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Baby Bargain (Winston Brothers Book 3)

Page 3

by Stacey Lewis

  “Coffee’s in the pot, and cups are on the left side, above the toaster.”

  I blink at the harshness in her voice. “Is something wrong?” Following her directions to the cups, I pour a cup of coffee and turn to face her, waiting for her answer. She sips from her own cup, her dark blue eyes meeting mine just over the rim of the bright colored mug.

  “Nope. Last night was great, but I told you—I don’t date. I don’t do small talk, and I don’t do seconds, so when you’re ready you can see yourself out.”

  My blood starts to boil at her words. As if it’s going to be that easy to get rid of me. I almost laugh out loud. Now that I’ve had a taste of her I’m not going to let her go, not that easily.

  “I know what you told me. I just don’t care.”

  Melody has a sour look on her face at my statement. It’s nice to know I can knock her off her game a little bit. Yet, the fact that she doesn’t have that spark I saw in her last night anymore bothers me.

  The woman I went to be with last night isn’t the one standing before me now.

  “This isn’t going to happen again Remy, just so you’re aware,” she sneers.

  I shrug, acting unbothered. “We’ll see.”

  “No, we won’t. You don’t have anything that I haven’t had before.”

  Cocking my head to the side, I smile like the asshole I am. “I can guarantee no man has never made you feel as good as I did last night.” Taking a step toward her, I set my cup down on the counter. I’m compelled to take another step and then another until I’m directly in front of her, her sweet floral scent assaulting my senses and making my thoughts race. I grip her by the chin and the contact sends shivers down my spine. “Just try and resist me. I love a good game of hard to get.”

  Mel pulls from my grip and pokes a finger into my shirtless chest. “You don’t own me and we’re not dating. This was a one-night stand Remy. Learn to live with it, since I’m it’s not every day you’re turned down by a woman for a second date.”

  My grin seems to widen, “We’d have to have a first date to have a second date but since you aren’t willing to give me that…”

  Mel’s face goes flat as she realizes what she’s said. “You know exactly what I meant. This isn’t happening again. It never should’ve happened to begin with.”

  I’m more confident than ever that Mel is the woman for me, even if she swears up and down she’s not interested. I can tell just from the look in her eyes she’s curious about what could be... I know I am.

  All I have to do is convince her that I’m different, better than the others. I just need to take things slow, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll get to see the look I saw on her face last night as I brought her to orgasm again and again.

  “What is this, Mel?” I ask, taking a sip of my coffee, which is burning hot, a lot like the woman standing before me.

  She rolls her eyes, but I know it’s a cover up. I can sense it deep down in my bones. Melody wants to feel something, anything, for me, even if she’s convinced it’s nothing more than sarcasm and annoyance.

  “Nothing Remy. Now finish your coffee and get out of my apartment. I have important places to be.” She’s back to looking every bit as aggravated with me as I am enthralled with her.

  It’s strange as hell to be attracted to a woman that acts like she wants nothing to do with you. But, it also makes me crave her more, because I know somewhere deep down she feels something for me. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t be so out of sorts.

  I sip my coffee impossibly slow, and watch as she meanders around the house, picking stuff up here and there. I didn’t get much of a look at the place last night since it was dark, and well, you know we had other things on our mind.

  Now in the light I can see that it’s a cozy little place. The kitchen is decorated cleanly, with white cabinets and appliances. There’s a small flat screen and leather sofa in the living room. Pictures I want to study hang on the walls and rest on the book shelves the frame the tv.

  I stare at them from across the room. There’s a few with an older couple who I assume are her parents, and lots of ones with a girl that looks like a younger version of Mel.

  “Who’s the girl in the picture?” I question, knowing being nosy will only annoy her further. Hell, it’s the least I can do.

  She sighs, but after a few minutes tells me, “That’s my sister… not that it’s really any of your business.”

  I can tell from the picture she’s happy, or at least she was that day. The woman before me doesn’t reflect a happy woman. If anything, she’s miserable and pretending she’s not. Melody is a puzzle; one I want to solve.

  Because I know she’s anxious for me to leave, I finish my coffee at a snail’s pace. She’s getting to the point she’s going to throw me out, so I finally disappear into her bedroom to grab my shirt, only bothering to button it halfway. As I’m walking towards the front door, something on the small dining room table grabs my attention. I’m not exactly sure what it is that pulls me in, but my eyes catch on what looks like a receipt.

  It says:

  TOTAL DUE: $150,000

  I swallow around the lump that forms in my throat and push down the desire to grab that piece of paper and look at it to see who she could owe that kind of money too.

  “Thanks for the fuck, but I’ve got to leave and that means you do too.” Mel’s annoyed voice comes from behind me, and as much as I want to ask, I push the thought away before I can let it take root. Her debts have nothing to do with me and she won’t take kindly to being interrogated.

  Even as badly as I want her, I can’t get caught up in something I know she won’t want me to be a part of. I can’t get her to agree to go on a date with me, let alone tell me about something I shouldn’t have seen.

  “I want to see you again.” I confess as I walk out of her apartment behind her.

  Mel’s lips purse and she shakes her head. “Hate to tell you, but you won’t.” She says it so matter-of-factly. Her sassy attitude only makes me crave her more, and when she starts to walk away, my eyes move down to her hips and ass that sway with each step she takes.

  “You say you don’t want to see me again, but I know that’s a lie,” I growl in her ear as we make it to the elevator together. She pushes the button and twirls on her heels, her dark blue eyes colliding with mine.

  “It’s not going to happen, Mr. Winston, but you’re more than welcome to try.” The snarky smile that pulls at her pink painted lips and the way she calls me “Mr. Winston” makes my cock rock hard… again. I’ve got to find a way to meet up with her again, because right now all I know is I need another chance to show Mel I can be the man she needs in her life.

  But only if she’ll let me in.

  Chapter Five


  I feel like shit. Not the sick kind, but the guilty, I probably shouldn’t have done that kind. Kicking Remy out and acting the way I did leaves a sour taste in my mouth, especially after how amazing he made me feel last night. I know I should be more grateful and maybe even give him a chance, or at least a date, but I don’t have it in me to do so. Not with everything else going on in my life.

  Driving the short distance to Mercy Hospital, I pull into the cancer treatment side, putting my Honda Civic in park and killing the engine. Then, I look myself over in the rearview mirror. I can feel the tears piercing my eyes just thinking about going inside, but I know I have to.

  I’ve had to be strong for so long, so damn long and soon I know I’ll break. All the things I carry on my shoulders will fall on top of me, burying me beneath them. But, for right now I have to keep pushing forward. I have to.

  My sister’s life depends on it.

  Shoving the thoughts of Remy and I, and the night before, out of my head I try to prepare myself to go inside. I can’t be thinking about him when I’m here to try and make my sister feel well enough to get through another treatment. They say being happy helps, so that’s what I need to focus on. Madison needs me to keep her spiri
ts up so she can get through this again.

  I wipe any stray tears from under my eyes before forcing myself to exit the car. Walking up the sidewalk and into the hospital feels like I’m going to meet my doom. I want to curse the damn place for how much it cost us to send Maddie here, but there isn’t any point.

  It’s one of the best hospitals in Chicago for leukemia and if we want her to have a fighting chance at beating this again, she needs the best.

  Walking into the treatment center entrance, I’m greeted by mainly the same people I see every single time I come in. Veronica manages the front desk, and usually gets me invoices that are way past due and need paid.

  From there I make my way upstairs, taking the elevator to the third floor where I buzz to be let in. The walls are painted bright colors and covered with animals. I know I should be grateful since most of the kids in this building never see beyond the four walls that house them, but some days it’s hard to see the good in this battle.

  Sandy, one of Maddie’s nurses buzzes me in. There’s a somber look on her face and I start to panic. “What happened?” I’m trying to hide the worry from my voice.

  She shakes her head and gives me a soft smile. “Oh nothing, sweetheart. It’s just another one of those days where she’s fighting us on every single thing we do.”

  I nod, swallowing down the fear creeping up my throat. “Okay. I was afraid the doctor did the testing he was talking about last week and discovered that the chemo wasn’t helping.” Most days when I come here I can get through the entire visit without a single tear, but today, well it seems like it’s going to be one of the more emotional ones.

  “Nope. Dr. Harvey said to give it a couple more days and then he’ll run some lab work. According to the previous testing it looks like she has a chance at beating cancer’s ass again. When the results come in I’ll have him call you and your mother.”

  “Thanks Sandy.” She wraps me up in a tight hug before releasing me so she can get back to her work and so I can get to visiting with my sister.

  Walking down the hall, I don’t stop until I reach Maddie’s room. I knock on the heavy wooden door, and wait for her to announce that I can come in.

  “I don’t want anymore…” I open the door slightly, and pop my head inside, smiling as big as I can when I see her. She looks sicker than she did when she was first diagnosed. Her eyes are dull, lacking the light that once shined brightly in them. Her skin is pale, her cheeks slightly green, and her hair is no longer shiny. I hate seeing her this way.

  “Hey sis,” she greets me, a slow, guilty smile creeping onto her face. She knows I’m going to scold her for being so hard on the nurses when all they want to do is help her.

  “Hey girly. Sandy told me you’re having a rough day. Want to talk about it?” I ask, walking into the room, and closing the door behind me. The room smells like a typical hospital room, sterile, clean and disinfectant.

  One would think I’d be used to this by now, but I’m not. I don’t ever want to be.

  “Do you want the honest answer or the sugar coated answer?” She answers, her eyes on the small TV that hangs on the wall across from her bed.

  “Honest of course.” I plop down in the chair beside her bed, and wait for her to start talking. I know this is hard for her...harder than the average fifteen-year-olds life should be.

  She rests her hands on her lap. “Well, if the treatments don’t work this time, and the cancer comes back I’ve decided I don’t want to do this again.”

  I blink, confusion, sadness, shock, and a number of other emotions swirl around inside me. If she doesn’t do the treatment then she doesn’t have a shot in hell of making it.

  “You have leukemia, Madison. You can’t just say you don’t want to do treatments anymore. We have to fight until it’s in remission again.” The thought of her not being here anymore makes my heart feel like it’s sinking into my stomach.

  If I could take her pain away I would. If I could make her cancer free I would. I wouldn’t wish this kind of pain on anyone, not even my worst enemy. I’m watching my best friend die right before my eyes and there isn’t a single thing I can do about it.

  “I’m tired, sis,” she sighs, sagging back against her pillow.

  Trying to blink away the tears forming in my eyes, I attempt to reassure her. “I know you are, but you’ve got to keep trying. We can do this. You can do this.” Thinking about her no longer being on this earth has me feeling like I’m breaking into a million fucking pieces inside.

  “But what about all the bills? I heard mom on the phone with the billing department a couple days ago. It’s costing you guys way more than it’s worth for me to be here, and I don’t even feel like I’m getting better.” Desperation and complete and utter sadness lace her words.

  “Don’t worry about the bills,” I stress. “Mom and I have them covered. Plus, you aren’t even old enough to start paying bills. You need to just relax and enjoy your time as a teenager, because paying bills is the worst.” I’m trying to make it a joke as I soothe her, relaxing back into the chair when I see the creases smooth out on her forehead.

  We sit in the quiet for a few moments before Maddie clears her throat, and asks, “Do you think Dad is ever going to come back?”

  Biting the inside of my cheek until the taste of blood flicks against my tongue, I don’t say the words that are desperate to come out. The last thing she needs to worry about is our father, the man who is supposed to be caring for all of us, and if he is going to leave the woman he’s hooked up with to come see his dying daughter.

  “I don’t know, Mad. I really don’t know. Mom says to give him time, but I don’t think time is what he needs.” I don’t tell her I think what he needs is a swift kick in the balls, because it wouldn’t fix the already stressful issue. If anyone’s proven to me that nothing lasts forever it’s my father.

  Maddie sounds so sad. “I miss him a lot, Mel. I know what he did is wrong, but I still kinda wish he was here.”

  Of course she does. As much as I don’t want to admit it, I wish he was too. I wish he was here to be the man I always thought he was… until he ran out on all of us like we didn’t matter. “Everything is going to be okay. I promise you that. It won’t be long till you’re out of here. Then we can go dress shopping for prom, and to the movies.”

  Maddie smiles and it makes me feel a little better. “I hope you’re right. I keep hoping I can beat this again, but I’m almost out of hope.”

  “That’s okay…” I place my hand against hers. Her skin is cold, and I wish I could wrap her up in a thousand blankets. “I have enough hope for both of us. We will make it through this, with or without dad. I’ll be here for you, no matter what.”

  She gives my hand a gentle squeeze her green eyes sparkling with happiness. “I know, you’ve never let me down. Not ever.” Seconds tick by, and Sandy comes in with a smile on her face to check Maddie’s vitals. While she does them it leaves me to think about Remy, and how we can never be anything more than fuck buddies, which makes me feel less nauseous about the way I treated him this morning.

  I’ve got too much on my shoulders.

  Maddie needs me. My mom needs me.

  I have medical bills to pay, and no time for anything but those that are important. I’ve been hurt by men before, and I believed my father would be the man my mother would live happily ever after with.

  He proved me wrong... he proved my mother wrong.

  I can’t fall for anyone else, especially Remy.

  He’ll break me more than I already am.

  Chapter Six


  Ryker slams his car door shut as mine is pulling up behind him. When he sees me, he stops, waiting for me to reach him. He looks as pissed off as I feel, and I can’t keep myself from exploding on him when I shut my own door.

  “What the hell, Ryker?” I ask, walking up the sidewalk to stand beside him. “Why is Reed demanding I come over and bring this stupid letter with me?”

; He only shrugs. “He says it’s important. Have you read yours?”

  Shaking my head, I scoff. “Fuck no. What’s the point? I’m sure it’s just some ‘I’m proud of you boys’ bullshit he couldn’t tell us when he was alive. I’m past the point of needing dear old Dad’s approval.” The words are a complete lie, but sound pretty convincing to my ears. If that’s all the letters were, Reed wouldn’t be so adamant about us reading them.

  Ryker flinches, but before he can say anything else, the front door opens to reveal Reed standing with his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face. “Are you guys coming in, or should we do this outside?” His words are sarcastic, and I can feel Ryker stiffen beside me.

  We turn to look at each other, rolling our eyes before we follow him inside. He doesn’t say anything else, and when we walk into the living room there are three fresh cups of coffee sitting on the small table in front of the couch. Fallon’s also set out a platter of sandwiches, and my stomach growls at the sight.

  I wait for Ryker to sit, then take half of one sandwich, shoving it in my mouth so I don’t have to say anything before taking my own seat. Where Ryker, is tense and sitting on the very edge of the cushion, I relax back into the comfortable fabric, spreading my legs out and pretending I give zero fucks about these stupid ass letters. Unlike Ryker, I’m not about to wear my heart on my sleeve and let my brothers’ know I’m just as freaked out about what the letters might say as they are.

  Reed points to both letters, saying “Read them. Now,” and with a quiet sigh, I break the seal on mine. I’m trying to focus on the heavy paper in my hands, paper that feels a hundred times more weighty than it did when I first picked it up to bring it here, but my eyes bounce back and forth between my tense-as-fuck brothers. Reed looks like he’s waiting for all hell to break loose, while Ryker looks like he’s about to be sick. I guess there’s never been a better time than now to star reading.


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