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Submit to Me (The Dungeon Fantasy Club Book 7)

Page 12

by Anya Summers

  Colin gave her an angelic, crestfallen look as he pleaded, "Five more minutes, Mama. We're having so much fun."

  At that, Roni put her hands on her hips in what Hunter was coming to view as her no-nonsense mom face. "I already gave you five more minutes than usual under the circumstances. Go upstairs and brush your teeth, and then I will be up in a minute to read you a story."

  Colin remained crestfallen for all of two seconds before he asked sweetly, giving her a gregarious smile, "Can Hunter read the story tonight?"

  A wounded look entered Roni's eyes but Colin didn't catch it. "Um, sure, that would be fine. As long as Hunter would like to."

  His son's blue gaze shot to Hunter. "Would you?"

  "I'd like that," Hunter replied, wanting it to be the first of many bedtime stories.

  Colin did a fist-pumping butt wiggle at the victory and raced up the stairs, saying, "I'll be fast."

  "Okay, I'll meet you in your room."

  Hunter shifted his focus to Roni. "You okay?"

  She shook her head. "It doesn't matter. You'd better go on up. He can be very insistent about his bedtime story. Tell him I will be up in a bit to kiss him good night."

  "I'm not trying to…" Hell, he didn't know how to explain it to her. But he knew her emotions were in just as much turmoil as his were. Was it because he and Colin had basically been inseparable all day?

  "Just go up. I'll be there in a bit." Roni walked toward the kitchen, shutting him out. He was about to follow her when Colin called down for him.

  "Hunter, are you coming? I have the best story for you to read," Colin hollered down the stairs.

  With a last look at Roni's retreating form, Hunter took the stairs two at a time, putting the discussion he and Roni were due to have on the back burner.


  Guilt was a wretched, foul emotion.

  It had dogged her steps all day long. Instead of dealing with it, Veronica did laundry, she cleaned, and she completely unpacked her suitcase. She'd even gone so far as to leave Hunter with Colin while she went to the market. She'd called her mom, calling off from work at the pub, saying she was under the weather from her travels.

  She just needed today to recoup from the one-eighty spin her life had made. How was she supposed to deal with the fact that her son had asked Santa to meet his father? She'd screwed things up so horribly. Colin would come to hate her if he knew she'd done it on purpose. Would Hunter use that angle against her to take their son from her?

  When she wasn't wrestling with her boatload of guilt, her fears decided it was time to pull up a chair and have a conversation. Then there were the myriad questions regarding her relationship with Hunter. All three were on a revolving kiosk. How long would Hunter stay this time? She'd only held him for two months last time, and it had altered the last ten years of her existence. Would she even walk away from it this time with her heart still intact?

  She couldn't believe she'd admitted that she loved him, and had in fact never stopped loving him. It made her sound pathetic. Like all she'd done over the past ten years of her life was mope over him. When actually she'd done anything but that—as a single mother, the workload had been constant and never ending.

  And he had not said he loved her back.

  Maybe he didn't. Maybe he never had, and last night—hell, the last couple of nights—had just been a bit of fun. The only thing was that she was far too involved, far too enmeshed in her feelings for him to be able to think clearly. However she proceeded with Hunter from here on out, Colin was involved now. She couldn't think only of herself and Hunter's effect on her. She had a little boy upstairs who was falling in love with his father.

  It both warmed her heart and terrified her all in the same breath.

  How was she supposed to navigate it all? The weight of it was almost too much to bear. She trudged up the stairs with a lump in her throat. This was the first time ever in Colin's existence that he'd wanted another person to read to him. His bedtime story had always been one of their traditions; something they always did together.

  When she reached Colin's doorway, the sight that greeted her brought her up short. Hunter Clarke, Hollywood's premiere leading actor, was sitting on her son's bed, with his back against the old wooden headboard she'd painted when Colin was a boy to look like the constellations, and their son reclined against him as Hunter read the magical misadventures about the boy who lived through terrible circumstances and tragedy. Hunter changed his voice with the different characters, doing a far better job of it than she ever had. Oh, she did her best, but in this scenario, Hunter was the far better performer. And it showed. The spectacle held Colin's rapt attention so much so that he only gave her a cheeky grin before being ensnared back into the story.

  She had to admit, Hunter was good. Veronica found herself drawn in by the sound of his voice as he read. After a glance her way, when she was about to interrupt, Hunter beat her to the punch.

  "Okay, sport. It's time for bed. We can pick this up tomorrow night."

  "Please, just five more minutes."

  "Colin, please don't argue with Hunter. You're up quite a bit later than normal. Remember your manners, young man."

  Colin winced and hung his head in defeat. "Yes, Mama. Thank you for today."

  "I enjoyed myself immensely. We can pick up where we left off tomorrow. Maybe we could even convince your mama to take that hike we talked about today."

  Colin smiled at Hunter and threw his arms around his neck.

  It wasn't just the look on Colin's face, but the amazement and wonder on Hunter's, that did her in. She blinked back the unexpected rush of tears. Veronica walked in when Hunter had moved out of the embrace and retreated from Colin's twin bed.

  She opened her arms and Colin toppled into them. His little body thudded against hers. "Thanks for bringing back the best present, Mama."

  "I love you to the moon and back," she murmured into his hair, smelling the kids' shampoo, and avoiding the topic of Hunter entirely. She wasn't ready to talk about it with him yet. She would soon. Maybe once Hunter, if Hunter… oh, who the hell was she kidding, it was a when he left. She'd have to explain everything to Colin. Until then, she'd let him live in the fantasy a bit longer.

  "I love you more," Colin said, wiggling out of her grasp with a laugh as she planted kisses all over his cherubic face.

  "Good night, baby."

  Colin yawned. "Night, Mama. Night, Hunter."

  Veronica withdrew from Colin's room with Hunter close behind her. She pulled the door to, leaving it cracked open. When they neared the top of the stairs, Hunter changed her course and propelled her into her bedroom. The door had barely shut when he yanked her into his embrace and his lips crashed down upon hers in aggressive possession. Arousal skyrocketed from zero to sixty in her system, blotting out everything else but the heady intoxication only his kiss could provide.

  This was good. Significantly better than what she'd planned for originally once Colin was in bed. Why talk and hash things out between them tonight? Why not do it later, and instead indulge in the passion only Hunter seemed able to provide? Veronica was a pro at procrastinating on touchy subjects, anyhow. Why should their arrangement be any different? This was a much more pleasant way to spend the night than settling the past and working to build a future.

  No other man had such power that when he kissed her, it seemed to make time come to a standstill. Veronica couldn't get close enough, up on her tiptoes, arms wrapped around his neck as he hoisted her. Her legs instinctually circled his waist as his hands cupped her ass. She was wrapped around his big body as he carried her over to the bed, hissing at the glorious feel of her breasts smooshed up against his naked chest as they divested each other of their clothes on the way.

  She yearned to be free of her jeans, to feel him against her, inside her, making her scream with delight at the passion only he seemed able to deliver.

  Hunter broke the kiss as he laid her on the bed and commanded, "Get out of those pants and lie
on your back for me."

  More than willing to do as he asked, Veronica shucked her jeans and panties off. She scrambled over to the center of the bed, drawing the sheets down out of the way as she did so, and then lay on her back. Hunter still had not stripped off his pants, and she wondered why he had left them on. He rifled through his suitcase and grabbed his toy bag. Then he approached her with his bag in tow and she shivered. Whatever he had planned, she was positive she would enjoy it.

  "Give me your hands, please."

  She held them up. The controlled hunger on Hunter's face made her belly do a series of somersaults. The changes he'd undergone in the years they'd been apart had honed the promise of manhood into this incredibly sexy, dominant male. He fastened the cuffs around her wrists, checking to make sure he didn't have them too tight. And then he withdrew a set of ankle cuffs from his bag. It made every submissive molecule in her body whimper in expectation. Giving him full control, she offered him her ankle. A seductive grin crossed his face at her willing surrender. He secured the cuff around first one and then the other ankle.

  Then he fastened black nylon rope into the metal loop on each cuff. Using the rope, he positioned her arms above her head and fastened the restraints; one connected to each iron bed post. Her sex fluttered as arousal suffused her limbs. This was one of the things she loved most about the lifestyle; being in restraints. It made it far easier to cede control—when she had no other choice. She had to be in charge of everything else. As a submissive, bondage made this type of scene the one place where she didn't have to worry about being responsible, and could just relish.

  Hunter shifted her legs, drawing them up in the same direction as her hands. Thank goodness she was flexible. He maneuvered her legs until they were spread in a wide V and then used a portion of rope to attach them to the headboard posts, leaving a slight bit of give that provided a tiny amount of movement so her knees weren't locked in place. This position tilted her pelvis up toward the ceiling, which would give him deeper penetration, along with full access to her body.

  When he was satisfied with the restraints, testing them to make sure they weren't too tight, he mounted the bed, his toy bag in hand.

  "Remember your safeword, Roni. Tonight, with our son down the hall, your job is to remain quiet. I know how loud you can get. If you fail and make noise, I will have to punish you. Understood?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Good girl."

  Hunter withdrew a vibrating plug from his bag, along with a tube of lubricant. As he slathered her anus, the gel cool against her skin, her sex quaked and her nipples hardened as desire pumped in her veins. When Hunter used his fingers, penetrating her back channel, coating her with lube until his finger slid inside without obstruction, Veronica had to bite her lip to keep from crying out at the heady sensation. With skill and forethought, he thrust inside her until his finger glided in and out easily before he added a second one. She bit back a groan at the delicious sensation as he plowed his fingers inside her back channel, stretching her tissues until he was satisfied with the range of movement. All the while, the desire bombarded her, streaming from her ass directly to her pussy.

  Then he withdrew his fingers and coated the plug in more lubricant before inserting it into her back sheath. She breathed deeply, allowing her muscles to relax, and focusing on the immense pleasure running amok in her body. It was a slimmer plug than he'd used before, although it didn't diminish how carnal it made her feel as he pressed it in until it was fully embedded. She clamped her lips together as he switched on the vibrator, setting it to a cascading vibe that built to a fevered pitch before starting again.

  Pleasure swamped her system, and she couldn't help the tiny mewl she emitted. And then he nestled himself on his hands and knees between her thighs.

  His mouth hovered a mere inch from her pussy, and he shot her an unrepentant grin chock full of hunger—and something else she couldn't name.

  "If you get too loud, I might just have to gag you, because I plan on eating this pretty pussy to my heart's content. I want to see how many orgasms I can wring from your body with only my tongue."

  Holy shite!

  The plug's vibrations crescendoed up to a blistering peak and she shuddered. Would she even survive the night?

  And then Hunter's mouth descended over her flesh, latching on to her mound. There was nothing teasing or coquettish about his invasion as he plundered her most sensitive spot, sucking the tiny nub into his mouth. The man had every intention of dominating her in every way possible. With forceful precision, he stroked and caressed his tongue against the taut bud. Lavishing her folds with relentless care as he invaded her pussy, penetrating her wet heat in insistent jabs, caressing her g-spot. With startling ease, he drove her body up a cliff of pleasure so brilliant and intense, she could only ride the sensation. She strained against her bonds as her body came apart and re-forged itself under his mouth as she splintered. Again and again, he propelled her body to completion with his fervent attention as he sucked, nibbled, and plunged his tongue inside her sheath. Over and over her body tightened in on itself, exploding in a shower of sparks behind her closed lids, until her clitoris was near pain it was so engorged and swollen under his ministrations.

  Veronica did her best not to make any sound, really she did, but the plug's tempo increased just as her body unraveled around another climax. She bit her lip but there was still a muffled sound that squeaked past her lips as her pussy greedily clenched and spasmed at the intensity.

  Her body had ascended to this constant state of arousal. He had not touched any other part of her since restraining her, and she'd never been more turned on than she was now. While his skills at oral were superb, Veronica craved the fullness only his cock could provide.

  And then Hunter drew back into a kneeling position. She stared up at him, saw the need clouding his handsome face. His chin was coated in her juices. They dripped onto his chest as he moved back on his haunches and shucked out of his jeans and boxers. He covered his thick cock with a condom and then moved back between her splayed thighs. He rubbed his cock along her folds, teasing her with his erection and making her whimper.

  "Tell me what you want, Roni."

  "I want you to fuck me, Sir."

  He chuckled darkly. "That's what I like to hear, kitten. Although I think, after I fuck you senseless, I'm going to fuck that pretty rosette of yours tonight, too."

  She whimpered as he plunged inside her with a roll of his hips. Passion flooded her system. Hunter hammered his cock inside her pussy, the greedy walls clasping at his length, trying to pull him deeper inside. From this angle, the way her hips were tilted, the penetration bordered on painful. Over and over again he thrust, holding himself at an angle above her as he moved with precision.

  Hunter knew what he was about: on a mission to brand her with his lovemaking, it seemed. Her body craved his touch like most women craved chocolate. His cock was so huge that he stretched her with each forceful plunge. The vibrations from the plug, combined with Hunter's cock slamming inside her pussy, ignited a firestorm of pleasure in her veins, and between one thrust and the next, Veronica's climax barreled through her body. She whimpered as she came, the waves of pleasure never ending as her pussy clasped and quivered around his turgid member.

  Then Hunter withdrew his length from her pussy with a guttural groan, switched the plug's motor off, and withdrew it from her ass. Veronica felt empty after being so full. She ached to feel him inside her again. After so many orgasms, she was amazed that she wanted any more, but he was like a drug in her system. Once was not enough with him, and she feared it never would be. It made her gut clench as he coated his condom-covered penis with more lubrication and fitted his cock at the entrance to her back channel. The feel of his swollen head against her anus was so erotic. Hunter had never fucked her ass before. They had both been too young. It wasn't until she entered the lifestyle that she'd experienced anal sex.

  And then he looked into her eyes, his face awash wit
h pleasure as he worked his cock past the tight ring of muscle, stretching her ass until his full length was entrenched to the hilt. Fully seated inside her, he leaned over and possessed her mouth in a kiss that devastated her system as he began shuttling his cock in and out of her ass in fierce digs that rocked her whole world. He dominated her in every way. His lips claimed her mouth, his thick member pounded in her back door, and then one of his hands caressed her mound, stroking her clit as he picked up the pace of his thrusts. She clenched her hands, straining against the cuffs, returning his demanding kiss with an ardor that matched his. How had she ever lived without his passion?

  Hunter's own lust overrode his firm control and he let loose with wild abandon, pumping his cock in her ass with hard, fast, brutal digs that made her see stars.

  She felt it then, building inside her core, the mother of all orgasms. She didn't know if she'd be able to keep quiet when it hit. She only knew that after this one, she was done for the night. Her body wouldn't allow more after it.

  Hunter's grip on her hips became nearly painful as his cock slammed home with such force she was surprised the bed didn't collapse. At the next thrust, her body hit the ignition and launched her body off the planet.

  "Ohhh!" She screamed as her body went supernova.

  "Ahhh, Roni," Hunter bellowed as his orgasm shattered his composure. He kept thrusting until the waves of his climax subsided.

  Veronica was delirious, in an afterglow haze so profound, she barely registered his movements as he released her hips and undid her restraints. He massaged her sore limbs and she mumbled a groan as he lowered her legs. She knew she'd have trouble standing if she attempted to in her present state. Instead, she allowed Hunter free rein, and he cared for her then. Leaving her on the bed, he collected all the paraphernalia from the bed, deposited the disposables in the trash in the bathroom, and came back out with a warm wash cloth. Hunter was the soul of gentleness when he proceeded to wipe away all traces of the lubricant from her crease.


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