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Desire Too Hot To Handle: The Bad Baker Boys: John's Story

Page 4

by Tonya Brooks

  Though she adored his wilder side, Easy Grayson gasped in outrage and fixed her fiancée with an evil look. Not because of the crude comment, but because he had warned his brother off of the woman that she and the other ladies were hoping could win John’s heart. “You did not just say that,” she reprimanded.

  “It needed to be said,” Luke insisted and was not a bit chagrined. He knew his little brother was a world class manwhore and John would be all over his new waitress like stink on shit. It was a sexual harassment suit just waiting to happen.

  “Yeah, it did,” Mark Baker agreed seriously. His little brother was too impulsive to worry about the consequences until after the fact, but sleeping with employees was a bad idea. He knew John would be sorely tempted because his new waitress was smokin' hot.

  “I disagree,” Desi informed her husband and the group at large.

  “So do I,” Harley concurred since that had been her intention all along.

  “Say what?” John stared at his sister-in-law in shock. Holy shit, was she kidding?

  “Cyn will only be working here for a few months so I don’t see why it would be a problem.” Harley assured him with a dazzling smile that would have been a warning sign if he hadn't been so stunned by what she'd said.

  “So... you’re not gonna de-nut me if I hit that... uh, hook up with Cyn?” He hastily corrected.

  She narrowed her eyes in warning at the slip and replied, “As long as you treat her right, it’s all good. But if you hurt her, you can kiss your nuts goodbye.”

  Everyone seated on the sectional fought to hide their laughter except for his oldest brother who just nodded solemnly. Matt didn’t have to say it. John knew. If he hurt Cyn it would hurt Harley, and then Matt would kill him. If Harley didn’t beat him to it. “Guess I’d better treat her right then,” he agreed with a bad boy grin.

  Matt saw Cyn coming up behind John and teased, “I don’t know, little brother. What kind of woman would want a man wearing makeup?”

  “The kind who likes her men hot,” John grinned confidently as Cyn slid lithely around him carrying a tray filled with drinks.

  “Damn right,” Cyn readily agreed as she made her way around inside the sectional, placing drinks on the cocktail tables in front of the occupants.

  "You don't think it makes him look like he bats for the home team?" Luke joked.

  She laughed at the ridiculous question as she slid the tray under one arm and shook her head in denial. “From a psychological standpoint, it takes a man with a hell of a lot of confidence in his masculinity to wear eyeliner.”

  Mark had no interest in psychobabble, and he didn't need a shrink to tell him that John was a cocky as hell bad Baker boy. What he wanted to know was, “You really think it’s hot?”

  “John’s cool enough to pull off the whole bad boy vibe, so, yeah, it’s seriously hot,” she assured him confidently.

  “Well, I’ll be dammed,” Matt laughed in genuine amusement. Maybe his wife was right and Cyn was perfect for John.

  “You probably will,” the youngest agreed smugly and the urge to touch her was too strong to resist. He slid his arm around Cyn’s waist to pull her against his side, and dammed if he didn't feel like he'd been zapped by lightning at the contact.“Darlin', you deserve a raise for putting my brothers in their place.”

  She shivered in sensual delight at being pressed up against his big, strong masculine frame and sweet lovin' Lord, the man smelled good enough to eat. Cyn wanted to take a bite out of him right there. Preferably on that firm ass her hands itched to touch. “You can thank me later by buying me a drink,” she replied just a tad breathlessly.

  Harley was thrilled that the pair were so obviously attracted to each other and she wasn't about to let an opportunity like this pass. “As I recall, your mama taught you the proper way to say thank you was with a kiss,” she pointed out with a mischievous grin.

  “That she did,” Cyn agreed and shot her a wink. Yeah, she knew exactly what Harley was up to, but for the moment it served her purpose to play along. She was dying to feel those sensuous lips on any part of her body. All over it would be even better.

  John did not need to be told twice. He plucked the tray from under her arm, dropped it in Luke's lap and pulled Cyn flush against the length of his body. White hot heat shot through his veins at the contact and he had to force himself not to devour her right then and there. Now that he had Harley's permission, there was nothing stopping him from getting Cyn in his bed tonight.

  “Thank you, Cyn,” he whispered against her luscious lips before he oh-so-softly pressed his lips to hers in the gentlest of kisses. Raw electricity arced through him and every cell in his body came alive. Holy shit! If a wannabe kiss had that kind of effect, what would happen when he was buried in her balls deep? Goddamn, that shit was gonna be epic.

  Her ovaries had melted the second his lips touched hers and her thong was drenched again. Oh, mama! Cyn wanted to wrap herself around John and ride him. All. Night. Long. The kiss that he gave her was nothing but a tease and when she looked up into smoldering blue eyes rimmed with kohl, she saw his intentions very clearly. John was going to devour her. Very, very soon.

  “You’re welcome,” she breathed in anticipation.

  “Get your ass in gear, bro,” Alex Newman said with a knowing smile and a wink as he passed them. “It’s time for the first set.”

  “Let’s rock ‘n roll,” John readily agreed as he released Cyn and followed his band to the stage. He was so pumped that he felt like there was lightning in his veins. His club was packed, his band was about to perform, and he was going to hook up with the hottest woman alive.

  Damn right he was excited and it was evident when he grabbed the microphone and said, “Welcome to Club Ecstasy. Are ya’ll ready to rock the house with the Bad Boys?” The roar of the crowd was damn near deafening and the band set the place on fire when they opened with Sweet Child O’ Mine.

  Cyn stared at John in awe as he began to play the intro. The muscles in his arms bunched and shifted as his talented hands moved over the guitar like a lover's caress. When the rest of the band began to play, he started dancing around on the stage, the denim molding itself tightly to his powerful legs and oh, Jesus, that firmly muscled ass.

  When the sound of his smoky voice with just a hint of rasp filled the room, she damn near melted into a puddle of goo. Holy sweet baby Jesus. The man wasn't just a god. He was a fuckin' rock god! How was it possible for one man to be this hot? Cyn didn't know, but she wanted to prostrate herself at his feet naked.

  She wasn't the only one. Every woman in the club was on the dance floor, their eyes never leaving the sexy lead singer. His stage presence commanded attention and he held the audience in the palm of his very talented hands. The mere flash of that wicked smile in their direction had the women screaming his name.

  The sensual way he moved that big, gorgeous body, the irresistible bad boy smile that covered his too handsome face, and the sound of his sinfully delicious voice were mesmerizing. Oh, yeah. John Baker had it all, and Cyn wanted every delicious bit.

  The light system put on a spectacular show, the sound system pumped out the beat and the band lit up the place with a pulse thumping set that left the crowd screaming for more. A few songs in, John introduced the band members and gave each of them a chance to showcase their talent. "On keyboard is Ricky Newman. Playing bass guitar is Jason Malone. Steve Russell on rhythm guitar. Alex Newman on drums."

  After Alex finished his drum solo, he leaned into his mic and said in triumph, "And Johnny B. Bad is back on lead!" For the first time in years, his best friend was playing like he used to. John had gotten his fire back and the band was ecstatic.

  John flashed him a victorious smile because he felt like Johnny B. Bad again. That shit was fuckin' awesome. He gave his own guitar solo and said into the mic, "And we're the Bad Boys." The crowd roared their excitement.

  John kept his eyes on Cyn as she danced her way through the VIP section taking orders
and delivering drinks. The woman was amazing to watch and half the place had their eyes on her instead of the band. The male half, that is. For some reason that pissed him off. When she came up on the stage to deliver a round of drinks to the band, he decided to dedicate the next song to her and publicly stake his claim for the night.

  He reached out and slid his arm around her waist as he pulled her over to the microphone with him. “This smokin' hot lady is Cyn,” John announced and a shout went up in the place as every man there voiced their approval of his assessment. He flashed her a wicked smile full of promise and said, “This song is for you, darlin'.”

  His eyes held hers as he started singing Tonight I'm Lovin' You and every man in the club was on their feet shouting their agreement. Like hell. She was his tonight. Much to John's surprise, his new waitress began to dance around him. Her gorgeous body moving seductively to the suggestive Latin beat as her wicked smile assured him that he was right.

  He damn near forgot the lyrics when she stepped up behind him, placed her hands on his hips, pressed her pelvis against his ass and began to move his body along with hers. Raw heat surged through him and it took everything he had to keep his hands on the guitar and off of her. He was as hot and bothered as a teenager on his first date and barely made it through the song without losing his shit.

  As soon as it was over, Cyn kissed his cheek, waved at the wildly cheering crowd and headed back to the VIP area. John grabbed the beer she'd just brought him and drained the whole thing. Unfortunately, it didn't cool his overheated body down a bit.

  “Goddamn, I need a cold shower,” he said into the microphone to the envious crowd of men and the place resounded with laughter. Not one person doubted he meant it either. His waitress was just too damn sexy and a man would have to be out of his mind not to want her.

  John Baker was not out of his mind.


  When Ecstasy closed that night John was still way too jacked up on an adrenaline high to go home and crash. He was just sitting in the VIP section looking down at the club and grinning like a fool. He’d done it. He’d really done it. His club was a success and he was in the mood to celebrate.

  The band had bailed on him though. The married guys had gone home with their wives and the single guys had hooked up with girls for the night. Which left him with two options. Drink alone, which was never a good idea, not to mention boring as hell. Or convince Cyn to party with him. Preferably naked in his bed. He was going with option two.

  While Cyn was in the ladies room, he thanked the rest of his employees for making the grand opening a huge success and quickly hustled them out of the club, locking the door behind them. It was time to celebrate. John was sitting at the main bar when she entered the room and his smile was nothing but wicked. “We have some unfinished business, darlin'.”

  Cyn walked right up to him, stepped into the space between his legs, her body inches from his, and placed her hands on his rock hard thighs. God, had she ever wanted anything as much as she wanted this man? But it was only temporary and he needed to be aware of that so there was no misunderstanding later. Especially since her aunt was hoping it would be more.

  “I've been hurt before, John. I'm not interested in a relationship.”

  Holy shit, could this get any better? He didn't do relationships. That was why he'd been so shocked at Harley giving him the green light. John bailed at anything beyond a one and done and she knew it. The last thing he wanted was to piss his sister-in-law off, so he stipulated, “Just sex, right?”

  “Anything more is out of the question,” she clarified as she stared into his smoldering blue eyes.

  Damn. John could not believe his luck. Cyn was offering him exactly what he wanted. A night of mind blowing sex with the hottest woman alive. It was fuckin' perfect. And Harley couldn’t get pissed since it had been Cyn’s idea. “Agreed,” he said with that bad boy grin.

  “Then we need to take care of that unfinished business,” Cyn said as her fingertips slid over the rock hard muscles of his denim clad thighs.

  John placed his hands on her hips and pulled Cyn flush against his chest. His mouth claimed hers with the hunger he'd been trying to contain since the minute he'd seen her. Pure fire licked up his spine as she melted against him like warm honey, her hands sliding up his body slowly. Seductively. Until she buried the fingers of one hand in his hair while her other hand fisted in his shirt.

  His hands slid down to cup her firm ass and pull her pelvis in contact with the evidence of his desire. She moaned raggedly and the sound inflamed John. His mouth ravaged hers, one hand lifting to cup her breast and gently knead. Cyn pressed her pelvis into his and rubbed her body sensuously against him. Damn, he was already on fire for her and she kept pouring gas on him and fanning the flames even hotter.

  Leaving her mouth, John trailed his lips down her neck and she arched her head back to give him better access, her hands gripping his shoulders, her nails scoring his flesh through the shirt. “Want you so damn much,” he whispered hoarsely as he rose to his feet. It was time to move this party to a horizontal surface.

  “I need you, John.” Cyn said as she slid the shirt up his incredible chest and raked her nails lightly over those gorgeous muscles. Holy sweet baby Jesus, she was on fire. Her skin felt too tight, her heart was doing a tap dance, and she felt like she might internally combust unless she had him inside her. Right. Fucking. Now.

  “My office has a...” he began, the words dying in his throat as she yanked the t-shirt over her head and flung it aside. Goddamn! The girl went from zero to sixty faster than a NASCAR qualifying lap.

  Cyn didn't care what his office had. She couldn't wait that long. “I need you now,” she stressed as she removed the black lace bra and tossed it aside.

  His eyes drank in the sight of her breasts and John's mouth went dry. God, they really were perfect. He lifted his hands and cupped them reverently before he lowered his head and flicked his tongue over her nipple.

  Cyn gasped in pleasure and managed to get one of his arms out of his shirt while she popped open the button on his jeans. She slid the zipper down to free his throbbing arousal and heard his growl of approval. “Now, John,” she demanded slightly wild eyed and yanked her skirt up to slide the black lace thong down her legs.

  Hell, yeah. He managed to grab his wallet, remove a condom and sheath himself before she shoved his jeans down and pushed him back onto the bar stool. Cyn stepped up onto the bottom rung, straddled his thighs and sank to the hilt. Her eyes widened in shock as a moan of ecstasy escaped both of them.

  "Holy effin' shit," she breathed in awe at the sheer size of him, but it was the hard protrusion pressing against her clitoris that took her breath away. "What..." her thoughts scattered as she rolled her pelvis against it again and moaned in utter pleasure.

  Holy shit, she was tight he realized as he felt her inner muscles spasm around his length. His smile went way beyond wicked as John teased, "Like my pearls, darlin'?" He really didn't need an answer. Her rapturous expression said it all. The eight millimeter pearls he'd had surgically implanted were guaranteed to hit all the right spots going in and coming out.

  Cyn lifted herself up experimentally and gasped in pleasure once, twice, three times as she felt more of those protrusions stroking her pleasure points. She eased herself back down, a low ragged moan escaping her lips. Yeah, she didn't know what the hell pearls were, but they were fuckin' awesome. She'd never felt anything like it and her previously neglected girly parts were on sensory overload.

  He placed both hands flat on the bar behind him, lifted their combined weight up with his arms and parked his ass on the bar. He toed his shoes off, swung his legs to the side and laid flat on his back to change the angle of penetration. When Cyn began to ride him like a woman possessed, he growled in absolute rapture. John was stunned by her need and thrilled at her aggression. The woman knew what she wanted and she wasn't afraid to take it.

  Goddamn that shit was hot.

  He c
aught sight of their reflection in the gleaming black ceiling and the image was indelibly imprinted in his mind. His jeans were around one ankle, the shirt hanging around his neck and one shoulder. Cyn's skirt was pushed up around her waist and she still wore those damn sexy shoes. He looked half crazed, she looked completely wanton and he'd never seen anything as erotic in his life.

  When John levered himself up and over her in one fluid move, pressing her knees against her chest, those blue eyes opened and locked with his. The raw hunger displayed set his soul on fire and pushed him completely over the edge.

  He lost all rational thought and slammed his body into hers again and again. Her nails dug into his ass and Cyn screamed his name mere seconds before he experienced a climax so powerful that it left him shaking like a leaf in a breeze. His energy drained, his body satiated beyond belief, he laid his head on her chest and fought for air.

  Holy shit. John had known they would be explosive together, but he hadn't expected to lose his shit and take her without an ounce of finesse. Okay, to be fair, Cyn had totally jumped him, but dayum! The hot mess beneath him had actually driven him out of his mind. That shit was fuckin' awesome!

  Cyn was lost in a haze of euphoria the likes of which she had never known. Holy effin' shit. John had just rocked her world. In spite of the fact that she should be completely sated, she couldn't wait to do it again. There was no way it could be that good a second time. It just wasn't possible. Then she thought of those pearls and realized that it could.

  Much to his surprise and eternal gratitude, Cyn began to lazily undulate her hips beneath him again, her hands gripping his ass and pressing him deeper inside her body. Her need for him was evident even though he knew she had just experienced the same mind bending release that he had, and John was amazed. His semi-hard arousal sprang into readiness.

  He lifted himself up and off of her as she moaned in protest. John placed a tender kiss to her lips and then swung over the inside of the bar to toss the used condom in the trash and grab a fresh one. He scooped her up and seated her on the edge of the prep area, her arms draped limply over his shoulders. His lips claimed hers as he entered her oh-so-slowly, careful to make sure each pearl made deliberate and firm contact.


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