  Bryce shook his head, lifting his hand to smooth back some damp hair off his forehead. “Honestly, Tyler, is that all you ever think about?”

  “How in hell do you know what I’m thinking about,” Tyler threw at him. “You’re a real bastard. I didn
’t get any sleep at all last night.”

  “That’s funny,” he grinned. “I slept like a baby.” He picked up the keys to the handcuffs and threw them on the bed. “There you go.”

  “Very funny,” Tyler scowled, eyeing the key. “You’re a real laugh riot, aren’t you?”

  Bryce chuckled. “Well I considered a life as a comedian at one time but unfortunately, my life was mapped out for me.”

  Tyler eyed him. “Please, Commander, Sir,” he sneered, “undo these cuffs. I have to piss.”

  Bryce came over and picked up the key. He slipped the key into the lock and undid the cuffs.

  Tyler let out a sigh of contentment as he lowered his arms and rubbed his wrists.

  Bryce moved away from the bed. “Go do what you have to do in the bathroom. I’m going to get dressed.”

  “Then what?” Tyler eyed him.

  “Then you’re coming with me to the Sky Station.”

  Tyler got out of bed. He yawned. “I’m not exactly dressed for duty,” he told him mawkishly, indicating his skin-tight pants.

  “Don’t worry,” the Commander told him. “I’ll find you something appropriate to wear.” He smirked.

  Tyler disappeared into the bathroom.

  Bryce put on his clothes, then sat in the chair and waited for him to come out.

  When he emerged from the bathroom, he threw his shirt at him. “Come on, let’s go,” he barked.

  A few minutes later, they were in the police vehicle heading for the sky patrol station.

  “I get one phone call,” Tyler pointed out as they landed on the roof of the police facility.

  Bryce pulled him out of the vehicle and clamped a hand on his shoulder. “Right, whatever, come on,” he propelled him through the door and onto the elevator.

  This was the first time he had ever been here. He hoped it would be the last. The open glass elevator glided down eighteen floors where various divisions of Sky Patrol operated. Tyler gazed absently out at the uniformed men and women who were slumped over desks or answering phones, or scurrying around the open carpeted spaces.

  “So people actually work in these places,” he muttered as the elevator announced, “Command Floor,” and came to a stop.

  Bryce stepped out, pulling Tyler with him.

  “You can stop manhandling me now,” Tyler told him. “It’s not turning me on anymore.”

  “Come on,” Bryce growled, hauling him down the hallway to his office.

  Several officers walked past them, nodding at the Commander but no one said anything. They knew that he was Jack Rose’s grandson, and that he wouldn’t be here long.

  In the office, Bryce closed the door and Tyler fell into a chair. “My phone call now,” he said.

  “Be my guest,” Bryce told him, passing him the phone.

  “May I have some privacy please?” He raised his gaze to him.

  “Certainly,” Bryce replied, standing up and opening a cupboard to the left of his desk. “And when you’re finished, put these on,” he instructed, throwing him a pair of standard issue incarceration pants and shirt in basic tan.

  Tyler held up the pants and shirt and studied them. “You got to kidding. I wouldn’t be caught dead in these. What if someone saw me?”

  “I don’t give a flying fuck,” Commander Donavan replied flippantly. “You have five minutes.” He indicated the phone with his head and left the office.

  Tyler called home. Ethan answered, his grandfather’s personal assistant, which was great because Ethan would do anything to get his attention.

  “Ethan, just the person I wanted to speak to,” he said, giving him his most charming smile.

  “Tyler, Tyler, how are you?”

  “Right now, not too good. I am in need of someone as intelligent and resourceful as you at this moment.”

  Ethan flushed.

  “You need to let my mother and my grandfather know that I’m being treated like a common criminal. I’m in the sky patrol station, being brutally manhandled by a Commander Donavan.”

  “Oh my, are you alright?”

  “I’m extremely distressed, Ethan.”

  “Don’t worry, Tyler. I will take care of it right away. Hold on,” he said.

  A few seconds later, his mother appeared on the phone. “Tyler,” she looked worried, “my God. Your grandfather is contacting the Commander as we speak. This is outrageous. We’re sending the driver to bring you home.”

  “Thank you, Mother.” He lowered his head, pretending to sniff.

  “Don’t worry, son. Just hold on. I’m coming with the driver. I want to see this Commander face to face.”

  Tyler wanted to laugh. He couldn’t wait to see that. He said goodbye and placed the phone back on the desk.

  * * * *

  When his personal phone rang, Bryce wasn’t too surprised. It was Jack Rose himself who appeared in front of him. “Mr. Rose,” he said. “What can I do for you?”

  “You can tell me why my grandson is in the Sky Patrol Station with a bunch of criminals?

  “He is not with a…” Bryce began.

  “And Tyler’s mother says that he’s been beaten,” Rose continued briskly.

  “Beaten?” Bryce repeated, his jaw dropping. “He told you that?”

  “He told his mother that. When I told you to discipline him, I didn’t mean to beat the crap out of him, Commander.”

  “I assure you, Mr. Rose,” Bryce began, “I did not…”

  Jack Rose cut him off. “Our family has a reputation to uphold. I thought I made this clear.”

  “So, you actually wanted me to keep him in that room and…?”

  Bryce’s temper was just about ready to explode.

  “I thought that maybe if he was kept away from the vices for awhile, he’d…”

  Bryce sighed deeply. “Mr. Rose, with all due respect,” he began.

  Rose shook his greying head. “Release him. I’m sure he’s learned his lesson. Release his vehicle as well, and don’t make me regret bringing you here, Commander.”

  Bryce bit his tongue. He never asked to come here in the first place.

  “Also, I still expect you to keep an eye on him. If he misbehaves again, then bring him to the room.”

  And beat him? “And keep him there how long?” he said, instead.

  “I will leave that to your discretion, Commander,” he replied. “Oh and I guess I should warn you, my daughter-in-law is on her way to get Tyler, and she’s hopping mad.”

  ’Joy,’ Bryce mouthed.

  Jack Rose’s face disappeared.

  Infuriated, Bryce barrelled down the hall toward his office.

  * * * *

  When the door flew open, Tyler looked up from his chair, a curious little smile on his face. “Things not going as expected, Commander?” he mused.

  “You told your mother I beat you?” he growled.

  “I never told her such a thing,” Tyler protested, but he wanted to laugh. He was enraged and damn, he was even sexier if that was possible.

  “Well, you told her something because she’s on her way here and she’s on the warpath.”

  “Her bark is far worst than her bite,” Tyler shook his head, giving the Commander a soft smile. “Besides, a big strong boy like you shouldn’t have to be afraid of a tiny little woman. She’s half your size.”

  That was met with a cold stare.

  Tyler got up and handed him the clothes. “I guess I won’t be needing these. It’s a shame because I might have started a new fashion trend.”

  Bryce ignored the clothes and went to sit behind his desk. “You know, you think you’ve won, but you haven’t.”

  “I wasn’t aware that we were in competition.” He met his gaze.

  The Commander folded his arms across his chest and regarded him with a look of pure contempt.

  “Should I wait outside?” Tyler winced. He couldn’t help but enjoy himself a little bit.

  “You wait right here. Mommy is coming,” he sneered.

�As you wish,” Tyler shrugged, sitting down in the chair across from him.

  The Commander didn’t say a word as they waited.

  Tyler looked down at his hands.

  When his phone rang, Bryce picked it up and said, “Yes, yes, alright, send her in.”

  He closed the connection and stood up as the door burst open.

  The woman who stood there was no taller than five foot five. She was a very delicate little thing with dark curly hair like her son and large brown eyes. But for a woman that size, she had a big voice.

  She walked immediately over to Tyler and grabbed him to her, checking him for bruises. Then she turned to Bryce who stood waiting for the assault to begin.

  “Commander Donavan, I believe,” she accused.

  “Yes, Madame, I am Commander Donavan.” He held out his hand.

  She ignored it, clutching Tyler to her who laid his head on her shoulder, trying to hide the fact that he wanted to laugh. “Don’t you ever touch my boy again or I will make sure that you are demoted to Private Donavan. Is that clear?”

  “Crystal,” he said between clenched teeth. “But, Madame, I assure you that I did not lay a hand on your…” he paused, “little boy.”

  Tyler raised his head at the word boy and gave Donovan a dirty look.

  “My son doesn’t lie,” she asserted, turning on her heel. “Come on, Tyler, let’s get out of here,” she said, pulling on his arm.

  Tyler looked at Bryce and shrugged. He laid the clothes on the chair, and then followed his mother to the door. As an afterthought, he turned his head and blew him a little kiss, which caused Bryce Donavan to literally bristle with infuriation.

  Tyler burst into laughter as soon as he was in the elevator.

  His mother glanced over at him. “What is it, dear?”

  “I’m just,” he laughed again, “relieved to be out of there, Mother,” he said.

  She nodded. “He looks like a real big brute,” she told him.

  Again Tyler smiled. Umm, he thought, just the way I like them.

  * * * *

  When Captain Smart came into the office a few minutes later, he could literally see the steam coming out of the Commander’s ears. “Sir?”

  He sighed. “What?” he barked.

  He flinched. “Did you want me to finish an intake on Tyler Rose?”


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